PIZZA (Pizza Party at Home)

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Food is indeed magical. I really memorized it, right? That is our saying for this month. So I'm kneeling down, excuse me. Because through food, through cooking, we can go on this day It's night rather since I'm used to shoot video on day time. We can go to Italy now or if you want to go on New York then on New York City through creating one of the most requested recipes. This is Homemade Pizza. So as you can see on my setup, right? It's really impressive because tonight I've invited some very close friends. Just acting as if friends but they are also my team members, actually. For us to eat pizza here on the garden. Before we start with the dough, I want you to see how I made this. It's just really simple. So to make the pizza dough, it's just really simple. So first, you just combine all the ingredients together. I have here all-purpose flour. This is sugar. This is salt. Olive oil. "I don't have olive oil." Then use ordinary oil, vegetable, corn, canola. On what oil you are available with. This is instant dry yeast and this is water. So basically, you just put all the ingredients, right? Here on your mixing bowl. You'll just mix that on the mixer for around 10-12 minutes. So everything together. The sugar, the salt, the yeast. With a dough hook attachment. "I don't have mixer." Well, no mixer? You know what to do. You put it all together on the mixing bowl and then you play a Zumba party. You just do a Zumba for around 10-12 minutes of kneading it. It's already free exercise, right? You don't need to attend those online Zumba anymore, right? And you also have a pizza. You already burned the calories, you're just gonna eat pizza after. You just knead it but right now, I am using a mixer so I would still be fresh on my next video. So you just knead it, right? You will start the timer, on setting it on 10-15 minutes when you see that the mixture is already smooth. Right? When you don't see any traces of flour anymore, it's already dough. That's how you start it. It's just very easy. You thought it's hard, right? When you make this recipe, okay? It can be for pizza. All flavors of the pizza: thin crust, thick crust or stuffed crust. What other crust you are thinking. It's sure that your crush would also have a crush on you. Since it sounds like, oh my god! What am I even saying on that pizza dough? Very simple. So you see that it has turn into a nice dough. You just start the timer. Alright, so after ten minutes of mixing or kneading it in the mixer. You remove it already. So this pizza dough, you don't need to punch down or to cover it. This is already like this. Coming from the mixer, what I do is you can weigh it. If you really want to make it for business purposes. So this one, what is it's weight? 976. Where is the calculator? So I will get my phone. 976 grams. Let's say it's 1000 grams, Oh my! For a while since I can't find the calculator. "What is this?" I can't really find the calculator. Can you just get me a real calculator? It's obvious that I'm not techy, right? So let's just say it's 1000 grams. 1000 grams, you divide it by 6. So you need approximately about 165 grams per piece. That size, when it's 165 grams. I divide it by 6, right? This size. So there, it's already 165. That size will produce you about 10 inch of thin crust pizza. The diameter of your pizza is approximately 10 inch. 165. If you want it bigger, thicker then you just divide it by 5. So this, I will just divide it into half because that's what only left on me and then next step is, you just stretch it like this. You just form it circularly like that. It's already direct, okay? There's no need to rest it. It's already direct. You just stretch it and it doesn't need to be perfect. And then using a vegetable oil, you can also use olive oil but for an application like this, olive oil is just too expensive. An ordinary oil would already do. So there, you just do it like this and then, this will go inside the fridge. I will refrigerate it for at least overnight. The only secret is when it last longer in the refrigerator. If you're to rest it for 2 to 3 nights. It's just like having vacation, right? It's like Hong Kong, 2 nights and 3 days only, right? The pizza just seems like it's having it's vacation, hope all. So you'll just put it in the refrigerator, I will cover it with plastic of course. So you can use a clean wrap, so there. You just cover it making sure you cover all of the sides, this is very important, okay? Because if not, it would get dry, There shouldn't any be exposed and remember that it would rise a bit I think what I' do is I would put 2 clean wraps on it. Oh my! I was shocked. So there, 2 clean wraps. And then, we'll put it inside the fridge and then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in the coming weekend, you would already have your pizza party. You'll just get from the refrigerator, you are just gonna roll it. So if it's for business, make a lot of these already. A day or two in advance. So making dough is just very simple, right? So here. It's already like this, okay? It's already 3 days inside the refrigerator. Even 4 days in the refrigerator, there wouldn't be no problem. So this is how you prepare the dough. So first, I will make two, okay? So again, you can keep this inside the fridge for several days. No problem. Just like me, I always have many stock of this inside the refrigerator, right? Just leave it like that. The longer you rest it, about 3 to 4 days. The texture would also become more beautiful. So now, you put generous amount of flour and then you just roll it using a small rolling pin. Until you achieve the 9 to 10 inches in diameter. You can also stretch it so you can label it as hand-pulled. Right? It's just like that. Hand-pulled Neil, just means in short that you stretch it. You just stretch or pull it, right? If you want, you can turn it around like this, right? Then your pizza dough was accidentally thrown, right? So you turn it around like this. It would depend on you, on what is your type. On where you are happy on forming the dough circularly. Do it as long as you form it circularly like this, right? Okay, so one more. So you put your flour, making dough is the only one that takes long on this and then the rest, you can already entertain your visitors or you can do a Do- What is it again? I forgotten it. D.I.Y. Do your own pizza. I am already stuttering it because our toppings here is too much. So let's make the dough first. So there, you roll it. Then hand-pull, hand-pull. Throw. Any type of technique that you want as long as you don't break it. If you throw and break it, you just form it circularly again and rest it. Don't be sad. Remember that we must bring positive vibes only. So you pull it and then there, you already have a pizza dough. So these, my staff made these already. How shameful since those they made are more equal compared to those I made but seriously, of course. I am on video so I need to hurry. So the next thing that you will do is to prepare your toppings. So first, I have here different cheeses that I've ordered from Eurorichfoods. We have mozarella, we have pizza cheese, we have cheddar or you want to order other flavor of cheese. You want to make the four cheese, it can also be and then we also have here the Salami that I've also ordered from them, from Eurorichfoods. Different vegetables, if you have a vegetarian visitor, right? We have zucchini, we have garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms, basil and the sauce of pizza is very basic, right? The Italians don't like their pizza to be complicated. This is just chopped or crushed tomatoes and we're also gonna put truffle salsa on the top of pizza later to make it truffle cream pizza, I also ordered this from Eurorichfoods. And of course, right? There should be a wine so that we would be grandeur tonight. The pizza has a partner, so cheers. Cheers to the pizza party! How to do that? So just like this. So my pizza ovens, I have here my pizza ovens. Okay. We already preheat the pizza ovens. If you don't have pizza oven. Again, no problem. You can prepare it, I'll show you later or you can just use an ordinary oven. It just needs that the fire must be so hot. Now, how do we prepare it? Now, you get your tomato sauce. Just a bit. Don't put a lot chopped tomatoes, just a bit and then you put your cheese. You notice that I didn't grate the cheese, right? Because whenever I would go to Italy, I do really observe their pizzas and their pizzas are actually small, it's like a solo size and one more thing is that they don't chop their cheese. Because as they say, they want to see it as a whole and they really want to slice it on the table. Okay, what should I put here next? Then you put salami. Basil. More salami. Okay, so that's the first flavor. So you should make another type of flavor. I will not put this yet here because this is the truffle. When it's truffle, you want it all white. So you just put some cheese but don't put too much of it. So there, that's just enough. And then you put your truffle paste or truffle salsa. When it's already cooked, you're gonna put it again. Let's make another one. Vegetarian. So that for example, you really want it to be meatless. The flavors of that as they say that there are toppings that shouldn't be put. You know my answer. If what topping makes you happy, you put it over there. Right? Let's say that you're happy putting it with Longganisa. Then you can put it Longganisa. The pizza wouldn't react at all. This is- What is this? Zucchini. So this is cherry tomatoes. My vegetables for now are just high class but it doesn't really need to be high class. Even you put vegetable pear, your pizza wouldn't react at all to be honest. Basil and some garlic. It's as simple as that, right? Let's make another one. What flavor we want to make on this one? A bit chopped tomatoes. Let's put it cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese. I make a lot of pizza but those who'll eat it are still not around. So this one, we can just make this as mushrooms. Let's just also put Salami. There it is, right? You see. There's a lot. Endless. Here on my toppings, different type of flavors. On your truffle, you can also put mushrooms on that because your visitor may say that "Oh my! There aren't even toppings" You put it mushrooms, right? The possibilities are endless. You can put any toppings on that. Now, for example that your visitor has not arrived yet. You can just leave it here and then you set it up when the visitors are already around. So for example, they are already around. "Hello, welcome to the pizza party!" I would already set it up. So there, I'm already ready on setting up my pizza and I preheated the ovens and my back here is already really hot so it's a good sign that my oven are already hot. So let's set it up, I will just put it here. Okay. Sometimes in life, you really need to put something so that you can focus on some things, right? So let's set up our pepperoni with cheese and basil first. So we are gonna choose. So here first on ay pizza oven here and then let's set up our- Is my vegetarian visitor already there? So let's just assume that my vegetarian visitor is already there but let's set up the one for our vegetarian visitor. So this is the vegetarian. So it's very important that when you set up on pizza ovens like this because it's really hot, literal. So like this, it's reaching 700 degrees Fahrenheit. You must really watch it and I have here a tong. I am going to use this so that I can turn the pizza around. So this one, when we're having Zumba on making the bread. This is what we called as heated Zumba, there is such thing, right? That you're really sweating like you're in a sauna and on Zumba at the same time. So there, you turn it around like that. That's what I meant. So this one, for you to turn it around. You get your- This is what- So there, you can see that that size was toasted first so you turn it around. It's just quick, your pizza would already be cooked after 2-3 minutes. So we turn around this one. You see. Just look at this. There it is, right? And this one, the vegetarian. Look how nice and it's very smoky, right? You can really smell it because we're using- What is this again? The pizza stove. So I guess that this one is ready. Smile. You put it there. Let's also check our vegetarian pizza. It's already few. So in Italy as they say, they normally don't slice the pizza. But I'm happy slicing the pizza so the slices are even, right? Oh, look. Look how nice, right? There it is, right? But I wouldn't taste it yet because I know I will get burn. Okay, the vegetarian pizza is also done. So one. "Dear, this is for you. Just get it, don't be ashamed." I will get that back later. And then the vegetarian. Just look at it, right? And of course, let's set up another one. This is- This one first. Mushroom with Pepperoni. And then lets also set up the truffle one. There it is, right? Doing a pizza party is very very fun, right? You can even ask your guest, your family members for them to put their own toppings . and of course, the best thing about it is that you can really sell this on your subdivision. You've seen how quick to do this, right? It can be a choose your own pizza. Truffle pizza. Vegetarian pizza. You sell it on your subdivision because even me, I miss eating outside. I miss traveling. I'm sure that your whole subdivision also wanted to eat a delicious pizza. So what are you waiting for? We are still not finish. So what are you waiting for? You still need to watch because we are still gonna bake pizza. So if you don't have pizza oven, make sure to preheat your oven to highest temperature. If it's 500 degrees Fahrenheit. you put it on 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The reason why you need to cook your pizza on a very hot temperature is because you want temperature shock that when you set the dough on the oven, the sides would immediately be cooked, the beneath. To get that nice crisp and also the cheese while leaving the inside moist, right? The inside of your dough would even be juicy, that's what we want on the pizza. You don't want it dry, right? Because when the temperature is weak, the tendency is that it will get really thoroughly cooked up to the inside. "My god!" Take a picture for me, it seems like I'm on Italy. Am I on Italy right now? Look at it because it's really hot. So you'll know that I'm here on Biñan, the city of Biñan and it's summer right now on the Philippines. Then let's drink wine so that we're really like on Italy. Italian summer, right? Don't be afraid on that. As they say that on expensive restaurants, there is really like that. That it gets burned, so. So what does that mean is that it's high class. That kind of burnt. So put a bit burnt because it's high class. Okay, and then the truffle. It's impressive, right? So I also don't want you to say that: "How about it when we don't have pizza oven or literally, there's no any oven?" "Shouldn't we make pizza anymore?" Of course, you really can. So what I'm doing here is I've preheated my non-stick pan. It can also be any type of pan as long as it can be covered. So I already preheated it for around 2 minutes and then you just slide your uncooked pizza. The fire is hot and then you cover it, okay? So you're going to wait for around 2-4 minutes until the cheese has totally melted. So there, let's wait it. So after a few minutes, you can see that it also puffed, right? "How about the top?" The cheese has also melted. You just get a blow torch so you get a blow torch, oh! So there, you torch the sides. Even also the cheese, right? I will turn off the fire beneath, okay? It seems like you've also cooked on pizza oven, oh! Even the crust that gets also toasted. This is a very good alternative because blow torch is just cheap. Blow torch is just really cheap, you buy from hardware or you buy online. Because pizza just like what we've shown before, it's better that the sides are toasted. The cheese, you toast it a bit. And then there you have it. So your No Oven- No Pizza Oven. No Pizza Oven. No Oven Pizza. It's really achieved, right? And even the beneath, it's also achieved. It crust. Oh my! It's not toasted. Actually, it looks good. The beneath is a bit crispy and look at the cheese. How nicely it melts, right? So it's just a bit longer when it's on this. When it's improvised, it would take you around 2 to 4 minutes but you still have a delicious pizza. So there it is. I nearly drank all the wine and after I finished Zumba with matching sauna in front of the pizza oven. All of the pizza have already been cooked. So what I'll do, my visitors would just choose the type of flavor they like. So we have here truffle. I'm far away, okay? Truffle, pepperoni or any type of flavor invented. The important is that we're happy so my visitors are over there. They are already bored, It took so long before I let them eat. So physical distancing. What flavor? So one plate. So there, pepperoni with cheese. Pepperoni with basil. How about you dear? What do you want? So he knows how to choose because when there's burnt, it's high class. High class Italian restaurant. Okay, so thank you for joining the pizza party. So we will eat already and we will enjoy the pizza and some drinks but for them, it's just coke since we have work tomorrow. So thank you so much and what are you waiting for? Have a pizza party in your home or you make this as business. I'll see you soon, take care and enjoy :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 818,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ab7VmRhvaN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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