A Harvest Homecoming | Starring Jessica Lowndes & Trevor Donovan | Full Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] step away from the plate if that biscuit ends up in my mouth it's not my fault it's your amazing cooking oh you're flattering me what do you want you want something from me come on out with it with it oh son Hi Mom let me look at you you've lost weight ah I promise you Mom I have not lost any weight it's good to have you back home we missed you yeah I missed you guys too you couldn't have come back at a better time yeah yeah it's uh it's going to be good we were here perfect thank you I don't want to send a hard Emoji still the town's most eligible bachelor huh hey Grandpa hopefully not for long My Heart Belongs to miss Francine she just doesn't know it yet I didn't think you were coming back till Friday Dad it is Friday oh I know that he vots for that every time God we thank you for this food for a great crop and for bringing our family together again even those of us who are continuously laid for meals amen amen welcome home thanks sis it's just for a few weeks I'll be out of your hair before you know it can we stop talking about your departure you just got here you knew your brother was coming home today and yet you were still late for breakfast no honey she's here now mhm and I had every intention of being on time you know if I had a dollar for every time you said that I'd be a rich man if I had a dollar for every time you made that joke dad [Laughter] Del phone off at the table not me don't look at me my phone's in my truck stupid phone dad you're setting a bad example for who your kids aren't kids anymore well some of you Dad are still acting like one and need reminding that under my rules you abide by my my rules wow that's it every day everybody's [Music] ground thanks [Music] welome so so what you never texted me back you never told me you were back home again well if you had texted me back I would have told you I was so how are you I'm fine really I'm I'm fine everything's everything's fine and the new job well the teaching job in Austin fell through which is why I took this substitute job here in chest Hollow so you I think it's it's going to be let me guess fine yeah fine you know if I could have taken a job anywhere else I would have but it's just for 2 weeks I think it'll be good to be back home I can help out mom and dad with the orchard in the mill hang out with Jason again and I don't know maybe even run into uh Rachel you know she moved away right yeah first for thinking I [Music] guess after 39 years of being married to you I still can't read your mind however I do know when something's bothering you you're going to laugh at me I would never okay this time I won't does it make us horrible parents are great ones now that both our kids are back home oh wait Barry I'm serious Drew still won't talk about what happened 2 years ago and Dela still can't figure out what what she wants to do with her life we are horrific parents the worst of the worst oh they're figuring their lives out in their own time in their own way and they've come back home to do it Dela maybe a few too many times but she'll find her way they both will and that makes us the perfect parents for them I don't know where you got that speech but I feel better now your turn now what about this new job I thought everything was going good it nothing to tell it just didn't make me happy okay but you know it did when I took over your room last week and moved all your stuff into the guest room right very funny what I need privacy as I navigate this new chapter in my life so you're going to be sharing a bathroom with Grandpa well you know um I'm a lot faster than you are about [Music] [Music] that [Music] we got the loan if we want it are we insane to expand now most couples are age of planning their retirement well good thing we're not most couples in what if it doesn't work we've always had faith in us God is always good now is not the time to forget that okay let's not say anything to dad or the kids yet in case this doesn't work I don't want to have to be in case what doesn't work oh uh well we have a we're we're trying this we're we're trying a thing a new thing we're trying it right you guys aren't acting strange at all anyway um I was thinking since I don't start until Monday maybe I could help you guys out I mean the store looks pretty empty you guys do know that there's hardly any merchandise in there right of course we do we do right there oh yeah yes well we're working on it soon why don't you and I take a father son walk and see about some apples apples [Music] right [Music] so before you interview at Clark's Orchard where's my lunch date supposedly unpacking but most likely though he's playing with whatever he unpacked in box number one I seriously can't thank you enough Jen for finding this house the interview for everything you did me the favor by running the house as for the job they were looking to expand and I knew you'd be perfect thank you yeah Aiden and I definitely needed a change I just I hope moving here is the right decision I mean you've known me since the first day of college I was the overthinker of well everything and I still am but I don't know when you mentioned the job opening up and this house did I rush into this like was this a terrible idea moving here without actually getting the job like should I don't know what if they say no could they say no will they say no stop second guessing yourself you've been wanting to move out of the city for years you're right okay um how do I look like someone about to nail a job interview thanks all right I should go cuz I want to be early you sure you don't mind watching Aiden you kidding we've been waiting for you to leave so we can have ice cream for lunch you're the [Music] best so if I'm honest Mrs Clark oh please call me Susan Susan according to my research most of your Revenue comes from your orchard and only locals know about your cider so I think we need to do something really exciting to draw on a crowd apple cider donuts are exciting if you're serious about making these changes we need to make this place an attraction a destination somewhere that can grow into a full day's event and not just for the people in and around Chestnut Hollow um can you excuse me for one second Lany Drew do you need something nope um all good just uh working away go ahead please so some low cost easy fixes would include offering hay rides we could add a craft day oh nature walks we could support a lot more local bakeries especially for the season I also thought we could put hay stacks and corn stocks around the property I feel like families are going to love that and I also think you should strongly consider a petting zoo imagine baby donkeys little lambs and believe it or not they're fairly low maintenance a petting zoo uh you can't be serious I uh I I apologize Laney this is my son Drew Clark oh your son it's okay hi I'm Lany I'm sure you'd love to stay as the Orchards advisor accountant no I'm not the I'm not actually on the payroll um unless you count my allowance but so it's not like i' get an allowance now I mean that that would be ridiculous I'm all I'm all grown up I I used to get one for chores long time ago I'm a teacher well if you'd forgive me and with all due respect i' really love to continue my [Music] interview yeah of course that means I know oh and Drew you got some um donut on your face other side got it I'm going to [Music] I'll where were we petting zoo petting zoo who are you sping on Grandpa what are you doing sneaking around well I could ask you the same question whoa she's a cutie stop did you get her number no I didn't get her number well why not because she is not my type like at all well for somebody you don't like at all you're spending a lot of time watching her drive away Andrew Joseph Clark oh all three names I haven't heard that since you were a teenager before you say anything I am sorry for which part there were so many Unforgettable moments for all of them do you want to talk about it a petting zoo mom come on that's ridiculous that's not what I was referring to listen I know you've been busy teaching but if you've been making time to meet people you should be getting out there again Drew when was the last time you had a date we don't have to talk about this okay I am fine all right I get out enough well it seemed fairly obvious you thought Lany was pretty and it was more than obvious that in fact you do not get out enough by the way you handled meeting her I appreciate everything you're saying mom I really do but I'm fine a word of motherly advice the next time you're in front of a very nice smart beautiful woman don't do what you did today copy that and you should know that we hired Lany to manage things and she's going to market the mill and Orchard why Mom I mean what's wrong with the way things are nothing's wrong but your father and I might want to change a few things in the [Music] future you're up early hey I wanted to wish you good luck today uh I also wanted to give you these um okay thanks I guess uh what am I supposed to do with them you you give them to the teachers I thought I would help you make some friends and also it's free advertising for the grand reopening this coming from the new marketing woman that Mom and Dad hired no it was my idea wow pretty smart though how would she know you're a teacher anyway oh right except for that time yesterday when you completely embarrassed yourself and the family name when you met her mhm forgot completely forgot yeah I'm sure you did thanks for reminding me no problem good luck today thanks D all right great so who'd like to go next oh I can't let's see how about sorry to interrupt but we've got one more this is Aiden Aiden welcome come on in we got a open seat for you right there in the back Mr Clark and I used to be best friends when we were your age we still are hey yeah yeah yep so I need each one of you to give him a hard time okay don't listen to him all right thank you vice principal Jason you're welcome okay uh where were we oh Aiden we were just talking about our summer Adventures do you have a story you'd like to share no that's okay that's all right uh who wants to go next we're here Chris I went to basketball camp basketball camp cool uh whereabouts Aiden right Mr Clark I know you uh you miss the bus Aiden hi honey I'm so sorry I'm late how was your day good it was okay oh it's you yeah you know I was thinking maybe we could forget about our first introduction it wasn't exactly one of my uh finest moments I'm Drew Clark I'm Aiden's teacher Lany Ross new Marketing Manager for Clark's Mills and [Music] Orchards well thank you again no problem you know uh you're going to be at the orchard be driving there after school I could take Aiden with me if that' help you out I appreciate the offer but that's really not necessary because it will never happen again [Music] okay see you tomorrow Budd [Music] so how was your first day was it fun if by Fun you mean nerve-wracking intimidating and completely overwhelming then yeah totally fun well what about Aiden did he make any new friends friends just Mr Clark Mr Clark any relation to the new job do you remember the opinionated son who rudely interrupted my interview yeah well turns out that he's Aiden's teacher well he must have made a good impression if that's all aeden's talking about no he's only talking about him because I was late picking him up from school I don't know was it a mistake moving here I mean I took Aiden away from the only home that he known and the only friends that he's ever had it was a first day for both of you just give yourself time to settle in I'm doing the overthinking thing again aren't I hey brush your teeth so I know that we haven't done this in a while but I was thinking we should reinstate the best part of our day tonight what do you think okay do you want to go first the best part of today was right here and right now I'm pretty sure that's the best part of my day too is it okay if we have the same one tonight okay I love you good night love you [Music] too before I forget I want to discuss your hours Jude tells me you have a son how old is he his name's Aiden and he's actually going to be 12 next week a I completely misjudged the distance yesterday but whatever hours you need me I will make them work I was just going to say the same thing to you leave whenever you need to family comes first I'm sure it hasn't been easy getting settled in a new town yeah it's a little tough and Aiden's quite shy I wasn't talking about Aiden yeah it's been hard for me as well but you know we really needed to change and I'm just so grateful for this opportunity so thank you we are so happy to have you on board now before the day gets away from us I was hoping we could discuss those ideas you had yeah absolutely which ones do you want to focus on all of them okay but first um any thoughts on a name for the reopening I know something catchy but also something that makes people feel at home when they come to visit so I've been thinking and I thought instead of the normal seasonal opening M what if we make it a grand reopening and name it Harvest Homecoming Lany that's perfect you like it yes so imagine that area over there overflowing with cornstalks and bushels of apples and then I thought we could get the old truck out back park it out front and make it a photo op area great ping zoo over there okay the fence is going up this weekend and then all hands on deck until everything is ready okay great and then once the Orchard's back up and running you could have school functions birthday parties work functions all that sounds wonderful we could do fundraisers too yeah exactly and the more people that come hopefully they tell their friends because word of mouth is the best marketing because it's free I know this Probably sounds really really overwhelming but I just wholeheartedly believe that Clarks is going to be a place where family and friends come together they make memories that last a lifetime and not just in the fall season I'm already brainstorming Christmas uh why don't we pick this up in the morning the traffic can be a little hit or miss about now oh okay yeah thank you I will see you tomorrow yes okay I'm exced all right so it's all on the wrist okay snap the wrist release at the end just like so that want to give it a try how about this picture we're on a beautiful Lake in a really cool old rowo does the boat have any holes in it um really hope not come on give it a try nice work you're a natural buddy hi Mom good job can you thank Mr Clark thanks no problem bud good job J I need to apologize I am never late so do you usually keep fishing poles in the back of your check well you know what they say you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of boy and you never know when you're going to come across a lake that uh means a little fishing you know I think that's equivalent to the city girl version of you never know when you're going to walk past a store that needs shopping okay yeah I feel like I've been saying this a lot but thank you it's no [Music] trouble okay uh actually could I get your number no not like that not get your number get your number I just I just thought maybe I could ask you to bring Aiden back to the orchard if I'm ever delayed again you know if you wanted to call me or text me sometime you could have just asked no no it's not like that it's I'm just you know what forget I said anything forgot okay bye [Music] bye Mr Clark asked me to give you [Music] this okay so family meeting Aden like I know moving here was a really big change you have a new school I have a new job and also a stubborn cow can really make somebody late I had a feeling you need to see it to believe it she completely blocked the road that's a big cow I know but still I'm really I'm really sorry I was late it's okay Mom it was kind of fun it was mhm well that's good hey so your birthday's coming up so I was thinking maybe we could throw a party at our new house invite some kids from class maybe can I go fishing sometime um yeah I will will borrow some polls and I will find out where to go not with you with Mr Clark honey Mr Clark can't go with you he was just helping today but we could still go never [Music] mind okay so do we tell them over dinner you don't need my father's permission or our children's this is our Cider Mill our Orchard the last time I checked our money I know but we should explain the baby goats before they arrive they are going to think we lost our minds I'm pretty sure they already do uh so we have some news your your mother and I uh maybe a job okay you guys your father and I would like to tell you clear out the fridge and freezer I need all the space I can get uh dad dad what is all this it's for the church bake sale okay you know you're supposed to actually bake things not buy them well I can't bake so I bought I just following Drew's advice you said in order to get Miss Francine's attention I had to be direct and make it obvious I meant ask her out on a date not buy out every Bakery in the county well well I wanted to get her attention so badly I signed up to supply something for everything on the list oh my while we're on the subject I also offered the orchard for the bake sale I thought as long as we're temporarily closed no one will care dad of course we're kind of in the middle of something here which is why we wanted to talk to everyone oh I'm going to eat later Jason I got to take this you we tell them tomorrow we're getting baby goats goats goats goats or now yeah now's good night night hey why didn't you say something earlier we we can't let Mom and Dad put any more money into this Orchard well not that it's any of our business but I think what they're doing is great are you kidding me D this whole thing is absurd man it all started with Laney and her crazy ideas no it didn't look I know they talked about expanding a long time ago but that's just it that was a long time ago now is not the time to be putting more stress into a business that's getting along just fine I think it's awesome that they're still growing together still supporting each other still in love I mean you and Rachel were only together for 2 years wow really thanks for the reminder da I didn't mean it like that all right everybody now we've been talking about this for a week now it's time to write about your favorite memory when it happened what you did and who you were with now once you've all written your papers each of you will give an oral presentation to the class all right now don't forget read chapters 2 and three kids see you atom boom okay no no no whatever it is the answer is no you don't even know what I'm going to say yet dude we've known each other since we were 10 that look has got me in trouble more times than I can count name one time well when you said it would be fun to rope swing into that Lake it was epic it was Winter it was 30° and I was grounded for a month like I said epic so I'm coaching basketball this year too we're going to have drills after school to help the kids get ready for tryouts and get a jump on conditioning how are you going to do that while coaching football I'm so glad you asked here's my plan you can run drills till I'm done on the field I think you forgotten I'm leaving soon I know I'm the vice principal I'm the one who signed your contract you can help out your oldest friend until you go see great plan great plan dinner soon you're the best yeah I'm the best oh uh sorry do you uh need help or something no um actually I was looking for my parents but um apparently they're not here uh nope they left me in charge oh so uh where's Aiden uh my girlfriend Jen is watching him at my house until I get home apparently he has a lot of homework from his teacher you know I heard about that guy really really nice really cool great great teacher I hear and humble too I heard that too very very humble so I was about so I I was thinking after you what I was going to say is if your offer still stands I'd love to take you up on driving Aiden back here after school yeah yeah yeah I can absolutely do that um I'm helping out a buddy of mine he's got this after school school basketball training camp and uh you know I think it would be great for Aiden to come by hang out maybe even make a few friends yeah that sounds great I mean if it's not too much trouble absolutely absolutely no as in absolutely no trouble at all [Music] Grandpa moved all our contents to the meal refrigerators till this bake sale's over tomorrow can't sleep now you probably don't remember this but when you were oh 6 years old Dela would wake us up crying in the middle of the night well Mom calmed her down you and I would come down here and talk about life six huh must have been a riveting conversationalist well you'd be surprised I still say we have you to thank for The Cider serious Grandpa wanted to step back from the dayto day with the orchard mom was debating whether to go back to teaching I must have looked stressed and you asked me what was wrong I told you that I wanted to start making cider and open level store I still hadn't told mom yet you remember what you said what are you waiting for we've been doing all we can with the orchard by ourselves but we're at a place now where we either sell and retire or go big yeah I'm just just worried what if it doesn't work out you know what then that's just it about the future it's not for us to worry about that's that's God's jurisdiction not ours son please don't take this the wrong way but maybe if you stopped running away from people and places you might understand what I'm talking about you might find yourself in that future a little happier that I am not unhappy fine I'm less unhappy than I was [Music] okay I feel like you need a hug I don't need a hug dad Dad I'm good really give your dad happening huh yeah thanks [Music] that there you go there she is Miss Francine look don't look don't look don't look do you want me to look or not Grandpa yes uh no uh is she looking over here I have to look to answer you okay but go real slow okay okay well now you look like you got your head stuck in a jar of molasses good morning good morning Miss l what are you doing here he means hello was getting into that Grandpa I mean I thought you had the day off I do but I thought handing out flyers would be a fantastic idea to let people know about the Harvest Homecoming you need any help I mean you should know I'm quite the hand outter of all things liar you know I would say yes except I wouldn't want to interrupt any secret covert operation with your grandfather you'd be saving me trust me plus we can't do any work for the opening until the bake sale's over than is Grandpa trying to get a date you know I was actually about to take a break do you think the owners would mind if I sat in their backyard probably not but uh just to be safe I should join you good luck Grand do you need your help all good your family is so wonderful your parents are ridiculously cute yeah they uh definitely set a high standard for relationships yeah I didn't know love could look like that it's definitely not been my experience mine either is that why you're a substitute teacher who travels around cuz you never stay in one place long enough to get close to anyone who could possibly hurt you wow not bad I'm minored in Psychology yeah I spent my entire life looking up to my grandparents and my parents relationships so when I met Rachel my ex-girlfriend I just sort of assumed it would automatically be like theirs I don't know maybe if I would have stayed it would have so what happened you guys just gave up when it caught hard not exactly we had our entire lives planned out a 6-month plan to a 40-year plan year two get married year three start a family the more we planned the more we changed not necessarily for better or worse just different at the end of the day we just didn't want the same things anymore I get that wow so you have a lot of memories here yeah yeah not all of them are sad I grew up playing guitar and even wrote a few songs in well given my extraordinary therapist skills uhhuh by the sounds of it you don't play anymore no that's part of my old life wow I just hijacked this conversation huh was really nice thank you for sharing that with me Mr Clark I see your baked goods sold very well this morning oh yes ma'am they really did yeah all old Family Recipes they are everyone is talking about the unique selection of delectable Southern desserts hummingbird cake buttermilk pie you are quite the baker Mr Clark I must get some of your recipes from you oh that would be a pleasure Miss Francine wonderful well why don't we say Monday morning right here at the Orchard we can pick some of your sweetest apples and then you can show me how you made that Maple Apple upside down cake hello grandpa how do you make a maple Apple upside down [Music] cake [Music] [Music] see [Music] all right make sure you give your partner a good Target okay see nice chest passes is that right let's go here this is the kids you want to train for basketball the one sitting in the bleachers not exactly I thought he could play a few games you know meet some kids since he's new in town I'm helping his mom out by driving him back to the Orchard and I thought he could hang out here tell I'm ready to go ah there it is you like the mom I did not say that you didn't have to but first of all you know me okay I would do anything to help out any of these kids and second it is not like that I'm just helping Lany out since she has been working overtime to get the orchard ready before the reopening right and it'd be be silly for her to drive out to the school when I'm literally driving right back out to the or literally mhm literally I'm leaving in a week remember all right so whatever you were scheming up in that head of yours you can forget about it just give me a whistle thank you sorry all right kids line up on the Baseline in groups of four groups of four uh Chris come here for a sec you think you can ask Aiden to join you guys sure [Music] coach hey how's it going hey good but if Lany is serious about the store being ready for this grand reopening event we're going to need more product oh I've been calling the local bakeries and no one will commit everyone's short on staff well I think we need to order hats and shirts with a new logo on it and coffee mugs people love a good mug I love a good mug D I need to ask are you still thinking of leaving soon if you don't like my ideas Mom you can just say so I love your ideas that's why I'm asking asking I just if you decide you want to stay and work here permanently your dad and I just want you to be happy but at some point you have to figure out what it is that makes you happy and commit to it you really like my ideas love them you know I'm thinking right now is a really good time to ask for a raise oh I'll give you a raise there you go [Music] hey bud good book it's okay didn't feel like planning any games today if you haven't noticed um not exactly what the general public would call athletically Built Well you know you don't have to be overly athletic to play games I know secret I was growing up right around your age actually I uh I was shall we say vertically challenged wait you were short yep yeah I wasn't very good at first but I had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends well I'm not going to try out for any team so it doesn't really [Music] matter look I know it's tough being the new kid at school I mean you and I are kind of in the same place you being the new kid at school I'm the new teacher at school but uh promise you the more you put yourself out there easier it gets if it's all the same I'll take your word for it all right well you could do that or could do what I used to do what make jokes you were funny nope but I did make a lot of friends that way you know coach Jason and I that's how we became friends and we are still best friends to this day can we go now [Music] sure good talk are you sure it's okay how about we ask your Mom first huh ask your mom what Mr Clark said it's okay that I can take a few apples home okay well you have 5 minutes and then you got to do your homework hey wait no not so fast what do you say to Mr clerk for driving you thanks no problem now can I go yeah so uh how was your day it was amazing amazing huh mhm I got a lot of work done and I actually saw some videos of you playing guitar and singing your mom showed me at lunch she did not mhm don't tell me she brought out the old photo albums no that's actually scheduled for next week oh Oh yay Drew you were so good I think you should start playing again well thank you I appreciate that you I felt a little inspired the other night so I decided to take out my guitar really what inspired [Music] you this is going to be so nice I just a little bit more you got this okay perfect just a little bit more almost there good job you're doing great you're so close Okay a little bit more little bit more and okay stop he let me ride in it and we practice casting out wow you've had a very eventful day is there anything else on your honeydew list for today please say no you guys are done for the day Lany would you nen like to join us for dinner tonight yeah it's a great idea please Mom can we uh yeah sure I mean it's not too much trouble none at all right thank you I know [Music] that's thank you so much we got ourselves an emergency uh Dad no more emergencies until after dinner maybe you can wait till and Aiden Leaf nonsense you're sitting at the Clark's table your family besides I'm hoping that Laney and Drew have some good advice for me seeing as how they seem to be getting along quite well okay Slimmer down Grandpa how about we eat first this can't wait Miss Fran scene asked me on a date oh good for you Dad isn't that what you wanted all along yes but she asked me to show her how to make one of the cakes see I think that's a perfect first day how how come it's an emergency well because Grandpa bottled the desserts he sold at the bake sale to impress her see I think that's sweet and I think Miss Francine will think so too y'all are fired as my family except for Laney I'm keeping her what about me all right keeping you too [Music] Aiden all [Music] right here you go thanks it is the least I can do you survived a Clark dinner that is something to be proud of everyone is so nice you know you asked me earlier what inspired me to start playing the guitar again being back home has helped but if I'm being honest really honest so did you me yeah I mean it's been a while since since I've spent the time to really get to know someone actually it's been a while since I've even wanted to well if I'm honest really honest I could say the same [Music] thing whoops sorry to interrupt uh Grandpa no no no we were just talking Dr sure okay the audience would like a concert from you and our first request is Fields of Gold ah grandpa I really don't know if I can it it's been years since I played well nobody's going to judge you well except probably Laney oh I'm so excited it's not wrong I'm doing this huh [Music] mhm here's your stop welcome home it's been a long time coming out happy to see you out on your own I know you're looking for something more something to hold so take a hold of my hand and well take the long way home through Fields of [Music] Gold you look to the lights up in the sky you wonder where they're going and you're hoping to find out on your own you want to ride a little something more and what you've known you want to write your own story and find your own way home through fields of [Music] go oo Dare I ask what that was for a thank you for what face me and my crazy ideas good Lord did I have a choice all these years you always had choice and yet you continuously support me and US Susan what what we've done over the last few weeks I know I'm praying it'll all be worth it in the end otherwise we now have goats for pets G nice to meet you uh Scamp and Wally Scamp I must say Mr Clark I was very impressed by your bake Goods oh please call me Joe have you been baking all your life Joe oh well I wouldn't say my whole life no as a matter of fact I came to the pastry chefing quite recently pastry chefing you don't say well Shall We Begin my tutorial sure oh yeah yes of course yeah yes um right well first thing first thing is to turn the oven on to 300 50° oh that was easy all right next is to boil maple syrup 1 and 1/2 cups well that that's right how'd you know lucky guess what's next well uh next is to uh [Music] H I don't know how to bake I I know I'm sorry I misled you wait you [Music] knew I Supply some of the bakeries with my pies and my cakes the same ones you bought for the bake sale next time you want to ask me on a date all you have to do is ask [Music] got it yeah that's secure yeah it's looking good your mother says she doesn't have a boyfriend who why would I care if she has a boyfriend it's not like that okay uhhuh just so you know I look on your face say otherwise hey hey it's for horses everything just looks great yeah it is it does I mean thanks it looks great cuz you okay well I will let you guys get back to work I just wanted to tell you that good to see you Lany nice to see you too bye bye as Ro Dad please don't I know you said it's not like that but son you just proved it's exactly like that what are you waiting for I'll be right back [Music] okay hey um hi would would you like to have dinner tonight with me oh no I I mean yes I'm sorry I guess I would I just I would I'd want to cook it for you as I thank you for doing all of this oh W uh great then it's a date I I don't mean a date like a date date just you know like a a nighttime eating get together event it's a date a onate date great um and I I'll see you tonight yeah I'll see you [Music] tonight you know I was right around your age when my dad first took me to the lake we were there all day long not a single fish right before we left I get a bite Tu to my line so hard before I knew what happened pull me right into the lake no way yep true story can you take me there sometime well hey uh you know what time it is it's time for bed okay go brush your teeth night night see you tomorrow [Music] buddy what you got there two hot ciders from the best Mill in the state ooh perfect thank you you're welcome I don't usually do this actually to clarify I never do this like at all yeah me either I mean it's been a long time since I've wanted to date anybody till [Music] now same it's just been him and I for a really long time mind if I ask what happened with Aiden's Dad no not at all people always tell you never to rush into things but when you're young and you think you're in love you don't really listen to people's advice you just jump in heart first and that's exactly what we did yeah we fell madly in love and then we fell equally madly out of love a few years later must have been tough yeah it was it still is sometimes but when I look at Aiden it's all worth it wow okay that was a lot to share on a first date non-date whatever whatever this is no not at all I uh I appreciate you opening up to me so much so I'd like to ask you out on a second one um of course you'd rather not because you don't want to get too close to someone might be leaving in a week I get it um thank you again for dinner for everything uh actually uh yeah guess on a second date yeah okay [Music] great good morning coffee yes please please and you're rather chipper Jew is Chipper what's going on in here well we're just staring at Drew awkwardly until he tells us about his date with Lany or we could ask Grandpa how baking with Miss Francine went oh terrible no I'm sorry Dad oh no don't be sorry you know it's h it turned out great I'm taking her on a date I thought you said it went terribly well the bacon part did it was beyond terrible but she like me anyway a oh I almost forgot the best part I told her about the store and the Bak goods and she said she'd be happy to supply pies to us that's some good news no I do believe we need an update from my grandson M although it's none of your business I had a good time on my [Music] date your practicing early today okay so I was thinking what would you say if it took you and your mom out to the lake to go fishing really like today as soon as we're done here soon as that the same place the fish drag you into the water that's the one I think I'm going to regret ever telling you that story probably so what do you think maybe you want to try some games today we're going to learn some new ones no I'll just go work on my paper okay oh hey Aiden hi Chris [Music] all right everybody three laps around the gym ready and go hustle hustle hustle hustle hustle nice Aiden good job want to give it a try no I'm just here from moral support you sure you can do it Mom it's really easy and Mr Clark's a really good teacher you hear that I'm a really good teacher come on just just try it just try it okay okay fine I don't even know how to hold this thing right hand here okay thumb on the button there you go what you're going to do you're going to come back at a 45° angle and when you snap forward with your wrist you're going to push that button at the same time and it'll release the line S that I live in the city I can't I think I got one oh wait really H what happened where' the fish go I knew I had one I felt it it's okay know I know I know I saw it buddy you just keep trying you'll catch [Music] one he's so cute he's doing a great [Music] job hey look I hope it's okay I uh I got Aiden a fishing pole for his birthday what sorry I know I probably should have asked first but no I mean you totally did not have to do that that's so nice of you he's going to love it I hope so I even got his name printed on the spincaster on the it's on the what it's that little the little round enclosed thing L comes out uh-huh yeah anyway my dad got me a fishing pole when I was around his age sorry I hope I'm not overstepping not at all just thought it would be something cool for him to remember me by Remember You by right I keep forgetting that you're leaving or maybe it's just wishful thinking that you're not well if IID known that I was going to meet you and Aiden I would have applied to schools a lot closer with that said no one's called me back so you never know you may be stuck with me a little longer but when someone does call you are still leaving right yeah that was the plan but plans can always change they certainly can it's just with Aiden and I it's a little different you know big decisions like whether someone stays or leaves it's just not quite as simple when you have a child right it would be better if maybe we didn't see each other quite as much is that what you want no okay good cuz it's not what I want either good I want to see you as much as I can for as long as I can I just I need to take things slow for Aiden's sake and my heart sake I get it I do and I'll take as many of these moments as I can get okay so if that's going wonderfully well and everything's good with Aiden I'm guessing we're discussing Drew he's perfect he's funny he's smart he's cute he's amazing with Aiden I think he's the person that I've been waiting to meet okay I'm trying to see where there's a problem here I just I don't think he's ready I don't think he's ready for me for us for something serious do you know what it's like dating me you can't just date me and have it be casual for a few weeks not with Aiden I need to know whoever I get involved with is in it for the long haul and if they're not in it for the long haul at least they're willing to stick around and see if it could grow into something like that I don't know it scares me because I know I know Aiden attached to him and if I'm honest I am too okay I'm the first to say those are all valid concerns but I'm also going to tell you everything you said is coming from a place of fear you should talk to Drew maybe he's feeling the same way no I want him to stay because he wants to stay I don't want it to be because I give him some weird ultimatum I agree but one day at a time you're [Music] right sorry Aiden throw it here I can't hear you from down here in case you haven't noticed I'm a little bit vertically challenged nice one you kid I did what you told me and hindered with humor did you hear that they laughed mhm Hayden want to be in our group today they want to play with you buddy looks like you made some new [Music] friends how's they looking who the basketball the kids who else right uh yes you know some of them look good some of them need some work wow that is a very little use where's Aiden uh Lany picked him up today before I forget I gave you a glowing recommendation earlier to a prep school in California you could be surfing like we talked about when we were kids right on the Pacific wow wow that's that's all you got no I I guess I just wasn't thinking of moving that far away for the next job I mean uh kind of gotten used to being back home again well that's the thing it's a permanent teaching position okay well uh when's it start soon as this contract's up am I missing something I thought you'd be more excited to get out of here yeah I know I thought I would be too I mean that that was the plan keep on moving it's only a plan until you decide to change it that's the thing you know I I don't know maybe it is time to change can't answer that for you but I can beat you in the game of horse Let's Go pass me the ball yeah yeah pass me the ball all right see what you [Music] got okay hey Mom look at these goats here can I get one for my birthday that would be a hard no but you can enjoy them while you're at the orchard hey bud we probably have like two more minutes if you want to have dinner at Chris's house tonight you know you raised a really great kid oh thank you he is yeah the first couple days of school were a little tough for him but he seems to really be loving it now yeah you know what it looks like he's making a good group of friends too speaking of which we invited every single kid from his class to his birthday party and each one said yes wow wow is right that's great so I was thinking since Aidan's going to be with his friend tonight maybe you'd want to help me with the party favors I know that sounds like the most exciting thing ever I could throw a pizza in too honestly I would love to but I actually have an interview with a school board oh it's a new job [Music] yeah that's it's good yeah yeah is it in chest at Hollow oh right I see will you be on my birthday party tomorrow wouldn't miss it for the world buddy oh so I hear friends be your party huh yeah cool last thing I wanted was to come back home all my heart memories hey hey so you decide about that job yet no you decide what to do with Laney yet nope you know I had so much fun with over the past few weeks but but if that's all it is just two people having fun and what if it's more that's a lot of ifs I don't know I mean it's always been my plan to leave but say I did stay and things didn't work out between us I mean I would have messed everything up with Lany and Aiden and that's the last thing in the world I want to do you know you could stay stay here at the orchard yes I mean why you keep switching jobs every few months because those jobs don't make you happy I know you love it here and I know you love working in the orchard yeah say you stayed you could bring back bonfire Fridays you could you could help Laney create events at the orchard I mean you have some incredible ideas I'm very worried that you deflected the convers ation away from yourself but I don't hate your idea think about it mhm this what you were working on earlier yeah you know I haven't written in such a long time but you want to hear what I was thinking about for the CH uh yeah okay road to you is winding and long and after all deeping through no matter where I go I'm always on the road to you uh you're writing a song about a girl you're just having fun with called road to you yeah oh you like her you like her so much stop it get out of my room no play it [Music] again thank [Music] you [Music] cute outfit I want you to meet someone Lanie this is Jason hi hold on are are you Drew's Laney uh you know I actually don't know how to answer that I I we've been spending a lot of time together lately how do you know him we've been best friends since we were 10 that's wild it's great to meet you you too I'm going to say hi to the birthday boy I'll be right back thanks I'm pretty cool about Jew's new job huh yeah yeah he had his interview last night how'd it go it went great yeah just uh crazy to think he'd be moving to Cali though oh Jason kids want to play tag be right there it was so great to finally meet you I haven't seen you this happy in a long time too right who's it is it me [Applause] [Music] me hey sorry I'm late rapping a fishing pole isn't quite as easy as I thought it was going to be you moving to California and you couldn't even tell me I had to find out through Jason I was going to talk to you about it later yeah well now you don't have to LY I was petrified falling in love again and getting my heartbroken and you want to know something you were worth the risk apparently you can't say the same thing about me I haven't even decided yet yeah well if your decision is not an immediate no then you already have Mom can we open presents now uh yeah yes [Music] what do we think it is oh let's see that's cool look fun huh hey wait here let me get a picture hello this is true thank you yeah um sounds like the perfect job for me yeah I'll see you in California next week thanks again bye want me take a [Music] picture [Music] [Applause] all right Evan thank you for sharing Aiden you're up next Luen lucken you know you didn't have to bring anything to show us for your presentation yes I did my presentation is not just one specific favorite memory but it's on memories with my favorite person when I first moved here I didn't have any friends I do now but when I was kind of having a hard time I met my best friend he hung out with me after school just helped me handle things I didn't understand took time to teach me how to cast my line and how to fish too which I'm really good at [Music] now he got me this Poll for my birthday found out he's moving away soon which makes me really sad I don't think he'll ever know how much I appreciate him but having him in my life has been my favorite memory the [Music] end that was quite the presentation today yeah I kind of went for the heartstrings that's you did Buddy you know sometimes it's hard for adults to say what they really mean because they're scared of what people might think or how to react like I was when I first moved here when I didn't want to put myself out there to meet Chris and everyone yeah yeah kind of like [Music] that when you get older the big decisions you make not only affect you but they also affect the people you like too and everyone you love yeah everyone you love how did you get so smart huh just comes [Music] naturally are you really [Music] leaving like for good well that's what I wanted to come talk to you about that was the plan originally when something happened I met this really awesome woman my mom mhm and I also met her really awesome son you've been like a best friend of me and today he reminded me of all those cool things we did and I just think I'd miss that too much wait does that mean watch out but I did mess things up a bit and I'm going to need your help to make them right you win all [Music] right [Music] oh miss fancy we are so blessed to have your baked goods here at Clark we're going to need 10 of everything you can make to start will you be able to handle that as long as this one here doesn't help me I feel like I should have given a curfew seriously I've decided to say oh I'm so happy sweetie there's one condition you're Notting not getting ra I have a few ideas that I'm going to run by lady next week but what do you think about life music every weekend oh that's a terrific idea yeah well you should than Drew he's the one who got me to stay did he say anything about bu his new job in California just that he's going and doesn't want to talk about it uh thank you we are so grateful to everyone who came out today to join us for a Harvest Homecoming at Clark Mill and Orchards grand reopening plan a Drew Clark everybody what are you waiting [Music] for hey everyone um I think I can speak for my entire family when I say how happy we are to have all of you here with us today this place has been a dream to my parents and my grandparents before them it has brought so much happiness to our family and now hopefully to yours too now none of this could have been possible without Miss Laney Ross I haven't been on stage in quite a while so uh bear with me what's he doing I can't tell you but I'm pretty sure you're going to like it I've made some really bad decisions lately and let fear get in the way but now I need to let someone very special to me know just exactly how I [Music] feel the last thing I wanted was to come back home with all my Haunted Memories One look at you I knew I wasn't alone and my heart could never leave all the twists and turns and this dark night I all disappear when I look in your eyes the road to you was winding along and now you're here with me it was God's plan all along and I just couldn't see the two of us were meant to be and after all that we've been through no matter where I go I'm always on the road to you [Music] [Applause] what are you doing I didn't take the job but your truck has all of your stuff loaded in it I saw it that's because I'm moving out tomorrow I figured if I had a girlfriend you know probably time for me to move out of my parents house find my own more permanent place to live that is if she accepts my apology i' still like to see where things go together well I think she would really like that if she knew he wasn't leaving I'm staying for as long as you want me and I'm sorry I'm sorry I got scared and I I don't know what the future holds but I do know I want you and Aiden in it it's taking a lot of roads for us to get here but I am so happy I found you and I promise I will never get lost [Music] again woo [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: Great American Family
Views: 108,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great american movies, GAC movies, trevor donovan movies, harvest homecoming movie
Id: 3GiTXLcjAsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 13sec (5053 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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