Southwestern Breakfast Crunchwraps on the Blackstone Griddle

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[Music] hey y'all we are back today on the blackstone making up something really good we are making some southwestern breakfasts crunchwraps i think that's what we'll call that sounds good southwestern breakfast crunchwrap man these things are going to be so good i love crunchwraps i love breakfast put them together can't be bad add a little southwestern kind of fling to it there oh yeah going to be even better but before we get into all that if you're new here please consider subscribing we have a lot of fun here hit that bell notification give us a thumbs up leave us a video of a comment down below in the video we'd love to hear from you if you've been here thank you so much thank you thank you thank you for all the support we're loving it i try to reach out to every comment sometimes it takes me a couple days you know life gets busy but i do i do read your comments and i do answer your comments so please leave us something down below love to hear from you so with all that being said you know the drill also while you're down there check it out we have a recipe playlist we have a lot of social media stuff we have all kinds of things down there even an email and a p.o box all kind of ways to get in touch with it if you want to with all that being said we got to heat this thing up show you some groceries and let's let's get this thing started okay y'all we got to fire this thing up but i'll tell you what we're going to go a little different day you know normally i leave this side off i'm going to leave this side off so let's get these three burners here going we're going to turn them down to about a medium medium low now if we change this up i'm going to let you know but right now that's where wait a minute this rhymes too much anyhow if it changes i'll let you know now on to the groceries here's what we got of course can't make crunchwrap without tortilla shells so what i have is i have two extra large ones and i have two small ones what we're gonna do is we'll use that to kind of cover it up you'll see here in just a little bit tousto status provides the crunch along with that toast i i don't have a little crunch to it too oh let's see what we have here we got some eggs as you see they're sweating it's kind of humid out here we got some bacon got some chorizo that's about eight ounces roughly of chorizo use all you want use less use more you know make it yours we have some onion here and i did not measure any of this stuff you cup as much as you want make it yours we got some dashed bell peppers here all different colors to make it nice and pretty and southwesterly they got some fiesta cheese but now can you really make crunch wraps and not use anything from taco bell so i got some taco bell chipotle sauce that we gonna kind of mix in here oh i almost forgot i have jalapenos some fresh diced jalapenos right there and that's it that's it for the groceries okay y'all we know the grill's ready got some white smoke coming off here so you know what that means time to get the groceries on the griddle let's do this throw us down some bacon we'll put it right over here oh my favorite sound right there that sizzle now what we're gonna do with this bacon is kind of crisp it up uh so we're gonna chop it up mix it all in so let's get it cooking throw down a little bit of oil [Music] get our peppers on here [Music] [Applause] jalapenos it's the onion [Applause] [Music] give these a little stir kind of get them going over here on a kind of the cooler side because this burner's not going let's slide our bacon over here y'all we got something else to add to the griddle all right bacon's going peppers and onions are going we gotta get the chorizo going let's plop it on there kind of just chop it up [Music] the smell coming off this griddle now is it's unreal y'all it really is the peppers these onions the jalapenos and the autumn temperatures together this chorizo this bacon now this is something everybody then i'll make this an air freshener they really should now this my friends is a breakfast of champions yeah buddy i wish y'all could smell this all right let's give our bacon a flip don't want to burn it don't want such bad things happening then we'll come over here and just kind of give our peppers and onions to toss here with these i'm just trying to soften them up i'm not really trying to cook them down a whole lot you know if they still have a little crunch in them that's fine they'll be okay you cook them like you want you know whatever get back over here not really put you in there yet give this chorizo a good stirring up here now the thing about this cook it goes really quick because once you get everything on here it's going to cook about the same time so it don't take long to make these now go ahead and tell you if you're new here you'll learn if you've been here you know i'm not a one flipper i can't just flip my bacon one time i gotta keep on flipping it you know that's just me if you want flipper that's fine nothing wrong with the one flipper okay y'all the chorizo and bacon's pretty much done like i want the peppers and onions got just a few more minutes and what i'm gonna do is go ahead and move the bacon over here same with the chorizo okay [Applause] and we're going to leave these burners on maybe kind of scrape this off just a little bit because that's what we're gonna put our tortilla shells down at [Music] now bacon's done chorizo's done but the bacon's almost done we gotta do one more thing too that's what we're about to do we're gonna let these peppers on this cook just a little bit longer maybe two or three more minutes kind of soften them up a little bit but we gotta chop this bacon up so let's get that done that's our cutting board [Music] take our bacon as bacon looking for just a rough chop and this cutting board no matter how you turn it is not level there we go hope y'all can see what i'm doing [Music] just a rough chop on this bacon nothing fancy nothing spectacular just something to add to bacon flavor [Music] now once you get your bacon cut up like you want your bacon cut up you can put it back over here on the griddle like so check these peppers and onions oh yeah looking good looking good looking real good i'll tell you what let's slide these over too it don't really matter if you mix all this up it don't really matter because we're going to mix it all up anyhow so just slide it on over now as you can see this griddle is hot so i'm going to turn off this burner y'all this burner's been off this burner's now off these two are still on about a medium low the reason being is i'm gonna do the eggs over here on the cooler side y'all don't wanna cook the eggs real fast you wanna cook hey slow at a lower temperature so this residual heat over here will cook the eggs great so i'm going to let this side cool down just a minute or two and then we're going to throw the eggs on him and i'll tell you what since this side is so hot i kind of want to cool it down too let's turn these burners down to low so what the setup we have now is two burners on the loaf right here off and off now this is still very warm this right here cool down just a little bit be perfect for cooking them with them crunch wraps on there let's get our eggs on here y'all there we go buff these jokes up kind of scramble your eggs up here kind of lightly fold over as you see they're not cooking real fast now i think that's what you want now blackstone betty she makes the prettiest eggs i've ever seen [Music] this is actually one thing i really have picked up and learned from her i've learned a lot from her honestly if you never checked out blackstone betty you're missing out [Music] but one thing i really learned from her is she likes cooker eggs on a cooler griddle it does make a pretty rig i mean look how light and fluffy those are so that being said let's put all the bacon in there what's wrong with that with this it's kind of mix in what you want now i like a lot of chorizo peppers and onions in mine so that's what i'm going with but like i'm saying by a lot of our recipes uh this ain't a rule this ain't exactly you know you can change up how you want to do it kind of like they said it's not a rule more guidelines [Music] i think i'm gonna add the rest of these peppers and onions in here y'all [Music] i don't know about y'all i really don't but honestly if that was on my plate right now i'd eat that [Music] oh shoot let's just go ahead and do it let's get the rest of it in here y'all live on the wild side mix it all in there you know if you want more eggs than yours that's fine but that right there y'all that's gonna be good let's slide this over for right now keep it good and warm [Music] okay what we got to do is we're gonna throw these on here real quick just to warm them up we're not looking to cook them same with the small ones we just want to warm them up make them more pliable not not cook them at all just kind of heat them up just a minute or two now i didn't clean the griddle off you know so any juices that might have been left on here still here which is a good thing make your flavor tortilla shell ah what about that ah let's take them off here y'all put them back over here on our tray [Music] grab our cutting board now let's build these things throw your tortilla down place the cheese down so tostada down switzerland is beautiful beautiful stuff on here like so i think this is where i'm gonna add a little bit of chipotle in here like so more cheese now here is where this other tortilla the small one comes in you lay it over the top like that from here you just bolt like so now i'm not the world's best folder it is it's going to be ugly [Music] maybe to be hot let's say kind of hold it all together kind of a trick here then what you do is you take it you flip it over and lay it on the griddle like that take a press now don't press it down but just push it down while that's doing that let's build another more cheese tostada more this mixture over here it's gonna be big in here y'all take some of that off let's see what what was that i think i'm gonna put cheese on here then the chipotle we'll try that i don't know if it's gonna make any difference we'll do a little differently how's that like that the other little small one here let's go to folder hope you can see how i'm folding this because it's kind of hard to do and be able to show you at the same time [Music] put it on the griddle like so oh trying to come untucked none of that that's okay we're gonna work with it might be ugly but it's gonna be good now as far as all this other stuff we have over here trust me it's gonna get eaten might make some more crunch wraps with it might just throw it on a plate i don't know kind of give our give a peek here that one's ready y'all flip look at that look at that would you just look at that let's give our ugly one a peek ah a little more a little more not quite where i want so we got a pretty one and an ugly one but that's okay we're gonna love them both the same it's kind of like your kids you gotta ugly one pretty one but you love them let's check the ugly one oh yeah that'll work i'm okay with that let's see if how this will come along the other side here y'all y'all that one is ready [Music] let's get up on cutting board let's slide the ugly one over all right let's check on mr hoodley y'all let me know do you think that's the ugly one i don't know she's turning pretty and prettier every day y'all there they are and there they are this one over here didn't turn out quite as ugly as i thought it was got a pepper on the outside but that's okay that's okay kind of gives you a hint of what might be on the inside that one air folds up pretty good i think they're okay we're gonna try them out and there they are southwestern breakfast crunchwrap they look good and i'm sure they're gonna be good and they're pretty easy to make they really are so we're not getting a whole lot of detail let's cut one of these open and let's check it out y'all i think i'm gonna cut this pretty one open what you think oh this isn't that crunch [Music] y'all ready for the big reveal oh look at that yeah buddy look at all that filling in there the cheese is done melted good that's so pretty in case you haven't noticed i have some pecan sauce to dip it in let me show you this close up y'all what you guys think about that now that thing is stuffed with some good food y'all that chorizo i'm sure is really it's really going to take us over the top there it is you got a close-up we cut it in half smelling amazing y'all i have to try this out i'm gonna try it out first without picane sauce so let's give it a try um that's amazing that is truly amazing that's chipotle sauce that chorizo all the peppers and onions but then you got that bacon and egg in there y'all have to try this but now i gotta try this with this picante sauce oh wow should have put that in there i can still dip it in there and it's mine so i can double dip anyhow y'all give this a try you really should i'm telling you this is amazing like i said before there's no rule or you know whatever make it yours if you can add to it take away from adding more one ingredient however you want to do it however you want to do it let me know in the comments down below i'd love to know the way we did this it's amazing so if you're new here please consider subscribing if you've been here thank you so much i got to finish these before the kids get in them we'll see you next time
Channel: Cooking with The Crazy Pop
Views: 6,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the crazy pop, blackstone griddle, carowinds, six flags, cooking, dollywood, fun, family, food, blackstone, taco bell, taco bell crunchwrap, crunchwrap, crunchwrap supreme, crunchwrap supreme recipe, crunchwrap supreme taco bell, breakfast crunchwrap, breakfast crunchwrap taco bell, breakfast crunchwrap recipe, cruchwrap on, crunchwrap on blackstone, crunchwrap on griddle, breakfast crunchwrap on blackstone, southwestern breakfast skillet, breakfast, chorizo and eggs, chorizo recipe
Id: tM1Yz2D9FCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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