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Let's bake a cake. This is perfect this coming holidays or if simply you want to have an income next year, this is also perfect to sell. This is Classic Yema Cake. So today, I'm going to teach you the techniques on how to achieve a perfect chiffon cake and of course, a not too sweet Yema icing. Let's start it first with the not so sweet Yema Icing. So I really emphasized it, not too sweet because you don't like getting fed up. So first, I have here 1 can of condensed milk. I have here a stainless pan, just put it on a stainless pan. Okay, and 4 egg yolks, you put it 4 egg yolks. This is evaporated milk. Cornstarch. So we are putting cornstarch not to cheat the recipe but to serve as a binder, right? So that the icing will really stick to your cake, it wouldn't separate easily. So before you cook it, okay? What you want to do is you want to dissolve the cornstarch properly first. So that your icing will not produce some lumps. So dissolve it like that and make sure that the egg yolks have been fully dissolved as well. Alright, and then I'm going to cook it over medium low flame. Just until it becomes thick, okay? You have to bring this into a full boil. So there, so when you are mixing for a Yema icing, you need to be relax, don't be in a hurry because doing that, the heating of the mixture will took long because if you're mixing quickly, you're letting cool air enter here inside. It just needs to be like this, you just need to be relax, okay? So don't be scared as long as the flame below is controlled. Just medium low flame, it won't get easily burnt. Alright, so once the mixture starting to boil, so there, you may mix quickly here already. To make sure and you weaken the flame already. You may set it on lowest flame already. Now at this point, what you're doing is you're just ensuring that the egg yolks are cooked. Okay, actually this one is ready if you want a bit runny type of Yema icing. It can already be. If you also want it thick Yema icing, you cook it longer. 2 to 3 minutes more of cooking over low flame, that will become really gooey. Okay, so me I'm okay with this already I'm going to turn off the flame and then lastly, I'm going to put butter, this is salted butter. You are gonna put this when the flame has been turned off already. So that it will not separate and so that you will get only the fresh flavor of the butter. And you have your perfect Yema icing. This is good, not too sweet and you can put this on chocolate cake. If you want, Chocolate Yema Cake. Now, how to properly cool this down, okay? You may pour this to your cake if your cake is ready but me, since I really want it to stick, I want to put it when it's a bit cold already, right? So I will transfer it to a pan, this is how you properly store it. You get a clean wrap and then you cover it directly onto the surface, okay? Doing this will prevent skin from forming. It means that the outside of the icing getting hard so that will be avoided and then you just let it cool down and when your cake is ready, this is ready too, it's cold already, you can have your icing already. So now, let's prepare the chiffon cake. So many of you are requesting this, I think we have already made this before for the 'Mamon' but this time, it's for whole cakes. I'm going to teach you the technique on how to achieve a perfect whole chiffon cake. Okay, let's start first by preparing our meringue, okay? So I have here egg whites, and white sugar, and cream of tartar. I'm going to put my egg whites into my mixer. Into my mixing bowl fitted with a wire whisk attachment. So I'm going to turn this on, medium speed. I will put a bit of cream of tartar. The cream of tartar will help stabilize the meringue. Okay. While I am mixing that, I'm gonna sift my dry ingredients. I have here cake flour. Of course, I'm using La Filipina Unchlorinated Cake Flour for superior outcome. So cake flour. This is baking powder. White sugar. Just a pinch of salt just to enhance the flavor. So I'm going to sift this three times. For when you're making Chiffon cake, you really want that you sift for at least 3 times or more, right? If you enjoy sifting, just go for it. As long as you make sure that there are no ingredients that drip from the top so that the formula of your cake wouldn't change at all. So me, I sift 3 times. Okay, so 3rd time. And then let's go back in here again. When you see your egg whites fraught already, it turned white already, it became like a cloud already. There it is, see? You can put a bit of sugar already, don't be confused, okay? We have two sugar in the recipe. 1 for the chiffon mix and 1 for the meringue mix, okay? So just keep on putting that and then over here, I put the pineapple juice. I have pineapple juice. Egg yolks. "We don't have pineapple juice, what we have is orange juice." You can use orange juice as well. It can even be fresh milk, it can also be water. The reason why I'm putting pineapple juice to give the cake a nice fruity flavor and it also smell good. It gives a good smell to the cake and also, pineapple juice is a good tenderizer because it's acidic so your cake will be more tender. This is corn oil. If you don't have corn oil, you can just use vegetable oil or any type of oil that won't just easily solidify. You mix this. And as I mix this, I keep adding the white sugar also. I put it all. Okay, just mix this until the mixture becomes very smooth. There it is, right? Just the same time. Proper timing is very very important. So you're mixing them together, you are making them ready together too and that's the time that you mix the both of them. There it is, right? Chiffon cake mixing is just like life. You should be ready together, right? Don't mix them together quickly so your mixture is perfect, right? So this is almost ready, this is almost ready too. So when this is almost ready, I will maximize the mixer a bit. I put it to medium high so it will be stiff. So I just keep on mixing this one. Alright, nice. If you want to turn this Ube Chiffon, you put it 1 to 2 tbsp. of Ube flavoring. It can be, no problem. If you want to turn this Pandan chiffon, 1 to 2 tbsp. of Pandan flavoring. Or any flavor that will make you happy, mocha, or whatever flavor. For mocha, you just put instant coffee powder. Okay, so this one is ready, this one is also nearly done. It is really like that, you are gonna wait for a bit. Let's check. You will know if it's ready if it's stiff. It means that it's really rise up. So there, it's near, just a bit more mixing. Alright. So now, you will see, when you raise it, it's on top already. The tip is still a bit soft, this is almost stiff, right? Me, one of my secrets when I'm preparing chiffon, I already stop when it is almost stiff, okay? Because you want to incorporate it together easily because if this is too hard, you will have a hard time already mixing it to the base. So what I do first. I will get a bit in here, I will let it meet this. There it is, right? So that both mixtures will not be shocked. When this one lighten, that's the time I pour all of those left in my mixing bowl. And then you just fold. There's no proper spell for this, okay? As long as you do it slowly like that, right? Lighten your hands as long as you can and when it's color get on the same level, that's okay. So you need to scrape the sides, the beneath. This is what you call the cut and fold method and as much as possible, do not deflate the air of your meringue. So see? As quick as that. And then I have here my baking pan. You have seen how quick it is, right? It should not be thin, right? You want to keep the mixture airy and silky and you can only achieve that by mixing it properly that is slowly but not too long. Okay, because when you take a long time on mixing, your egg whites will automatically deflate. Don't worry. If it will be your first time to prepare this and your chiffon didn't really rise, it get a bit failure, it goes down, you are not doing that alone. All of us goes through with that. So with practice and in time, right? You are going to perfect that. So I'm going to put this into my baking pan. I'm using a 9-inch round pan. This is 9 x 3. We don't grease the pan for chiffon, we don't put it grease, okay? If you are afraid, you can put parchment paper below but the sides, do not grease it because that's where your chiffon cake will hold so it will rise continuously during baking. So I'm going to put this in. So this will go into a preheated 350° F oven for 40 to 45 minutes or until the top is springy that when you touch it, your hands bounces already. So let's set this up. So when your chiffon cake is cook, okay? You want to let it cool down upside down. You invert it like this on a cooling rack or on this or anywhere as long as the beneath can breath upside down. You leave it like that until the cake becomes totally cool or the pan. Okay, that's very important because many people would say: "Oh it shrink, my chiffon goes down on the middle part." As it goes out on the oven, do not watch it, do not look at it. You just flip it like that and then you leave it, you relax. You make the icing or anything that you wanted to do. Have some manicure or whatever as long as you do leave it like that. Okay. When it cools down, you can see how nice. How nice, right? Using a spatula. "How are we gonna remove that if there's no grease?" Using a spatula, rubber spatula, okay? Do not use the metal one. Right? You loosen the sides or this one is easier, the round scraper. You loosen the sides of your cake while pushing it towards the center. You're making a space beneath it. So that you can remove it easily. You can see how springy your Chiffon is, right? Okay, you just keep on doing that until you remove it from the pan. There it is, right? Super fantastic. Do not throw this one because this is delicious. Now, you may clean that one as well as the sides and then you have your icing on it or you may also eat it like this. So giant 'Mamon', right? You just put butter, sugar, and cheese. But I want it to be fantastic today so I am going to put it Yema icing. Okay, so now, let's put the Yema icing and then it's on you. You know, I am not an expert cake decorator, right? Even though I am pastry chef by profession for we have our own specialties. So what I would recommend is there are really no rules on putting icing on cake that: "What do we need to do first? The sides or the top part?" You know my answer. On where you are happy on putting it, me, I am happy putting on the side first. So let's have the side first. So that cake board does really even have it's name, right? You start with the sides of the cake. If you don't like those brown things, you may clean the cake more. I am going to teach you also later how are you gonna clean those drippings on the sides. Okay, when you put on the sides, you stop. This icing is really perfect for one cake. The fluffiness of your cake, right? It does not just depend on the recipe, there must be with practice on cut and fold. So I am not really gonna make the top so grandeur because I will be putting it cheese. It will balance the sweetness and the saltiness. I will put a lot of icing on the sides so that it will look good. We will cover it with cheese or for example: "Oh! The top isn't really that smooth." Don't worry, do not be stress. Okay, and then the sides, you clean it up. So there, you just turn it around. So there, okay? So now, Oh! I'm so dirty. It seems like- How did I... Let's just consume it all rather than wasting it. It's really all for the cake and trust me, you won't be fed up with this recipe. "How am I gonna clean those drippings since for example, even you are on board, it couldn't be that it's like that." You just use your spatula, don't waste your tissue though. We just use spatula on that. You're just gonna use tissue for example, on this, on my name, it has icing. So you'll just use tissue on it but this drippings on the side. You just use a spatula and I put it on top because we are also gonna put that cheese. So see? Nice and clean. There it is, right? For example, you keep on using tissue so what am I just gonna tissue is my name that has icing on it. So there. And then the rest, it is ready. So let us put the cheese already. So I haven't used the cake turner anymore, right? I just did it manually. So that you can less for you may say: "Why is he requiring us to buy a lot of things when we are just gonna make cake." That's why since you're gonna buy this and you're gonna buy that... So you just do it manually like that. See. So that it will be just direct and you know, someone might ask: "Why Yema Cake?" Why? Because the Yema cake as you can observe, I was first introduce with Yema cake many years ago, maybe around 10 years ago on Quezon. When we go to Quezon, there are many brands, there are variety of Yema cake made by different families. So that's the first time I taste it and you won't refrigerate it anymore. It lasts outside even without refrigeration, right? So this is a perfect concoction especially this coming holiday season to those people who don't have a choice to not buy additional cake, right? Cake, my mistake! Additional refrigerator. Because you are going to sell cake, right? So here, so this is really the final event, the cheese. It seems like I don't like this type of grater. I have another grater, get it for me from the pastry kitchen. I do really have a grater that results to a good release of cheese, not this. This is a high-class grater, that grater is from supermarket. But you can see that the grate of cheese is more fantastic. So you wait so you will see the difference. For this one is so fined like you're cooking Pasta, Italian dishes, right? While that one is really for the Yema cake. This is it. There it is, right? That it seems like you don't thrift it. That the strands are big. So there. You don't need to put that a lot of cheese, okay? It's just I'm really happy with cheese so this is my Yema Cake with a lot of cheese and with a lot of love. So now, my favorite part, let's try. So there, we sliced some. It's really like that, the slicing is really a bit messy when Yema cake. So look, just look at it. Oh! There it is. It is really messy, so there is a disclaimer, right? So there. Look how nice the chiffon and then let's try it. It's really so classic. To be honest, nothing beats the classic on the cakes on the pastries. So this one is very comforting, very soft, not too sweet, and the Yema and the saltiness of cheese balances. What are you still waiting for? You bake already whether it's for an occasion, business, you make it already. Now already and I'm going to see you soon. Happy baking :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 1,423,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xcnxD9Y95oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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