Southern Fried Cabbage Like Mama Did! Cooking with Tammy on CVC

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january 2nd we are live at collard valley cooks where we cook like mama did yesterday we had our collards our black-eyed peas and cornbread today we're going to have a southern cabbage fried cabbage so everything's going in it so we are excited about it and we're going to get started we're going to start with some bacon and i'm going to brown the bacon in here and while this bacon is getting nice and crunchy i'm gonna slice up my sausage you can use any sausage you like um whatever you like the best i buy what's on sale i don't have something that i particularly buy every time and lots of times i do buy beef instead of pork just because i think it's a little better for us whether it is or not i don't know what what kind of sauce is that do you remember oh no um i don't remember y'all i already threw his feet away it was whatever was on sale i usually get what's on sale i'm gonna throw this on the other side of skillet and while these are getting nice and toasty we are going to [Music] start chopping up some onions and peppers we're going to use a lot of stuff in this today we're going to be using some brown sugar and vinegar chris go ahead and show what we're going to do we're going to be using some brown sugar some vinegar some worcestershire some onion powder some soul food seasoning from the dollar general it's a good thing and then some roasted garlic powder and of course we're gonna put onion and peppers in it as well and bacon so it's gonna be really tasty everything but the kitchen sink yep so i haven't really mixed up any cornbread so i'll do that once we sign off and me and chris will have cornbread with it for lunch or if i have time in between you'll see me throw some together so we are going to go ahead and slice up our vegetables and our cat wants out she is talking we should have showed her chris i would have enjoyed seeing her this morning well it's afternoon now this is our lunch today we're having a late lunch because um we got up late so i guess you could call it i don't know what you'd call it lunch and dinner kinda we're gonna have a lot supper tonight we're gonna have fish and so this is something heavy tonight will be something light we got our onion i'm going to cut these peppers up and i'm going to use half of each one and then i'll save the other half for another recipe it's going to be pretty amazing it will be i'm going to take these over to the sink get the middle out of them with a pair of knife somebody asked me earlier um about my pairing knife and they said that the one that i had linked on the website was really expensive and i found another one that's the same brand and everything so i gotta redo that link for y'all because i couldn't live without my good old pairing knife it's the best one that i've ever had so i'm just gonna take this tour out of the pepper and knock the seeds out right quick not that that hurt anything right sure that tastes good does anybody know why we don't eat those seeds and if we did you know is there any consequences or do we just not put them in there because people don't think they're free i actually think they're pretty i wonder if they stay hard like they you know i don't know if they'd bother your teeth or something they're so little [Music] maybe people just maybe they save them yeah to grow peppers who knows i can help us out on that one that might be a google search all right so i'm just going to slice these in strips i'm really horse today as usual i hope you're having a great new year um i don't know if you know it or not but i do have a channel that's a personal channel that i do called a real southern woman real southern woman and that is rugby bible study and uh we have started with the new year we we use the day by day patrol spurgeon if you are interested in a bible study to start out your new year right with the lord you should tune in and watch real southern woman it's on facebook and youtube live in the mornings and if you don't catch it live you can always just watch it you can do a replay but i have found it very good for me already i've been doing it for about a week i got a new webcam for my work computer and so it makes it really easy to get my bible study done in the morning let's go over here and turn this [Music] we're going to cook this until that bacon gets good and crispy so it'll take a few minutes and then once it gets nice and brown we'll use our uh drippings and throw our veggies in here i'm actually gonna it's not real oily that sausage is not because it's beef i'm actually going to add a little olive oil to it see if i can't get that bacon to cook a little quicker since we're live today and that olive oil ain't going to hurt us now i do kind of want to start cooking a little healthier in the new year uh this is not my first dish that is healthy necessarily it's just something we do for the new year you know it's still the holidays just for your information yes so um what we'll probably do um what the main thing i want to do for real is start having three vegetables at night or at least two vegetables and when i say vegetable not a starchy vegetable um with dinner and i'm hoping that'll help me and chris um it'll make us healthier and it will also keep us fuller yeah it'll keep us better off and i really think we should stop eating after seven o'clock he has a habit of eating dessert really late and so we're going to make a small cornbread for me and chris i'm just going to do a cup recipe so we're going to use a cup of white lily cornmeal mix we're going to use one egg some oil you can melt a little butter and throw in there if you want to but since i am cooking on the fly i'm using whatever i got on the counter a little oil always makes it taste good and then buttermilk that's all you need let's go ahead and um get this out i think it's ready to take out of a skillet and we're going to take it out of the skillet and start our veggies while we're making that cornbread i think i'll use this this is my one of my new tools and i really like it strainer so you're going to want to leave that down in there and throw your veggies in that'll help flavor our fried cabbage be really good so we're just going to set this to the side until we add it back into our dish and we are going to throw this in there right quick pepper [Music] or onion now if you've got a shallot or something you can throw that into but i don't have any i know they're really strong um and delicious as well so we're just going to let these start to simmer in this skillet this is a grazer if you're wondering what it is it's a brazer comes with a lid that doesn't have a vent on it and that's why but i use it like for my big skillet anytime i'm doing something like this if i need a big skillet this is what i use instead of a skillet it's a non-stick it's wonderful so we're going to grab the buttermilk cornbread and i get whole buttermilk i don't know if y'all can get it or not i know some people really can't get a hold of the whole buttermilk and if you can't you know just buy what you can but you need to at least buy some buttermilk a lot of people try to make their own buttermilk and i think you should uh buy buttermilk and they worry about it going out a day before they can use it all i'm gonna have to add a little bit more to here because i kind of got a little bit wetter than it ought to be but they worry about it going out a day and uh butter milk will stay in your refrigerator for i use it up to a month after the day i say off you've got a good refrigerator that's cold all right i'm gonna grab me a iron skillet out here [Music] we on every cornbread unless it's made in an iron skillet and you've got to put some crisco in it because it makes it nice and crunchy and put pointy in there and then sprinkle it with a little bit of this white lily cornmeal mix a lot of people think you gotta preheat your skillet in the oven to get crunchy cornbread but i'm telling you if you try it this way you'll be shocked and surprised how wonderful it is just make sure you flip it out um when it's done yeah christmas help me look i got a i got a cornbread skillet in there already i gotta take it out from last night i threw it in there and forgot i threw it in there so we got to get that out there's me a preheated skillet yeah already ready for you all right so there we go i'm going to go ahead and put my oven on a um bait convection and that way i'll cook quicker since we're live i've got to wash my hands and then we'll stir that pot tammy is stirring the pot today i have got buttermilk on your phone it's okay it's not on there i know but it's close i'll wipe your face off a little bit all right so let's stir up these beautiful veggies and they're looking good looking good real good let's start adding a few things to it we're gonna add a little salt not a lot or pepper will you hand me that chicken bouillon over there i'm gonna throw a little bit of that in there i think it'd be good i probably shouldn't have put the salt in because i'm gonna use a little chicken bouillon and i'm gonna use a little soul food season in that soul food season and it's salty so if you're worried about your salt intake you might want to leave the soul good seasoning out for the salt it don't take a whole lot of this it's really really good and it's cheap because it's a dollar general and it's a good seasoning called soul food seasoning clover valley you can't go wrong with it this is a little garlic powder i didn't throw real garlic in there could have i guess you got some throw it in there this is onion powder and i know i got onions in there but onion powder is just good i learned that from a viewer i never bought onion powder until i started the show this is a little worcestershire going in i'm gonna throw in a little brown sugar there we go a little bit a little bit of white vinegar there that looks delirious delish i am coming up we're going to turn these back up a little bit get these done so we can start our cabbage in here isn't that pretty that look delicious looks delicious already let me pick up a mess oh i'm glad we got saints in the kitchen at you and put out my butter milk and y'all make sure if you can get it get you some white lily get you some white little flower make some biscuits and get you some white lily cornmeal mix and make you some good old cornbread you won't be disappointed a lot of y'all if you can't get white lily where you live because you live up north you can get it from it's the cheapest place to get it and of course you can get it on amazon's group on amazon through my website but it's more expensive so y'all just do what's best for y'all okay cut up some cabbage sounds good just cutting through it don't it i always thought this was a pretty head of cabbage and it is it's nice and loose on the inside really nice this is gonna be some good eating and i'm not gonna use any more than that because it's just me and krill and the kids now if you feed a whole bunch of people then cut up your two sausages instead of one like i did and use the whole head of cabbage okay we're gonna go ahead and start adding our cabbage in this is the great part about having this big skillet is your cabbage is going to fit in there now if you've got a smaller skillet no worries you can put your cabbage in let it cook some of it till it cooks down and then add the rest of it if you do that though part of it's going to be more done than others but you can do it doesn't mean you can't make the dish if you don't have a big skillet or a big walk away and a pot really would work a stock pot would work y'all there's no reason why you couldn't do this in a good stockpot now at this point we are going to put a lid on top of it and let those juices get down in there and cook that cabbage let me get the oven [Music] oh this is a universal lid fits everything and it fits everything so all right we're going to clean up our mess and put on our spices while that is in there simmering and i guess we can talk for a minute got any stories chris for new year's stories i've already told them my story was the gunshots and haircuts yeah that was 1999. yeah everybody was worried about the world coming to an end so i was going to shoot their guns i guess on new year's eve you think that's what it was well yeah it's 1999. it was y2k yeah well i'm sure the year 2000 though yeah that would be the year 2000. correct 1999 new year's eve so it would have been two thousand we need to do that correct yep but i'm sure i'm sure they shoot their guns every every year every chance i get in the fireworks it seems like a there's a lot more fireworks than there used to be yeah i know that in the oven sometimes before it preheats so some of y'all probably that just blows your mind i've been doing that my whole life with everything i even do it for cake with cakes lots of times and i ain't never had no problem cooking i don't mess anything up i don't think he does either and our cornbread is always crunchy because of that grease and that cornmeal in it oh yeah that's always works perfect um i did notice when i opened this bag of white lily cornmeal that it had more flour in it than it normally does and the way i noticed is because when i poured it into my container it actually smoked and it's never done that before and i don't know if it was just the end of the barrel when they filled up that bag or that's something new they're doing i won't know until i buy some more but uh they're supposed to be sending me some flour and cornmeal i'll be happy when i get it to show you guys but it's made good cornbread oh yeah it has maybe i mean there hadn't been [Music] and they sent their corn to the feed mill every year i mean every year until they were in their 90s and they had their own cornmeal ground and so her cornmeal was coarser you know than a lot of people i'm gonna let this in plastic [Music] that's our sweet potato pound cake we'll get that put on there yeah we made a sweet potato pretty soon yesterday it's not real sweet potato tasting and i didn't put food coloring or nothing in it so it's not real orange looking because i used bruce's yams because i had a can and i thought i'll throw this in here it'll make it moist and good and i didn't have any sweet potatoes for new year's so i made a sweet potato pound cake i'll get to see that eventually i'll put it on there for you that's what i eat for breakfast yes we like to toast it in the toaster i'm gonna show that on the video too because it's so good when you do it that way so good let's go here look at this [Laughter] smells good now i have several different uh those spices are going down in there i'm going to put a little bit of water in here i think just a little bit because yeah because the spices are want to stick on the bottom of the skillet a little bit so we're just going to put a little bit of water in it get all those spices up onto the veggies like they ought to be and not stuck to the sides of the skillet cook off pretty quickly see that juice down in there how it oh yeah it'll cook off and uh it'll get all that good stuff off the the glazed skillet especially since it's a nonstick and then once this cooks down just a little bit more we're going to add our meat and uh have us a feast much feast yummy up lunch beast is right that's good left over too yes it is good left over you're right i think you eat to the dishwasher for me today too didn't you daddy you weren't on top of it chris didn't have many chores today what'd you do today i went and got a filter for the i mean air filter for the lawnmower cleaned up kitchen that's about it yeah i've been working on facebook some today answered youtube comments all right it looks like this is going to get done before cornbread does and i'm not going to wait on the cornbread before i sign off for y'all so i'm going to go ahead and take the lid off of this because i don't want to overcook it and i am going to add the meat into it we're going to mix it up and taste it for y'all what did i do with my spoon just nailed it the red one no okay well that looks good it's a pretty dish too yes it is all right let's make us a little plate our oven's just now preheated now i like my cabbage to have a little bit of a bite to it so this is done to me i think it's ready let's put some of this bacon on here we're gonna give it a try with y'all turn it off see how it tastes looks good yeah pretty ain't it how could it not be good with bacon and that's good good stuff you can't mess up sausage and bacon cabbage don't put anything a little bit of sugar vinegar that's some good southern fried cabbage i hope y'all have a wonderful day and thanks for watching collard valley cooks where we cook like mama did bye y'all
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 137,322
Rating: 4.8929896 out of 5
Keywords: southern, skillet, fried cabbage, southern fried cabbage, skillet cabbage, stewed cabbage, southern cooking, soul food, collard valley cooks, cvc, tammy nichols, cooking like mama, how to make, how to make fried cabbage, bacon, onions, peppers, brown sugar, best southern recipes, traditional, old fashioned, delicious, best southern cooks, fried cabbage with sausage, paula deen, brenda gantt, mama joyce, whippoorwill, be a better southern cook, cook like mama, green cabbage, cabbage
Id: RgMIucoyTM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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