Stewed Cabbage - Cornbread for Two - Smoked Pork Loin

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[Music] do [Music] are we rolling we're rolling hey y'all it's timmy with collard valley cooks and i'm melting just a tiny bit of margarine in a bowl it's hard to make a bunch of noise i think that's butter in there oh i'm sorry i'm losing my mind it is butter ain't it yeah i melted a little bit of butter in a bowl chris is like i gave you back i said okay all right so we got a little bit of butter we're just gonna make a um cornbread for two we're gonna make some cabbage and we've got a pork roast crisp smoked so i am going to go ahead and start this up and you guys can watch here chris you come around to the left the left my left or right okay and this cabbage can sit right here for a second we're just gonna mix this up and get it in the stove right quick in the little stove and then um we'll get started we're gonna put in a little bit of oil and a little bit of butter and all we need is a cup of cornmeal mix this is white lily where's my there it is white with cornmeal mix buttermilk buttermilk cornmeal mix is kind of we buy there you go an egg you can mix up cornbread and a flash paint your crease and in the summer you can just eat cornbread milk for supper and be satisfied most of the time why would i just make a biggest mate so i'm just mixing that up today for fun i'm gonna throw in some pepper because it'll be good it's already got salt it does but not quite enough that's just a little added touch from teeth okay so make sure you get your white lily cornmeal self-rising cornmeal if you don't have self-rising i don't know what to tell you to do because i really don't know how much flowers in that silver in that cornmeal mix really our cornmeal mix is just the flour and the uh cornmeal is already together they don't put a bunch of sugar or nothing like that in it down here did your mix what baby you need your mix i know oh um come on around here buddy okay now i've got the um what are you doing oven you did your mix in that thing you need to put the mix in there oh chris is getting on to me i forgot to put the i thought he meant i i need to put my mix in the my mixed up mix yeah we always kind of put a little cornmeal in a skillet it makes it crunchier about forgot can't forget won't be as good will it chris he made sure i did it too he's a cornbread nut chris knows how to make cornmeal don't you baby all right so we're going to get this in our little skillet there it is and this is the eight inch skillet it's not the six inch and we're gonna put this in my oven i've got it preheated and set i'm gonna have to close this to get back here mr nichols watch out happy we'll watch you through the window how's that go yes the world to do something all right i'm going to turn my skillet on we're going to stir cabbage while i wash my hands hope y'all had a good day we got to see made today which is nice thank you spend the night last night and um if you haven't been watching real southern woman which is my bible study page and you got a job italian restaurant she's a hostess she likes a lot now i'm gonna sneeze okay let's watch the pan the pepper got in my nose told you about that pepper whoa lord today we're making green steak cabbage out of our cookbook and i'm gonna throw this down here in this bin we'll get it out of the way i keep my oil in a little bin under there that's what i do and i keep my cornmeal on this top floor simple and convenient i'm just straightening up a little bit as i go so you gotta give this time to heat up a little bit and it's getting there so let's chop up this cabbage already and we already got our meat ready so that's all we got to do it's a cabbage yeah i know it's easy it's an easy supper and i'm going to slice up some tomato to go with mine on my plate that's what i mean [Applause] now when we do cabbage we use a little butter a little bouillon i think salt pepper and that's about it i've had a lot of people make this cabbage matter of fact scott duvall put it on the collard belly cook's group page a couple of days ago and if you're used to put a lot of stuff in your cabbage and you haven't done it this way it's really tasty we'll go ahead and drop this butter in our skillet and let it be melted so you're going to use a half stick of butter or margarine whichever one you like to use all right yes i want that butter to burn either and throw in your cabbage this is in our second picnic [Applause] all right [Applause] i use a cup of water and one bullion key or you can use the granules and this is the granules but i'm just going to pour them in there [Applause] you can show them that so you can see it what oh yeah and then i'm just gonna mix it up pour it into the cabbage after i saute it for a minute [Applause] okay let me get something else and this is a cast iron wok so yes sometimes people wonder why she uses a spoon or something with it it's causing it's cast iron a lot of people don't believe it's cast iron they think it's coated and it's really cast iron it'll it'll rust just like cast iron does all right we'll put a little pepper on it this volume's got the salt [Applause] all right you're gonna turn it up and cook it on high and it will cook until that reduces in the bottom and as it reduces it'll steam the cabbage and it gives it a really good flavor a lot of the people like to put different things in their cabbage like bacon grease and stuff like that and um you can still do that but i would urge you to try this because it's a little bit not a whole lot better for you some people can't have bullion though but now we love it we love bowling and if you've got fresh stock then use some fresh stock i actually do i've got beef and chicken in my refrigerator but i love that bullion so we're using it matter of fact i could pull it in my stock tell my friend yeah i like it i do so we got our cornbread going got our cabbage going and nailed we just have that uphold high i could have made a dessert you know it sure you got something you wanna i do i've got this up there you want me to go for it okay because we got that's over we've got another 15 minutes probably with this cornbread when you think with the cornbread so you got a little bit of time ah you want strawberry just a strawberry shortcake it don't matter because i've got some cake in that other freezer whatever you want yeah that'd be good okay there she goes that cabbage really is good like that and we already have a pork roast i'm not going to open that yet it's still warm a little bit i cooked it i smoked it whipping cream we'll throw it at the freezer real quick okay and then we'll beat it up she just happened to have a i got a cake layer how lucky is that hey cow this is some heavy whipping cream i'm gonna put it in here this is a four cup measuring cup i'm gonna stick it down in the freezer while we cut up the strawberries and then it'll be good and chilled and we'll mix it up this is a cake layer i got out of the freezer the other day i cleaned out my freezer and put it in the refrigerator so we'll use it won't we darling and we've got some pretty strawberries that all rips off so that's just a flat layer um yes it is it's actually the layer that was left on that little pound cake that i made remember and i asked the fudge i've seen oh and i only used two of the layers yeah and froze the other one i think all my paring knives are in the dishwasher oh my goodness my cats want to eat so i'm just gonna slice these strawberries up we'll put a little bit of sugar on them and zap them for one minute in the microwave and that'll automatically they'll have juice some good juice from it and then after we do that um we'll throw these in the freezer for a second so that they're not so hot coming out of the microwave to go on our dessert for supper after supper and that cabbage is starting to steam a little bit if you want to show it to them i guess y'all can see the stick yeah i'm sure y'all can see that steaming do you want a lid on it or i guess you don't need a lid do you cut it down you want it to reduce yeah these are really good strawberries i got these strawberries at aldi the other day and they're really good sweet look good strawberries are good we're having a good hot day it's so hot here and it's been hot enough well yesterday we got a good rain but today i don't think we've got any rain yet have we no i don't i mean it rained a little bit yesterday i don't think it framed me very much this one's about green on the bottom i guess i'm not using that real green part well this one's good and ripe so when you do strawberries like some people do like them to be in bigger pieces like this but now when i zap it i'll smash them a little bit because i do like for them to be in uh smaller pieces when they're on the plate they're not as pretty for a picture but they sure are good that way and this will be enough for me chris we're the only ones here today okay now we're going to take a little sugar put on them and i'm just going to put them in the microwave for one minute it should work with one minute sometimes it has to go like a minute and a half or so we'll see you want some blueberries or just the strawberries no just strawberry all right let's stir this up looking good it takes it to me to boil off the water and by the time it's done the cabbage is soft it gives it just enough to seam it it works all right they're smoking and then i typically take this and i smash them a little bit like so and there we have it you ready yeah they are a lot of people let them sit out during mama would always just let them sit out with the sugar on them um but me meat crisps are always in a hurry to eat them and if you've got strawberries and you haven't used them and you need to use them go ahead and do this to them and put them in the freezer in a bag or a little container and that way you'll have strawberries ready for whatever you want to use them for we're gonna put them down there and let them get cold and we're gonna mix this up real quick okay somebody didn't do a good job cleaning the mixer before they put it back up now what i like to do is when you first start doing it you can't cover it up just tell me i want to put just a dab of vanilla in it and a tiny bit of sugar don't that look good see when you throw it in the freezer for a second like that it gets good and cold and then the container's getting cold too it whips up quick i'm just gonna throw a tiny bit of sugar in it not much you got to be careful don't overbeat it or it'll turn into butter when it's fresh like that all right let's see how do we want to do this daddy let's just do half a cake okay since uh we don't want to waste any of it we might want to make another dessert with it good idea that's one good thing about having cake cake is even better when it's after it's been frozen it gets softer it really does and um so you can take you know your extra layer and wrap it up and freeze it and then just use half of it again we can have a coconut cake with this part the next time we want to quick dessert like what we're doing tonight it's nice to have them handy and ready yep it's just you and somebody else you can make you layer cake save a layer out and have two or three desserts out of it yeah that's true all right how do we want to do this do what the cake oh i don't know let's do it like this this is really i'm cold make them around huh it's right in there oh wait that's the top of the tops on the bottom now you can do one of these for um fourth of july coming up too and use some blueberries in it this is done it's ready for supper see look at it it's perfect that's how we like our cabbage just like that and you can let it sit in here a little longer it's got just a tiny bit of juice so it can sit here just a minute longer but it's almost ready and it's going to start to sizzle my girls are wanting supper tonight okay any mini money mo let's put the strawberries let them soak into the cake first nice dessert it's gonna be big y'all probably thought we're gonna get a big serving if we don't eat it all we can stick it back in the refrigerator and eat the rest of it tomorrow okay oh i was supposed to put the cake on it's gonna say i don't what are you doing i'm losing my mind what are you trying to do all right look at that now that one's got more strawberry underneath it yeah about to overflow here too much never too much we won't eat it all i'm not going to give that one as much strawberries as i get this one [Music] my cabbage is starting to talk to me turn it off when y'all hear that y'all can turn it off look we did deserve 15 minutes i'll set those right there you can go until i'm up close and personal well i pick up my cake no i gotta decide what to do with this cake let's put it in a bag or something blueberries oh okay this could be a blueberry one tomorrow i'll wrap it up good good okay for now it's going there we're going to clean up our cabinet and make us a play for sasha that's our program looks like it's pretty close to being done yeah i'd say it's a problem it's in the neighborhood it's hard to tell in that oven because it's kind of you can't tell the color of it good you look at me through the glass yeah i'll look at you through the glass oh it's way done nice and done it had a minute 37 seconds left oh i had it set on 25 minutes that's perfect simple supper now we're going to carve our roast and eat this is a pork loin [Applause] oh that looks good smells good and all we did if y'all want to know what we did that slice smells good yeah we used which one was it this one we put this on it gourmet collection splice blends roast vegetables and fries and it's pretty spicy smelled really good we've never tried it before and then we put some kosher salt and some looking for my carbon knife i don't think we put any pepper i think it was just the salt and i coated it with oil and then i smoked it on 300 i think for about what about three hours maybe yeah 300 for about three hours boy it smells good now it's going to look pink but it is done that's how pork looks when you smoke it just like a ham does got that smoked ring yeah now we cook it i think to about 175 degrees something like that i think it looks like a ham does as far as the color it does doesn't it yeah looks good on it it's pretty juicy in here nice all right let's make a plate do it okay we'll tonight up online okay so for supper we have ham no no not ham it looks like ham pork loin pork roast it's pork loin roast okay real quick a tomato for me and it's good and crunchy yeah it's crunchy it's heartbreaking tail all right let's put some cabbage on the plate and we'll give it a try here's the plate looks good i'm gonna turn it around and let you see it with the cabbage there you go there's the dessert over there waiting in our dessert well you can't beat that can you everybody's ready to eat the dogs are ready the cat's meowing everybody eats at supper time all right so i'm gonna try this pork loin i kept trying to call it it looks so much like a ham i keep calling it ham and it's not a oh it's salty i love smoked meat i love chicken on a smoker too a whole chicken that's good or cabbage home grown tomatoes and cornbread i like cornbread milk with tomatoes in it that's good stuff wait a minute don't you turn that off okay just changing hands you are yes ahead of yourself are you ready for this we weren't even planning to make the cake but look you can throw something like this together really quick for your family for dessert you can also do a pie super fast and easy most of the time for dessert but this is a homemade pound cake that we just happen to have some in the freezer he's following me up to my mom delicious i could just eat this no y'all have a wonderful day and thanks for watching colored about the cooks where we cook a lot mama did bye y'all love ya [Music] come back and see me now [Music] you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 85,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook southern style cabbage, #cabbage, #cornbread, #cornbreadrecipes, #collardvalleycooks, #southerncooking
Id: 08NMNaHfmRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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