Spain WIN pulsating final | Did Southgate's tactics cost England? | UEFA EURO 2024™ Final

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[Music] [Applause] yes we are here in Berlin at the Olympia Stadium it is the final podcast of these European championships yes the final's just been played out behind us the the Spanish supporters uh families and players are still on the pitch um tearing it up I mean Hela Berlin won't be happy The Season's not too far away but hang on they make an exception right Spain deserve to celebrate they were by far the best team right in this tournament incredible seven wins in seven games nobody has ever done that in the history of the Euros only one team in the history of football did and that was Brazilian O2 that that Brazil team of Ronaldo and Ronaldinho and Rivaldo and all that incredible Squad so really we were here for the first game together against Croatia and we were very impressed but we thought okay maybe they picked a bit early maybe the rest is going to be more difficult maybe crotia weren't that good yeah although croa created some chances but this is a Spanish team that at times have been vulnerable and yet they have always fin a way of controlling the key moments in games never panicking even when England came back tonight in a game where we thought uhoh SP missed some chances then England came back and we thought could they come back and own them and actually they were never really in panic and went and scored a second and winning Go I mean so many uh Spain players had fantastic tournaments which I think you know that's that's that that's the key really everyone was was more or less on the on the top of that game I mean goalkeeper un ni himon didn't have that much to do I mean hasn't really stood out in terms of magnificent performances but then if you go through the team I thought Amer leaport at the back was really really strong especially coming off a season in Saudi Arabia we didn't know what condition he was in actually turns out he's in pretty good condition Danny carvajal's been Sensational I mean the Midfield three rodri Fabian Ruiz and Danny Olma when he came into the side to replace pedri all of them have been exceptional rodri officially the player of the tournament for me the player of the tournament was Fabian Ruiz maybe we can debate that and then Nico Williams and linia Ma incredible incredible tournaments for both them alabata only scored one goal he only scored one goal in the whole tournament but I think he played well I think he did a lot of he was excellent I mean today was even more obvious I think against England the way he Linked UP play the way he was a Target man the way he dealt with the L threat the way he laid off Danny alore had a field day picking up second balls yeah and the understand the understanding between them too danmore knowing exactly that the ball is going to come from Morata what Morata will do and then from a Daniel moall then you get Nik and lamin involved that's what they've done was purring you were purring watching morat you like what a player what a footb I understand that the lack of efficiency in front of goal is the issue here for n not one offside today no not one offside today I'm just yeah yeah yeah yeah like I mean because obviously he's got a history of being offside quite a few times right but today was perfect for him I mean I don't think there's any question mark about his his work rate about his commitment to the game I mean he's got quality there's no doubt about it but obviously you know there are moments where he have games where he's Contin offside he misses big chances but then I think most Strikers do right so he played his part in a very well organized very well drilled Spain side back to that Midfield Ruiz was a player that I think yeah for me was certainly a big surprise but Jules You' see him a lot at PSG yeah um for me I thought he was outstanding I was actually really really pleasantly surprised how good a player he is yeah and I agree with Phil in the sense that I would have picked him as player of the tournament also because he played the whole final and rodri came off for half time yeah so R even played half a game less and still one player of the tournament that's how good he is yeah yeah true true but I think also rodri has been playing at this level for ever not ever but you know he's the best in his position so we expected him to be at this level at the start of the tournament for Fabian I think for a lot us even us PSG fans we've seen him being doing really really well in the second half of the Season at Club level and domestically and in the Champions League I see didn't think that he could hit these highs and I thought he was incredible sometimes higher up the pitch and scoring goals or or being very involved in the last third of the pitch sometimes in a more defensive role sometimes just making sure that when NCO goes forward Ora goes forward he's there covering everybody I mean he's one of the most intelligent players in the world anyway but it was just just did he did nothing wrong in this whole tournament before the first match there was actually a little bit of a doubt whether or not it was going to be him or Mel mourino in the starting 11 you know people in Spain didn't necessarily know we thought we you most of the 11 but that was one of the doubts in that team and those doubts were quickly dissipated where we realized Fabio Ru was really in in in tremendous form and he continued it throughout the throughout the tournament it feels like he sort of grown in confidence you know you see him doing moves that you don't necessarily associate with him or certainly more low-key players but his confidence is absolutely on a high he was doing you know some tremendous skills and yeah terrific play one other position that was kind of like questionable was the pedri or Danny Almo position even though started and I think you know he got injured by Tony he did yeah so Germany had a part to play in Spain winning this tournament yeah thank you very much you're welcome thank you you're welcome thank you danin um but yeah obviously pedre's injury made up I think you the mind of the manager I think Dano was knocking on the door anyway because he so what is it about that Dano thing because you said like he's not the first manager to not be 100% convinced that Danny hmer should be I think no I think a lot of a lot of managers do like Danny hmer you know they've all had him in the in in the squad he's he's been there and this is a player who has never played in Spain so he's not really on the radar of people in Spain so people in Spain only really watch it when he comes to the national team so they're not fully aware of how good he is but every manager national manager that has been anywhere near Daniel Mo has loved him and has always tried to find a way for him to to play in the national team he's a verse style player can play on the flank can play as a number 10 can plays a for nine if you need him to can play in Midfield so I think managers managers love that but yeah he's someone else who seem to have grown into the tournament as well yeah I mean they go against France again we go back but those two touches the control and then the second touch to humiliate Oran many is for me one of the moments of the tournament absolutely um nck Williams had kind of a breakthrough tournament as well player of the match tonight he was he was so yeah scored a I think he was but he scored a goal scor a goal so he must this has been Mark pet peeve throughout the whole tournament he doesn't like player of the match basically goes to whoever scored they didn't give a player a match though did they they did who did was it yeah it was ni Williams there you go told you he was he actually was one of the better players absolutely yeah that was one of the few times have' actually probably got that right not many times through this tournament cuz it seems like you have to score goal if you score a goal then you're player of the tournament sorry player of the match um will he be at I think I know this answer but for our listeners will he be at atletic bbau next season I think for one more season yes because of what is it uh U Europa League I think he's looking you know he's he's playing with his brother at his hometown Club they've got the Europa League to play the final is in bil B he loves this club he's on really decent money as well I mean he's got a 58 million euro buyout Clause but he's on you know which the question would be would Bill Bal I mean it's a buy Clause so someone offer that money if he wants to go yeah he can go right yeah yeah yeah it's just he has to De he has to you know finalize terms with a CL not it's not a not a ridiculously high fee barcela want him and Barcelona don't have that money right now full stop no they don't um yeah Barcelona trying to decide who should we buy niiko Williams or Danny Alo they both got similar buyout Clauses that's a big I mean two different players so depending on what you need right I mean I love Dan I've watched him a lot at AB laik I think he's a he's a top top class player and has been for a number of years now niiko Williams is the president LA's number one uh you know Obsession in terms of Barcelona they really really really want to bring Nico Williams they can't even afford to register players at the moment so I don't know where they're going to get 58 million to to buy Nico from but yeah I mean we're talking about him potentially leaving Athletic Club but and why are we talking about that because he's had such an amazing tournament and announced himself to the world and the other elant in the room is Alvaro Morata does he stay on he said before this final yeah I don't know whether I'll go on or not maybe this will be my last tournament Jules what do you think will he stay on I mean he's obviously more than capable he should but but mentally I think it's more of a problem for him right it's mental yeah yeah I think so yeah there's this love hate relationship with Spanish fans in general Spanish press as well when he plays for the national team or when he plays for his club uh I understand it no but again I'm I'm a bit biassed because I just really like the player that he is and I don't really understand yeah you can moan the lack of goals and the lack of efficiency but if you if you know football a little bit and you see everything else he does this is the this is the captain of this team he he lifted the trophy tonight uh and I think he had a big part to play in this in this incredible tournament that they had if I was him it's easy to say but this is such a talented promising young team that I would stay and keep being you want to hang around as long as you possibly can time they can well go to the US Canada and Mexico and win the World Cup there is a there is a a like a a reoccurring thing with him though two years at a club then he moves on yeah what is that well yeah what is that I think that's kind of what Morata is I think he's looking for somewhere where he feels comfortable both on and and off the pitch where he feels happy where he feels at home and he said um he's happier when he's not in Spain he's actually said that so um we'll see whether or not he stays at Atletico Madrid my feeling is that he might not and in terms of the national team I mean he's only 31 he's only 31 it feels a little bit too young to be retiring from the national team but it's not for footballing reasons it's for mental reasons it's for emotional reasons he is as I've been trying to explain to people outside of Spain who might not necessarily realize he's like this figure of fun for a lot of Spanish fans they make jokes about him they there's memes there's sort of nasty snide comments about Morata it's um it's difficult to understand difficult to expl I've seen them you've showed me yeah I just want I just want you to see what I'm talking about didn't believe him so yeah he showed me a lot of times yes I showed you so you could understand what I'm talking about um England Harry Kane oh where do we start with is this his last tournament as a guaranteed starter Jules yes I mean it's impossible to to know in what kind of Fitness he would be in two years time because clearly in this tournament it was not fully fit he looked overweight he was slow he he didn't look right whether there was a an ankle injury I don't something else but there was clearly something just not not there for him so for me he shouldn't he should not have started this final I would much rather an a Watkins 100% than a Kane 50% cuz they were different right when Watkins came on there was a lot of movement a lot of energy obviously a completely different feel to England when he came against the Netherlands in the semi-final same impact so I would have started Watkins I know Kane is the captain I know Kane is Kane he's the Talisman he's everything you want but he's been poor in this tournament he scored three goals but we could all have scored those three goals he's been poor and he should not have started that final and personally if he's not that committed then so be it he's not going to be there in 2 years time pH I don't know I don't know where we're going to be in in two years time with with Harry Kane but I kind of agree with everything that that that Jules said the thing is though if you look at his record his goalscoring record how do you debate it you know you got a guy that scores 30 plus goals a season wherever Club he's at at the highest level whether it's a bundes leag Bayern Munich right they're playing European competition you debate it by looking at his performances in this competition like everying saying is year after year if he continues to do that he is still one of your best strikers and you kind of want to have him in in your team right yeah but then you got to be I suppose more more I suppose ruthless in the decision- making so in case of if he plays doesn't do so well then you got to make that decision you got to bring him out and drop him and leave and leave him out next game right yeah I don't think he's indispensable anymore there was a time where he was and you could not do without him and there's this competition this tournament where he showed to everybody that that was not the case anymore two two is Credit in a way this was not a team built on his skill set in the sense that as we said on the live live coverage of the game you know how much he likes dropping you know that he's at times more of a 10 or as much as a 10 as a nine but if you don't give him the players around him to be able to benefit from him dropping and him having that vision and him being able to pick those passes it becomes pointless they were very lopsided weren't they England completely but they never really had a game plan apart from let's not consider go yeah and and it was a case of playing the most informed players the biggest name players the most informed players and not necessarily having the right system in place yeah they had no system sorry before field goes and also this idea of let's be defensive let's be hard to to break down let's be this let's let's get inspiration from France and Des they went behind in the final in the semi-final in the quarterfinals and in the round of 16 and the round of 16 yeah four games in a row yeah so even the thing you were trying to do as G Southgate which was like yeah let's be this incredible defensive resilient team even that didn't work no it didn't work and um I just actually don't know what the plan was necessarily because are you going to hit Spain on the Counterattack it doesn't feel like England are a team with on the with who they're not a counter I would fancy Spain counterattacking against England much more than than than England com what they did in the second half right they did that when they took the one0 lead they did actually open up England quite a lot and should have put the game out to bed quite early I mean Jules literally says before England equalized ah Spain are going to pay for that they've missed so many chances are they going to pay for before P yeah absolutely um have England got a I mean we got a bright future we' got some really young talented players so the question really is is it a like new generation of players now coming through when you look at the fact that you know may foden Bellingham Mark Gay Watkins I think there's two really big sort of positives for England in in this tournament and that's Mark Gay and and Kobe Manu um I think they've both sort of played their way into more or less the the starting 11 which at the beginning of the tournament we didn't know uh Mark Gay finally seems to be the guy who's replaced Harry McGuire and I think England fans everybody was looking for a way of trying to sideline Harry MaGuire get him out of the team who's going to play instead well Mark Gay seems to be the answer and yeah kobby minu still a teenager himself I think he's done been one of the sort of bright Sparks in what has been a generally disappointing tournament for England he's been one of the brighest Sparks so those two for me he was England's best player and also I have to say I mean I thought Co Palmer was excellent whenever he came on the patch maybe he should have played a little bit more should have played a lot more but for K Mayu and again we talked about retaining the ball and having a structure that when you play against a team that press you or team as good as pain you are capable of holding the ball on merch how how come Gary Southgate as some point in this tournament thought that TR Alexander Anor would be a better midfielder and a better option than Kobe m not once but twice two games in a row how did you think at some point that Conor Gallagher this is Conor Gallagher we're talking about could be a better option and a better feet in this team than Kobe May because Conor Gallagher was the first change when Tren went off he didn't bring on Kobe B he he brought Conor gallager me I know s is your friend he shows the incompetence just right there the Kobe Manu the way he dealt with Kobe Manu through this tournament shows how incompetent I think what he showed there is he's too much of a loyalty with players rather than do what he said he was going to do right at the beginning when he first took over as manager it's about players who are based on Foreman who are doing well he's not loyal to Trent he never liked Trent he never played Trent he didn't even take to the last defend to Trent he's playing out of position he's not playing in his true position right he is a good player he's an exceptional player and he's not playing in the right position I mean he Gareth Southgate actually said you know it's an experiment should you be experimenting at a major tournament do you come to a tournament like this and an experiment absolutely not and obviously shows it now I mean there was there was there was a couple of risks that he took Luke sha at left back having not played a game for over five months obviously playing and starting his first game in a final that was a big risk but I I have to say certainly in the first half Luke I thought was but if I asked you before how long do you think Luke Shaw has in his legs in a game like this you would have said 45 minutes you play 45 in the semi-final 45 is in a quarter that's it after 5 months without football yeah you can't expect anym not 19 minutes yeah absolutely you can't expect anymore um the Golden Boot it's been shared by six players um they've changed the rules yeah does anyone know why like the assists don't count anymore it's just on goals scored right what's the point point I don't understand six trophies as well they must be six little individual trophies everybody gets it for two months of the year they didn't hand it out though did they no I didn't see which is really bizarre as well yeah uh who are those six players Mark um you got them there I do M muala gpoo Kane and shrz yeah yeah so there we go congratulations to the winners the multiple wi he's not you're not really the winner but you can have a winner okay time for works one and lost thanks to tab Jules where was it won or lost into gz Southgate this is where England lost this game wrong team selection wrong in game management I don't like him I don't rate him I've never have I never will I I mean I'm not quite sure so you saying what are you saying what are you trying to say I'm just saying he lacks ruthlessness in those games we've seen it in the last Euro final we saw it against France in AAL not personal let's be honest it's not no it's not personal I like the guy and I trust you when you tell me that as you know him well that he's a lovely guy I'm sure he is it's just that I feel that he just there's something missing that that's all and it's not there's just something missing that he doesn't have to be able to be successful at this level uh with a team as talented as this England team I thought it was one and lost um in the sort of minutes immediately after the equalizer for England because England didn't push on and try and go for it they they sat back and and Spain didn't necessarily feel too ruffled there was maybe one or two minutes where you thought you know there's a chance here for England but Spain managed to get themselves back into the game and reassert their dominance their real control of this game pretty quickly and from regaining that control and England not pushing forward they managed to find a winner so for me that was the key the reaction or the non-reaction from England after the The Equalizer absolutely and also I have to say I'm going to put Point even a little bit more uh precise in terms of K Walker's lack of reaction when the ball first was played out wide to then Mark G being very slow in reacting and coming across as well and pford Di past it so yeah I'm not really sure so yeah I think that was where it was one and loss uh certainly for for England tonight or Spain whichever way you want to spin it so just quickly player of the tournament who we going with we I think we talked about it briefly before I said faan Ruiz I'll stick with that yeah I mean just to be different I go foral I give him the young player of the tournament and the normal player of the tournament yeah I don't think he was quite that good I think he was good four assists a player of the tourn young player tournament absolutely 100% um I mean there's no one younger than him anyway but like I no one's ever got more than four assists in one edition of The Amazing no it was brilliant he was excellent he was absolutely excellent where where did he disappoint you um no he didn't really disappoint me so what I'm just saying is be fair could be a little more I like Ruiz more like I just think what he did in the game I just I like that and you know where for lin I know this is still we still amazed because he was so young but he's been we knew how what proy he was so we go back to the opponent by Fabian re for him to raise his game that much absolutely is incredible yeah I'm going to say mados really as well he was brilliant best goalkeeper of the tournament absolutely um young player tournament obviously yeah yeah I I think you know the uh I think the little child who dazzled us all with four assists and one brilliant goal linal and mention for adul as well because 19 he was good but he didn't have the influence as Lin uh and I think he was he was exceptional like you said four assists scored a scored a decent goal let's let's not uh let's not lie about it what caught your eye during the tournament what caught my eye I mean that's a very broad exactly what caught your eye anything give me what caught my eye um listen you know we we enjoyed the Underdog Story didn't we so we uh we followed Georgia and we saw them beat Portugal to make it through to the last 16 for the first time in their first everever um um appearance at which was great we were with Slovenia when they took Portugal to penalties that was absolutely unbelievable to see that kind of um Underdog Story uh turkey making it through to the quarterfinals you know there were some nice Underdog stories here Jules well I if I stay positive I think he's the way this tournament has been organized and I know some of us have had a few issues with trains and things like that but overall I think he had been a great tournament with the fans we saw some amazing scenes with fans here on the the platform at in Berlin at the Olympic Stadium we've had the Swiss fans next to us we had the Turkish fans the England fans tonight it was amazing to be part of this adventure and to share with you guys in a more negative way slightly negative is that the superstars didn't shine and this is a tournament and you know the old cliche about Greg games belong to great players blah blah blah blah blah just leave him alone don't pick on Ronaldo leave him he's not here he's out of the tour he didn't perform leave him alone you must be a Messi fan you must be a messy fan how many goals Cristiano how many goals how many shots for me what caught my eye was the amount of beer that was spill am of beers in cups were thrown at players at how expensive they are as well expensive here in the stadium apparently Phil and also you got to pay a deposit for the cup absolutely got pay 3 deposits you throw your cup get the and I love the fact that there was always someone or a couple people at the end of the night going around this massive pile of Cups they cashed in massively honestly um and just quickly who who caught your eye anyone else out the players you've spoken about someone someone left field maybe someone that you didn't think was going to impress you as much as they did obviously not faan Ru because we already talked about him CH so I'll leave you m because I think he's your and right so thank you very much I like mik unless you've watched Le like me for the second half of the Season that just finished where he was outstanding in a struggling team in Mets and now he's going to play at Monaco next season you're going to see him in the Champions League so yeah we pick um I like what I saw of uh little Francisco con sou for for Portugal he's an ey catching you kept begging from come I liked him I thought you know he made he made stuff happen he's um he's only he's only small but you know he's he is he's really really quite small for a professional footballer but yeah he's a quick and skillful and maybe there's a maybe there's a player there yeah goalkeeper m s brilliant goalkeeper of the tournament um you spoke highly of him I've heard I've read stuff about him uh in La Liga this season and I've seen bits and pieces on social media but to actually see him in the flesh watch him do his thing yeah very impressed I thought he was a big part of how well Georgia did as well during this tournament so yeah Georgia All Around massive massive plus highest ranked team and did incredibly well um match of the tournament uh match of the tournament was either turkey Georgia or NE uh Netherlands Austria yeah the one I was out with you guys was the Spain Italy game and I picked this one because I think that night although he was just a just a one n Win for Spain and his second game of a group stage so a long way to go still I think we saw that night everything that made this Spanish team special we saw an incredible performance from niiko Williams maybe the best individual performance of the of the Euros we saw a team collectively that out played okay a weak Italian team or poor Italian team but still we saw everything from Fabian to to Rod to even the defense to what make Spain that special and we saw also a great stadium in Gasson Ken okay a nightmare to get to and out but still a great stadium and yeah for me me Spain Italy was uh was the best the best game I'm going to go with Spain Germany had everything I thought it was a good quality game I thought Germany pushed Spain um come back in the game thought they were in it and then all of a sudden they give you know Spain creep up again and score a very late late uh goal like winner I thought it was an amazing game brilliant game um and like I said it was the moment when uh Spain won the tournament because Tony Cruz injured pedri and came on and changed the game and that was Germany over with anyway um okay moment moment ofour W I think you know what it is moment of the tournament I think you I think I know what you've picked of the tournament what have I picked you I haven't seen any of this so you just throwing this to me so I don't know I don't know what could be anything could be anything oh moment of the tournament moment of the tournament was Yan o saving Ronaldo's penalty for Slovenia yeah what have you got could be anything could be a fan could be anything a moment something you done I know exactly what it is it's France beating Portugal on penalties come on cuz I Jinx the last four penalty shoot out that a French team women or men celebrated that I I'm still watching that video I don't remember that game but yeah no it was special to be there and to see the French kind of like ending that curse yeah um you don't have a moment because you're going to say Georgia I was but I'm not going to say that I'm going to change it now I'm I want want a different show now I can do whatever I want Georgia is not a moment just yeah it's a country capit of Georgia um linal his goal against FRS against yeah the guy want play of the tournament that that guy yeah he was young player of the tournament for me okay he was brilliant absolutely brilliant okay so is it too early to predict who's going to win the World Cup no Spain France really we're going to come back stronger for sure with Des obviously yeah with desining better MPP with a better mbapp and you're saying Spain pretty confident I think all these players are going to be better in two years time um yeah it's hard to um I mean necessarily agree with you with France Spain's a a great shot so you go with Spain yeah I think your famous Germany team favorite Germany team no they've gone through the window it really depends whether nman stays I mean I know he's got a contract till 2026 um I think if he stays they'll they'll be genuine contenders but I think it's still bit to go I thought the Improvement they've shown under an lugman leading into this tournament was exceptional and they performed at the tournament I think better than most people had expected into to so I was really pleasantly surprised by that and I thought Floren vers and moala were were exceptional as well I love to watch them play so it was absolutely fantastic well that's it it's all we got time for that was our very last podcast of these European championships I hope you enjoyed it thank you very much for joining us it's been an absolute ball and um enjoyed every moment of it and I hope you have as well did you enjoy that there's so much more 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Id: ufUJvbWsMQY
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Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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