Sourdough Bread SCORING Techniques | Bread Scoring PATTERNS & DESIGNS

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Today I'm gonna show you how to score your sourdough bread. I've got 12 different designs for you you're really in for a treat. Hi, I'm Sune and I'm a food geek. If you're new to this channel I make videos about baking sourdough bread and delicious foods from all over the world. I'm on a quest to get the most out of every ingredient and my goal is to teach you how to do that in simple and understandable steps so join me by subscribing and ringing the bell icon so you won't miss any future videos so why do we score our bread well if you watched my video on oven spring you'll know why 1) when you develop the gluten well and shape the dough the dough will be encased in a tight gluten network that will help the doughs stay together during baking but when you score the bread you'll create a weak point that will help the bread expand giving you oven spring. 2) the oven spring that you get will allow the crumb to have a more airy texture giving those coveted large holes. 3) aesthetics. It'll give you a bread that beautiful and professional look when it comes to tools you really need to bake as long equipped with a very sharp razor blade that's the only way to get these results I've left links in the description for a cheap inexpensive plastic lames which are just as good as the beautiful lame you see me using in this video I've baked 12 sourdough loaves six boules which are the round ones and six bâtards which are the cigar shaped ones all of them are scored with a different pattern and then baked so you can see how it turns out alright let's do this I'm going to show you how to perform twelve different scores of varying difficulty I'll start out with the six boules and afterwards I'll show you the bâtards if you're interested in a specific score there's timestamps in the description these scores are by no means an exhaustive list of all possible scores but the ones in this video I think of both interesting and beautiful as you'll see later on it's really important to have the dough on something that can turn some people use a cake turntable others lazy susan what i do is i plop the dough onto my nice little black iron peel which is easy to turn you may be able to just maneuver the dough around on a piece of parchment but be aware that it should be easy to turn the dough or else you're scoring can get very awkward. Also if you make a score and it isn't perfect you can always go over it again and cut what's missing or not deep enough. In the companion article on my site I provide templates and PDF for a boule and bâtard that you can print and practice on with a sharpie. It's all about getting the muscle memory trained so that you can get confident about your scoring. The link for the article is in the description. At the end of the video I'll give you some tips on how to handle the dough to help you get good scores so stick around until the end. The first score I'm going to show you is the cross which is probably the easiest one hold the lame straight down and cut from the top to the bottom then turn the dough 90 degrees and repeat. Let's have a look at that from another angle Straight down from the top to the bottom. Turn 90 degrees and repeat. After you score you want to get your dough into the oven as quickly as possible as you've now effectively punctured the gluten network and the dough will start to deflate fast. Let's have a look at it after it was baked. It opens up nicely but no ear or anything. To get an ear you have to score it in an angle. More on that later. The second score for boules is one of my favorites. It's called the diamond crosshatch. Start by scoring a number of parallel lines, then turn the dough about thirty degrees and then score more parallel lines let's look at that from another angle score parallel lines turn the dough 30 degrees and then score more parallel lines let's have a look at that after its baked isn't it pretty if your bread has great oven spring it really opens up in each core the third score I'm going to show you is called a window pane no relation to the gluten development test here I chose to decorate it with a cross inside the window pane but it also works without cut two parallel lines spaced out evenly and turn the dough 90 degrees and repeat then add a cross let's do the other angle cut straight down two parallel lines spaced out evenly turn the dough 90 degrees and repeat decorate for the cross let's look at the baked loaf this one is interesting because the pane actually gets lifted up a bit it looks really cool I think the fourth score is called a leaf cut when baked the loaf will resemble a leaf cut four parallel lines on one side of the dough turn the dough about 90 degrees and mirror the design on the other side let's look at that from the other angle first four parallel lines on one side turn and mirror the design on the other side this one looks really beautiful I think simple yet elegant the fifth score is called the spiral it's not the easiest one to do and here I should have probably got my cake turntable as it would have made it a lot easier start in the middle while turning the dough move outwards towards the edge as you can see I'm just going over the score making sure that there are no parts where the dough hasn't been cut properly let's look at the other angle for a different view when it comes out of the oven it looks really great though I think the sixth and final boule score for I'm gonna show you is an artistic or frilly score these can be done in countless ways they often contain a wheat stock but it is no rule I learned to do this from a video by Anna Gabor which you can find on social media as Bread Journey. I have a special lame for this called the wire- monkey but here I'm just gonna use the straight one I've seen people just hold the blade but I'm just too clumsy for that first I use some butchers twine to make some helper lines then I cut a wheat stock along each helper line then I cut an outline around each wheat stalk it's important that the entire center has been cut so that the bread can open there let's have a look at the whole thing from a different angle then we bake it and here it comes straight out of the oven just have a look of that isn't it gorgeous then we on to the bâtards the first score on a bâtard is called a diagonal saucisson it means sausage in french but i wasn't going to call it diagonal sausage it's a really classic french bread cut cut a number of parallel lines about 45 degrees along the breads long axis this one is really easy from the other angle parallel lines all along the bread after baking it looks like this it's a really classic looking bread the second score I'll show you is a score to get an ear one that many people seem to struggle with but it's really not that hard start at the top hold lame at about a 30-degree angle and cut all the way to the bottom of the bread as you can see I expand the cut even further to make sure it can really open up after its baked you can see if the bread really opened up and created the ear the third score is called a French cut this is probably my favorite score for batard because it looks so beautiful after its baked two long parallel cuts at a slight angle notice that where the second one starts is up higher where the first cut ends baked it looks like this. man, mini ears and everything I need a piece of bread soon the fourth cut is called a leaf cut it's a variation of the one I did on the bull but this one contains a center cut and where the bread can expand start by cutting straight down the middle proceed to cut a number of parallel lines on one side turn the bread slightly and mirror the design on the other side from the other angle it looks like this and here is the baked loaf look how the center cut helped the bread really open up you can do the center cut on the boule as well but I think it's better suited for a batârd The fifth score is called a straight saucisson. Straight sausage, yeah no. Basically just long cuts down the length of the bread. Try and be as precise as possible I start with the center cut then the middle right cut and the middle left cut then I fill in the open spaces with two more cuts on each side this method helps me to get them spaced out evenly baked it looks really gorgeous. It also seems classic to me although I don't know of any classic bread that uses this score. For the sixth and last batard score is another artistic one this one I came up with myself although I'm sure that it's been done before I start with a wavy line down the middle. Then I do a wheat stalk on one side. Then I turn the bread 180 degrees and score another wheat stalk After its baked this is what it looks like. The wavy score really helped the bread open up. As you can see I got a little close with the wheat stock on one side when something doesn't turn out how you want it it's not a failure it's just a learning experience Alright those are of the scores. Let me talk a little bit about how to handle the dough when you're about to score a bread you want your gluten to be very well developed make sure you do a windowpane test before you get into the proofing part of your bulk you also want your bulk to be of the correct length when the bulk is over the dough should be light and bubbly and have risen visibly this is not about a specific amount of time you'll also want to make sure that you shape your dough well so that you have a tight gluten network on the outside of the dough lastly you should retard the dough in a banneton on or at least something that helps keep the dough in its final shape remember to use a lot of rice flour want the scores to show up in a different color all these things and many more are covered in my get amazing oven spring video if you're unsure about how to do any of these things this video will be of total eye opener for you remember to subscribe and ring the bell and I will see you next week for another video
Channel: Foodgeek
Views: 1,100,982
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Keywords: sourdough bread scoring, sourdough bread scoring technique, sourdough bread scoring patterns, scoring sourdough, bread scoring techniques, scoring bread, scoring bread techniques, scoring bread with lame, scoring bread patterns, scoring bread dough, scoring bread loaf, bread scoring designs, scoring bread designs, how to score bread to get an ear, bread decorating ideas
Id: wfoC-daJq8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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