Calving Season: You Never Know what'll happen

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say good morning [Music] [Music] so we got the first three pairs that are headed over to our next pasture loaded up and before we haul them over there we're gonna go check on the middle pen because it looks like there's a kennel standing by yourself and it's kind of sprinkle in and so if something had a camp in that fan we really don't want it in there especially if it's somewhat wet so we gonna run out there maybe grab the calf throw it over the fence and put it in somewhere that's a little bit drier or set it nicely over the we let chuck it please shot went over the you know so there is in fact a calf in the middle man is where we gonna go that's it a good spot for now so we got to the boat place they got their water tank you got a line of trees for protection we got that bale for which I welded up a couple videos ago and so they got a pretty good here they got grass and it's hilly and so this better than anybody else is gonna have it [Music] and they also got a protein tub sitting up on that concrete over there for a little bit better nutrition windbreak I'm just gonna make sure it's doing good and the plan is once we feed these heifers here we're gonna chase those two through this gate and they're gonna hang out for the next 24 hours in this pen just to make sure that calf is doing good and make sure it figures out how to drink oh yeah we need that son to Punk out what you do that's pretty hard there's a few different techniques we can use to unplug this one of them as we start the PTO and right away it backs up before it goes forward and when just a little and it doesn't go much and if you wait too long that just gets tighter another thing is we can shut the track drop and dad can actually use the bucket and basically run into that reel and try to peel it backwards but sometimes it's just too clogged and that doesn't work either arms are getting tired gloves we getting fall off ground hey so we're gonna use our other strategy where we push on the reel with the load so we can get our arm underneath the part that's squished in there we could put a chain underneath it and wrap it all right yeah I can see it's spinning oh yeah I think it went yeah you can see the reel spinning in the back as my dad would say when I was younger don't do it again we got a nice ball cap and the mothers doing good job with it a little ma'am I would like to have your cap right by the feed bunk it'd have a really nice spot delay so that cow can eat out of this bunk I'll have to get a couple buckets of water there's a I'll fill that tub with water I suppose who a saw my Instagram or maybe in this video there's a red track just sitting our yard no we didn't buy that we just traded in our BT and that's what they're using to pull it back to where we sold it to I forgot to shut the water off again it's probably running over so we have some good news which started off with bad news but this cow she's a second-year heifer heifer at whatever you want to call it and two days ago she actually dumped her twins and so they're both premature but we got her up and we have a friend that had an old cow that just had a calf and she's sold she really doesn't have any teeth left and so we're gonna go over to a friend's place and grab this calf save this mother because she'll have a calf and we won't have to call her and she'll have a new baby you got three tags the calves and also I'm stupid we got three halfs to tag including this one then we got to water her one had one out on the white building last night in the cornfield them that's a big there's a dollop what's that is gaggle that's a gaggle of calves right week oh my yeah she says I don't want to leave the nice thing is she ain't attacking yet knock on wood I think oh you're okay alright alright you got to go eat girl or is it Ellie Ellie get out all right so we're uh we're to the feedlot picking up that feedlot calf way over there on the other side of that hill and here's the gate and so we gonna run over there pick her up run back and run back mean to take a calf away from a mama thing is she's pretty old and she can't eat very well and if she were to raise this calf she'd be losing weight constantly making milk for it because she can't intake enough and she just can't keep up her own bodily maintenance the nice thing is we're saving the life of a really good young cow that it's really nice and she only had one yep and so this cow was gonna be it was gonna be processed in the near future anyway and now we're kind of saving a nice young cow well if she wouldn't have before she went to market so dad milked it just so we can get this calf a taste and give it a little energy and hopefully this little bit will get it going and get it standing up and taking on the on its own the thing we came over to the bowl place to check on these three pairs we dropped off this morning let's see well there's one on the other side of the fence over there behind that tree there's one right there do you know where the third one is where are your children you think it's gonna run across this 30 acre field well oh there's the other one look at they're sleeping here we can sneak up on them said I didn't like the wind I found a tree [Music] that was a heavy calf gonna wrap it up today put the calf that we took off from our friends place now we're gonna take the tractor we gonna move the bunks again on the one field because it's getting sloppy dad almost got stuck again with the meat wagon [Music] some dad's leaving I was thinking it but you look here we've been driving through a lot this area and the crust kind of broke this is what's underneath it's just liquid here with something heavy enough and you break through this top layer you're just gonna dive in it's just so saturated it's just crazy dad my Spring Break got extended another week yeah well maybe I can go to Mexico now gonna bout do it for this video I don't know what we did stuff with calves and cows don't forget to check out the merch we got shirts and sweatshirts and we got hats and a sticker also we got Instagram accounts if you want to check them out all the links are below so thanks for watching this one see you next time and if Mountain Dew wants to sponsor me yeah right oh I'm here alright see you guys [Music]
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 85,411
Rating: 4.9593334 out of 5
Keywords: feeding cattle, new baby calf, calving season, farming, ranching, john deere, fixing, young calf, baby calf, hauling cattle, black angus, angry cow, mad cow, muddy, getting stuck, stuck tractor, calving pen, tagging calf, saving calf, saving cattle
Id: gTHjhMx_qaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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