Hot Dog Chili and Slaw for Memorial Day Weekend

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hey oh it's tammy with collard valley cooks the kids are coming we're having a hot dog today and we're gonna grill so we are about to start some hot dog chili doesn't have beans in it and we're going to make some slaw and then we'll be back on in a little while we're going to be cooking all day back and forth so enjoy watching hot dog chili hot dog chili is in our third cookbook okay and the only thing i don't have that i'm supposed to have is the garlic so i'm going to use garlic powder and everything else of course we've got we have some peppers from the garden i've chopped up a jalapeno of course you don't have to put that in there but fresh ones aren't that hot i also chopped up some sweet pepper from the garden and a bell pepper from the garden and then i had one little red pepper that i chopped up as well so you're going to chop up a whole onion and some pepper and we're going to get that in this preheated skillet and start letting it soften a little bit and make our chili it's a lot so we're going to start doing this first so so priya created his own grill he made it out of concrete block and we're going to be using it today to do our hot dog it's going to be fun and we got a little bit of connective sausage left over from whenever we made those fancy beanie weenies yeah so i'm gonna throw that out there too i may just eat that while i'm making a hot dog i'm already hungry because i didn't eat breakfast so we're just going to let this cook a minute then we're going to add our ground beef so while we're doing that we could chop up a little bit of cabbage uh while this is simmering we're gonna do two recipes at a time all right i've got onion on the counter but it's not gonna hurt anything got a carrot and so we're going to start uh grating some cabbage for our slaw and i'm just going to grate it right here on top of this i've got some cabbage and i like to use a hand grater when i make slaw this is a glove that keeps me from getting cut [Music] my mama always used to hand grade her and chris's mama still uses a hand grater and that's what i like to do as well i'm not crazy about slawl that's already pre-cut and i really don't like it as good when you chop it small either with a knife i really like it grated because all the juices come out and give it a lot more flavor of cabbage i think [Music] what do you think chris oh yeah this is way better i don't like the big like you talk about like the big shreds of cabbage yeah a lot of people shred it really thin but it still don't have the same effect to me as taking it through a grater if you get one of these gloves you don't have to so much worry about getting scratched or cut with when you're cutting up something or using the breaker or using a mandolin especially you should use a pair of these oh yeah they're real affordable you can throw them in the washing machine and they work and they work and of course they're on our website just like everything else under must haves is where the gloves are i'm thinking that this is going to be enough with these two pieces that's why i didn't cut up the other side but we'll see what do you think chris uh yeah i mean because usually we just pretty much eat eat it on the hot dogs right yeah and we're going to chili as well yeah and we're going to have potato salad and uh what else we don't have potato salad slice oh that one yeah and i'm gonna make a fresh strawberry pie yeah plenty plenty to eat and we got a lot of hot dogs i'll show you the hot dogs these are ballparks we usually eat nathan's or ball parks or uh what else have we had that's really good that are hot now hebrew nationals are really good but i like to eat ballpark because it just tastes like a regular hot dog it don't so much tastes like sausage right but the hebrew national and the nathan's tastes a little bit more like sausage they're really good yeah they're good but i just like plain old hot dogs yeah you know um i just do because that's what i ate growing up we didn't eat those other kinds growing up we ate the cheap stuff because that's all we could afford for four kids throwing up plus ballpark ballpark that's hard to say ballpark franks plump when you cook them you know what the commercials i like them when you cook them i really do like them all right so that's all of our slaw get these big pieces out and we'll put it in our bowl we're going to mix this up by the time we put this in the bowl then we can start adding the meat to our chili and while the meat's cooking we'll mix up the salt see that wasn't hard it don't even take long a lot of people think it's too much trouble but it's not it's not trouble at all is it baby i am going to well i need to do this real quick i'm going to grate this carrot really really quick i like to use the small side actually you should hold it by the small side and that way you get more carry grated but i like to use the small grate this is the grape that i like to use for my carrot raisin salad the tiny one oh it's so super good when you use the small one this adds a little color to your swallow you just throw that glove in the dishwasher don't you not dishwasher the washing machine oh the washing machine i just bleached it oh cause it's gonna be orange after cutting up this orange i mean after cutting up this orange carrot orange carrot my favorite color is orange what do y'all know about see it now so i'm gonna put this on the top here and then we're going to add our meat to our chili yeah this will just go in the washing machine with the whites i'm going to turn this up now when i add the meat and we'll have to get the grease out of it with some paper towels because this is 80 and so it'll have some grease um this is a pound and a half of ground beef my recipe is four pounds i make it a little bit more chili than i normally do since we're having you know people over [Applause] wash my hands [Applause] all right real we're just going to brown this beef and start adding our ingredients it's going to be really really good this small i mean this chili doesn't have beans or anything in it it's hot dog chili so it's uh not runny you know like you would eat it like a soup it's got a little more structure to it so that you can hit on the hot dog better and boy is it tasty now we got one jalapeno two sweet peppers the bell pepper from the garden onion we're going to be adding basil the sweet peppers are from the garden too yeah our garden's coming along pretty good maybe today when we go out there to grill i'm hoping that we can go live out there today and that the data from our telephone company works good out there because you can't use the wifi from the house too far away crisp at the grill pretty far away from the house but y'all get to see it today now i was thinking about making some funnel cakes for dessert out on the grill in an iron skillet i thought that would be fun but i'm not sure that we're going to do that or not we would have to do it and have dessert before we eat in order to keep the fire heart within lakris uh yeah funnel cakes have to be eight right when they're coming out so we're just gonna make a strawberry pie we'll do funnel cakes another day maybe tomorrow or sunday we'll do some funnel cakes because we've actually got some viewers coming into town and they're supposed to come see us sunday that is something we could do with them if it's not too too hot outside so if y'all ever come into st mary's let us know and hopefully we'll get to see you all right while that's browning we're gonna be using some tomato sauce that goes over there and we're gonna mix up some slaw and i just all i do is add my mayonnaise and some sweet pickles now in case you don't like sweet pickles you think i should leave them out today no why you can separate her out some regular slaw i guess she likes dill pickles not sweet pickles i don't mind the dill pickles in it but you know i can't even you won't like it right all right so we're gonna put some mayonnaise in here okay and i'm going to mix it up and then take some out for acacia and then we'll put in the pickles i want to put a little vinegar in it so i gotta grab it and some people like to put onion and now we have a german coleslaw that's really good that we make it has onion and sugar and vinegar it's really good it's good really good but this is all you need let me get just a little bit of vinegar to make it taste just a little bit better hmm mix it up and we'll take cash's out she don't like the sweet pickles do you salt and pepper i pepper it okay but i don't salt it yeah oh yeah cause it's got that salt mayonnaise but yeah we do need to pepper it and let's turn our beef a little bit real quick we're multitasking today y'all and this is ohio oh it's about it's getting ready get me i always flip stuff out in the floor when the dogs eat it but the dog's growing up right now you're like my cleanup crew [Applause] somebody said the other day you do all the things mama told me not to do you got dogs in the kitchen and you lick your spoon and and she said you put it back in your food but what she don't realize is on the video that i that everybody thinks i do that on i have three orange spatulas and i try them out and it makes it look like i'm not trading them out but i really do so the last time the girls were here i gave them two of the orange ones so that i would have different colors every time i dipped into something so nobody would think i was doing that again it's funny how people are all right we're going to get cajun somehow of course if you kiss your uh kids in the mouth and your husband on the mouth it don't matter really probably don't matter if you lick the spoon long as you ain't serving it to the company people at church right or you know like today yeah like if you got cupping yeah you don't want to lick the spoon unless you kiss him too all right here we go put a little pickle in it and mix ours up and so this will be our smile and that will vacation slow and i'll put extra in there in case her boyfriend don't like sweet pickles because i have no idea what he likes this is plenty of slalom for hot dogs today so there you have it small that were you showing up yeah i was just showing them what went in it the jars can see all right this is ready so we're gonna drain it i'm gonna grab some paper towels and we're going to drain this so i just scoot it up i turn this off for one because i've got gas and i don't want to get burnt and i scoot it up like this and then i let the oils drain so far there's not a lot you can kind of just wait on it because it'll come just give it a minute or two and it'll start trickling down and then i use paper towels to soak it up because look this hamburger meat when it gets cold it's hard and i mean hard as a rock hard so you don't want to eat any more of it than you need to so really that's what you're eating when you're eating a hamburger you're eating a lot of that so i'm just going to go across and kind of smash it all right that looks good we're going to soak it up with these paper towels and i always use my spoon so i don't burn myself and that way it can just go in the trash when you're done i learned that from a viewer i was telling y'all that the other day here let me get him we got some tom hand me that little paratome thank you there we go for now i'm putting it right here in the sink all right now we're going to add the finishing touches to our chili if you want a recipe always look in my recipe description instead of writing down what i'm doing in during my videos because it's just better to do that because sometimes i alter them a little bit i'm adding a little pepper we're going to put in a little salt i'll put in about a teaspoon of salt at least um about eight ounces of tomato juice but now i'm going to add just a little extra because let's get the sauce i need tomato sauce yeah thank you chris i i'm adding a little extra sense uh i got a little extra ground beef i don't have any fresh garlic you're supposed to use fresh garlic so i'm using some garlic powder you want to use some basil now i put basil in my regular chili it makes it good and then we're going to use some chili [Applause] powder we're gonna mix it up and that's all there is to it simple and really good on a hot dog and if you want the ground beef in 290 little pieces um we'll use the hamburger smasher and get it really small because that's the way you want it you don't want it to be in big hunks okay for hot dogs because then it looks more like a sloppy joe instead of hot dog chili right it doesn't taste like a sloppy joe though okay let's smash it really good and then our chili's gonna be ready for our hot dogs so i'm just making sure all of the ground beef is separated good so that it's in tiny pieces because for hot dog chili that's the way you want it to look this is a hamburger separator you can get it from raita knives which is on our website or you can buy the pampered chef version as well on there um this one actually is the camera chip one i believe that i'm using right this minute and once you get one you'll really enjoy using it it's nice it's not like you gotta have it though you can do the same thing with a spoon [Music] all right now that looks more like hot dog chili because it's in little bitty pieces [Applause] you get it out from around the edges and bring it in the middle so that you make sure and smash all of it good that's it quick easy delicious recipes for today it's 10 o'clock we're eating at 12. um oh actually because you can leave i tell people this it upsets them but i personally will leave something like this out up to not past four hours since we're eating it two hours it's absolutely going to be fine so i'm going to scoot it over to the side and put a plate on top of it and when they get here we'll warm it up that's our chili there it went there it is and our coleslaw since it's um our coleslaw is fine as well but i'll put a little plastic wrap on top of it and uh we got that ready as well do you know that all my life i was told that anything with mayonnaise will spoil quicker and make things go bad i researched it in mayonnaise will not go bad just do your research well they leave it in that jar for i know it can be it don't even have to be refrigerated how crazy is that for real so google it got some good stuff i'm hungry i'm about to eat some fruit with cottage cheese i'm sorry sorry i'm about to eat some fruit with cottage cheese we'll be back on when we mix up our potato salad and make our strawberry pie thanks for watching collard valley cooks where we cook lot mom and dad bye i love you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 32,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: southern, cooks, homemade, fashioned, timey, white lily, country, cooking, living, hillbilly, kitchen, Appalachian, recipes, simple, family, real, easy, collard valley cooks, cvc, classic, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, mama, how to cook, basic, buttery, tasty, flavor, creamy, ingredients, Paula Deen, Huckabee, Perry Stone, Scrumdiddlyumptious, In the Kitchen With Gina Young, American Events, Living Traditions Homestead, Jamerrill Steward Large Family Table, hotdog chili, coleslaw, hotdog chili recipe, coleslaw recipe
Id: boggdBRiEL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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