trying to beat master difficulty in 1 attempt but polly ruins it on wii party u

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i am going to put everything i could possibly put forward use every inch of my somewhat disappointing brain every ability every skill that i could possibly have into beating master difficulty in in one try all right absolutely no lapses in focus i have heartburn harper nausea indigestion upset stomach diarrhea hey pepto bismol here i want get out of my way polly [ __ ] balls that was actually a pretty good one i think this one's kind of good right here okay well 16 isn't bad except for the fact that it only ties me for third i actually picked the best boxes i could if i didn't [ __ ] turn the wrong way at that first box we would have done great okay i only got a beat of one we rolled too good we rolled too good we rolled so good it's bad because now we miss all the times five dice and now we're just gonna stay in there with a thumb up our ass great job alfonso great place to get a golden roll absolutely fantastic spot to get a golden roll dominating performance by my brain no that's already finished i thought there was usually four rounds well geez louise i'm really good that looks like bud cheeks what do you know it's humongous floppy sloppy ass cheeks and now we land on nothing again and look at that he lands on the plus 20. awesome he got last place in what third place he is ahead of me i got third place first place and i am on in last place i am the last placed [ __ ] on this board well what's that a two apparently apparently dice can magically sit on end okay here's another game i can win a carrot one carrot one potato one green pepper two potato one onion two onion one corn three potato two green pepper three onion so it goes one three one two three [ __ ] how many are there five so there's three of those well i know there's one corn [Music] okay so there's two potatoes yeah [ __ ] i don't i know there's more onions there's like three onions [Music] i don't know if there's three potatoes oh there was three potatoes i know there's three onions [Music] so that means two more onions a green pepper [Music] two more onions i don't know there's another green pepper i think there's another carrot oh [ __ ] i think the last two are onions oh my god i've never seen it where we get it all right and now it's up to me to pick the right thing [Music] it's gotta be onion it's onion [Music] oh jesus christ what a mini game what a mini game that it comes down to a roll off for all of us i told you we could win it we get fourth place it's so [ __ ] great it is so [ __ ] great and they get [ __ ] golden rolls and great rolls when they should get them and i get [ __ ] when i don't want it and good stuff when i do want it it's just a [ __ ] up [ __ ] situation it really is ah and she gets it first [ __ ] try a miracle i'm running away i'm running away don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me oh we're all gonna act like we can't hit each other just whiffing at the air you guys cannot hit each other at all and now you are [ __ ] kidding me you are [ __ ] joking me this game is a humongous [ __ ] joke they're [ __ ] playing pretty patty with each other's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sweat and butterflies for a [ __ ] 20 seconds they run off for me and hit me for a [ __ ] try it is so [ __ ] ridiculous i cannot stand this god damn [ __ ] game holy [ __ ] whoa thank you thank you yuya give alfonso something good he deserves it 30 i'll take it oh [ __ ] the dice bounced in my favor there's absolutely no way i'm beating a 1v3 minigame at master difficulty all i got to do is hide the gems so it's all luck base ooh them stupids they didn't get any of them oh i guess one of them but i still won i won the 1v3 we're having a bit of a comeback tour despite our absolute dickage in the mini games are we in first we might be in first or very close to first now all right we're losing this one ah oh my god what's happening i still lost this is [ __ ] impossible you've got to be kidding me [Music] i got one i got first and one those five points will sure go far when they all have 15 and more absolutely wow there's no way there's no way i was always just a second late polly gets first every [ __ ] mini game and she gets an ungodly amount of golden rolls yes she did get it first try it's about to be world record fastest game of wii party you okay matching threes i'll take it 27 i'm doing better in last place than i probably would any other oh jesus and we're landing on the rocket my lord i am most certainly doing better when i get last place it's always the debate of what animal to trust [Music] i feel like that giriba let us down last time but yeah we'll go with it screw it [ __ ] i don't know about the zebra there's a reason zebras always get eaten by lions well they've exhausted themselves oh [ __ ] and i forgot i forgot to speed up damage well i think i beat the ostrich well who the [ __ ] won that there's a lot of opportunity for disaster here uh matching bonus for the third time in a row i'm getting lost i think it praised me to get [ __ ] last i'm out last time we did this mini game i somehow ended up getting my [ __ ] licked so i don't know how they got so many apples i think they're a little faster at running than me how many i get 16. someone needs to check polly there needs to be a urine test or something on her the amount of first place minigame she's had is ridonkulous oh well this is gonna be dicey it's either gonna be really positive or really negative here and i'm guessing i have negative karma in this game right now so i'm going to go negative yeah i think i am [ __ ] this is not negative 10 dice but still i can't get past this little section here heart heart heart heart heart heart heart [ __ ] well [Music] i i don't understand how i'm so bad [ __ ] my ass i keep i kept that hitting spades oh what a surprise polly got first i wasn't even paying attention to that she's already gonna be at the end pretty close she might hit a saucer here surprise surprise [ __ ] fortunate for you that i'm in second place and you hit me are you kidding me these blocks most certainly fall faster in than in other difficulties holy tits good luck my friend this guy's a legend absolute legend right here dude it is so cheating it wouldn't even let him run into the uh into the blocks that it was about to fall in that was so clearly rigged i did it again i cannot believe how many matching bonuses i have got this game a 36 i just got 36 on off a 1v3 minigame win that i didn't even i didn't even do anything on i just immediately failed i really didn't want to see him hit that to be honest with you i was actually sitting pretty good there but now i'm not going to be in first anymore [Music] wow look at that roll 40. [Applause] i have to put some up there [Applause] well uh matching bonus matching bonus [ __ ] we were on such a roll too double [ __ ] [ __ ] i hate 1v3s oh my god [Music] this guy is a [ __ ] legend [Music] 21 free spots i'll take it we're how far away oh we're 30 we're like 31 spots away if we can get first place in this mini game i don't know if we will this one can definitely get rigged against me yup of of a [ __ ] corset rigs it against me what a [ __ ] surprise matching bonus matching bonus matching bonus matching bonus [ __ ] [ __ ] that is most certainly negative 20. smack dap in the middle now how many spot 43 now we're more than even a first place mini game away from the end damn yes yes yes i'm the master i'm the master at this with a good roll with a good roll after getting first place in this we can do it okay all right start focus one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen forty fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two two three two four five two six three seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty three one thirty 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 48 i'm pretty confident i got it spot on oh [ __ ] i counted 49 somehow son of a [ __ ] and of course polly did too that [ __ ] cracker wanting [ __ ] it's 48. oh it is 49. i just miscounted when i spoke but polly what a surprise polly also got the same exact amount can someone go through this i'm not gonna do it and make sure that it in fact probably hit a 49 times or if the game just made her 49 because i got it exactly right please give me something bigger than her yes [ __ ] you all right golden 43 rule please that's no it's close 38 i don't know we didn't land on the damn stupid thingies she's probably not getting to the end though we are primed to get to the end first please just don't don't roll alfonzo go backwards don't roll alfonzo go backwards don't roll alfonso go backwards go backwards go backwards maybe i want polly to have the first shot with the 40 roll she misses it i only have to roll 35 i win first try we party you master difficulty it is so possible to happen here i mean it's pretty much guaranteed as long as polly doesn't get it ooh freaking jorge or whatever his name is could get there too uh i don't know i don't know no no no no no no no no no you could pick any mini game but that one this is just guaranteed last place there is no way i can win this there isn't oh this minigame is so [ __ ] misprogrammed there's just no doubt in my mind that someone who developed this game messed up this minigame apparently i clicked it too early i'm i'm hitting a and two as fast as i can this is as fast as i can hit a and two like i'm flying and this is as fast as i can [ __ ] oh you that made this minigame i [ __ ] hate you and it's so bad and of course he got first there's a good chance now that he's gonna get to the end he's gonna have to yeah he's getting to the end he's gonna get the 40 roll chance polly's gonna get the 35 roll chance and and likely by then it's over we we we got that far we worked so hard and got so far for in the end it doesn't even matter oh no nevermind well he didn't unless there's a freaking miracle in party phil's ass that polly doesn't get it we just have to hope for a poopy poopy roll poopy poopy roll poopy roll let out the fattest [ __ ] of dice you've ever let out polly please please please please please please i see two's no no that you didn't [ __ ] a [ __ ] you you look like deb from napoleon dynamite you can sideways ponytail looking [ __ ] i was that close five [ __ ] spots away from winning it and it's all because of that stupid lap happy mini game because there is no [ __ ] way human hands on a wii remote can win it no way absolutely no way statistically impossible unless you're i i don't know how you do it i lost because of that i hope the person that made that minigame feels bad i really do because they should they should feel like [ __ ] [Music] french
Channel: Poofesure
Views: 1,107,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trying to beat master difficulty in 1 attempt but polly ruins it on wii party u, wii party u, poofesure wii party u, wii party u master difficulty, poofesure
Id: eNhmtkOk_N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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