Spectacular Thunderstorm on Air Mauritius A350 (Flight Review & Cockpit View)

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- And tonight, I'm travelling on the latest A350 of Air Mauritius. Quite nice modern airport. (upbeat music) We are just in the busy stage of the crew just preparing for the flight. - Three tonnes. We'll be passing over Ethiopia, Egypt, over the Mediterranean. - [Air Traffic Controller] 31 for cleared for take off. - [Pilot] Agent number one which on the left hand side is. Agent number two which is on the right hand side. - I'll show you guys where we do rest on this aircraft. - Well I actually found a really good like a sweet hot seat. Very colourful dish. It is called pear charlottes with salted caramel sauce. 'Cause I'm thinking I'm gonna heat the bed now. - We've had to ask H and control to go for the east of check to avoid the weather. - Five degrees right now on the ground in Paris so bring the warmer clothes. (aeroplane whooshing) (energetic music) Good morning. We had a beautiful and exciting day ahead of us. At first we had a look at a Air Mauritius hangar here. Right behind us you recognise is the brand new A330-900neo aeroplane. Air Mauritius just received a second aeroplane and this aeroplane is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engine so it's a bit more powerful than the old version A330 and look at the beautiful line of the plane and the curve. And the whole plane is just so new and shiny. (exciting music) Now we are going out to the runway to do a bit of plane spotting. Follow me. (speaking foreign language) - Okay, we'll go finish up. (exciting music) - We're actually on the runway at Mauritius Airport right now, on full tank 32, right on the runway during a break between the traffic. Enjoying my beautiful break sunbathing at the airport. So, I can do two things: plane spotting and sunbathing at same time at Mauritius. (aeroplane turbines whirring) (waves crashing) (upbeat music) (thudding) What the heck? Today I'm out on sightseeing but there's a lot, a lot of traffic in Mauritius. This morning, peak hours here, hours of traffic jam. (upbeat music) Today the first activity is going to a safari park and walking with lions. - So, Sam, are you ready to walk with our big lion here. So his name is Mambo. He's four-years old and 250 kilos. - Wow! I think let's go, man. - Yeah, that's it. That's it, let's go. (happy music) - That really woke me up. Oh, I survived the lion walk! - [All] Cheese! - On a safari bus with all the school kids. This is like real Africa, look at the shape of the trees. The landscape here. Very, very nice. (kids shouting excitedly) Lots of fun here. Lots of animals inside, got to see all this animals. Very cool. (upbeat music) Wow, look at the colours here. Seven Colours Earth. Well, the most amazing setting in the pool here, look at the sunset here. Oh my god, this is amazing! It's just like beautiful pool and the ocean and all this. (whooshing in) (computer beeping) Look at this. 1952. We took four days, fly from Paris to Mauritius and tonight I'm travelling on the latest A350 of Air Mauritius. It will take just 12 hours to go back to Paris. Let's go, guys! (upbeat music) - Gate number 26, your seat number. You'll find the name on the boarding pass. - We actually see there's last-minute upgrade deals at the airport check-in. Here's the rates here. The Paris 26,000 rupees. That's pretty good: 600 euros, 12-hours flight, last-minute upgrade. (beeping) Wow, looks like very colourful here. Quite nice, modern airport. - Bon soir, hello! - Bon soir. - Thank you very much, Mr. Chui. Welcome to the lounge, Wifi password. - Okay. - And for the service, you will be upstairs, 11-2. - Oh, go upstairs? - Yes. - There's a breach in this lounge. Different style to downstairs. I shouldn't eat at the buffet, the restaurant. I should've come to the lounge. Look at this, my favourite brown here with potatoes. That they were just telling me it has this Green Island Rum. A Mauritian rum inside a cocktail. It's quite refreshing actually. Just for the camera. (laughing) (techno music) So today's flight, we are very lucky. We received flight deck permission to film. We're just in the busy stage of the crew just preparing for the flights and cross-checking the weights on the aeroplane, the fuel, preparing to leave. - There's a take on point actual of 263.3 tonnes. We're gonna get airborne off Mauritius, strung at 1-4 which the south easterly direction, turning out left, taking us over the north of the island. It'll take us over the Indian Ocean towards Somalia. We'll be passing over Ethiopia. And we'll be to Egypt over the Mediterranean and then along the east coast of Italy, over the Alps just north of Geneva where we start our descent for Paris. And at the moment the focus is for us to land in an easterly direction in Paris. (clicking) - We are ready for departure. - All ready for pushback at start Meridies support brake. - [Man On Radio] Yes, sir. - Think he's starting engines. Starting engines? Starting two. - [Man On Radio] Our pegs are set, we will almost start, connect signals on the left hand side, thank you. - Okay, so we'll have our flight staying on the left hand side, 400 up. - [Man On Radio] Thank you. - [Air Traffic Controller] Permissions 3-4 clear. Permissions to follow shortly go, right out for Kumar 1 departure. Flat 1-0, flat well two, fold there. (radio chatter) - [Air Traffic Controller] And we'll just 3-4 ready, back correct. Enter back track one and proto one, fourth lot extension. (radio chatter) (chattering) - [Man On Radio] Registry full, ready for departure. (radio chatter) - Take off. (motor whirring) (indistinct chattering) - Thrust set. 100 knots, check. (murmuring) Check. (exciting music) - Our total fuel onboard was 77 tonnes of fuel. That's in kilogrammes. And when we land, we estimated setting us down, we should land with seven tonnes of fuel on landing. The fuel consumption on average is approximately six tonnes per hour on a typical 11-hour flight. Just now there how close the tolerances are. Agent number one which on the left hand side. Agent number two which is on the right hand side. Just look at the temperatures of these agents, within one-degree celsius. 790, what. Exactly the same, 790. That's exhaust gas temperature. Incredibly stable. Just look at the fuel flow. 5,280, 5,290 kilogrammes an hour. 5,270. They are so close to each other. - I'll be retiring from this flight. I'm going to take the first rest. I'll show you guys where we do rest on this aircraft. And we normally have about three hours rest which is mandatory on onboard flights. - Okay. - Just follow me, please. So we have two beds here, just beyond the cockpit. - Yeah, this is a flight flight for rest. - And for the cabin crew, it's on the back. It's a mandatory minimum of three hours. You know that to be all extent on long board flights to determine sleep. - So the flight's not full. I actually found a really good like a sweet hot seat. It's a honeymoon seat, the middle pair too. The seats are the same as the A330neo we flew from London to Mauritius. However, even the A350 is actually extra wide body. The seats here are wider. So there is an advantage to fly the A350 because now I can see the seats are actually a bit more spacious in terms of the width. Table built inside. And it folds. Okay, interesting. The restaurant dining style, no tray. Everything served like this. - Whole Hermitage? - I'll try the Hermitage. - Try. - It's a beautiful wine. Very colourful dish: green, yellow, red, chicken. - Orange and chilli, green chilli. - Orange and chilli? - Yes, if you like green chilli you will like it. - Oh that's danger again! - You want to try? - Oh yes. You will see fire coming out of my mouth. (laughing) - Okay, no I don't. Enjoy. - Thank you. Oh! Just the smell of it, it goes into your nose and then you know if you have a blocked nose, it will clear. It's a nice starter with poached salmon. You can't go wrong with salmon really. Let's try out the main course now. I think it's quite, it's got full of spices inside. It's okay, it's not very hot. I haven't touched the green stuff. I'm pretty scared of green stuff. The green stuff is actually the spinach puree with corn. You know and then the red sauce chicken with saffron rice. - We forgot to serve your dessert, your choice please. - Okay, I'll have dessert. - Yeah. - What is the dessert? - With this dessert is caramel. - It's called pear charlottes with salted caramel sauce. And the pear inside is pear charlotte. Very sweet. The crew served the dinner really quick. Within an hour everyone is done because people are ready to go to bed and sleep. We had an 11 PM take-off. I think all in all it was all right for a quick supper. Not the best meal I've tried but nothing went wrong as well. It's 38 past midnight so everything's done within an hour and half after take-off. So I'm thinking I'm gonna head to bed now. The A350 eyeshade. Goodnight. (exciting music) (chattering) - The way we're checking it at the moment is taking us clear of the weather but I'm not having a look for my own interest. That white line can slice the weather at 80 miles and is telling me how high, regardless of how high the weather is. We're at 40,000 feet but the weather is above us. And we've had to ask H and control to go for the east of check to avoid the weather and he'll take us nicely to avoid the other spins. (indistinct chatter) - We're in direct position also. (radio chatter) - We've just passed the Alps. The wind went from about a northerly wind at about 35 knots. It says as a precaution, you put the seat belts on. It was becoming a little unstable. (tense music) So we'll be turning off the seat belts now. And we should be landing in about 50 minutes. The latest weather is good in Paris. The temperature at the moment is rather chilly at five degrees celsius. (turbine whirring) (upbeat music) - [Man On Radio] 50, 40, 30, 20, retard, 10, 5. (chattering) (radio chatter) - Park brakes on. - Actually we done this. - And thank you so much for all the explanation about the technology feature on the A350. - Yeah, it's a pleasure, it's a pleasure. - Temperature drastically dropped while we were approaching Paris. It was 28 degrees in Mauritius. Five degrees right now on the ground in Paris, so bring the warmer clothes. Holiday's over.
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 1,783,273
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Keywords: air mauritius, mauritius, air mauritius economy class, a330neo air mauritius, mauritius travel, air mauritius a350, air mauritius airbus a350 900 xwb, mauritius vlogs, air mauritius airbus, india to mauritius flights, air mauritius offers, air mauritius a350-900, air mauritius airbus a330 neo, air mauritius airbus a330neo, air mauritius airbus a350-941, Cockpit Flying A350, Airbus pilot, Things to do Mauritius, Air Mauritius Trip Report, Air Mauritius Flight Review
Id: gwT_KfLgdcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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