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adep aties of the Raptor's chapter watch vigilantly over an imperial complex without warning a troop of mased dancers launch a fleet for the Ambush can these battle brothers defend their post or will the El di succeed find out here on mountain side table Toop [Music] all right we're back we're was we should honestly just leave Mountain Side tail Scout Squad here we go yo got my Scout Squad super pumped I'm actually really happy with how they came out um a bit of a speed paint although what is a speed paint when you have a young baby at home not really speed but still for hours put in it was definitely a very fast paint and I'm pretty happy with how they came out and Raptors cuz the patrons told me Raptors I got my load out down below you can see it right there pretty standard load out I think this is this is unhit I'm to keep going pretty standard load out um my three Warriors all have shotguns and my leader has the chain sword and the pistol I think that's like pretty standard yeah for equipment I gave everybody climbing equipment except the hunter cuz he comes with it by default and him I gave a combat blade uh extra blade whatever it is I gave him extra blade so he can get balanced on his fights all right well it it's going to be hard to match this frenetic sleep deprived energy but uh my main fear here is the sniper um Mortal wounds obviously hit against my invol Save which is like my biggest way to stay alive it's just a great gun hitting on twos silent which means you're probably going to use one of your like infinite Recon dashes to get behind a barricade and then I'm going to have to charge you if I can um so yeah he also ignores obscuring for an AP right so get wrecked yeah I will get wrecked with that so yeah going to have to really be careful and uh look out for the sniper lines but otherwise I mean you know I'll just have to kill stuff before it kills [Music] [Music] me all right well today I've got my void dancers back on the channel I've never got a win with this team which seems crazy because for a while everyone was saying how good they are but uh trash team yeah terrible team uh Domino field sucks dude 100% not my fault that they've never got a win on the channel anyway uh so I've got kind of the only load out you can do I've given the fusion pistol and neuro disruptor to two of the normal players and although it looks like they have blades I'm playing it as if they have uh the caress weapon because so you're cheating I'm cheating yeah and four five rening into 10 wound Marines feels like uh the way to go yeah it does seem good as for equipment I've given the support grip and wraithbone Talisman to my death Chester so he can move around and get a roll and then I've given a grenade and a death mask to one of the players so I can uh you know kill something and then not be too sad when he dies yeah so honestly who cares about this team they're terrible and I'm going to trash them except for the death Jester is a bit spicy yeah cuz look at this guy you got to be scared of that gun he has three arms you know what they say about big guns the death Jester can be spicy yeah you gave him the equipment to have fake heavy so he can move 6 in y um good shooting can mess with my APL if you want and also um with his Domino field you know you can have him engage and wait until the opportune moment to pop out so it's going to be hard for me to shoot you yeah I'm hoping that I can deny some obscuring and get some spicy shots but honestly with Domino field probably not even so yeah so I basically should I just ceed let's get into the mission for today's Mission we're back on beta DEA this time we're using the approved Ops maps we've got the forged terrain set up and the mission is secure also of note um there were a few options presented to us with the approved Ops pack one of which was the possibility of using the objective markers that come in the beta DEA terrain box so to give the Kill Zone a bit more more cover and a bit more terrain uh we are using those so all the objective markers are light cover and most of them you can stand on when we roll off for attacker and Defender I win and I'm going to choose to be the defender this map is very slightly asymmetrical uh I'm going to go with the right side of the map here and then we place our barricades and our operatives before we make it to the scouting step since I'm playing the Scout Squad I get to pick my forward scouting options this is my first time playing the scouts I don't really know what I'm doing here uh so I'm just going to go with what seems like it might be good first I'll choose devise plan for an extra CP then I'll pick the version to give Vick's death Jester minus one APL in turning point one next I'll pick designate Target to give me rolls against vix player with the fusion pistol next I'll give myself a free Recon Dash and move up my sniper and then lastly I'll go with an extra infiltrate option so I can flip an order during turning .1 all right so that brings us to the normal scouting step we both select a Recon Dash and since I'm the attacker I can decide here to give Brad the initiative which I'm definitely going to do so I can have a better chance at tp2 all right and I'm already winning because I'm a CP ahead and now we'll move on to Turning Point number one so in the top of Turning Point one Brad already has a pretty commanding command point lead and initiative in the Strategic phase uh he doesn't play anything and I'm going to play Domino field don't usually like playing it in tp1 cuz it really starts to rack up cost but I'm going to need it to make use of the light cover throughout the board in Target reveal we both reveal recover item and place them accordingly and then I'm going to reveal Grand act kind of uh telegraphing my strategy here all right so my first activation here I'm going to activate my Gunner with a heavy Bolter I'm going to move and dash up onto this objective I do have to make a jump test though and of course I roll a one our first jump test on the channel so I'm just hanging out in the middle of nowhere and I have no targets to shoot so great start so with my first activation I'm going to move this player uh recover the item here and then Dash back into safety that go with my hunter I'll attempt the same move and dash that the Gunner tried luckily I actually succeed on this jump test I don't have the APL to cap this point but at least I'm on it now one of my scarier players with the neuro disruptor is going to move and dash and then secure the objective on top of this vantage point I'm already feeling like fly is so good here yeah fly is op obviously um okay this shotgun guy I'm going to use my infiltrate option here I think with Domino field you're probably not giving me a shot anyway so I'm just going to change to conceal from engage uh and then pop up on this Gantry and position for next turn my shadow Seer is going to move up to this barricade and then do the psychic action mirror of Minds on Brad's Hunter I get a really really great result here doing five mortal wounds usually this is good for one or two so that feels like a huge bonus then I'll throw the hallucinogen grenade to try to Nerf his APL I whiff that so unfortunately he's not injured and still has uh full APL shall I concede all righty uh I guess I'm just waiting so my rocket launcher is just going to pass my missile launcher guy whatever he's called another one of my players is just going to move up and hit this [Music] objective okay one of my other shotgun wielders is going to move and dash fully exposed into the middle of nowhere I'm thinking thinking at this point if I hang back I'm just going to lose you already are going to be so ahead in primaries because of fly uh you're just going to get to them before I can so I'm just hoping that I move enough threats up that you can't kill them all you know so now my player with the Prismatic grenade is going to move Dash and then hurl it at the hunter I get a pretty okay role here but fortunately Brad gets a terrible defensive save and uh that takes him down also this gives me one grand act tally for the the whatever the shooting one is yeah I guess I'm just going to get into position for next turn still so my tracker here is just going to pop up on this Gantry another one of my players is just going to move Dash and secure this objective all right this shotgun guy is going to move and dash up my lead player is just going to tuck into cover uh got to stay alive my Leader's going to go now so first thing he's going to give an APL boost to the shotgun guy beside the sniper the guy with the purple hair and then he himself will move up a [Music] bit all right well I've waited as long as I can for this so my death Jester with my last activation is going to move up and take a shot at the heavy gunner I get another pretty mediocre shooting roll here but Brad once again just totally whiffs on defense and the heavy gunner is brought down pretty good uh even though that does kind of collapse my death Jester's Domino field okay for my last activation here I'm going to go with my sniper he does have a shot on the death Jester so I roll and it's not a great roll and then Victor rolls his defense saves he's Auto retaining one and then he has his wraith bone talsman so he uses that to roll another save and no damage goes through very sad uh at least the sniper looks great though look at him he does uh okay so at the end of Turning Point one uh Victor scores three points on primaries and one for recover item I've scored nothing so that puts the score here at four to zero for the void dancers and I really hate being this behind after a single turning point this is really bad for me so obviously I had some bad luck but also I think I I'm thinking I really blundered the pregame after playing this out I should have taken more Recon dashes I think obviously I can blame dice but I really don't think that dice alone put me behind Four Points here like that was on me yeah I also think that um as I expected void dancers feel great on this terrain like they having fly and being able to just move like having exclusive access to all of the objectives in turning point one is really nice I can just set up and I don't really have to worry about too much uh obviously I got really lucky with that jump test giving me a Target to shoot at but uh hard to imagine that going better honestly so first first off if you're one of the new patrons we had like a a bit of a mini Patron boom yeah uh since beta Desma dropped thank you so much welcome sup sup yall to you and sup yall to everybody but especially Su yall to you if you are a new Patron in the last in the last week or two weeks yeah got to say thank you to our 1 HP gangsters and mountain goats especially also the Mountaineers everybody um the support means a lot because how else could I justify to my family that I am spending time playing with little men when I have a baby at home because it's making me actual money to pay for diapers that's how and also I'm basically not paying for any Warhammer because the patrons paid for it right that means I can have infinite Warhammer that's how that works yeah so again thanks for the support um if you're thinking of supporting the channel head to the link it really helps us out for just a few bucks a month uh we got a lot of stuff over there including our exclusive Discord and we're going to start having some patreon exclusive episodes of Mountain Side tabletop coming soon uh so yeah now Turning Point dose baby in turning point two Brad wins initiative in the Strategic phase he's going to play gunfire Ambush and stealth relocation moving up this warrior with a shotgun I'm going to pay 2 CP now for Domino field again cuz uh it worked so well last time in reveal Brad reveals Vantage and from all angles which is way too much for me to keep track of so I'm just going to let him score it and then I'm going to reveal surge forward hoping to make use of my fly and great movement with my first activation here I'm going to go with this shotgun guy that I dashed up with stealth relocation using my climbing equipment I can get up within 2 in of the player with the fusion pistol and take a shotgun shot I have a free roll here although it whiffs but I am I'm going to play embolden aspirants for 1 CP because this is my first shoot or fight this turn uh I'm going to turn one of my normals into a crit and I'm glad I did because I end up getting a kill here yeah that's my best gun so that hurts so with my first activation I'm going to use this player and charge the tracker and fight I do take three wounds but I get the kill in the process next I'm going to take a shot at the heavy gunner with my neuro disruptor I get the kill this is pretty great this gives me two grand act tallies and obviously removes two Scouts all right well now I'm going to go with the shotgun guy with the purple Mohawk he's going to move up luckily passes a jump test and then I'm going to make a shoot against uh the player here I thought about the death gester but the death gesture has 9 HP and this gun is 44 damage I just want to confirm a kill and not waste it on taking him down to 1 HP so I'll shoot the regular player uh so this is interesting I have gunfire Ambush active and I can roll both fours if I want to I kind of think I'm going to cuz I'm hitting on twos and I'm going to fish for some crits so I turn one hit into a Miss but I also turn the other hit into a crit hopefully it pays off for me yeah so I do get the kill uh and then I have one APL left I thought about maybe spending a CP to be able to shoot twice and shooting the death Jester softening him up but I feel like I just need to get some points on the board so I'm just going to use my last D to tap this objective also unfortunately that player was the player with the death mask so as I kill them Victor gets a CP my death Jester is going to fly up to the top of this vantage point and take a shot at the sniper five dice hitting on threes here and I miss every single one of them oh that's kind of karma for me whiffing on you yeah true true uh my last shotgun guy is gonna move a little bit and then pop shot off at this player you four four shotguns that hit on twos are really good into eight health elves uh another kill here am I catching up Victor do I have a chance like the elves die and they're dying so now my player is going to charge this one guy with a shotgun I got a pretty terrible roll here so after I land one hit I'm going to spend a CP on curtain Falls so I can do some damage and then get a fall back for 1 AP this serves a couple purposes but mostly it gets me 2vp for finishing my grand act before turning point4 okay now I'm going to go with my leader um first I'm going to give an APL boost to my sniper and then I'm going to charge and fight this player up on this Gantry they did take three damage from the fight that they were in before so if I get a crit here uh they're just dead and luckily I do land a crit so I just one shot you and take no damage damage now my lead player is going to charge and fight this shotgun guy just to hopefully finish him off only need a five here to do the six damage and I get it so now for me uh my last activation I'm going to go with my sniper I am able to shoot the death Jester here since he shot his Domino field is done but I really think if I just sit back in my backline and snipe him from where I am I'm just going to lose on points like I really need to get this guy in The Fray because otherwise I'm just not I have no chance at getting primary points so I'm going to move and dash up the board except that I fail my jump test are you kidding me okay I moved just a bit more than 3 in so unfortunately this is so dumb I can't even snipe him but uh I have my pistol at least so I'm going to get uh a shot off with my pistol just four damage through uh and you gain a CP somehow since I lost wound from a shooting attack there I finished my sadith I got my fourth tragedy and so I gained a CP so I'm going to spend a CP here and I'm going to shoot twice I'm going to do another pistol shot luckily I get a pretty good roll and I think I'm going to kill Victor except he is going to roll a save with one of his CPS and it saves him so this freaking death Jester after all this is still alive on one HP this member of the 1 HP gang is brought to you by Kyle Downey thanks Kyle so now with the last activation of the turn I'm going to charge and fight this Warrior I get a really awful roll here but I'm going to spend a couple CP on rolls even though I made a New Year's resolution not to and I eventually get the crit I need so in the end I go down to 2 Hp but I do kill the guy and then with my last APL I'm going to secure this objective all right so at the end of this turn Victor scores four for primaries disgustingly I I have no primary secured I score zero for primaries however I at least score one point from recover item and I also got enough shots off from different quarters of the board to get a point for from all angles so I'm at two and Victor's at 10 pretty bad I mean it's interesting we both have so few bodies left but it does feel like it's going to be hard for you to take any objectives back because I just have so much more Mobility yeah the thing is like I got some good kills but with two APL I just had a hard time securing any objectives the objectives were all they're like they're hard to get to and flying in 3 a for you is so good we'll see let's go to Turning Point 3 and uh see what I can make happen yeah okay you're probably wondering why you're seeing us right now where's Turning Point 3 well the fact is I conceded yeah why it technically wasn't mathematically impossible but basically it was mathematically impossible uh for me to win because I was so behind on points and it's unfortunate because I was starting to make a comeback and I do think if we played out the rest of the game I could have made it close but just there was basically there was no chance of me even making a tie yeah we gamed it out a little bit and there's no way that Brad would be able to stop the two operatives that I have that can score another objective in their first activation and so no matter what uh he won't be able to get up to the 13 points that I'm more or less guaranteed without even counting any secondaries I think I could blame the dice here I got some pretty gnarly rolles however I think the fault is mine because this is the first time I played this team and I made some huge mistakes uh the biggest mistake I would say I made was completely blendering turn zero okay let's look at what forward scouting options that I play this game Let's Take a Look Victor y um first up I played what did I play I played rolls on your Fusion pistol well I had gunfire Ambush active when I shot you which gave me a free reroll anyway and I only made one roll cuz I'm hitting on two of my shotguns so zero use secondly um I I subtracted an APL from your death Jester well he was still able to move and shoot on turning point one so basically zero infiltrate uh basically I made a guy go from engageed to conceal just to keep him hiding better and honestly I think that itself was a mistake so worse than nothing and then the Recon Dash was the only thing that was actually good what was the last one that I oh yeah and then also I gave myself an extra CP and at the end of turning point2 when I conceded I had like 3 CP in the bank or something so literally four out of my five forward getting options I got zero or worse than zero use yep stealth hot take I think five Recon dashes in this matchup would have actually been so op like look here's the thing when I saw that you had almost all conceals in turning point one like you deployed with almost all conceals I should have just used five Recon dashes and I could have like guaranteed that I was contesting four objectives at least cuz you just got them for free and uh then I think I could have easily at least like made it to Turning Point 4 so yeah I think just brutal play in turn zero and like one of my resolutions was don't lose in the pregame I think I failed that resolution yeah I like also void dancers feel great on beta DEA yeah they're probably like one of the teams that like this Kill Zone the most yeah having team wide fly really helped me out I could just basically have exclusive access to all of the um to all of the objectives and set up shop without you really being able to do anything because I could get there and because we use the plastic objectives that give some cover Domino field was even more powerful than it usually is um I think that was like a huge Advantage right off the bat but you know I think that's something we're learning about beta DEA is that it's really going to favor certain teams and certain matchups and it's like it's not going to be like you know the perfectly balanced every team has a chance in every matchup setting yeah but uh like I mean very similar to our last game on the channel uh in which you totally stomped me when I was playing the blades of cane it was a bad cocktail of playing your first game with a new team while also playing against a team that has a lot of tricks um you know it's like I couldn't focus on the blades of cane and the hotch circle just like it's hard to focus on the scouts and keep track of like sadith points and who has what bonus and where the good guns are and that sort of thing with void dancers and so yeah I think it was like it was a tough matchup to begin with and missing that jump test on the very first activation basically gave me a free kill that was bad yeah and also a few really bad attack rolls and save rolls but uh dice aside I think even with the dice that I rolled if I played the pregame better I think I could have like maybe won even still because like the shotguns into elves are very good yeah for sure you once uh once they started dying they were flying off the board yeah I think like if we rematch this in 6 months when I've played the scouts a bunch more I think I I have a really good shot anyway I want to say thank you again to the patrons and uh if you're watching this video and you didn't watch the previous one the mat we used we uh Victor made it in Photoshop uh there's a PDF of it on our patreon if you want to download that and print it out you can be a patron and it's there um thanks for watching share it with your dog like I said before yeah share with your mom share it with your dog share it with me share it with you share it with us share it with the dog share it with the cat share it with your mailman share it with the grocery store clerk share it with your car repair man thank thanks for watching uh you know share it around if uh you like what you see and don't forget to hit the like button and it's all pretty late and all the analytics say that you shouldn't do this in the last 10% of the video but see [Laughter] [Music] you a
Channel: Mountainside Tabletop
Views: 18,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K0F5lGKdvWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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