Soulsborne Games ASMR Tier List

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hello everyone and welcome to the ASMR review show Miller I laugh champagne appears why yes indeed I did just watch the movie The holdovers pretty good one but anyway welcome to today's video we're doing another tier list and it's going to be on the from software games the games from from software yeah so yeah all of the Dark Souls games the souls like games and those extra other games that aren't Dark Souls games but they basically are um so no um what is it kingsfield armored Core none of that here just the souls like GES yeah tier list video you know the drill by this point I did a bunch at first and I'm not sure how well those turned out so now that I've actually edited a couple I know how it's like we'll see how it does maybe better microphone placement better sound yeah we'll see how it goes um so first off in the tier list they have Elden ring the most recently released one the one where we're still waiting for that good old Grand DLC Shadows of the earth tree I remember they they announced it at the start of March and here we are now good chunk of the way into December still waiting yeah but as it stands Elden ring is s tier for me I love this game game so much it's probably the fromsoft game that I have played the most and beat the most times um it's just got such great build Variety in that you know you can go to so many areas of the game right away because of the open world nature so I love that um it's just always fresh there's so much cool stuff in the game I always am motivated to try out new builds and try to get myself to not just do the same thing every time so I love that a lot yes the difficulty spike in the last third of the game is a little bit annoying I'll give it that but the game gives you so many tools to mitigate those problems um so I feel like the game can be as easy or hard as you make it for yourself so yeah I don't really vibe that complaint too much um right like again if you really want mimic tier plus 10 Blasphemous blade there you go easy mode or or summon our awesome dmy mommy black knife TSH the wifeu with the knifu right easy um and then if you're not into that well then it's a challenge right so yeah Elden Ring's great s tier came for me don't know if it's my favorite rum soft one yet I I want to wait for the DLC for that whenever that comes out but yeah s tier for elen R um next we have demons Souls this is the PS5 remake um that they have on here they have that and the PS3 version so for the demons Souls remake we will go B tier for that one and why don't we just also get the PS3 version we'll go C tier 4 that one um well there were a couple changes to the demons Souls remake that were the greatest little things here and there nitpicky things overall I do feel the Remake was an improvement and plus you get to play it on PS5 as opposed to PS3 so that is good and a couple mini quality of life changes like adding in this game's equivalent of the rusted iron ring and making it so you could just send stuff to storage was nice um I feel like the healing was all balanced you couldn't be so overpowered as to just give yourself 1,000 full heals right from the start of the game so that's good it's balanced um and the look is great you know I really wish we could have seen like Elden ring but with Demon Souls remake level graphics and art style that would have been cool um but alas um so yeah I would say the Remake is an improvement on the PS3 version which is why I rank it a tier above but overall Demon Souls is not my favorite from software game I know there's a couple of the people out there the Hipster ones that prefer that to like all three of the Dark Souls games and I don't fully Vibe with that demon souls to me as I've said before feels like finding a band who you really like you love their first album and you think their first album's great and then you go back and find out they actually released a demo of that album a demo version like a pure Garage Days version of it and it's really cool and fun to listen to but you see why the debut album is the bigger one because it's the more refined version and yes I'm comparing demon souls to Dark Souls um and I'm not a big fan of the um the um the the world tendency I never really liked like you basically have to you know commit sadoku in the Nexus every time you return to body form never use the uh the item the dragon Stone what it is that turns you to human form and kill all the bosses that way with half health or 75% Health um and then you know go get the special NPC thing like the the dragon bone Smasher right and then drop yourself down to negative World tendency and then do the the pure black World tendency stuff it's just a little too complex I think um I like it to be more streamlined and you know there there are actually some cool moments with those World tendency events it just sucks you have to go through so much to get to those things yeah oh well um so yeah they're both really good games I do enjoy them but I don't really come back to them that much and the formula got better over time um next we have bloodborne which is s tier for me no contest for the longest time bloodborne has been my favorite Souls game Elden ring has been giving it pretty good competition so we'll see can hold out on that DLC before we pass judgment um but I just love the setting and the style and environment to bloodborne uh up until Elden ring it was the one that I played the most um and the the environments the look how it becomes Victorian ER stuff then turns into a little crafty and things that's great I love the style to it it's definitely a change up of the from software formula um probably one of the best dlc's in all of the Souls game uh yeah I just love everything about it um only thing I wish is that the co-op had been a bit more active but uh but alas it is still really really fun and I love it a lot um the only thing I think that could have improved it was maybe a little more freedom of mobility and that's what Elden ring did essentially so yeah s tier for me uh then we have Dark Souls the original uh they have the PS3 version and the remastered version um Dark Souls for me is a tier very very good game indeed uh the remastered one well I'm just going to keep that at a tier um there were a lot of complaints people had about the remaster like the graphics not looking that much better you know like it was just a port that's it um and like they they did a thing with invasions to do with like trying to fix like minmax builds or something but I didn't really invade much in Dark Souls 1 so that doesn't bother me um and like I don't know they give you a couple quality of life improvements here and there not too much so you know maybe as a remaster it's like a SE tier but you it was just a new way to play Dark Souls and at the time before I had a capture card it meant I could play it on PS4 and record it for a video so it it gets a win from me and there so we're just going to keep them at the same tier right um but yeah first Dark Souls is a really great game it was definitely an improvement I think in the from soft formula from demons Souls so that is good it was the first Dark Souls game I played so you know you always remember remember your first where you lost your Soul's virginity um so I love the experience it really got me into the world and the vibe um you know but there's a couple things I think that could have been better or some things that doesn't do that great um I like that it's the only one where you can't just warp constantly between locations um yeah that was something that uh that Demon Souls didn't do dark Souls did it and then they never went back to that formula really um you know if you were in an area you had to fight your way out um which made it difficult but you really really got to know the level design in Dark Souls well um so that's pretty cool uh I love lots of the secret hidden areas like great hollow and Ash Lake um it's just yeah as many people have said the second half of the game kind of drags a little you know I'm I'm already not the biggest fan of sense Fortress um and then it's like two of the Giants Crystal Caves Grand archives lost eyes lith yeah lots of very meth areas in that last section that kind of brings it down a bit um but yeah it's the flawed Masterpiece right it's it's great a tier for Dark Souls one uh then we have Dark Souls 2 and of course with that Dark Souls 2 scholar of the first Sim um so I actually have not played PS3 version of Dark Souls 2 I've only played scholar of the first s so I don't really know if I'm properly qualified to rank Dark Souls 2 um but I can rank Shadow by scholar of the first Sim um which is going to be D tier for me we're just going to put those two down there um because some people I think they think that scholar is an improvement on the original and some would say that it is not so I can't comment on that um and again this is D tier in terms of a Dark Souls game okay I do really like this game a lot it's probably better than most games out there it's still really good but just when I look back at Dark Souls most of my least favorite moments are from that game I don't like that the design philosophy was how can we get make the game difficult right um it's not entirely true but the Mantra of Dark Souls has always been challenging but fair I call [Β __Β ] on that one because there's a lot of very unfair stuff in Dark Souls that's very how was I supposed to know this but that's part of the game you're supposed to look it up and you know have the community help you out um but I feel they took a little overboard with dark souls too um and you know that it's um it was definitely an influence on Elden ring you know let's have a boss and now let's have two of that boss right um and I don't like adaptability as a stat not very good um and it's definitely got the biggest of ganks right you know like at Dark Souls 3 is called Dark Souls 3 because they put three of every enimy in it that Dark Souls 2 should be called Dark Souls 20 um yeah just areas that were meant to be challenging not interesting and um yeah and it's the only Dark Souls game I have not played more than once every other one of these games I've completed uh once and at least a second playthrough in some cases like two and a half right um but not Dark Souls 2 the only one I've never gone back to I have for the longest time debated doing it because I would I've considered doing a Redux of my Dark Souls 2 video the first one that I did one of these all bosses videos on because I never expected that one to sort of blow up the way it did um and you know I used a lot of summons in that one and I don't think my commentary was the best uh so I'd like to maybe you know redo knowing that I was going to film it for a video because it was kind of a a last minute thing I just was saving the footage having fun with the PS4 share feature and then decided hey I've got all this footage what if I made that into a video and couple 100,000 views later here we are so yeah that's how it is and then when I think of my favorite moments from the franchise best bosses areas not really as many great moments happen in Dark Souls too for me um so yeah oh well that's that's how it is for me I know this game has its fans and again if you're into it that's great but it's not my favorite one definitely not um then we have uh Dark Souls three and sakiro are left why don't we do sakiro first seiro is a b tier for me um and that's because I really like this game it's cool how they were doing something different it was a lot more of a story based game um because you just play a character and there's not as much for build variety right you just have a sword that's your weapon and a whole bunch of prosthetic tools that you may or may not use um and the combat is fun it's very cool I just feel like I never actually got good at this game I feel like I fluked my way through most of it um so I couldn't really gel with that um I really hated the death penalty in the game where you know if you die you just automatically lose half your money or Dragon Rod happens thing is I never really realized how not that big of a deal Dragon Rod is and you and just cure it um so maybe I was reading too much into that and your money is not actually as important um as you think uh the losing half the XP towards the next level that was kind of annoying it just kind of meant in most boss fights if I lost my first life I would use the second life just to run away or quit out so I didn't really dig that um I know some people put this one above all all of them for its uniqueness and interestingness um but yeah after I did my playthroughs on it um I didn't really feel like I needed to come back to it you know and and I don't know if I will they patched In Like A Boss Rush mode I think many months after the game came out and I was already moved on from that point so yeah it's a very good game really awesome really fun great video cool combat most the most unique one in the franchise um and I could tell how it was an influence for some of the stuff in Elden ring um but yeah it's it's good but not amazing for me so be tier for Ziro um and then the last one might be a controversial opinion but is uh Dark Souls three is a tier for me but it's a high a tier I'm not going to put it in s tier but it's pretty close it's like + right um and yeah that's Dark Souls 3 out of the original Three is my favorite one um yeah originally it would have been like if I ranked it it would have been bloodborne then Dark Souls three then Dark Souls right um yeah it's my favorite of the original Three and that's because to me this was like a greatest hits album in like all the right ways it's like if a band had like a couple of albums with a few good songs and then a couple like not great bits and then like they did like a badass re-recording where they only took the best songs from all those other albums that's Dark Souls 3 for me it's all killer and very little filler there is a lot of poison swamps in this game but for the most part they're not that bad had and I found them fairly easy to deal with and even the annoying areas like the the ear field dungeon and the profane Capital still gave me this great sense of accomplishment when I got through them kind of like yeah we're going to fight through this scary place and it's going to be tough and it'll be annoying but when we get through it it's going to feel great it was like perfect levels of annoying but oppressing but interesting yeah so many cool nooks and crannies to explore um as got one of my favorite dlc's the ring to City uh I wasn't the biggest fan of Ashes of Aryan though the sister freed fight was just kind of more annoying for me and I don't know if I really got good at that one um and I wasn't the biggest fan of some of the areas like the B where you're getting pounded by like 15 Archer guys it's like precursor to those Eternal City forest dweller people you know what I mean the dwelling arrows whatever they're called um yeah but I love the experience very good build variety um I do I I would like to try playing this one again like I I think actually Dark Souls 3 I haven't played twice I've done a I've beaten the whole original game toys I don't think I did the dlc's second time I'd like to give those another shot Dark Souls 3i would be fun to replay yeah so there's my tier list of souls games again ranking it would be um tied for a close number one Elden ring and bloodborne then Dark Souls 3 then Dark Souls and again remastered it's all the same to me uh than I think seiro then demons souls and then Dark Souls too I think that's the rank yeah yeah one two three four five six 7even something like that yeah so let's see what we got for Shadows of the earth tree maybe hopefully and maybe we'll get that before we get Hollow Knight too no promises anyway hope you all enjoyed that let me know if you have any other tier lists you want me to check out because I'm really digging this setup now and hope you all enjoy that catch you next time have a good night bye
Channel: The ASMR Review Show
Views: 1,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tars, asmr, asmr review, asmr review show, dark souls asmr, elden ring asmr, bloodborne asmr, demons souls asmr, sekiro asmr, soulsborne asmr, asmr tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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