Spare Ribs vs Baby Back RIBS | What's the difference?!?

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[Music] hey guys we have a quick video today i'm not going to do any cooking i'm cooking all the prepping all this tonight for a big cook tomorrow but today i just want to answer one question really quick and that is what is the difference between baby back ribs and spare ribs and if you were to ask a pig that he would say there is no difference dummy and why would he say that well that's because there isn't a baby back rib and a cage and then a spare rib cage and and one of the other things i read is the baby back ribs come from baby pigs that's that's not the case baby back ribs and spare ribs all come from the same pig from their rib cage the difference is the baby back ribs are where the rib cage attaches to the spine at the top part of the back around the loin area and then the ribs curve around and then the butcher will run a band saw between those so anything below that all the way to the sternum is considered spare ribs and anything above that line is considered baby back ribs so they really are the same ribs they're just cut in half and one the top half is the baby back ribs and the bottom half is the spare ribs it doesn't mean they taste the same i just want to make that point that there's there's not a spare rib cage and then a big back rib cage okay so what does that mean to us as backyard cooks well baby back ribs are tend to be smaller and then more curved like i said they they come from that top part of the rib cage they tend to be smaller more curved and they also tend to be um they can be leaner they can be more tender and they're often a lot more expensive i mean every restaurant that serves ribs serves baby back ribs unless it's a barbecue restaurant so i mean you know that jingle chillies baby back ribs that that when you hear that just think my price of my ribs went up because of that song so keep that in mind it's really just supply and demand thing now over time when i started baby back ribs were about two to three dollars a pound and um and st louis ribs or untrim spirits at least would sometimes go on sale for a dollar a pound that's no longer the case now untrim spare ribs are usually between 2 and 250 a pound and really at the end of the day baby back rooms are still more expensive but the price of spare ribs has come up since you pay you do pay by the pound but you buy by the rack whether here in north texas whether you get baby back ribs st louis style spare ribs or untrim spare ribs it's going to cost you about 10 to 12 a rack regardless of which one you get so just keep that in mind just kind of as a you know a price comparison um it's not like this you know the spirits used to be super cheap and these these were super expensive it's just not the case anymore yes these tend to cook faster now another difference between baby back ribs and spare ribs is spare ribs to those of us that cook a lot of ribs they actually tend to look better you can trim these up to make them look really really nice on a grill and at the end of the day that will look really really nice on a plate this is why in addition to the fact that these ribs tend to be more meaty they tend to be more fatty and more flavorful also they tend to be more pretty those of us that spend way too much time caring about this stuff we want to at the end of the day have a great end product to give to our guests our families so that is why a lot of us not all of us a lot of us tend to gravitate here even though these are more tender uh the reason why i switched over was i was getting a lot because i my first three years all i coached was baby back ribs what forced me to switch over to to spare ribs was the fact that i was getting a lot of these a lot of the baby back ribs started getting too lean and they were drying out and i was having to cover that up with sauce just to kind of get that that moist mouth feel in you know in the back into the ribs i i didn't like that so i switched over to spares and just i just haven't gone back even though my name is baby back maniac and i do love them they're really really good but if i have the option i'm gonna get these now if these are spare ribs slide this over and what the heck are these i mentioned these earlier these are untrimmed spare ribs so the way people talk about these sometimes they call these spare ribs slabs sometimes they call these untrimmed spare ribs sometimes these are called st louis style cut and sometimes these are called trim spare ribs if i walked over to troy's house with either of these and i said hey i'm bringing spare ribs he's not going to look at either one of these and go you said you're bringing spare ribs and those are untrim spirits you said these are they're the same and you can kind of see this i'll just talk about the difference here untrim spare ribs as the name implies they have not been trimmed up of like if these were these kind of match you can see these are from opposite sides this skirt has been trimmed off these this area over is a bunch of cartilage and it's called riblets or rib tips it's some of the best meat on the ribs but a lot of times people don't tend to cook them because um it there's again because there's a lot of cartilage in it that can freak some people out boy the meat's so good though um we usually like what we'll do is we'll cut this off and then i'll use this for soups or something like that i mean there's no reason to waste this and you can absolutely cook these spare rib untrimmed just like this it's just a little more work to carve them at the table but anyways that option is there but anyways back to this spare st louis style spare ribs are untrimmed spare ribs with this flap of meat right here called the skirt removed the rib tips cut off and then at the end of all this um sometimes there is a which these don't have sometimes there's a the sternum is attached right here but it looks like this was this was already removed nowadays it used to be you kind of had to buy these and then if you wanted st louis style ribs you would trim them down yourself nowadays you can find these anywhere around here and it's really really nice this is usually what i buy often you'll still need to do some trimming anyways but it's nice to have st louis style spare ribs available for you without having to go to the trouble of doing this but it's not hard to do it's fun to do and and i enjoy it so that is the basic difference between untrimmed spare ribs [Music] st louis style spare ribs and then baby back ribs which as we said are it's all the same thing it's all one rack of ribs at the end of the day they just uh are just different ways to eat a pig i can't wait to cook these tomorrow i'm gonna have a lot of fun with that if you guys have any questions be sure and leave them in the comments below um there are other people who have done similar videos in the past on youtube i'm gonna put a link to the ones that i found all of them are great videos but all of them had kind of a slightly different take on how they presented the information but i want to go ahead and refer you to them if you'd like more information or you know just to learn more about this so i will put those in the description box or either in a pin comment below check that out and we will see you guys in the next one thanks for [Music] baby watching ribs so they really are the same ribs they're just cut in half and one of the top rooms
Channel: Baby Back Maniac
Views: 530,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby Back Maniac, Spare ribs vs baby back ribs…What’s the difference?!?, Spare ribs, Baby back ribs, St Louis Style ribs, Spare ribs vs baby back ribs, Baby back ribs vs spare ribs, What’s the difference between spare ribs and baby back ribs, What’s the difference between baby back ribs and spare ribs, What are St. Louis style ribs, smoked ribs, bbq ribs, pork ribs, baby back, st. louis ribs, St Louis ribs, untrimmed spare ribs, St louis ribs vs untrimmed spare ribs
Id: VYQEC7d0fYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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