CINNAMON ROLLS WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING! Ang matagal nyo ng request! Bake na!!!

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This is the request of the many of you. Why did it took long for me to realize I need to teach this to you? Maybe this one is also nice to sell. So this 2023, if you are thinking of a new venture, If you have home-based bakery business that you want to make more amazing, then you add cinnamon rolls into your menu. So super duper easy. Its process would just have that rolling and resting technique later on because of course, it's cinnamon roll, right? But the dough? Very very basic especially if you're used on making bread. Of course, straight dough method. When you say straight dough method, you just put all of the ingredients into the mixer and then you just beat it or knead it until the dough is smooth and elastic. You don't have a mixer? Just the usual, do a zumba party! You will just knead it longer and you will just sweat for a bit. So I'm using a mixer today. I'm just going to put all of the ingredients together. I started with my flour, this is bread flour. Actually, if it's straight dough method, there is no proper order. You just pour it all, right? Not just to the wrong person, okay? So the butter, any ingredient I will pick first I would put first. You might say that I have a favoritism with the ingredients. So the butter. The eggs. Just putting the eggs. Evaporated milk. Put it there. This is just water. If you don't have evaporated milk then fresh milk is gonna do already. White sugar. Put your white sugar there. Salt. Yeast. Baking powder. The baking powder will help it rise nicely, evenly and I will wipe this milk that spilled, okay? You just beat it, low speed at first. So there it is, when you see the dough like that, you don't see any flour spilling. It is absorbing already, it's smooth already or almost smooth. You may start your timer already, around 12 to 14 minutes. But when you are kneading by hand, around 15 minutes. With this type of bread, what I really use is mixer because as you can see, my mixer is about to die. So if you will have this as business, I wouldn't recommend for you to use a mixer like this because this is only for home-use, okay? So when you just feel like making a kilo of bread then there it is, right? It's having a hard time. What I use is that big mixer. So dear, you show that big mixer to them. You just show it, there it is, right? Okay? You have seen that before already though, the bigger mixer because what I'm using now is for commercial. So this one is having a hard time for a bit. Okay, so as you can see, I'm just kneading it manually because my mixer cannot hold it anymore. Because this is already 1 kilo. So if you have plans on starting a business, I suggest for you to buy the big commercial mixer because this mixer is for home-use, so maybe, just with one kilo. With cakes and cookies but for business, it's quite better if you use the bigger one. Okay, so I'm kneading it. "Where can we buy that big mixer, though?" Well, you go to Quiapo. Those ten-quartz, fifteen-quartz, twenty-quartz, those are just cheap or me, I order from Vesmach. You look up for it in Facebook or Instagram, Vesmach. That is where we order our bakery mixer equipments. But it's all on you, there's one on Quiapo, on Divisoria. Or just like me, because I feel like the mixer is so heavy if I let it be put in here, my God! That's why I told myself that instead of taking the weight, I would just exercise. Right? So that the size of my arms would be small. So if like this, you will knead it for about 15 minutes. It will not stick though, you just need body pressure. So you stand directly on it and you just push your body pressure going into your bread. So there, so I will be doing this for around 10 minutes. Okay, so I'm nearly done here, so I just grease a bowl. I just put butter into the bowl. Another one minute, you will see our dough smooth. So there, you just roll it circularly like that. Then you put it in your grease bowl. You cover it with clean wrap. Okay, and let's write 'Cinnamon Roll' on it. Then the time, if it's 1 hour then you write 1 hour ago so that you can track it, and then you just put in a warm place. Rest it for 1 hour or more. The minimum is hour if it's cinnamon roll. Just don't let it exceed for 1 1/2 hour or 2 hours because the dough might be sour already, so let's just get back with it. Okay, so let us do the filling of the cinnamon roll already. This is very very simple. I have here butter at room temperature. I'm using salted butter, of course! So that the tastiness is there already. So there, so just put it there, you don't need a mixer for this and I have here brown sugar if you really want the inside brownish. If you want it pale, you can always use light brown or even white sugar. And this is cinnamon powder, of course, you can adjust the amount of cinnamon powder depending on how aromatic, on how strong the cinnamon flavor you want. I just mix this with a spatula, so just like that. It's a lot easier if the butter is room temperature, it won't give you a hard time. Well, if your mixer is new, you can always use it. No one is going to oppose with you. I am easy with the amount of cinnamon because I want it to be there. That you can feel it but not overpowering, right? So that those people, because I have some friends, I just have visitor sometimes who does not hate cinnamon though but is not fond of it. So I don't really put strongly. Okay, so there, it's okay already. So let's check the dough that we have let rise. So here, we let it rise for 1 hour and as you can see it, right? Let's remove the clean wrap. Right? Super perfect, it has really risen indeed. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to punch it down. Just like that, you don't need to punch it like that though. It's just an effect, the usual way because the term is called punch it down. But you can just simply punch it down like that though, just like that and then just put it over the counter. A clean counter and I'm just going to form it into a rectangle. You know what? When you let the dough rest properly, it's going to follow you. There is it, right? Just like humans, right? You need rest, you need sleep. So that you will also be productive, so that's how a dough is also. So I have learned because many of you, my viewers, those of you who love to bake, when you made the ensaymadas, pandesal, monay, your number 1 question with the dough is that why is it fighting against us? The dough goes down when we're working on it, when we are shaping it. It really happens if the dough didn't have an adequate rest. I've mentioned in some of my videos that 30 minutes is enough, it's really true though BUT for cinnamon roll, I really would recommend for you to complete the 1 hour rest on the dough that you have knead so that it is really going to follow you. Actually, this one is about 1 hour and 20 minutes already. Because of course, I just put my lip gloss, I just fixed my eyebrows, I just brushed it that way. Because of course, you are in front of camera, right? So it took a long time. So like that, there it is. I'm going to get a rolling pin, wait. So I have here a big rolling pin, what I'm going to do is I will just roll it. So just like that, you will see that. It's really going to follow you because it's well-rested. You're really gonna start in the middle going to the direction that you want. Now, you are going to lift this manually. So that you will be able to maintain its rectangular shape. Right? Just like that. And then going up, to the middle again, then down again. We always go back down because you want to maintain the consistency. So that it is really even. So that you can't notice that: "The middle is thick, the sides are thin." The sides should be thick and the middle should be thin. When you start from the center, well, you can also make it thin. Okay, and then again, you manually lift the sides. And my another tip when you are rolling this, Don't get irritated, pushing it beyond. "You are not following me, I will push you even harder." No, don't do that because the dough will be more stress. The dough is alive, a bread has a life and it can feel if you are stressed, angry, & irritated. You just need to be relaxed. That is one of the many things that I've learned when baking especially breads. So you just need to be relaxed. "How am I going to relax though when it is not following me?" "I'm going crazy because of it not following me." That's why you don't need to be crazy, you cover it up with plastic. That big plastic labo, maybe it just needs to rest for a while. Maybe, it just need to breath for a while, okay? That's how bread is, you trust me! I've been making breads for so long, for so many years, and you don't need to get irritated when making bread. What you need to be is relaxed and your environment should be harmonious. Okay? And then, you pull it that way. So here, almost, it needs around 1 meter. So there, around 1 meters more of that. Okay. A bit more because you also don't want it to be too thick and then there, it is ready. Let's put the filling. So I just have here an angled spatula. If you don't have this, then this rubber spatula would do. Just spread it out like that. I don't really put a lot of filling because I don't like it very sweet. I don't want it to make me feel fed up on it. That's why, just like that, you can even put it more tightly. So that....So this, I didn't break it, let us break it. It's not yet too late. We don't want to have that portion where you can't feel the filling, right? So there, just like that, that's it. Okay, so you have the options to put walnuts, raisins, meanwhile if commercial, it can be just raisins, you can put less or more, it's all on you. Okay, so I'm going to put, I'm going to put raisins. I will just put it all because it's for home only. Because it's for the home, for personal consume. When it's for yourself, you pour it all. Walnuts. You can put other types of nut though, there are no rules for that. And then you just roll it, because again, it's cinnamon roll, right? If you don't roll that then it's not cinnamon roll anymore. Okay now, let's roll it. So just like that, you just roll it like that. Just slowly. Don't be and don't say: "Oh! It's not even!" No! You wait because we are going to even that later on. I think this side is thicker, you wait for a while. Okay. So there, so you pull it going there and then you pinch it. Okay, you pull it going there and then you pinch. And then you'll notice it's not even, right? As you can observe. You just pull that, do not be afraid and be worried because your bread, your cinnamon roll, your dough, is stable, I hope all is stable, right? It is stable because we knead that nicely a while ago. We let it rest, the gluten and the proteins in the flour developed. That's why the dough is stable, it won't go down easily. It's really like that when it gone through something hard. So the next step is we are going to slice that one. So I will look for a sharp knife. So this one, this one alone here, it seems sharp though. And then we will slice it but I'll give it 5 minutes, before slicing that, I will just prepare my pans. So there, you want to put it in here. Why in here, though? Because just like when you're reading magazines. Just like what you see in cookbooks, it's nice to see if it's on the Pyrex. So there, so you just do it like that. You put the butter thickly. I am putting butter so that it is tasty. Because even if you brush that, so what you're cooking won't stick, it's still going to stick on what you are cooking, anyway. So it's taste would also spread, so what you grease should also be good. So there, why am I using my bare hands for it? So that it's fair. So since I only have three of these, so the other one is this. Why am I putting lots of butter? Well, just give that one to me. There are things that I asked for you to let it be taken care by me. You can also reduce the amount of butter though if you'll say it's too much cholesterol or not healthy for you. You can reduce yours, but with mine? Just give it to me. Butter is really one of my greatest happiness in life. Okay, so there, I've rest it already. Well now, I am going to cut it already. So to make the cutting even, not cutting but slicing, so there, you estimate it, make sure that your knife is sharp. There it is, right? And then this, I will slice this too. I need four fours, so I will slice this too. There it is, right? When my sibling sees me, she will surely get mad at me, because when she cooks cinnamon roll because this is her specialty too, she would still even use dental floss to slice it which is very effective but this one is also okay, right? And then when you line that up, here in your pan, as simple as this. I will choose the bigger slices, I will put it on the bigger pan as well. You line up them over there. Yes, because it will rise. So there, you line up them like that. And then this is the most important thing when you're making cinnamon roll: As you put it on the pan, you will press it like that. So that it's almost even when it starts to rise. So that this middle, as you see, that middle one is very hard-headed, so there, so it's hard-headed. Well not all though, but my middle child sibling is quite hard-headed. Oh! I'm sure she/he will be angry. So there, so you press the middle parts. So there. So that when it rise up because sometimes, it just rise up unnoticed, so that it's even. And then in here also. Well of course, you have the option also though to bake it in a big muffing pan. There's no problem with that, if you prefer it that way. So there, perfect! Now next, what I'm gonna do is that I will cover it with clean wrap, or even just towel, you will cover it this. You will just let it rise for 30 minutes, yes! Just 30 minutes, very quick. You won't wait for its size to double, you just want it to rise a bit and then you bake it. So we will wait for 30 minutes, I'm going to set this aside. I will just put it on the other side and then we bake it at 325° F oven for around 30 to 35 minutes. Your oven should not really be that hot also, okay? So we let it rise and go back with it. So it's been 30 minutes and as you can see this, our cinnamon rolls just risen, that is okay already unlike your ensaymadas, pandesal, spanish bread, monay, dinner rolls, you should not really wait for the size of cinnamon rolls to double because its rising, its fermentation will continue & will finish in the oven. So when you set that on a hot oven, it is going to continue to rise & you don't want to overproof it because you want to maintain the nice cinnamon roll, the swirl, that's what we like, right? So there, let's remove the clean wrap, you will see one that didn't diet. So this one, it has risen more, I sliced that a bit bigger. I was not able to estimate it properly before. So let us bake that, I preheated my oven at 325° F. Don't compress it too much, let the products breath inside. And then let's get back on it after around 30 to 35 minutes or when it does not submerged when you press it. Meanwhile, let's make our topping, our cream cheese frosting. I just have here cream cheese at room temperature. This is butter, salted butter and a bit of powdered sugar. If you want it sweet, you add more powdered sugar. You want it less sweet? You minimize the powdered sugar. I just beat it until smooth. Okay, you scrape. If there are no solid sugar anymore, then that is good already. So this is okay, this looks okay to me. Let's just scrape it. And you just also put it here. Okay, that's it. So it's been 30 minutes, let's remove our cinnamon rolls already. So there, it's hot. Oh! it hanged up, that's just okay. There it is, right? I told you. You don't need to let it rise too much because it will still rise during baking. Look how nice and beautiful. Our cinnamon rolls, look! Oh see? Just let it cool for a while though. Okay, so this is it already! This is the icing we've made so it is still a bit warm. You want to put the icing, the cream cheese frosting, while the rolls are still a bit warm so that it spreads, much more delicious even up to the inside. You don't want it too thick, just enough. The choice is yours, okay? You may also remove it from the pan before you are going to put frosting on it. You may not also put frosting, the frosting is just to compliment. So there, let's just put it all. Okay, and then for added aroma, you just put a bit of cinnamon powder. That's it. Okay now, the best part. Let's taste! Let us get from the soft side. So it's just also easy to remove, right? Look how amazing it is. Me, I want it this way, Oh! It's still even hot. I like it that way that I can pull it and look how buttery it is beneath. It smells good, it smells fancy. I feel like passing out because of how delicious it is. It is so buttery and it is so soft! You can see though how soft it is. But still, the structure is there! This is a waste! It's super duper duper good! I would suggest that you call it.... as we call it in local bakery terms, the bread is still even mestiza. Because this one, unlike your pandesal, you can wrap this individually or you put it on air-tight containers. And then it will last on your refrigerator even up to 1 week. If your refrigerator is clean, 2 weeks would also do. And you will just put it on microwave or ovens toaster, whenever you're craving for really good homemade cinnamon rolls. So what are you still waiting for? For a while... If you sell this, you can remove it quickly here. Just look at it, if you will sell it, you can easily remove it from here. No problem. You can even serve that upside down but I just put icing already. For a while, just in case that you want to see it because you might say: Upside down? I think it seems like he is fooling me. So you may put that upside down. And it's also very nice! Right? It's very nice also, right? You can put icing here too but me, to be honest, even if it does not have icing, it's divine already! Super duper good! So you already bake this very amazing cinnamon rolls. :333
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 418,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UsozvR_aKkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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