The OG Vegan Brisket - TEXAS BBQ-STYLE SEITAN! 🔥🔥🔥 | The Wicked Kitchen

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all right welcome back to another wiki kitchen episode today we are going full on Texas barbecue today I have a Texas style seitan brisket with a super delicious sticky sweet barbecue sauce it is so good serving it up Texas style with some raw onions some pickles and some Texas toast here you do not want to miss it stay tuned alright we're gonna dive into the seitan here so the ingredients that we're working with is Vita wheat gluten so this is really the best product out there I would say for any kind of gluten source that's Bob's Red Mill this is one I go I go to and it's about 80% protein so basically what seitan is it is pure weekly and so if you are celiac or gluten free you can probably click off this video now go check out some of the amazing other gluten free videos that we have if you love gluten like myself being gluten free and tolerant stay tuned we're gonna get into some awesome awesome recipe here so we have a a gluten flour so this is a gluten flour all it is is basically pure gluten alright so old-school way of making seitan is you basically take whole whole wheat flour you would make it you would make a dough and then under a running stream of water you're basically needing that that that dough under a running stream of water so you're washing away the bran and you're washing away the germ so you're left with just the gluten itself okay so nowadays we're able to get just gluten flour which is fantastic way to make seitan way easier than the old-school way of making it so I also have some chickpea flour here lots of spices and similar to bread or if you're baking in general I start off with the dry batch and then also a wet match so for let's make the wet batch first of the liquid okay a really flavor packed liquid that I'm using here so so I have some Marsala wine can you sherry sherry works also really well I have some soy sauce okay so I'm playing with all of these different flavor profiles of salt acid sweet and fat okay so we also have some maple in there right I have some olive oil couple clogs alright I have some sriracha and then just squirt it out so good a little bit of heat alright then I also have some vegetable stock alright just gonna pour this that should be enough that's good alright so we have all those like you can put liquid components we're also going to add some some tomato paste can also use ketchup if you want use ketchup you would use a little bit less sweetener in there alright grab the smallest whisk you can find I'm just kidding let's just whisk that up let's mix that up really really well so this is going to be the liquid that I actually mix into the dry batch and this is also going to be the braising liquid so you want to make sure that you make enough liquid to to add to the dry batch and to cover the pan when it comes to braising which we'll talk about a little bit here okay you know whisk that all up so again using recipes as formulas working with a lot of flavorful ingredients there the wine being the acid the sweetener being the maple the soy being the salt and obviously the olive oil being the fat is a is a great combination to start with so we're gonna set that wet batch aside and let's now work with the dry batch this is where we're gonna mix everything together so this is the gluten flour this is chickpea flour so the reason I don't use straight gluten flour now it you can straight you can use straight gluten flour if you wish but I like to kind of cut it a little bit so I have some chickpea flour and it cuts it so it's not super tight and you'll see in the final result of this product once it's cooked so I use a little bit of chickpea flour you can also use oats in there some ground oats to a flour which is really nice you can also if you want a sort of a softer crumbly seitan you can use you know blended tofu as though as that liquid batch you can be blinded tofu blended beans anything like that that's gonna create almost more of a cream creaminess rather than a straight flavorful liquid and that creaminess with the presence of that other protein and other starches it's gonna make it a little bit different when it comes to the end texture so we have gluten we have chickpea flour I have some garlic granules onion granules some chili powder some paprika and some cumin now we're gonna add a little bit more salt all right we're gonna just mix that up mix up that dry batch okay so this is a this is one of those base 8 tons that are is nice to have on hand just to keep in the freezer I would obviously you're not gonna eat this whole seitan in one sitting with your family because it is a lot of a lot of one gluten of course but it's also very dense and very dense protein so I like to make it and I'll you know probably serve about half of it and the rest I'll put in the freezer or put in the fridge you can shred it you can mince it you can use it in tons of different applications so today we're gonna be working with this base a time as a brisket which we're gonna throw in the grill in a little while as well all right so let's get that wet batch and that dry batch now let's mix that up [Music] it's probably going to take about half this liquid all right so when it comes to the cooking process of Satan there's a couple ways to do it all right the old-school method when I started making seitan many years ago I was doing the old-school method as I mentioned with with just rinsing wheat flour so all the brand and all the germ washes away and so you're left with a straight protein but the problem that you I would have making that was that that you couldn't really infuse it with a lot of flavor the only way that you can infuse it with flavor is to simmer it in a flavorful liquid okay and so that really spongy seitan that you can get there's a lot of companies on the market that have say Tom products that are quite spongy that's because it's they're using the boiling method okay so it kind of expands a little bit and it makes it more more chewy more bouncy with this method that we're gonna work with of using gluten flour I'm able to infuse a lot more flavor into the actual product and then I can braise it or I can steam it okay so this product in particular we're gonna braise which I'll talk about in a bit but another way to cook it besides the boiling method as I just mentioned is to steam it so you can be or you can bake it so basically because it's pollutant wants to expand when it comes to heat right all right so I've mixed in as much as I can with the spatula now I'm gonna use my hands you want to just basically pick up all that dry this is the consistency this is the texture that you're looking for I'll show you just a minute on the board here all right so we're gonna set this aside this is the liquid which we're gonna use to braise and I'm just going to need it you're not needing it necessarily to activate the gluten because it's straight gluten it'll activate just basically by mixing but you're basically just needing it to incorporate all those other flavors and all those other ingredients into this recipe okay so what I like is if you were not to use chickpea flour you wouldn't be able to break it apart okay I like it to be slightly tender you know because we're gonna make this a brisket we're gonna throw it on the grill we're gonna you know use it with a little bit of barbecue sauce I like it to be quite tender okay compared to really really tight like a deli meat as I mentioned so using a little bit of chickpea flour in there is really really helpful to do that all right so you have this now batch of raw seitan I can roll in small sausages I can put it in in parchment or in cheesecloth roll em up really tight steam them as sausages which is really great or for this one we're gonna make this into the brisket so it's going to be a rough piece all right so all I'm doing here is I'm just basically shaping it okay make sure it's not gonna fall apart on both sides all right we have a casserole pan okay so I'm gonna use this with a little bit oil on the bottom and I cook the seitan let the oil paint the rest of that braising liquid pour that around [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna put this in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes and then I'll check back let's check this out see now you're creating that crust on top this has a little bit more to go before I flip it so we're gonna put it back in there until you create a little bit more darkness on top there here when the darkness is on top we're gonna flip it and then continue to cook it for about another 20 minutes 30 minutes all right let's check on this seitan this is looking good you know it is close to done when the liquid is almost evaporated there that so it's quite firm on the top which is nice all right that's what you're looking for what we want to do next is loosen that up okay so I'm basically get started to cook well so I'm gonna now flip it [Music] that is looking good so I'm gonna use a little bit of that liquid that's left I'm just making sure that's covered here [Music] absorb the rest of that a lot looks so good smells so good guys put this back in we're gonna come right back to it once done all right Satan should be done let's pull that out of the oven yes that smells so good all that liquid that we added to that has been evaporated it's thickened up for a little bit of glaze on there this is good to go all right so you can see this is tightened up so much for when we first put it in the oven you can see it is so nice the smell is incredible the liquid has all really evaporated and you know the sugars have caramelized to create this amazing sweet and smoky glaze on there so this on its own is such a versatile product you can slice this you can put it in a sandwich you can grind it up you can put it as a ground beef which is quite nice what we're gonna do here is we're gonna glaze it we're gonna coat it in this amazing wicked good barbecue sauce throw it on the gill grill char it up and we're gonna have a seitan brisket feast all right so this seitan has now cooled so it once it cools it just tightens up so much this it is amazing this is the brisket this is so good once you douse it in barbecue throw it on the grill it is absolutely delicious so let's get a pan ready we have this wicked good barbecue sauce here all right so we're going to add a little bit on the bottom here we have that seitan oh yes that looks so good all right we're gonna dose it here on the pan and then while it is cooking on the grill I will just continue to base and all these sugars all the sweetness is gonna really caramelize it's gonna black in it is gonna be so good we're gonna serve this with all the traditional barbecue components little Texas bread some pickles some raw onions and a roll of paper towels because it's good about to get sloppy all right so now that the grill is absolutely ripping hot we are ready to throw this seitan on this is gonna be so good so good so let's get this on there yes don't want any of that barbecue sauce going to waste so we're gonna we're gonna let it grill for probably about eight to ten minutes on each side and one suite's flip it we're gonna baste it again and we'll be good to go all right so that's been on the grill for about eight to ten minutes let's check it out look at that that looks freaking delicious [Music] this could mean how can this not be delicious unless you will die if you eat it [Music] Thanks all right this is ready to go this is all charred caramelized absolute freakin delicious nuts right here all right so you can see that char is all flavor right and all those little crispy bits that make barbecue what it is absolutely delicious we're gonna slice this up we're gonna serve it with some nice Texas toast a little bit of buttered bread a little bit of raw onions and some pickles some extra barbecue sauce and like I said tons of paper towels mmm so good all right let's slice that up oh and that crunch of that char is delicious all flavor right there all right so let's serve that with some pickles some fresh pickles all right here's some raw onion Texas style and of course that Texas toast so good all right there you have a seitan brisket with a wicked delicious barbecue sauce total Texas comfort right here if you liked this recipe be sure to subscribe until next time thanks so much for joining us you guys happy barbecuing all right let's get it holy that is so good [Music]
Channel: Wicked Foods
Views: 444,980
Rating: 4.9177585 out of 5
Keywords: Wicked Healthy, vegan, vegetarian, animal-free, plant-based, cooking video, healthy, how to eat vegan, easy vegan recipes, easy vegetarian recipes, cheap vegan recipes, best vegan recipes, meal prep, vegan meals, vegetarian meals, dairy free, egg free, free from animals, whole foods, food, diet, veggie, vegetables, weight loss, vegan ideas, recipes, how to cook, vegan bbq, vegan barbecue, vegan brisket, seitan recipe
Id: B4UuP0heR8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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