SOUTH LOUISIANA DUCK HUNT. Opening day of the 2nd split.

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what's going on guys we are back at the camp for the second split of big duck season and we got a few cold fronts this week so hopefully we got some birds down because last week was well we didn't hunt last week but two weeks ago was pretty rough all we had was dogery in the area so hopefully we got some big ducks uh i'm gonna stay optimistic i think i'm gonna shoot four ducks i'm hoping for two greys and two dogery what do you think george be lucky get anything yeah he's always the optimist how about you right you're pretty optimistic you're not thinking anything i'm thinking a couple couple of dollars let's see a couple of degrees and a teal so i will see you guys out at the blonde we'll see who's right well it's currently 5 20 40 minutes before legal shoot time and i finally got these guys to leave at a reasonable time we're not rushing to get to the blind for once which is really nice usually we leave last minute and as soon as you get the decoys in the water it's shoot time so i don't have time to set up or anything so it's pretty nice but uh we got really good conditions today it's in the 50s 10 mile an hour wind a little bit of a crosswind but it's okay it's still over our back a little bit we had a heading out we had a lot of people at the camps which was really nice everybody's lights were on everybody was loading their boats up so i think the action's going to start up pretty quick this morning so see you guys when it starts i just realized we didn't get will's prediction for today what is it conditions conditions are pretty good now keep that in mind there's a lot of hunters birds gonna be moving thinking i'm too doggery let's have to decide if i'm gonna shoot dopey or not last weekend you skipped on them right yeah we'll see i don't like cleaning them but uh maybe a gray two dog grey and a gray i said for yourself or for the blind not for us for total everybody oh yeah i don't know i think i'm gonna shoot two and two two dogery two great myself okay all right well a little more optimistic than your dad wonder what he said he said nothing nothing uncle ryan said we'll shoot some dogery i think yeah my dad might shoot nothing never know yeah all right well let's see we got 20 more minutes to wait yep though green landing out behind us gonna pass on him until we could pick a drake huh yeah could be a hand very well could be don't agree agree on the right all right press teal steel drop one i think i might drop some over there i go i think i might have hit two i'm not positive actually i don't even know they went behind the bush get him buddy to be honest those went behind these roses and i just blonde shot where i thought they would be is that the neutral over there or is that a duck i hope so get him out of here drop that drop him please uh you need to get in first well you're blocking yourself you know drop good boy all right we're on the board well i was looking out behind the blind turned around and there was a bunch of teal in front of us caught me off guard but i cut the camera on they went behind the rose oh and i took a shot where i thought they would be ended up dropping one so one on the board already blew my prediction out the water i was expecting grayson dogery started with the teal well paddled out to see if i hit any of the other ones and sure enough we got another bird down get him buddy on bring him in here ah come here bring him here bring him here echo touch him come on good boy there we go so turns out we got two out of that group awesome well i paddled back to the back of the blind to see if i dropped that other bird and sure enough he was laying in the water dead shot two of them blind that's a first for me two on one shot couldn't even see him don't agree yeah he's probably gonna loop around and go meet up with him in the middle of the pond did he we're picking our shots with the doe green we're gonna wait till the sun comes up a little bit and try and shoot two grey two greats wow too great we're gonna try and shoot to drake's when the sun comes up four drakes i think he saw us yeah he's awesome 100 model i'm gonna take a pop at it oh there's the hole find them find them you gotta smell him touch touch i think he's on him now hunch come on good boy come on come on good boy come on come on buddy hop in good boy come here come here drop good boy this is a big duck well guys a model duck came by and he got a little too close i thought he was a little too high but i figured i'd take a shot at him anyway and one shot one kill we got here so agree i'm gonna take the other ones in front what are these in front big duck go for it might be a model i think it's models look at that line of clouds yeah that's awesome they're going that way that's scary-looking there it is sun is out now we got some cover on these ducks should we take it let me take this i shouldn't have got up ah american sniper baby where'd the rest of them go when they're a few i can't throw this that far get him buddy punch him i'm gonna have to go get that oh there he goes he's not on him i think that thing's awake i think his head's up i'm gonna go get him anyway that's such a far swim i don't know he's probably all right but gotta make sure i don't know if you can see but that goes way out there so we're paddling out to go get him that was such a long swim i'm gonna help him out come on bubba are you swimming all the way back huh you wanna come on come on come on get in oh don't tip me good boy ugh sit down give me that gray drop drop him good boy good boy hey good boy buddy good job finishing that out there we go guys first grade for the day that's bird number four pretty good looking little drake two more to go we're dealing religion dude i could have shot i wanted to i wanted the group to come around well it was hard to decide like one question man that was the wizard uh yeah i could have there was no no definitely didn't there was about one that was in range and it would have been too greedy to shoot at even though it's some widgeon dude that my heart is like we don't get a lot of witching guys and that's one of my favorite birds whoo adrenaline dump no this is you this is you i'll see you it's a model dog drop them we're going to shoot them high if we have to copy right [Laughter] get that first shot it's adobe get him buddy neither of us can hit ah stay there's a hen it's 9 30. that's gonna be it for today guys the day went pretty good better than expected i got the four birds i was hoping for they were just better birds than i was expecting ended the day with four blue winged teal a gray and a model duck a shot awesome i was super happy with how i shot i had two blind shots which was really cool uh shot two birds in one shot that's why you follow through i was drawing through the rose okay and came up in my sight just kept following through and pulled the trigger and dropped two of them that was pretty awesome never done that before i could have shot a few dogery early but we decided to pass on them because i wanted to try to pick some drakes out but they just never came back so ended up not getting any dogery we had some wijon working on us in the middle of the day that was pretty cool i haven't seen widget in a while would have been nice if they would uh finished but they ended up skirting us somebody shot and then they just flared off so it is what it is overall i was happy with today's hunt yeah hopefully we get some more cold fronts this week and some more birds come down but until then i'll see you guys find me where the later water flows where the saw grass weighs in the cattails grow
Channel: Swamp Steeze
Views: 1,297
Rating: 4.5862069 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, duck, duck hunting, hunting vlog, outdoors, outdoors vlog, waterfowl, waterfowl hunting, louisiana, louisiana hunting, louisiana duck hunting, dogris, grey, grey duck, cajun, swamp, marsh, dularge, delacroix, venice, blue bill, scaup, outdoor limits, flair, vlog, duck dynasty, duck commander, benelli, pump action, semi auto, angler, hunter, limits, gadwall, teal, blue wing, fisherman, fishing, pirogue, dog, lab, sport
Id: QfGdA_xkWq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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