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[Music] so in my pot I have about four to six cups of water and this is the macaroni that I will be using so according to the package instructions it says it takes six to eight minutes to cook a roughly as you can see our water is just that in to come up to a boil so now I'm just gonna go ahead and put in my macaroni so this is about two cups and a half of macaroni you just want to stir it up set a timer for five to six minutes okay and in the meantime we will just start prepping our cheese and everything else for my cheese I'm gonna be using some British nuts your cheddar this one and I'm also gonna be using some grated mozzarella all right over here I have some red listed cheese and last but not least we have some mozzarella now for this mozzarella is actually just one whole clump okay and if I open it up you will see that is just one whole clump that you need to just chop and slice yourself okay so this is what I will be using [Music] [Music] [Music] spin about six minutes my macaroni is nicely cooked so I'm just gonna give it one master before I train it up so there you have it nicely trained and I'm just going to have some butter and just mixing it up with the macaroni as this will help to stop the cooking process to work on our cheese sauce I'm going in with about a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of flour plain flour that's going for about a minute or two okay to make a nice fruit and then we have our whole milk which we're gonna add in gradually [Music] now we need to season this up first I'm gonna go in there some garlic powder put a generous amount of garlic powder some all-purpose seasoning a little shake of smoked paprika some great seasoning and a little bit of old way now you just gonna whisk that in listen this mac and cheese is just gonna have so much flavor it's just gonna be so tasty okay at this point you want to pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees while we go ahead and add our cheese so I'm just going in with the cheese that I have from my plate ensuring to add in the mozzarella as well and you just want to whisk that in nicely till it starts to melt listen this is just gonna be some cheesy goodness when I tell you cheesy honey oh we're getting there just keep on whisking so it's nice and thick now the cheese still isn't fully melted just keep on whisking yes you see this so beautiful if you want you can add a little bit more cheese to it but I don't want to add any more cheese than that okay my mozzarella still isn't fully melted but that's fine it's gonna melt in the room so now we're going back in with our macaroni yes and you just want to mix it in oh yes I know they say you don't share your mac and cheese recipe but less then I'm sharing everything YouTube guys it sharing everything yes my love oh my goodness yes Terry yeah nice really good man if you haven't funds up so far make sure you keep that thumbs up button this is looking so nice so creamy beautiful so guys time to pour this delicious goodness oh I know you can see it do you see how creamy all my goodness Oh see this yes oh jeez love it and now you just want to spread it on the top okay no I don't like adding eggs to my mac and cheese you can feel free to add eggs to yours if you want but I just don't think eggs are necessary but hey your kitchen your rules okay so just put a generous amount of cheese we go in heavy handed over the cheese today and it's just a mix of the free cheeses that I showed you earlier okay so make sure to cover the top nicely make sure you can't see no macaroni inside my oven has been preheating for the past five ten minutes on 200 degrees I'm just gonna go ahead and push this in bake it for about half an hour to 40 minutes uncovered okay and then I'm gonna take you out when it's all done and come back and show you guys listen this is gonna have so much flavor in City as we go there you have it my darlings do you see how gorgeous it looks it's time to be removed from the oven yeah so Cory does I hope you enjoy it
Views: 1,147,338
Rating: 4.9459367 out of 5
Id: wTMl-rMLBP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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