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one more time i had gobblers and hands and everything's worked like it should except we ain't pulling the trigger part of going in here okay get the turkey going get one day in here if we can and get out of here we got work to do that calls still built it's part of what we got to do when you're on the turkeys all come back up [Music] [Music] right there [Applause] [Laughter] huh uh ah so [Music] huh he's giving us just enough to make it yeah it's 845 you know it's mid-morning right now just past nine o'clock and there's a turkey that just started shotguling at some crows mike called him a couple times and he answered but he's just staying in the same spot there's this clear lane that goes out and mike is calling walking out and then he's gonna call coming back and hopefully that's enough to bring him up in this way he could also come from behind us here so we're calling to try to pin him down to one spot and not make him have us guess where he's come through and have it be just a complete rodeo off where is he going to be we came in early it was overcast cool kind of damp misty turkey goblin two times hard tire west we've encountered turkeys right here close to this spot two times already in the last two or three days and we decided we were gonna come on up to this spot and we've been sitting 20 yards back that way and we were sitting this old faint roll [ __ ] where they've been cutting some timber out this way one goes down that way apparently there was a turkey pitch from here close to us and went that way and he may have gobbled four or five times all morning long and we were just about to call it because just not i mean we know he's got ends with it we've seen the end and he's just not really ready so we were picking to say you know we got work to do we got to get out of here and then all of a sudden he gobbled i called he answered me i called again he answered me and he gobbled he went quiet again now he's got once or twice more just kind of like he's moving around this road bed so we're just giving a little more time patience trying to be patient don't get too hot flooded we're just kind of letting him do his thing hope we'll give it a little more time [Laughter] there we go is yeah here he comes he's he's 50 yards behind her she's got to keep what do you think just doing the right thing and that nearly wasn't a good deal either that he was right there and he was coming right behind her he'd answered me twice finally he's been here all morning he's been right out there he might have gone five times i said man this turkey just is not ready he's got hens with him and we got so much work to do and everything but we stayed and about time was fixing to give up i said oh he gobbled something something something kicked him off woodpecker or something crow you know and then we kind of moved a little bit i called out this way a little bit trying to cast a call like the hymns over here we just sit back down and say we're going to give a little bit of time and i told bill and i said you know this old logging thing where they've been in here thinning these pines goes out that ridge it goes right down into the bottom they scratch around in a lot and he's just down in that bottom you know and i said he's got a hen back with him or something and uh you know he driving once or twice more over the next 30 minutes and i said man we're just going to give him a little time i know we got work to do and we got thing i mean y'all get tired of hearing that but we got work there got things we got to do i thought i saw something moving i got my binoculars up and i saw movement and i said that's a hen she's coming straight up that road and i dude she has just feet from us and it went right you know was right she was right there on me but i saw him coming and i didn't want to you know as fast as he was coming i didn't want him to get too close because i mean these ninja loads are bad one thing plus he just time to kill him when you can next thing i needed was her to start doing something goofy and i had my hand up over my side because i'm having to face the sun that's one of those things you know when i'm having to face the sun that's where the turkey came i try not to let that lens reflect so i had my hand like this and she was right here on my shoulder but he's you know right there 30 yards and closing so i just had to slide my hand down and get on him and of course they saw that but it was a little bit too late he took a few steps behind a pine tree i couldn't kill him right there and i want to make sure you were on him clear so dude we've had probably this turkey right here two or three times just right there with hands and just you know just didn't feel like we had the right shot or one reason another but feels good thank you lord feels good to get get this turkey on the ground and you know obviously having something with some history with him what do you what again i hate to keep you know when you hit them with it it's just they just blood spluttered everywhere i hated to hit him like that i mean he was kind of you know he kind of did the old he did the old what was he was about he was right in there yeah and he did the you know i shot him right here so he when he came back in between you know he's done moved back away four or five step so still they were coming to where they were comfortable and where they wanted to be and he was following that hand i told you when he gobbled down that a couple of times and said you know we've been seeing him with three to five hens i said some of them we seen a hen come by like she was going to on a mission like she's going to lay an egg you know earlier and i said them he's leaving he kind of got gobbled there just out you know and kind of was ready to gather up and leave and he gobbled and i called and he answered and i called and he asked him you know then he went quiet and i said well one of them hands is still right there somewhere it's easy to come back to him he may you know may not have been handed inside sometimes they get just doing their business and then start leaving and the hand gets over there and he don't he don't see a hand he starts getting a little more anxious you know and that one that was still with him and i think she was just coming where she won't be i mean obviously they'd heard me up here calling so she's either coming up here to get with her friends or she's coming over here to feed up through here this is good stuff from where they do these logging strips and stuff and they can come through and bug and they can scratch and all this debris and stuff there's bugs in it and little seeds and little green sprouts coming up plus ain't destined you'll you'll find dust bowls all along places like this that's why you find good turkey habitat that's being a woodsman finding where they are because you ain't got turkeys to hunt it don't matter how good a turkey killer or whatever you are you gotta have turkeys located these strikers you know they make different tones and everything and i i was looking for something that would strike his fancy and uh obviously i found it there got him convinced to come see us anyway and yonder you hang that's right and
Channel: WoodHaven Custom Calls
Views: 5,403
Rating: 4.9733334 out of 5
Id: WPjCJ7r7HTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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