Spaghetti Aglio E Olio | Christine Cushing

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[Music] hi I'm Christine Cushing welcome to another helping of my favorite foods special quarantine kitchen edition how's it going are we making it through it's pretty tough it's pretty challenging but we're gonna stay strong to help you continue this battle we're gonna make a really super quick pasta today and this is all about simple simple recipes ingredients you probably already have in your pantry and really things probably that the whole family are gonna love I bet you for this recipe you have everything in your kitchen right now I'm banking on that okay my pasta water is rapidly boiling I'm gonna give it a big handful of salt always more than you think because this pastas not gonna absorb all that salt and in it's gonna go my pasta it's gonna come back up to a rapid boil looking good now here you might be tempted to mess around with it but don't at the point where you see that it's not all immersed you kind of let it soften and then it'll go down if I start to work it with my tongs at this point I'm probably gonna mangle it and break it you know broken pasta not good definitely not you want nice long strands okay that was just enough for it to go down now it's key here this particular recipe that I even tell you what we're making we're making an yo-yo a classic Italian rustic peasant dish that really was all about what they had in the moment and guess what I think we're kind of back to that stage right where we are really looking in our kitchens we don't want things to be too fussy and too fancy and really based on what we have this pasta has three ingredients it's got the pasta olive oil and garlic essentially little salt and pepper if you have cheese you're gonna put it in if you have parsley you're gonna put it in so the key here because every spaghetti has a different cooking time so you want to look at your package instructions mine says nine minutes so I'm going to set a timer at the seven minute mark what I want to do is take it out of that water and finish cooking it in this little pan here up front and guess what's gonna happen there look how much garlic I have for you today oh it's super exciting so I know yo just means garlic and oil in Italy and the key here is if you're gonna use an extra virgin olive oil which I highly recommend it has to be a quality that you're gonna love the flavor of because there's a fair bit of it here if you don't have olive oil you can make it with butter it's not gonna be called a yo-yo then it's gonna be called I dunno but that's a whole nother story so how many cloves do you think we need to have in here I'm gonna make two portions three cloves of garlic let's try that so I'm gonna smash three cloves oh it might even do too much for me but it's alright and the beauty of this dish is by the time the pasta cooks you got everything else in this skillet or frying pan ready now I'm a stickler for details even in the quarantine kitchen you might think ah why don't you just put it all through a garlic press you could definitely do that but because there's so much garlic in this particular recipe I'm always concerned about taking the germ out so I'm gonna show you I do show you this often but if it's the first time you've seen a video this is what the germ looks like it starts to go green as the garlic sits in your pantry for a while and that becomes hard to digest especially when we're really not gonna cook the garlic much so I want to get rid of that so I always take this extra precaution okay if you just jam it through the mill like through the garlic press you're not gonna get that out so but you could certainly do this and then put it through your garlic press okay see right here you can see it actually a lot better let me show it to you here that is the germ and when it's raw very very difficult to digest so we're getting rid of that alright now I'm gonna take a nice handful of kosher salt and I'm gonna just add it to the top of my garlic here and I'm gonna grind this down with my knife first a little smash and then do some garlic on the floor so first I chop it get it to a nice fine as fine as I can get it and the salt on the board does a couple of things it actually picks up the oils releasing them from the board and keeping them on really the garlic itself and it also acts as a bit of a grinder so now we go to the grinding part take the heel of my hand like that and you hear that kind of see you already what's happening there it's starting to turn into a paste so if I'm making Caesar salad this is what I do just you're pushing down and pulling the knife so applying a little pressure and pulling the knife and look at that you got a nice a little bit too much garlic even for me but let's just go with it see what happens okay I've got a bit of a mess here but let's not worry about that okay so garlic check now the other thing that's gonna go in here is a little bit of chili so chili flakes probably have that in your pantry too so I'm gonna put my little skillet saute pan and olive oil is gonna go in there now you're gonna get this full recipe but the idea of a yo-yo is there's a fair bit of olive oil and you know you can adjust this but really you need for about four portions I would say you're gonna need about 80 mil or a third of a cup it does seem like a lot but that's really gonna carry the flavor right in these rustic dishes it's about using the things they had in plentiful amounts and then rationing the things we're gonna come back to that because there's one important ingredient that I will be rationing so I'm on a very moderate heat as much chilli as you want or none really if you're making this for kids and they don't like it spicy leave the chili out but I do love the little bite of that chili it really does carry the flavor in addition to the chili black pepper has a different flavor than just the heat so I'm not gonna put too much of that in camp keeping my eye on the timer because this is really all about the timing so right away the aroma of that garlic of that olive oil is wafting up so here's the thing because I minced my garlic as soon as it's gonna hit the pan I'm gonna shut off the heat and right now it's at a very very low heat so I'm gonna turn it off if I feel too much heat in my hand that means the temperature is too high if you like a more pronounced flavor you're going to do what I just did here if you wanted a bit more delicate you can chop it just like in slices and then give it a little bit of toasting in the pan but what you don't want is to have any kind of golden or kind of brown bits cuz as soon as garlic gets Brown guess what bitter okay you ready we're going in takes mine that is so I'm just want to tell you the element is completely off here just from the residual heat that's all I want here and it's perfect timing because I got a minute warning on my spaghetti so let us see there's no point in me tasting the spaghetti now because it's gonna be underdone what I want to do is finish cooking it right in here and just like many many pasta sauces secret ingredient cooking water so before I add the spaghetti I'm gonna add about I don't know a few tablespoons of that cooking water and what does that do you have a little bit of that residual starch that comes off the pasta in this cooking water and that's gonna give us a sheen and a little thickness to this sauce right again now we're starting to realize because we are in the mode of sort of saving and worrying about what are we gonna cook and do we have enough that this is out of necessity that these amazing recipes happen and we continue the tradition okay now I can turn the heat back on because I added the water and that's gonna insulate us get my trusty tongs and if the pasta no straining is going to go right into [Music] the olive oil and garlic whoa we are gonna have some seriously good pasta here okay let me see what's happening it's perfect again it's difficult to give you the exact timing of this so this is perfect I'm gonna turn it off rear and here now you don't want to rush this part because this pasta is really underdone I'm keeping it at a high heat look at that Sheen fantastic aroma incredible and now my garlic is not gonna burn because I have that water the pasta water which is gonna reduce down so probably this is gonna be a couple of minutes I can't even tell you the aroma is so ridiculously good so I'm just gonna give it a couple more little of these ladles and that'll give me just enough time to grate some cheese which brings me to this I have a bit of a dilemma so speaking of rationing check this out I just realized this is my last little piece of parmigiano - Gianna look at that that's all I have left so I want to be very very careful with that if you're in that same situation you've got a rash in it what can I say unless you can go out and buy some but really I'm trying not to go out a lot at all so I want to eat make the best of this you can certainly use pecorino sheep's milk cheese if you have any look at the pasta the smell I'm having a garlic facial right now whew okay that is perfect by the way again speaking of the times of you know necessity so this he loved the parmigiana this rind this has so much flavor and some of so much of that umami because this has been aged for likely 18 months sometimes two years sometimes three so this is loaded with flavor you can drop this into a sauce you can put it into a soup you don't want to waste this especially at times like this so I'm gonna put this back in my fridge and save it for another time the aroma of that is crazy now I'm just gonna do a little taste because at this point I want to make sure that my pasta is to my liking which is al dente and look at the sheen that's happening here remember I was saying why didn't we pick up that beautiful pasta water you see that little silkiness in the sauce as it reduces down that's what we're doing here so let me do a little taste before I get it on the plate because this point hot-hot Hey whoo hot and needs a little bit a little bit more just like a second or so and just a touch of salt and this should complete the bathing in garlic it's all over I got garlic on me garlic look at that see that Sheen that's what we're talking about off the heat I'm taking it absolutely off the heat stay there don't go anywhere I'm gonna hit you with a little bit of parsley which I had in my freezer I talked about this the other day I always keep fresh herbs chopped frozen and I want to give this a little bit of brightness of green but you don't need to have this it's really not essential at all it's just a matter of do you have it hitting it with the cheese okay who wants in who wants in with this look at that oh this is just this is so simple and really it's a showstopper for me something about the simplicity of these dishes look at that look at the sheen olive oil cheese garlic and there's no color on that garlic at all that's going right to our plate and to me I always err on the side of messiness for me messiness rules I don't do it on purpose it's just how I am I can't help it oh yeah this is like a lady in the moment you know when you sit down and you share this beautiful Bowl together opposite each other this is a pasta for two okay maybe it's more like four four but depends who's eating it look at that are you in what do you think is that a quarantine kitchen special or what okay I'm gonna taste a little bit now again just off the top here I'm actually uh this is a this is a workout actually - do you hear me I'm a bit winded full recipe below just as to the quantities how long all of that how much garlic wow I'm glad I didn't stop myself from adding that garlic it's perfection so thank you for joining me again I really wanted to inspire you again just to check out I have a whole special series of videos that we're making for these times for these hard moments that we're all going through together recipes like this simple few ingredients nothing complicated really to inspire you to make the most of what you have in your kitchen and to keep us positive because I mean seriously we got to get through this we got to get over the bridge to the other side and then it'll be happy days again but for now really try this I think you're gonna love it give me a thumbs up let me know what's happening in your kitchen I'm loving all the comments and all the inspiration I get from you guys really this is such an exchange of energy and I love it I hope you do too thank you so much see you very soon for another special Christine's quarantine kitchen bye
Channel: MyFavouriteFoods ChristineCushing
Views: 92,355
Rating: 4.8328223 out of 5
Keywords: Chef Christine Cushing, Quarantine Spaghetti Aglio E Olio | Christine Cushing, Christine Cushing, food network, myfavouritefoods, garlic, ccfearless, wallofchefs, comfort food recipes, foodnetworkcanada, oliveoil, cookwithme, spaghetti, spaghettiaglioolio, aglioolio, chefChristine, chiliflakes, spaghettioliveoil, Italy, pasta recipe, best pasta recipe, Italian Pasta recipe, homemade pasta, spaghetti in olive oil
Id: 7w3nvU9b8nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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