Games Workshop Needs You to Play On This Terrain!

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10 years ago I made this lovely piece of Warhammer 40,000 terrain 10 years old it's still shedding just a little bit of sand isn't that classic it's not much to look at but at the time I was pretty darn proud of it and I still think it's pretty schnazzy and actually Games Workshop agrees with me that it's pretty schnazzy because this is what they assume you're playing your games of 4k on the important thing is this piece of train has a base we actually made a showcasing video of this and a couple other pieces just like it 10 years old it's a it's a watch this sucker is made out of fun foam Masonite board in children's craft foam and you know what it's fine it's fine it looks a little ridiculous with my modern primary Space Marines in it but I think it's time to take another look at this piece and it'll give me a great opportunity to use my saw I love this saw so much this is my table saw and what a saw it is arguably extremely overkilled for cutting out mace Night board but this saw will give me a great opportunity for texture I cut out the flooring of my train piece so there will never again be any more confusion on exactly where the edge of the ruin starts Sean after my base was cut out I set the fence in my saw further and further away in 1-in increments running my board through leaving me with shallow trenches I did this vertically and horizontally so that when I flip it over I was left with something that resembles floor tiles ah I I love this thing so much and look at this it looks just like a candy bar just I want to eat it now it is time to lay the building on top and oh boy have we got a building for you guys these pieces of wall are our newest terrain pack Gothic modular terrain no more poster board and popsicle sticks for our games it's kind of a magical feeling that 10 years ago I was cutting up Walmart presentation board and now I have my own professional terrain but I am dying to see what this looks like I'll put together I positioned my pieces where they'll end up and broke out the epoxy superglue would work fine but I know myself and using something a bit more robust will be better my games of 40K can get pretty heated I have some popsicle sticks and some disposable mixing surfaces and you know what that means a fun dog fact did you know your dog could be left or right pod how could it possibly matter and how could they know that I these are the best dog facts in the world this is 1 minute epoxy it actually takes a lot longer than minute my favorite epoxy is JB quick weld but all they had at the store was 1 minute I squished my parts together making sure the wet epoxy gave a good squish this is a ruin so I'll only put walls on one half and I made a little bit of interior wall I followed the Games Workshop Leviathan tournament companion to get the floor plan but unlik games workshop's terrain mine has some extra spice working Windows each window has two shutters that lets it be open or closed I tend to house rule that all buildings with the ground floor are sealed up and every Upper Floor is open but now I can do it for real also the windows are little eagles look at this it is beautiful Grim Gothic bism bism cuz they're they're little they're little eagles with the wings for the shutters a and it's it is the exact shape from tabletop simulator it is absolutely gorgeous look at it look at it compared to the old foam I absolutely love it but this is enough to make this exact piece I have a little bit more plastic I might need to take another trip back to the [Music] saw I love this saw too this is my scroll saw one of the greatest hobby tools ever invented it is a little reciprocating blade that laser beams right through wood plastic and resin I took some full walls and cut them up turning them into little damaged and broken Rubble perfect for adding some context to my ruin on the computer all the terrain is perfect in terms of it shape and size but it's not much to look at and that's pretty much what my piece looks like right now but as I move back into real life I can add all the detail I want reasonably there would be some evidence of all the missing building so I Ed the parts I cut in my scroll saw to add some of that back in reinforcing the boundary line on the train piece and making it look like an actual bombed out building instead of just the shape of one I use some strips of cork to be the last remaining chunk of wall ruins really should just be a place for infantry not Vehicles except the defiler the defiler gets to go where at wants now now to blend it all together if I was painting I would put on a wash but for physical crafting I'm making some Rubble I sprinkled a little piece of cork some small Pebbles a pinch of sand and some small scale modeling bricks into the corners and along the edges of my walls then I slobbered everything in ultra thin superglue just to lock it in place you could use wood glue for this but I am super impatient so I want to use a product with super in the name and you know it's super that the whole set of buildings is on our patreon our modular Gothic buildings were designed with competitive wargaming in mind with the exact Siz of shape and Heights War Gamers need for high level play Nick printed our set out of resin and he also printed it an fdm and it looks pretty great in plastic too this pack comes with instructions for building the Leviathan tournament companion walls and if you always want to be up to date on what's happening at Ian of battle and be entered into our monthly giveaways this month we're picking three followers to receive this month's terrain follow the link in the description to sign up to our newsletter there is a worrying amount of superglue on here okay almost all of it stayed stuck down a it looks like something straight out of dawn of War actually it looks like something straight out of tabletop simulator although the tabletop simulator Maps don't look this good and speaking of making it look good it's time to get a little paint on [Music] here not a saw we just have an automatic garage door opener I hose down my buildings with some black rattle can primer covering up all the different materials I used to make the sucker out of and it gave it a ton of realism once it's all black I hit it from above with a gray spray paint kind of like a zenial but I don't want it to get too bright I like my terrain on the dark side so that my models really pop when they're on the tabletop a with it all gray it does bear a striking resemblance to the original it looks like it just leaped from the pages of tabletop simulator actually from the pages of the Leviathan tournament companion oh there's a hilarious line in the Leviathan tournament companion when using these layouts players should ensure that they are as close to the Illustrated positions as possible possible but organizers should avoid mandating precise locations for each piece oh gameswork shop in their rules writing like do exactly as we say but you know what have fun with it mix it up a little bit this piece is a perfect copy of Leviathan layout three it just needs a little bit more paint and unfortunately my airbrush is horribly clogged right now because I don't clean it after every use but Nick does so I'm going to use his it's all shiny and new poured some black paint in NYX airbrush and reinforced the shadows and I hit all the spots I missed with the rattle can then I threw some gray paint into my airbrush and turned the PSI down to almost nothing so the paint just spits out and I sprinkle this over everything to start laying down a texture this will also help to hide the difference between the 3D printed buildings in the flat wooden flooring after that little rain shower I turned the PSI on my airbrush back up to normal and gave some areas a light dusting of gray now to finally break out a paintbrush I put white paint on my palette and took my biggest dry brush and went to town giving everything a good rubb and this picked out all the details now it's painted basically exactly like my old terrain piece good oldfashioned gray and I want it to be gray but I want my second try to be a little more exciting there's a lot of wiggle room inside a gray I put some blue transparent ink into my airbrush and lots of water and dusted this all over the vertical pieces this tined the gray and makes it feel Cold and I did the same thing on the flooring using a dingy yellow this adds a ton and makes the train a lot more interesting while not turning it into a blue and yellow building comparing the new to the old I think the new one has a lot more presentence while the old one just has tons and tons of dust from all the different houses I've ever lived in now that I've recreated my train piece with my modern knowledge I want to push it a few steps further I loaded up my dry brush with gold paint and hit all the windows dry brushing this on because I don't want to force myself to pick out all of these areas perfectly then they would look way too good to be attached to this shabby building the dry brushing leaves a lot of the primer showing and that's perfect I hit some of the techie bits with a little metal paint and then made up some Rust I mixed in a little brown to desaturate it and then splash this all over the model picking out exhausts window wells and broken chunks to highlight and I made a lot of little drippy I took a burnt umber ink and put this over the ground making a little pool and then coming back in with some water to blend it out the brown and orange looks really good and I think it's because of the warmth I added from the yellow ink and the gold windows but the blue is getting a little too subtle so I took some turquoise paint and glazed it over the gold and that was just the thing it needed it's coming along it's looking real Lively for a bombed out building but it needs it needs a little something something it needs a little extra spice I think it needs streaking Grime I'm a little nervous to use streaking Grime because I'm really bad at oil paints but streaking Grime is an oil paint I don't know what it is but apparently it's not so here goes streaking Grime says it's enamel on the bottle and I know enamel is what makes my teeth nice and strong so I've got a good feeling about this I smeared all the exposed bricks with this stuff it's a gunky green brown color and once I had it on I have to get it off I cut some makeup wedges in half and soaked them in a little bit of thinner and got to rubbing I want to take off a lot of the paint leaving a dirty tinge in some pools in the recesses as I rubbed the paint it started to come off weirdly down to the black primer not the base resin not quite what I was after 10 years of painting and I'm still messing up I don't know what it is with me and oils but it took the paint right down to the pink and curries but that's okay because the other thing I've learned in 10 years of painting is paint is an additive process and I can always fix it I wanted the bricks to have a slightly different look and I definitely achieved that but not in the way I planned I put some gray paint down in my palette and driers this the bricks bringing them back up in value and then hitting them again with white paint all in all I got what I wanted a lot of nice texture in the walls these pieces are interesting but simple enough that it won't overpower any of my models now that is a good oldfashioned Warhammer 40,000 Gray Building although it's not that gray it actually has tons and tons of color but the overall impression is a very drab and kind of sad looking building but speaking of sad as much fun as I've been having over at Nick's desk touching all the Nick's stuff I kind of want to go back to my big boy desk with my big boy toys so I can paint the tiniest little things these are Grim dark cherubs little vrown babies perfect for spicing up terrain diaramas and models and also part of this monster rain set these little fellas are the perfect thing whether you need someone to hold up signs keep an eye on things or keep the light just where you need it except no substitutes I primed them in black and gave them a zenithal from above this gives some nice contrast and helps me to actually see what's going on in these little tiny models I picked out the wings with white about three coats getting them Angelic white and to keep with that Angelic theme I washed them with thin down blue wash now for the skin I mixed a dark beige with blue to desaturate it these babies are a little on the zombie side so I don't want them looking too healthy and I layered this up highlighting leaving behind less and less bright paint until they were looking nice and contrasty then I glazed a little purple over their skin to make them look a bit more sickly and then wash all their techy bits I painted their Halo's gold and then picked out their little baby eye lenses with a red adding in some highlights and a nice white reflection I painted up a hole handful of these babies and sprinkled a few of them onto the terrain these babies are a little like if pigeons were useful like pigeons with jobs I sprinkled the remaining cherubs on my Space Marine models just in case anyone can't quite hear what the chaplain is saying his serator has written it all down and I have one sitting on the back of my captain in Terminator armor it's always great when terain takes on a little bit of an identity like every now and then we're just be setting up a Bard hereon battle and it'll be like we need some more under 3-in train go get the butth holes cuz we made those terrain pieces for last July and I have a feeling this guy around the studio is going to be known as the baby building weirdly these two pieces actually do feel the same to me I remember one day on a whim slapping this guy together and kind of the same thing on a whim slapping this guy together it took a lot of prep work but they like it does feel like two different eras of my hobby Journey High School J and now and actually one thing I have a problem with is really appreciate my battlefields especially because I'm getting a little bit more competitive my old age I feel like even though this does kind of just look like popsicle sticks and fun foam it felt like a big epic story to me in high school our games were like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or peewee's big adventure just these giant epic conflicts where I think sometimes I get lost I it's almost like I'm playing tabletop simulator in real life just pushing tokens around and rolling dice but sometimes you got to take a step back and really just look at how awesome all this stuff is at all of the little cherubs and sand and gravel and just how epic it's like you're making a diarama but then you get to play a game inside of it it's like your imagination come to life and it really helps to be lost in the enjoyment and The Narrative of a tabletop war game especially when you're losing as hard as I am this terrain is available on our patreon for the month of March and if you want to know that it is in fact your own skills and not the terrain's fault of why you're always losing games it is the perfect thing thanks for watching
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 91,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: Xn5OqCNpouM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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