England vs Spain Interview Colblummer & Southgate Roy Keane Ian Wright And Gary Neville Reaction

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and one place for Real Madrid Carvajal and it just shows that the DNA cuz we're talking about clubs like ra Saad Adam bil BAU and so forth that DNA of football runs very deep in La Liga it's not just the super clubs at all it's yeah it's and it's not like you said it's not just like they've just turned up in the tournament and all of a sudden they're playing great stuff there they're uh we we saw Javi and inesta and David via we've seen what they were capable of and the way they play they play Under Pressure even when they get pressure they continue to play how they play because that's in there their DNA and nothing's going to change what the thing is the frightening thing now is that we've seen now they they're producing these Wingers now so they can play and they can go direct strangely enough one of the teams in Spain that doesn't play that way is Atletico Madrid yes that's coach by Simone who's a bit more different mindset and a different DNA having said that let's not get carried away with the possession side as well they play Germany Germany had a touch more possession so they know how to win different ways yes you know that's a big plus for him obviously I think there's a couple of things that were sort of slightly different usually you see a Spanish team playing a one in Midfield and a two in front that's how they've played for years he played obviously a two holded with ruiz and rodri and one in front and then sometimes you've seen Spanish teams play with a false nine and not play with the center forward he's unashamedly gone with Morata played him up top and said play every single game and wants that focal point so is a different type and and the two wi players are a little bit different than you'd expect as well so it's a slightly different Twist on a Spanish team but most of these players have come through with Del fren and the youth teams with Spain for over the last 5 10 years so they know him they know his style of play they obviously respect him a lot on top of all that technically whatever tactics or systems they're playing they can all deal with the ball they deal with en tight areas they know to get out of situations the goalkeepers are really good with their feet they really started out the last few years going back with pep with the goalkeepers he had y we can bang on and on about tactics but as a wise man once said to me good players win matches don't they we can actually talk ourselves into a half in 2012 was the archetypal false nine wasn't it then and now remember when we watched them play Morocco in the world cup and they lost some penalties we were like wake us up when it's all over cuz they're going to pass the ball for for all time before someone has a shot and matk the reason they were fifth favorites before this tournament wasn't because of the Midfield you wondered whether the two talented wide players would really be consistent and you didn't think they could score a goal again cuz morata's up top and you wondered at the back with cycl light of Nacho Lenor mon karella whether they would actually be able to cope defensively they've been brilliant defensively they've been fantastic up top and the balance of the team overall has been held together perfectly by that Midfield let's have a with Cole Palmer's somebody we wanted to mention because we started the season in August at Wembley Manchester City against Arsenal Cole Palmer scored for Manchester City that day which seems like a different galaxy doesn't it what a season he's had what's what's impressed you most about the way he goes about his job here but I think what impresses you is that if we're talking about the Spanish players and the way they play then he's somebody that you could probably say he could probably fit into the way they play he plays how he plays he's very he's very calm he's very good on the ball he doesn't give the ball away he doesn't rush things everything's got a little bit of quality about it you know his passes will be in the right place where they need to be you know the way lyns play the way he passes the ball for even when he came on and set that up for Ole Watkins he's a top quality player M you know when you speak to International Players about English players this is a big chance of that's great from wo there yeah I mean if you speak to the international players who've got that German players or Spanish players or Italian players or French players they do think that our players are enough to play in their teams or in their football they can't work out why as a country we don't play as well as we can do it's a mystery to them as much as is a mystery to us a mystery to the whole world of course yeah you can't get away from England style of play in every country Argentina Brazil we're talking about Spain because they've won tonight England would just that was a chance of bringing it extra time every Club do you think declin R should have done better with that header from that corner no a Target Mark you been har yeah I think You' been a harsh I think this he's got a part yeah no your job I know my job is that's my job no I thought you don't okay On Target they nearly got the rebound so that would be too hard the first head you're talking about Mark yes I just thought the first one maybe just looks like he tries to sort of like guide it a little bit too much and rather than just boom that one of those just I mean I'm not a header of the B yeah like I used do yeah yeah career you look at Mark Gay's Center off he's just done exactly what you should do he's reacted he's got it on Target and Elmo has made it unbelievable oh done brilliantly there has he you but we can't get away from the fact that they missed they missed some chances Spain that they should have taken as well they missed plenty of we didn't keep the ball well enough every single England manager said the same thing every single England player has felt the same thing cuz we've lived it out there on the pitch where we've been chasing around and our legs have gone and we've ended up dying on our feet in the latter part of games whereby the other team looks stronger and it's repeat rinse repeat and these Lads have done brilliantly well to get to a final they got further than we ever got but some of the same patterns occur is that because of the nature of the Premier League and what we I'm saying we as the as the crowds as the punters because we deserve a game played at a certain speed is that part of the problem here I I I don't know Mark you know I mean it's it's very difficult to to think about like the Premier League and what when you look at Players we've got you know you look at fod and g h sacka Mayu won coming through you know Bellingham fact is it's it's being an England fan it's being a fan that you know you just like Roy you have to go again you know it's un fortunate but like me and Gary was talking about maybe the coaching what we need to do to maybe get out point was very very tough for us today especially because no one could tell we haven't got the players to play can't tell we haven't got Bellingham and foden and Mayu and Palmer and sacka we haven't got the players to actually do this we need to find a way to do this and as much as we're despondent and it's very disappointing now I look at that list of players and I think okay well let's go again and it's going to be very difficult cuz even when you listen to Gareth there you almost speaking like he's distancing himself from England already there so we have to find a way to go again and we have to make sure that our young players who are in that dressing room are feeling this realize that you know they're the ones who going to have to take up the next the next interesting thing though obviously the top two of The League last season go both coached by Spaniards Pep Guardiola and and Mikel artetta so the Spanish coaches and Spanish players have been brilant for the last 30 or 40 years they had difficult why the England team can't keep the ball better so when there is that e I'm not saying obviously they don't play for City and Arsenal but that the TOS is there at the top of the game in yeah of course but the Spanish are one of the best teams in the world in terms of retaining possession that was always going to be an issue for him it's been a struggle throughout this tournament for England so again there's no surprises tonight you step back and look at the big bigger picture we talk about Grassroots and the quality coaches Etc yeah that all goes into the mix but tonight let's analyze tonight you can't fall in per they give everything you had but Garett simplified it there were beaten by the better team they had the better chances they've been the best team throughout the tournament take your medicine no you have to Lose to Win you have to step back and regroup and go again Mark but we tried to win during this tournament I mean we did keep possession in some games but we were playing against inferior opposition we tried to win in moments and you can win games in moments and I said at half timee we had a counterattacking strategy by playing deep and defending sort of if you like compactly but we didn't have the pace on the break to be able to carry the ball forward quickly so it was a bit of a catch 22 for us that we were stuck in between trying to keep possession as a team with the players we had on the pitch but actually sat deep which meant we couldn't get up the pitch cuz we didn't have the Gordons and the wat Watkins on the pitch so I feel that was a factor in the game as well but coming back to it it's so bloody hard to play without the ball sorry yeah that's okay it's late Gary on yeah yeah um look I I think they were the best team in the tournament um we didn't quite keep the ball well enough um but we were right in it until the last you know 10 last 10 minutes so yeah I'm devastated for everybody really uh players have been absolutely incredible so proud of what they've done but yeah we've just Fallen a little bit short when C C Palmer equalizes did you think here we go again it's that resilience again yeah yeah no question because we had a little bit of momentum in the game at that point as well and um yeah big big chance at the end to equalize as well but probably across the 90 minutes I'm not sure we did quite enough do you think maybe The Comebacks of the last year weeks caught up with a team physically emotionally yeah possibly I just think against Spain they press well you have to keep the ball when you win it back and defensively we were we were fine in the first half we just needed to retain the ball a little bit more you know in the end maybe that is the bit that takes more out of your legs as well were were the players in the physical condition you you would have liked optimal condition when you look at Harry maybe and dude Bellingham who's had to go so to the distance in so many games yeah like there's not there's no uh hiding from the fact that we've had a lot of issues coming into the tournament we've managed to deal with most of them we managed to get luk out tonight but yeah in the end we've just we've just fallen short do you look on this as a tournament a successful tournament a history-making tournament obviously first on foreign soil or a missed opportunity Yeah well yeah probably both frankly um you know I think the players have got to take enormous credit for getting us to the point we did but then when you as close as that you yeah you you've got to take those chances what are you most proud of just the way that they've they've fought they've uh represented the shirt with pride you know they've never been beaten until the very end you know 5 minutes of the last game um yeah the character and and the uh resilience that they've shown like I said I I just think tonight we didn't quite keep the ball well enough to you know they had more control of the game and I think that that was probably the bit that made the difference this job is hugely demanding have you more to give have you more you want to give yeah look I don't think now is a good time to make a decision like that um I've got to talk to the right people and um yeah it's it's just not for now this team though a lot of this team have more to come don't they young men going to the next World Cup with a a lot more potential from this group of players yeah no I think England are in a really good position in terms of the experiences they've got now the age of the squad you know most of this squad are going to be around not only for the World Cup but the next Euros as well so um yeah there's a lot to look forward to but you know that's not at this moment that's not any consolation here there no consolation Gareth thank you very much commiserations and um well it's been a tournament obviously what do you say England made made them all so thank you Mark I have to say Obviously us two feeling rather somber but next to me here guys goetta has been incredibly classy with his celebrations I know that inside you want to scream and celebrate as much as you can how are you feeling congratulations I'm great thank you very much I'm great the it's going a great final I think like the guys mentioned it is not like England lost I think it's Spain won it and the way they did it I mean there's many things to talk about especially I think it's important for us with this new generation the young players making history with the fourth um Euro so I think yeah a lot of emotions happy for the guys because like England they went through difficult times in the beginning especially a lot of questions and doubts and I'm sure now they'll be they'll be proud of what they done resilience is another word that comes in my mind when when you think about someone wining this kind of tournament so yeah happy for this the coach uh I think when you are football player or professional and and you know it like with the people doubt about you question about you giv you like like like fuel it give you like B boost and I think that's what the guys did here today let's talk about the first goal for Spain and and how quickly it happened after the break and and for you how important that timing was I think it was very important because the first half England I think defensively were very good very very disciplined trying to keep uh the flanks especially but here just come off uh the halftime obviously Spain knew what did it wrong and this time did it right lamin Jamal inside links up with with nikov obviously we have two of the best players of this tournament for Spain and I think also for in the whole tournament and I think I is where they are the one coming inside standing between the Defenders and then the other the other volleyball they're the same you get niik wide open sorry the principles are the same Statewide we see the Defenders of England not not really managing to cope we did hope offside we hoped it was offside there guys but obviously it wasn't Karen there was a moment in between those two goals at one1 when it felt like there was potential momentum shift and the guys in the studio were talking about it as well were you surprised that England didn't make the most of it take advantage more well it turned into a like end to end boxing match and it was counterattacking football and that's when you're at your most vulnerable and I thought that's we went for it but that was actually how we got done on the Counterattack and for me the most disappointing goal was the first goal because it's the timing usually you come out after half time and you're organized and you're set so then we're always on the back foot and yes we've gone behind in all the other knockouts games but you can't go behind in the manner and and keep fighting and fighting I think we're going to get through in the final and that was disappointing but I think everyone watching the game knows that Spain deservedly won it and they were the better team today but honestly I feel sick seeing the players there at the end we were right bying the players seen them I felt sick and gutted for them to be brutally honest of course look some of those players were inconsolable but guys good these players and especially those two you can see there Williams and yal were just absolutely incredible wise on their years in terms of tournament football so calm as you saw in those goals combining together as well yeah very very likely similar in the sense of even if very young I 17 I mean Jamal the composure the the experience to I think today both because it's very difficult when you play against a team that doesn't leave you space that that makes you difficult for you you need to keep trying and keep trying to find the way you think you want to win the game and those two really believe in that throughout the game and and carry on this team in not only in the final but throughout the tournament that little one is probably going to be in the squad next time isn't he my goodness we we have him and Messi on the photo next one a word on Roger player of the tournament very quickly yeah I think it was key the unor the leader in this team allowed the fullbacks and and the the Wingers allowed the whole team to kind of uh articulate perfectly and going say goodbye to Navas as well Navas fantas I know that well what what a palarz yeah absolutely right we'll be M with these guys in a little bit the England Netherlands match in Euro 2024 an exciting football epic as part of the UEFA Euro 2024 competitions the match between England and the Netherlands witnessed a strong and exciting confrontation at Wembley Stadium in London the match was characterized by suspense and excitement from the first moment as both teams showed a wonderful performance befitting their long-standing football reputation first half tactics and Reser ation the match started with caution from both teams as each of them tried to impose control over the Midfield and build attacks in an organized manner the England national team presented a strong performance under the leadership of its coach Gareth Southgate relying on Harry Kane's movements and Raheem Sterling's attacking skills on the other hand the Netherlands was relying on the tactics of its coach Ronald Coleman who focused on possession and short passes to build attack despite Mutual pressure the first half ended in a zero Neo draw with some missed opportunities from both teams that showed the goalkeepers prowess in stopping them second half goals and enthusiasm at the start of the second half the dynamic of the match changed dramatically the England national team was able to score the first goal in the 58th minute through Harry Kane after a wonderful pass from Phil foden this goal ignited the enthusiasm of the English fans and prompted the players to exert more effort to consolidate the lead but the Netherlands did not delay in responding as Memphis depay scored the equalizer in the 70th minute after an organized attack that started from the Midfield the Dutch pressure continued after the goal forcing the English defense to retreat to maintain balance decisive moments Brilliance and Hope in the final minutes of the match it seemed that a draw would be the final result but the England team showed great determination in the 85th minute Jack greish scored the winning goal for the England national team after a powerful shot from outside the penalty area which the Dutch goalkeeper was unable to stop the match ended with England winning 2-1 giving them three valuable points in the tournament and proving their ability to compete strongly for the title daia match evaluation praiseworthy performance the match was characterized by high technical performance from both teams and demonstrated diverse tactics and distinctive individual skills sportsmanship and fair play were the most prominent features of this match making it one of the most prominent matches of the tournament so far this match remains a wonderful example of Fair competition in football and promises more excitement in the coming stages of of Euro 2024
Channel: Cinderella
Views: 168,983
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Id: EOovU2V28BM
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Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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