Speedrun Cheater Goes Too Far...

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This guy has to be trying to get caught. He picked what sounds like the worst game to cheat, didn't bother to disguise his cheating by farming the right character, didn't hide the super obvious on screen number that doesn't show up in the unmodified game, and litterally showed everyone he had cheats downloaded. I don't think most people could cheat more obviously if they tried.

👍︎︎ 509 👤︎︎ u/Fmeson 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

I went to his channel to report him earlier today and he was livestreaming literally dancing in very small underwear for tips. Youtube isn't a camwhore website. Gtfo.

👍︎︎ 537 👤︎︎ u/NESninja 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

Jeez, even I'm not so desperate for attention that I'd live stream my ass on youtube. I keep that shit on reddit, where it belongs.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/imredheaded 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

"Brazilian Speed Runner"

He's not even a speed runner, he just all of a sudden decided to run this game and cheat from day 1.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/asodfhgiqowgrq2piwhy 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

Fuck this piece of shit!

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/CaptionHQ 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

Really disappointed with the use of Tekken's Eddy in the video.

Should have gone with Tina from Bob's Burgers.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/McRickyG 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

GFC is streaming right now if anyone wants to come support him.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/sillyrocketman 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

EZScape dropping that Content Cop on this fool.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Tom_Videogre 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies

The karma train is on it's way to ruin this guy life

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/n1zed 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 đź—«︎ replies
Hello ladies and gents, it’s EZScape. A few days ago, on June 30th 2019 CaveiraHDGames, a Brazilian YouTube livestreamer, was speedrunning Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories in the any% no RNG manipulation category. This was his first time speedrunning the game, so it was a massive surprise to everyone when he pulled out a 3 hour 10 minute and 38 second time, which would be a top 3 time on the leaderboards. Considering this was the no RNG manipulation category, that means in order to get a time like this you would need to have a perfect combination of really good luck as well as a ton of skill and good decision making. Not that it’s impossible to get a good time with luck alone, but the worse your decision making is means the more luck that is required to make up for it. The world record holder for any% with RNG manipulation is GFC, and in his opinion Caveira isn’t very experienced or knowledgeable about the game itself, and very consistently makes poor plays on every single duel, so the luck he needed was going to be insane, which it was. For instance, getting good cards in this game comes from winning duels and the most powerful card you can get is the Meteor Black Dragon. Getting this card in your deck will make each duel much much easier and save a lot of time in the run. Also, because certain cards are so powerful speedrunners will sometimes farm wins off weaker duelists to unlock them. Caveira decided to farm for some cards himself, and you’ll never guess which one for, the Meteor Black Dragon. Almost every top level Yugioh Forbidden Memories speedrunner would never ever farm for a card like this unless it was a last ditch effort to save a run, but Caveira just goes for it, and not even against the Low Meadow Mage which has the best drop rate for the card, but instead against Jono 2nd, who has less than half the drop rate of Low Meadow Mage. A bold strategy for sure, but it pays off as Caveira gets the Meteor Black Dragon after only his 8th duel, a .39% chance. Later on he also wins Beast Fangs from Shadi with .98% odds and Dragon Treasure from Isis with 1.5% odds in his first attempt each time. Well you may have been able to guess from the title that this run was not performed legitimately, but not because of the insane luck that Caveira received luck could have technically happened to anybody, but there were some serious, telltale signs, that this was a cheated run. The first giveaway is that upon winning certain duels like the one with Shadi, Caveira won the card Beast Fangs, and the card ID above it was 129 which is actually the ID for the card Nemuriko, a different card on Shadi’s drop table instead of the ID 308 which belongs to Beast Fangs. Also, when he wins Dragon Treasure, you can see another number behind the ID that normally isn’t there. This is something that nobody has ever seen in game before, and only happens when using something like Gameshark or Cheat Engine and there are several occurrences of this happening throughout the run. To explain the second sign of cheating, we have to understand a little bit about how Yugioh Forbidden Memories generates randomness, because once you understand how it works, you can start recognizing patterns. Basically, everything in Forbidden Memories is decided by what seed you perform a certain action on, and what your seed number is at certain times. Before starting the duel, you can look at the cards in someone's deck, look how they sort the deck, and then by looking at the order they draw their cards on, you can figure out exactly what seed number the duel ends on which also determines which card you win. So, by looking at all of this, we can figure out what card should be won after every duel. If someone wins a card other than what card they should win given the seed number, then that means some type of hack or cheat has been used. And in Caveira's run, his drops do not match what cards he should be winning. An example in his run is when he fights Teana. During his fight he should win Sinister Serpent at the end of the duel, however, instead he wins Fake Trap. And one last time like I said before the only way something like this ever occurs is when the game is modified in some way. As for the third piece of evidence, we’ll get into this in a little bit. After Caveira achieved his third-place time he submitted it to the leaderboards, to which it was reviewed and rejected for the reasons I shared above. Following this a Reddit thread was posted to r/speedrun to make everyone aware of Caveira’s cheating as people taking advantage of the popularity of our hobby has been a huge issue in our community for a long time. GFC, the world record holder I spoke of earlier, responded to the Reddit post and Caveira’s run on his YouTube channel sharing his thoughts and the evidence he collected. So, what is Caveira’s response to all of this? All in the same day he firstly denies that his run is faked, who would have guessed. At the start of his stream he saw that GFC was also live, so he encouraged his entire chat to go to his livestream to flame him, and directly linked GFC’s stream. GFC was instantly hit with several hundreds of accounts spamming his chat and leaving dislikes on his livestream. GFC had no idea where this was coming from because like I said before he only made the two comments on Reddit and YouTube, and it wasn’t like he was the only person making those comments. He wasn’t even playing Yugioh Forbidden Memories that stream and it wasn’t until 7 hours into his livestream when the spam started. Caveira must have noticed that GFC was the world record holder, and also a much smaller channel, so he took advantage of the fact that he would essentially be helpless in this situation. In response GFC decided to prove on stream that Caveira’s run was indeed fake by showing the discrepancies with the Beast Fangs ID not being correct. He did manage to change a few peoples’ minds, but Caveira’s fans were relentless. Everytime GFC streamed a couple of people would come by to harass him, but he insisted that he wanted to be left alone, banned them, and moved on. But Caveira raided him again and GFC had to ban hundreds of people to again tell them that he didn’t care, and that he wanted to stream normally, but Caveira still had yet to give in. Several of GFC’s videos now have hundreds of dislikes and comments including his latest stream which now has over 500 dislikes and all he ever did was make those two comments, and showed on his stream proof of Caveira cheating, and refused to get any more involved. This of course was the case before Caveira falsely copyrighted GFC when he showed the video of Caveira cheating. Yes the short 20 seconds or so of video that GFC shared of Caveira’s stream on his own stream was striked despite falling under fair use. Because of this GFC can no longer stream on YouTube, which is his main source of income, until the strike is resolved, and if he were to receive two more strikes, he would lose his channel entirely. So, in order to understand why Caveira would do all of this, we first need to understand the type of person he is. Caveira Games is a YouTube channel with 28,000 subscribers, but this isn’t actually Caveira’s first channel. Almost exactly one year ago he was using a different channel with 200,000 subscribers. One day while he was livestreaming a girl stopped by his stream and said “Oieee, primeira vez no canal!” or in English “hey, first time on the channel”. After receiving this message Caveira decided to sexually harass the girl telling her that one that says oie wants the dick and raised his camera to make more erotic gestures. This was all in front of hundreds of people who all decided to play along with the joke and harassed her as well. Allegedly, YouTube took this complaint seriously and shut down his original channel. However, there is a rumor amongst his viewers that it was actually his ex girlfriend who deleted the channel, but we cannot know for sure. I’m leaning towards believing that it was due to the harassment because even if a YouTube channel is accidentally deleted it can still be reinstated. If I had to guess I think he blamed his ex so he could both A let fewer people know about his harrassment or what his original ban was for and B to shift the blame to the ex who probably didn’t have a platform to defend herself, and it also really doesn’t make sense for him to be so obsessed with this victim he harassed over a year ago if nothing happened to him as a result, and we 100% know that she did file a complaint. I mean just a few days ago, I decided to check out his livestream because I wanted to see what he was all about. One of the first things he did was put on a shirt that read Oie on it again making fun of that girl, to which the entire chat chimed in with. He is also selling this merch on his YouTube channel for profit. Not only that but he also got the victim’s face and name tattooed on him after his ban. Yes, literally tattooed. I have been trying to keep the victim’s identity secret this entire time, but I think it is important to show the tattoo just so you all understand who we are dealing with. Please do not seek out additional information about this person, they would like to be left out of this. Caveira breaks YouTube’s terms of service all the time. Besides false copyright strikes and harassment he regularly flashes his entire ass on stream for big donations. And although the implications are probably different, this is literally the same thing as being a cam model, which is completely fine to do, but Caveira you cannot do that on YouTube even with age restriction on. If you want to do porn, you have to do it somewhere else… oh it looks like he already has. I mean he literally has a prerecorded clip of him turning around and showing his ass and plays it on stream every once in a while. Honestly, I’ve never considered having a hotkey on my computer to show my ass on livestream, but Caveira you have inspired me, you’re a true innovator. I wish I could say that there wasn’t anything more, but unfortunately the worst has yet to come. While I was surfing around some of his unlisted streams, I found that at the start of one of them he was on some sort of NSFW website for YouTube videos and was watching some videos on stream. In one of the videos the title makes it seem like the girl might be only 12 years old to which Caveira responds “12 years, and having an ass like that, it's not possible, let me see what it's about” then once he figures out that she isn’t 12, which by the way just because you know someone isn’t 12 doesn’t mean that they are of legal age , then he shows the video on his stream. Caveira does everything shy of nutting on his keyboard for 20 minutes including screaming “Look at this! LOOK AT IT MOTHERFUCKER” and swings his arm as if to slap the girl. I mean he really watched two videos that were at most 5 minutes long each for over 20 minutes and even brought what looks to be his grandmother into the room to watch the videos and later on some other people in his house all while live to 100s of people on YouTube. Also I have a clip of someone messaging him what he announces to be CP and Caveira’s response to receiving it is laughter and additionally laughs when a moderator in his chat offers to send the links out to people in the chat if they donated to the stream. I mean this dude does some really weird stuff on his stream. Just yesterday I tuned into his stream and there was a video of what looks like to be his mother shooting him in the ass with an airsoft gun. Also there was an entire livestream of what looks to be him talking with a stripper while she dances, and pretty much only that, no video games what so ever. I mean I’ve only been working on this video for 2 days and this is everything that GFC and I were able to find in that time, and we don’t even speak Portuguese. I can only imagine what all else he’s done on other social media and on his other previous channels, as well as what things he might be doing off stream if these are the kinds of things he does while he's on it.. Following the aftermath of Caveira’s first run, he decided to speedrun the game again to prove his legitimacy. This time all of the card IDs matched up correctly and he achieved a new personal best of 3 hours 5 minutes and 20 seconds, 5 minutes quicker than his run from 2 days prior and a second-place time on the leaderboards. Again, this run was rejected and now Caveira wants proof that this run was also cheated and insists that it is also legit. In efforts to prove his innocence he decided to show his emulator game files which exposed that he downloaded both Gameshark and Codebreaker days before he did his first run and the files were placed in his Playstation 1 emulator folder, which leads to the third piece of evidence of Caveira cheating. And just because the card IDs actually match up this time doesn’t mean this run is legit, since like I said before we can actually check the seed whenever he starts the duel to figure out exactly which cards he should receive. This time Caveira decides to farm for Meteor Black Dragon again, but this time from the Low Meadow Mage instead of Jono 2nd, so at least he’s learning. But when he received Meteor Black Dragon, based on the seed number he was actually supposed to receive Weather Control. We can also look at other cards he received as proof like when he received Mammoth Graveyard from the Low Meadow Mage when he was supposed to receive Jinzo #7 based on his seed number. Caveira’s main defense here was why would he cheat to receive a bad card like Mammoth Graveyard, that wouldn’t make any sense. And this is true, but when you modify the game's drop chances, even if it’s making it so one individual card like Meteor Black Dragon has a higher chance of dropping, it will still make it so that all of the drops are not what they should have been even if the cards are good or bad. So, we can confidently say that this second run is 100% cheated. After all of this happened GFC compiled all of the information and made a reddit post to r/speedrun which amassed over 3,000 upvotes and also meant a fair bit of backlash to Caveira which prompted him to reach out to GFC to let him know that he didn’t want to start a war. Interesting, you didn’t mind picking on him when he was a small YouTube and Twitch livestreamer but once you realized how big our community was now you want to bury the hatchet? Well that’s not even true either because it wasn’t even 10 minutes after sending that email that Caveira started making fun of GFC yet again and went back on livestream talking about how he could have gotten GFC 3 strikes on his channel if he wanted to. He also said things like “I've never even bowled before, yet I still got a strike” continuing to make fun of GFC. I guess it makes sense that Caveira would know so much about YouTube terms of service after losing his last channel, and now on the verge of losing this one. I mean let’s see if we can count all of the violations on one hand. Sexual harassment, cyberbullying, brigading, falsely copyright striking, ban evading, getting naked for donations, and maybe the CP he was sent on his phone wasn’t real, we won’t know because we couldn’t see it and honestly I’m happy about that, but he still acted as if it were and simply laughed at it, and moderators in his chat offered to send the links out if the chat donated money. And to be honest just because he didn’t say it himself, he still encouraged the behavior by laughing at it and allowing his moderators to say these things in his chat. If someone came by my livestream and saw I had an extremely racist chat and I wasn't doing anything about it I would still be held responsible for what was taking place, and the same applies to Caveira. So, I had a few goals when it came to making this video. You would have thought that exposing a speedrunner for cheating would have been reason enough, but that’s not really my thing. I’d rather make videos that uplift this community to teach more people about our culture, but I am the type of person that will stand up when I know somebody is being wronged. In this case a member of our community was harassed and left jobless all because someone else decided to cheat in a speedrun and they were targeted because they happened to be the world record holder. So my main goal was to make sure that Caveira didn’t get away with any of this and that hopefully action would be taken place on his YouTube channel to make sure he could stop monetizing his harassment. My second goal was to give support to GFC in a time where he needed it the most and to get him back on his feet. I would really appreciate it if you guys didn’t waste your time harassing Caveira after watching this video, because it isn’t going to solve anything and just make matters worse. Instead let’s just let things take their course and everything should come out alright. We still have no idea how long until GFC’s copyright strike will be lifted so to help him make up for it I loaded this video with ads and I’m going to give a big portion of this video’s earnings to GFC to keep him on his feet. I would also encourage all of you to take that negative energy you have towards Caveira and to put it into positive energy towards GFC. If any of you are interested in learning more about Yugioh Forbidden Memories or any of the other games he runs just hop in his chat and ask and I’m sure he’ll do more than help you out. GFC has been through a lot in the past week and I’m sure the last thing he wants to talk about is this whole debacle. He’s still able to stream on Twitch which I believe he’ll be doing so until he can also stream on YouTube which he usually does at the same time so follow him there at GFC_ and as well GFC_ on YouTube, direct links will be in the description. I really can’t think of a better way to get back at Caveira than supporting GFC. Lastly I want to end this video with a message to Caveira, because I know you’re watching this. I just want to let you know that anything that happens to you following this video being posted is entirely your fault, and whether you accept it or not you are going to take responsibility for your actions. You can’t blame the victim you harassed over a year ago, you can’t blame your ex girlfriend, you can’t blame GFC, and you can’t blame me, you can only blame yourself. I hope that you can walk away from this and at least understand why people are upset and why what you did was wrong, but I’m not sure if you will ever be able to admit that you were in the wrong. So in that case make sure you save a little tattoo room for my face, I was actually thinking maybe a good spot would be on the right ass cheek and you know we could get GFC on the left one so that everytime you get a big donation you can just drop that ass and subliminally harass us for the rest of your life. Whatever you want to do I mean just to make this video GFC and I had to look at a lot of ass, can we get a couple likes on this video just for doing that. Alright guys that’s it for this video. Hopefully I never have to make one of these videos again. If you guys enjoyed any of the speedrunning explanations I shared in this video that’s more in line with what this channel is actually about and if you’re interested in learning more about a plethora of different games make sure you subscribe to my channel. It's the best way to get back at Caveira, probably I don’t know. Yeah also follow me on Twitch and Twitter, that will really show him. Alright guys I’m kidding and done shilling out. More speedrunning related content will be dropping soon, and as always I hope you all have a beautiful life.
Channel: EZScape
Views: 5,883,003
Rating: 4.9079156 out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, cheater, goes, too, far, speedrunning, cheaters, cheat, glitch, hack, fake, world, record, personal, best, speedrunner, speed, run, speedruns, caveiragames, expose, world record, wr, any%, yugioh, forbidden memories
Id: lOn_AQfmAW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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