Spamming Rama special with Zeus can get INSANE! /Hades/

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whatever guys we're well i guess the next one okay fine we'll do it we got this come on this time we're not gonna fool around okay we got this one more time how'd the heavy knuckle run go gerds it was questionable it's still not good i have eternity to finish with this work so your assistance is entirely unneeded how times have changed yeah i felt like it still wasn't good well none of these help our uh special so we're screwed there but twin shot is good on rama in general of course in the up the range on it i never thought i'd lose so many fun runs in one day i can't believe i lost that 39 boon that was terrible ah okay loose so what scales best with palms then i think cass kind of do and doom well doom won't be really usable huh oh come on zeus let's see what else all right there we go shocking hanging over in beams i don't think hangover actually scales well it's just that one number increase i don't think is actually good here we go we have the build in hand now boys this is for you bob is actually really really good here let's go lads it does mean that my dash will be dealing probably the bulk of the damage swap into a sea storm bill only one lightning procs so there's an internal cooldown on how often lightning can hit enemies basically same that's why zeus isn't good with chiron though because you only get like one maybe two uh lightning bolts out of uh it's high tide uh each special so not yet if this will still do pretty well ks actually does not do a lot for this build i think i'll actually skip buying it even is that crazy talk i don't think it is kind of just a waste of money [Music] guess i'll buy this yeah an epic attack is good power of olympus yeah we need a full zeus here i mean you always want whenever you take a zoo spoon you always just want a lot more zeus it's kind of the same thing with poseidon anything with full zeus meaning like double strike bolted i'm not gonna say the legendary because you don't even need it that much honestly you'll do pretty well he didn't even have to pay for chaos on my authority oh my god so many chaos i'm still not gonna buy it i very much appreciated that vp um that's not good that's a decrease and there's not really a benefit to having poseidon on your attack as far as i can tell why does that suck so bad hydraulic mite isn't very good either i don't think you can get dual boons in a uh trial but maybe i can still get breaking wave or something at least how about some other boons instead yeah that's good sign attacks weirdly low agree it is weird how low it is honestly ow so in terms of speed i'm way better off just starting to use the attack that's terrible these are all horrible i don't want to spend a roll either all those meters themselves worse really super soko rama if it offered the swap i actually would have done it yes thank you mate i think i just take an epic jolted it's tempting to roll for double strike but i'll just do that uh they clearly balance the side attack to make you take double wave every time oh god yeah you can see like using the attack is way more potent right now i mean we do have twin shot which makes a pretty big difference but old fusion that's not even that great of a duo i think almost all the time i think that's actually a weaker duo it sounds really good it kind of depends how how are you applying jolted and i guess in this situation where i'm not applying jolted that often it's actually kind of okay i'll give you that it because i'm probably not going to spam the special oh my god all right okay i get that i'll take the hint chaos all right i get it i get it let's think about this let's go up yeah you really want you the only reason you'd want cold fusion the duo between demeter and zeus is if uh change of scenery at least you're not applying jolted frequently potentially might as well republic status too yeah for privilege to ask purposes a little bit okay well i can't turn down here to see she's my girl um they're both here do i take the nectar oh here we go boys come on [Music] we were just thinking about old times orphy and i if i do nectar either way [Music] bombs aren't amazing here well actually it's pretty good the palms are pretty good [Music] i'll go nectar because if we get another zeus moon too it'd be nice to have the increased rarity nectar increases uh the rarity of your next three boons which does increase the chances of getting dual boons yeah duo boom counts as a rarity legendaries too let's say we go what do you say we end this quickly yeah the only way we could really get this to be a full-on special build is if we got double strike really that's the only way we could really get this to work i think without double strike it would be very hard to only do this there are no cap you can give them nectar and cause uh no you eventually can't give them anymore oh that's quite enough of that you held your own i guess oh i have no money i guess i just go this way actually could buy a palm but usually my advice is just to take every shop for people cold beautiful combo with shared suffering if i could just sit here and spam the special and just reapplies it every time [Music] nice try poseidon nice try the blessings maybe oh [ __ ] wait was it always 40 i don't remember it being 40 percent but i'll take it still in the sea storm it's 20 for comment okay all right i don't think i have increased duo chances so the possibility of me seeing a sea storm here isn't great he's back i like how andy went away for like five minutes and he had to delegate his tasks you didn't miss anything andy you're fine all right guys we got special speed that's really tempting but i'm sure we'll be fine 20 boys dashes crappy boy come on all right here we go we got this i'm in come on double strike boys oh no boys this is a lousy room okay double strike no problem i know chad wants me to take it i think i actually roll here because high voltage is not great you guys want the green boon i know it's not that good it's not that good if we want to just spam our special we'll just be constantly be applying jolted anyway my voltage is good it's okay but double strike double strike is just two good boys who cares if it's good it's green now you guys are i don't even know what you guys are on about something else double strike no oh god damn it oh no oh my god it couldn't get worse it couldn't get worse it really couldn't wow wow all right show me zeus shop oh you're not zeus oh there's kind of no point to artemis with this build because lightning bolts can't crit uh for family favorites i guess what do i need whatever for fire i need another one jerks why must we always fight like pp doesn't affect lightning it does not so jolted in our special will never ever [ __ ] you might see the white damage crit it's not 190 oh that's jolted 190 is the jolt the rod no rods it's a rodless run i can't believe i can't believe how thoroughly cooked we got there were three okay boons to get from that zeus and none of them were offered in doom crit yes there's only a few very specific things that cannot the lightning bolt is one of them uh so it's specific lightning bolts not chain lightning chain lightning is uh from zeus's attack and that can crit the bolts are from the special they're also from like the dash jolted uh i think joel did at least i'm not actually 100 on that one all slams oh i actually good question but i'm gonna assume wall slams cannot explosive return on the shield can't and frozen touch cannot the bloodless failed this call no he cannot because that's a bolt and i feel like zeus keepsake is actually not good that good here how much money i got nothing all right i'll put this on in cold fusion would have removed it from the pool now you just i've added a lightning rod i have not because pressure points is not a prerequisite to lightning rod a nice trimet i know i get it so i'm not saying like cold fusion is horrible or anything but it's just not optimal like double strike would do so much more work than that like look every every time i hit them with a special it applies jolter so what is cold fusion gonna do go come on i don't think so you got me there i mean it works whoa wow i'm not going to spend our last roll here i think whatever oh my god besides special swap i mean i guess for the like the white damage or the dash damage i guess all right poseidon special swap i want to see storm just for the dash it's fine it does something there's not a whole lot else you can do if we're just trying to stack up zeus the other one you gotta think about i forgot to make i'll wait till round two here with him dude could ya i don't think poseidon special would actually be better for fire that is kind of something all right i have meg i gotta wait to see what he does here he never does more than three stops in a row built-in deals more damage than special yep olympus i accept this message not certain what i'd roll into here already a breaking wave i think i just take razor trolls it's fine addy yeah okay it why not take the hammer that was the last mini boss and i didn't really want to skip it zeus boosted all right you win you win poseidon you win maybe four he's lucky i have c storm all right this time zeus don't you [ __ ] around zeus oh i want double strike oh all right fine fine i'll just take it [ __ ] sake roll why would i roll no i don't think so we're taking thick bolts it's like the weird it's such a weird uh oh she won't let this go boom because it doesn't do anything most of the time right even if enemies are stacked up here our uh special actually bounces so it kind of doesn't matter but at least we've activated the legendary i'll do a hat change before but it looks neat i guess so oh god that feels nice all right all right i'm going to forgive you now i guess we got here what happens i got like you just think twice to go boys [ __ ] controller wire all right i guess we're taking support fire here yeah you want to see a level 20 high voltage we got high voltage fairly high one day and it wasn't level 20. all right relentless doesn't really do anything here does it well that kind of does something i feel like it doesn't really do anything the poor fire is probably actually one of the better boons we could get here right come yeah plus four shots of special doesn't really i don't think it actually increases how much lightning will land though is the thing hey bishop is there another one well i'll take it because i don't think there's another one all right i'll take that here we go we're gonna go to the shop and hopefully there's going to be more zeus in there somehow thanks to bishop thank you father [Music] zeus god [ __ ] damn it zeus what are you doing with your life jesus christ is this so hard different set of choices then all right we got 25 i almost feel like the call is almost better but i'm still going to take it i don't care c strike 100 hi hey meg what all right so now we'll do pretty well with double striking our hands almost to like ridiculous levels honestly did you get out of here with that [ __ ] minotaur it's hard to tell what's going on anymore not gonna lie dude cut it out [Applause] come on splitting bowl that's mine there's one more boon from zeus we need shape i just been last year i was making a fake contract for a football coach for my sports law class and someone messaged me saying zeus ramos on oh yeah welcome back 12 footer sorry well you just got to the juicy part i guess you could say i was gonna ding you the what you might call it high voltage actually hurts you because of the visuals and maybe bomb blossom we'll do palm blossom keep trying to drink my coffee cup that's empty what makes me heal so much when i take the treasure dark regeneration from the mirror because i've earned all the bounties from the heat levels and so oh my god oh you guys can't see it cause my fat head let's try to fill up the core boons let's fill up the core boons i'll try to get cold fusion here actually how's that zeus i swear to god if he doesn't give me the stupid thing i forgot what i was saying no use find the track there's something that's ticking up father things might change meg you called oh it was too early i blame meg all right get him in the corner and make him bounce about about times from breaking wave here wave plus one there's no cold fusion wells [ __ ] me that woke me up all right don't buy zeus yet we want to fill in our other boons and stuff i bet it's in here the sea storm have that inner cooldown too i think so no way all in boys i kind of don't want cold fusion to get offered anymore all in all in here we go boys i don't want cold fusion get offered by those zeus spoons in the shop and i kinda need the money it's no use yeah i sold the attack sorry yui i don't know if i'm gonna win i don't know if i'm gonna win three measures four is hard as we found out today maybe we'll be okay it has a pretty large range oh poor bear is actually pretty good with this sunken treasure i kind of need the money this is ramen yes i kind of need the money we'll be fine right guys the m4 only takes 40 palms to beat right and then i want to attack myself going from zeus [ __ ] crosstalk genetics was right i'm an idiot i forgot i completely forgot i'm a [ __ ] yeah there you go you tallied a mistake for me thank you dr voss thanks for the twitch prime goldie says thanks all right let's see much okay zeus zeus don't you don't you i'm gonna buy the weak one first there we go easy boy easy game boys nothing to worry about give me the call there we go double strike okay the call all right let's do another room to buy that big palm hey naren oh [ __ ] i'll get you next time fish chuckles void thanks for the twitch prime uh no i don't have any more boons to get i was reading chat i was reading chat it's not my fault that's a lot of zeus it's no use welcome chris zone i think we got enough zeus this run if we didn't get double strike for this run we would have been screwed really shiny enough of this place your slam does more work it kind of does breaking wave is does a lot i'll take it we've pound probably i guess no billing oh yeah we didn't get billowing yeah because i got a late call tesla coil zag right we'll be okay i think we need more i wish yeah we needed billowing would have would have done it i'm going to get you back for last time you know tom would have made it double strike like 45 i wish we had gotten it hello maybe i should have taken a defensive keepsake to this fight for once in my life the huh charge is up really fast too i'm gonna try to kill the sneaker something oh my god it's so dead the sneaks already dead what have i done it's actually pretty good i do not like you thank you for the twitch prime who knew every zeus spoon in the world not bad really like that try that again ow don't miss did she miss no she got him oh nice nice try dad nice try you can't out heal me maybe you can alright you kind of can i don't even have to let go of the special buttons [Music] this is good there's so many different numbers on the screen oh it's just ridiculous oh he's dead he's already dead boys bride this is degenerate agreed i was no match for you at this time ask them to change out that supernova white transition screen when going into hades i think we can still get feedback i don't know if they're going to do it at this point honestly when shot didn't need it boys didn't need it all we needed is a special button that's all we needed there's too many things to highlight here and it highlighted every wrong thing really for us i don't know how good a relentless folly was but voltage maybe get rid of that d strike was important we had voltage i mean i guess those are the things we also had jolted we also had the call it was pretty good you know it's all right support fire ep didn't really do anything boldy that's one guy we beat 53 heat we did a long time ago uh most recently we've beaten 51 he with uh the rail hey while you're still here why don't you head on over to the stream and check out what's going on there [Music] come on over and let's all have some fun
Channel: Haelian
Views: 257,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, rama, bow, special, zeus, legendary, duo, demeter, highest, most, damage, easy
Id: TvbP3hZCljY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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