🏴‍☠️C2 Proficiency English Vocabulary Quiz | EXTREMELY DIFFICULT 🧐

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so we're gonna have a look at a c2 vocabulary test on this website exam English and I hope I don't get any of the questions wrong I hope I don't and but this is quite difficult this c2 level proficiency level English so if I get anything wrong it's you know it's understandable it's it's perfectly possible that a native speaker could get some answers wrong here it doesn't mean I'm not a brilliant teacher I am anyway let's let's go straight into is 50 questions for fairly long let's get started so number one I'm afraid that the argument really doesn't hold water hold firm hold sense hold meaning why we would say it doesn't make sense and it doesn't doesn't have any meaning maybe so it can be hold firm or hold water the arguments so what you are saying what we're trying to say here doesn't it doesn't seem likely it doesn't seem like a it doesn't seem like what you're saying is consistent with the other evidence that we have and I think we would say it doesn't hold water correct yes so I was actually worried for a second there I was doubting it is hold water yes okay so let's move on to the next question we've got 1 out of 1 so in the UN the United Nations loan the United Nations has called for an immediate of hostilities it has called for any immediate deletion cessation cancellation ceasefire of hostilities so now deletion we're not deleting anything now and a cancellation you have canceled hostilities cessation yes you would want to cease hostilities so it would be a cessation of hostilities I think a ceasefire you could say an immediate ceasefire but a ceasefire means when you stop fighting so that is a word which would encompass hostilities so I think we would say a cessation of hostilities or an immediate ceasefire so it's of hostilities we would say a cessation of hostilities yes to outer - excellent wonderful okay unfortunately his report doesn't hmm with what we've learnt from other sources doesn't Polly rally tally pollyali Ally Pally alley rally tally I've got to admit I don't know what Polly means I'm pretty sure it would have to be tally here so what we're saying is that his report doesn't add up no sir - tally is when you when we draw lines like this one two three four five that's to tally how many we've got of something so if someone has made a report and we have other evidence so that when there's other sources no you would have to say it doesn't tally with what we've learned from other so I think please yes it's correct three halves right I don't think I'm gonna get 50 out of 50 I can see already now I'm gonna have to check some things but yeah 303 is a good start the government is doing all it can to war on dangerous driving okay it's a launched wage battle stage well yes to wage war I think there's an expression in Spanish which would be something right I think you say leave it out leave it [Music] no to to basically challenge something to fight against something we say to wage war just a collocation it's an expression so yeah wage one number five tomorrow has set her on becoming a ballet dancer she has set her heart on becoming a ballet dancer yeah she has decided that that is the thing that she most wants in the world she has set her heart when you set your heart on something you are determined you have made the decision you know absolutely decided and determined to do something she wants to become a ballet dancer she has set her heart on becoming a ballet dancer okay number six mm I don't think Paul will ever get married he's the stereotypical bachelor mmm so settled fixed confirmed determined bachelor I think I think what we're saying here yeah I think the expression is that I think it's a confirmed bachelor and it means confirmed in the sense of sort of like religious ceremony that you have gone through a confirmation process you are an official bachelor I hope after that explanation I've got this right I have he's a confirmed bachelor six out six okay good I felt hmm with the writer from his descriptions of a world that seemed to have a great deal in common with my own I felt I think we would say I felt an affinity no I felt like I had a sense that there was a similarity between us I felt there was a connection I felt there was no there's another expression but yeah I think it has to be a fantasy here yeah okay number eight Marlene is quite hmm I don't know I don't know if she manages to fit everything I think we're missing a word though it should say I don't know how she manages to fit everything in so she is indefatigable I think yes so when we say she can't fit everything I don't know how she fits everything in how she manages to fit everything in we're saying I don't know how she has time or the energy to to do all of the things that she does so she is indefatigable she cannot be made tired yeah hey this is going better than I expected one of the most powerful pressure groups in the country is the road and car hmm which opposes any legislation that will increase taxes specifically for them so yeah what we call pressure groups political groups there could be environmentalists they could be working for any kind of sector any kind of business sector of course but we include charities people who are pro well for example in Spain a pressure group might be the ones that are in favor of bullfighting the ones that are against the animalist groups that are against bullfighting these are all pressure groups and we call them lobbies as well so one of the most powerful pressure groups in the country is the road and car lobby you know there is a very strong movement now against sports like hunting and shooting there is a movement against now hunting and shooting so killing animals I think we call them blood sports yes good okay it's a popular belief Pluto's not a planet so for some reason now Pluto isn't a planet huh not sure the specific reason contrary to popular belief what we would say yeah it was a close hmm but we just made it to the airport on time for a flight so we nearly missed our flight at the airport but we didn't it was a very close it was a close call I'm gonna press the wrong one it was a close call but we just made it to the airport in time yeah well this is going well we'd all be at school together for 12 years and as our leaving celebrations we eternal friendship right so now this is this is quite a difficult one this is this is a word here so we've got pledged assured undertook and and confined it well so we were at school together for 12 years and when we were leaving school we all said to each other we made this kind of promise this almost like a a verbal contract and we would say we pledged eternal friendship we pledged there we go we pledged eternal friendship yeah that's definitely what we were saying ever every year many small I think I think again there's an error here it should say every year many small companies gets up by large multinationals so what happens to small companies is multinationals swallow them up yes they get swallowed up by large multinationals yes so they get devoured they get eaten they get eliminated from the free market by these big conglomerates 15 do you have any figures showing the of left-handedness in the general population the occurrence incidence persistence accidents so what we want to say here so when we say figures we're talking about data information graphs something like that do you have any statistics that show the incidence so the incidence is likely the how common something is no the the there's another word that's not coming out yeah how common it is to be left-handed left handedness so the incidence of left handedness in the general population yeah good okay 15 out of 15 this is going better I'm getting more confident as the the minutes wear on here in the course of his long life in business George G Matthews a substantial fortune assembled a substantial fortune compiled a substantial fortune amassed substantial fortune and total them substantial for again this is really just a collocation we would I think I'm right in saying that we amass a fortune math yes he amassed a substantial fortune he made a lot of money now okay yeah we say it's just a colocation to a massive fortune okay so we were on 16 out of 16 good number seventeen the country has few natural resources and its economy has been hmm for some time now has been diseased on while ailing or sickening again we talk about an economy and it is not healthy figuratively speaking when an economy is not doing well we say it is ailing ailing means to be getting ill it's a bit of an antiquated term we don't normally talk about people being ailing sometimes we do but say yeah more figure in a figurative sense we will talk about company a company that is ailing or an economy in general in this in this context in this example the boys ran out of the old man's when he hmm his fists and shook his stick at them so he did he do he he scrunched his fists crunches maybe what you would do with them you know maybe like a ball of paper he clasp my clasp something is when you kind of grab something grace did you grit your teeth no he clenched his fists he clenched his fists again just a collocation we don't really clench anything else he just clench your fists a few other things can be clenched but mainly a fists it was so hot in the restaurant that's after half an hour we were all starting to wilt well no that's what flowers do shrivel I guess that's kind of what something like skin or a flower a plant might do as well and a piece of paper would shrivel I guess fade is when something starts to visually disappear or become less colorful it's a weed so weed I don't think so I think so either weed is when you remove weeds are Molossia of us and other plants that are damaging to other more ornamental flowers and plants around them so we wouldn't weed so what would we do it was so hot in the restaurant that after an hour we were all starting to it's not gonna be fade or weed and it could be shrivel I think I think we would say figuratively wilt maybe yes yes so wilt I think in Spanish and magic that's it something like that yeah so it's being figurative that's what a flower doesn't in this sort of as it dies it wilts you know so it was so hot we were wilting anyway number 20 the hmm there are things was that he was sacked from a job that he had held for over 20 years now up turn up shot ups uptake and of beats so this is a bad thing it's a negative consequence but basically I think what we want to say here is the outcome the the result of things was that he was sacked from a job that he had held for over 20 years I think it's the upshot is the result no yes 20 out of 20 we're going well after the football match the crowds out of the stadium into the nearest bars and cover they port it's like liquid no it dick and that we say they they poured out of the out of the stadiums and into the yeah okay the weather is going to change soon I can feel it in my skin teeth legs bones we say we can feel particularly meteorological changes we can feel it in our bones I think yeah well this is going a lot better than I expected sometimes a pension can provide you with a hmm some on retirements as well as or instead of a monthly income so when we talk about a big amount of cash that is given to you in the moment that you win it or you're awarded it in some way we talk about a lump sum so sometimes when you retire and maybe the day you retire they'll give you 20,000 pounds or whatever and then you can have a certain amount of money every month until you die or maybe there is just a monthly amount some monthly income and you don't get the lump sum but in London is basically the opposite of installments of a certain amount every so often it's just a big amounts of cash in in one moment rather than spread over time number 24 most critics praised that actors work but I think he's rather so this is when you think that somebody has a better reputation than they deserve so I think he's rather overrated the opposite would be underrated when we think somebody deserves more praise or deserves more deserves more repute than they have okay 25 the princess's nanny's autobiography really gives them on life among the Royals Rick gives the so this expression know how no how is like knowledge a showdown is like a final battle look out it's like a pointin from which you can spy on or overlook someone and now so it's the lowdown it's like inside information it gives the lowdown on life among the Royals this book this autobiography which is that the princess is nanny it's a low-down on life among the Royals recently discovered documents credence to professor Vaughn's interpretation of events now again this is a collocation can it lend credence provide credence afford credence supply credence it lends I think yes lend credence so they give credibility to professor Vaughn's interpretation of events so the new documents the new evidence give credibility they lend credence to professor Vaughn's interpretation of events okay so it's only six hours we've got more than half of them right so you know I think so far so good now I'm looking forward to meeting your new boss you've been hmm his praises ever since he arrived calling shouting singing crying you've been singing his praise now you've been saying how good he is you've been giving compliments or speaking well of him ever since he arrived you have been singing his praises good okay twenty-eight take care that's your love for him doesn't hmm your judgments your judgments the with you know it can be clouded so you'll love him be careful and take care that your love doesn't cloud your judgment yes dark and shadow topples now to cloud your judgment darken it's called a third shadow I guess too like there's somebody topple is an interesting one that's like sort of Arthur I don't think you know any of those would make sense Maria and Jean had her hmm romance they met and carried and married within two months had well this is interesting they're all sort of climatological terms a hurricane a cyclone a whirlwind or a typhoon we say a whirlwind romance again just a collocation just an expression that we use it doesn't really need to be translated literally my sister likes wearing tight tops and close-fitting dresses but I'd prefer hmm sweaters and jeans I prefer shabby shabby is like and a hustle no it's like you know not very neat floppy is kind of like a rabbit's ears floppy no flaccid baggy flabby means fat so no it's baggy baggy means loose-fitting swift or no so we would say baggy yeah absolutely thirty out there I'm doing extremely well I'd like to prove my arguments with an anecdotes whose significance will soon become apparent I would like to predicts my argument now announce my argument possibly herald my arguments preface my arguments yeah I think it's gonna be preface margon because I'm going to give an argument but before that I'm going to give in an anecdote and then later on in my argument it will become obvious it will become apparent why I told you that anecdote so I guess preface yes 32 I'm sure I was invited to join the committee as the now this is an interesting expression so token woman's sample woman representative coupon so when we say that somebody has been selected for something purely because of their race because of their gender basically to fill a quota of some kind here they have asked this woman to be on the board to become a part of the committee as a token woman because maybe they had to have a woman or they felt they needed to have a woman to look good to everyone else so yeah it's a token woman okay at deira if any of you watch South Park the name of the black student in the class is token that's the joke he's called token because he's the token black kid in the class anyway anyone who lies under oath will be charged with hmm the course of judges perverting the course of justice yes but betting is a strange word it's normally used in a more mater day with sexual crimes but now perverting the course of justice is the technical term for when you lie in course when you lie under oath both is what you take when you're before your trial you'll raise your right hand put your right hand on the Bible a left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand how it is and and you take enough and if you lie under oath you have perverted the course of justice you pervert the children's interest in playing the game soon stumbled flag to tottered thought stumble is what you do when you trip up no there's something there's an obstacle in your way you can stumble you can stumble physically or metaphorically I suppose our figuratively driver and tottered is kind of like what a toddler does like a small child a big baby and toddler will sort of wobble lose their balance Thor is what you do with something you take it out the freezer it starts to D freeze to defrost so Thoris is a synonym of defrost so now we would say that your enthusiasm your interest begins to flag you know the children's interest in the in playing the game soon flagged yeah okay thirty five Sarina is still ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant so yeah there's an expression in English which is ignorant is bliss which means that to be ignorant sometimes is obviously preferable than to know too much you don't want to be the man who knew too much so Sarina is still blissfully ignorant no she's still happily ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant to be made redundant means when they most oh I know this believe it now they're going to give you some money basically to leave your job she doesn't know that's gonna happen she's still blissfully ignorant of that fact so on to number 36 and we are still Invictus yes James never really broke the rules but he did hmm a little when it suited them he did bend them yes we say okay there's a rule you can break the rule one that they sent us one article in English we say that you break it but well no I didn't break the rules I just I just bend them a little no no you bend the rules a little bit so yeah there you go 37 all sides have to accept that the arbitrator's decision will be fixing tying binding or compelling will be binding yes it will be binding yes it will be final it will be absolutely it will have to be abided by you will have to obey this decision and an arbitrator is not the same as out of it bro in Spanish so it's not in sports and arbitrators it's the tends to be it's a tribunal somewhere in it and in in a legal case particularly things like when there is a decision has to be made by an independent party in a in a work-related disputes or something like that anyway let's move on to the next 138 not many people are good at assessing their own abilities and mark must be hmm for recognizing that he would never become a great musician must be merited advocated commended talented yes so when we say that somebody should be should be commended yeah I think here is the is the correct term he must be commended for recognizing he would never become a great decision we're saying it you know we should praise him we should say that he should be given some merits but so we unfortunately we don't say he should be merited we so he should be commended he should be given Mary yeah well he should be given credit for recognizing that he is not a great musician No number 39 in her speech the prime minister who tributes to the valuable contributions to society may voluntary organization she pay tribute she paid tribute now she paid tributes she honored the valuable contributions to society made by voluntary organizations by charities by NGOs nongovernmental organizations I suppose okay number forty and we still haven't got an incorrect answer and I promise I haven't looked at this before starting in fact you know I'm thirty years old I shouldn't be getting any of these wrong if I do get any wrong it's very embarrassing because I do teach c2 level from time to time so let's see how we do with these final questions why not buy the dress on hmm then you can take it back if it doesn't fit your mother on affection note on affirmation on approval on agreements oh I don't know this one why not buy the dress on affection now affirmation affirmation their take over I feel like it's on approval that I think it means that the person that you buy the thing from approves it can be returned I got it I got here I don't know how I got that one right I didn't know that one it's as if that silly arguments we had has driven hmm yeah has driven them between us and we've lost all our old classes so it has divided us it has driven so the thing that you put under a door so that it doesn't open or close now you want to stop a door you put a wedge under it so it feels like we have driven a wedge between us with that stupid argument with that silly argument that we have and we've lost all the closeness that they can hear that we used to have yeah okay let's have a look for CT it's always nice to see Bella she's such mm-hmm she's such a ray of sunshine I think it's a ray of sunshine she's such a ray of sunshine yes correct yes dry your thesaurus yeah she's such a Reb sunshine he said very positive nice person yeah cause he's a great deal can be hmm about the compels a state of mind from his works at this period a lot can be implied to know so we're talking about how the person interprets the composure state of mind by listening to their work a lot can be deduced or inferred I think it's a lot can be inferred I think it would also be correct to say deduced it's not comprised and it's not implied I don't know if it's infertile deduced I think I'm gonna go with him for oh god damn it I always get I get it I get asked this question all the time so difference between in fair and in deduce so yeah it's deduced it's definitely deduced yeah yeah so I got that one wrong but it's yeah I need to check in fear again because in fur not can be you know I need to check what the difference is but maybe in fur is just uh yeah I think in fair is is similar to imply and then I for some reason I always think that in fur is no no no that's right ok so you and first something buy something that you do or a signal or a visual signal that you that you give you can infer something yeah yeah of course it's deduced of course this deduced I got that one right it's 43 out of 43 not 42 or 43 anyway I'm afraid we got our ah crossed I thought my husband would be picking up the children and he thought I was doing it so we got our wires crossed and that's interesting because in Spanish you say could have sat on garlic it means to get angry no you your wires cross and you go crazy know when you get your wires crossed in English we mean that there's confusion you misunderstood there was a misunderstanding anyway what do you know as the main issues affecting the situation what do you perceive I think as the main issues yeah what do you perceive as the main issues affecting the situation okay although the twins look identical they have widely hmm opinions on almost every topic under the Sun they have widely distinct similar divergence distinguished so it's not distinguished that would be to say that their opinions are great in some way I am widely distinct widely dissimilar widely dyed virgins I don't think we would say widely distinct it doesn't sound like the correct collocation or dissimilar it's widely divergent yeah there we go you know their opinions are widely divergent I say that all the time number 47 and I have all of them correct so far the book the book hmm - a number of interesting research studies which I would really like to find out more about you can't cite to a number can't declare to a number eludes ya it alludes to a number yeah alludes to a number of interesting research studies okay good like mentions them all make some allusion to them number 48 the nuclear industry most of the country's electrical power yeah generates no generates engenders originates initiation yet generates most of the country's electrical power so am I going to get 50 out of 50 because III don't count the one that I got wrong was just silly mistake I clearly knew the correct answer I'm 49 if you say you'd like of cream on your strawberries then you don't want very much cream so if you say you'd like a - noodles noodles is a lot a dollop is a lot lashings is a lot so it's a dash a dash of cream then you mean you don't 1/3 much screen has a - a - a - a little bit okay number 15 this is it 100% cry correct sources in France suggested that further hmm would be needed before they would agree to a deal consolations no concessions hmm yes possibly contractions contortions we know about rigsy and the European Union want more and more and more and more and more and more and more concessions because they are a dictatorship it's a joke like and subscribe please because that way I can quit my day job please let me quit my day job
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Keywords: cambridge proficiency, c2 english, test yourself, vocabulary test, cambridge proficiency exam, c2 english vocabulary, vocabulary test with answers, english quizzes with answers, proficiency vocabulary, c2 vocabulary
Id: 7oX0l_oZjDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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