Denis Villenueve ASMR Tier LIst

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the ASMR review show for this video we are going to be talking about the films of famed French Canadian director Dennis Vil NOA also known as Denny V I'm sure I wasn't the only one that uh made the mistake seeing his name at the end credits of prisoners which was the first of his films that I saw and the one that got me into watching his films and yeah he's a great director probably my favorite like newer modern director though I don't know if he counts as new because his first film was like actually the late 90s but then he took nearly 10 years off from film making and he came back swinging quite hard and he's been going steady ever since um he's got Dune part two coming out uh early next year very disappointed that it got delayed but it was because of the writers and actor strikes so I guess it is a justifiable cause that's just me being a little you know little um spoiled shall we say so yeah looking forward to that perhaps this video might be a little premature in that case but I'm sure that uh June part two is going to be quite a good movie um I doubt it'll drop the ball so yeah let's get into it then the tier list video for all of Dy Phil new's films as of now uh first off well looks like we have Dune to start which I loved a lot and yeah it's only half of a movie but is it really half of a movie or is it just the Godfather in space I would say it's the Godfather in space everyone was comparing it to like the first half of the first third of fellowship with the ring and that's not what it is it's a story about a guy who's a big head time honcho that's got a big business that he runs and a family and other crime families try to cut him out of the business and they end up murdering him and his son regretfully takes up his Empire knowing that it will lead him down a path of self-destruction and inevitably cause the deaths of many That's The Godfather and that's Dune and The Godfather is the greatest movie of all time right so therefore Dune is also an S tier movie I thought about that like should I not overrate it before I've seen part two but like this is everything I wanted from a dune movie um I read the book recently and I'm very impressed how well this movie captures the spirit of the book with some creative Liberties here and there and they couldn't do everything unfortunately no dinner scene but it does a pretty good job of it um and I still do like David Lynch's Dune but it's not a perfect movie but it's got a fun style to it so this is the Dune I wanted to see I love it a lot s tier for me can't wait for part two uh next up we have enemy which I think was actually filmed before prisoners but was released later cuz I don't remember actually seeing it come out anywhere until 2014 but it's got a 2013 release date because festivals and stuff like that um enemy is a movie that took me a long time to watch because it has photorealistic giant CGI spiders and I'm not a fan of photorealistic giant CGI spiders so this will really trigger your Arachnophobia if that's a thing uh but once I got over that I found myself watching probably one of the best uh David lynan films that is not done by David Lynch and really captured that element of dreamlike state so enemy is an a tier movie for me very good highly underrated if I would ever meet David Lynch the one question I would ask him uh would be have you seen enemy I really think you should watch this movie the other question I would ask him is what he thinks besides Dune is his least spiritual film we all know know that eraser head is his most spiritual film and he will not elaborate on that um I'd like to know what he thinks his least spiritual is besides Dune because we know that's the answer but enough about David Lynch more about Denny VNV anime is a great movie short sweet trippy interesting very rewatchable two jaky G no for the price of one very great indeed um next we have po technique which was his first film coming back after the the sabatical that he was on or the the the break that he had from film making um and it's a dramatization of the 1989 Polytech uh school shooting Massacre um where some dude thought that he was like proving a point by shooting a bunch of people you know okay yeah no not a great plan pretty dumb of you and um I'd like to think the movie highlights that you know it um takes you know a person who wanted to cause a lot of harm and Devastation and shows how hope can grow out of that and it ends up being quite a great feminist message film while totally putting down this absolute horrible misogynist of a person uh it doesn't even name this guy he does not have a name in the movie because we should not be remembering people's names like this right we should recognize the actions and learn from them and um move on from that so yeah it's very well done it's just you know it's hard to watch because it plays out you know more like a horrific documentary so it's not an easy watch um was very good um so you know in terms of a movie that's probably like an a tier but again we're g to spread out the ranking a little bit to kind of cover all the tiers so for Den Mo it's a b tier movie um but you know it was a very important one to make and it's not an easy watch you know like didn't he v no he's been into like the uh the dark realistic gritty looking Sci-Fi movies but his earlier stuff is just misery and depression and all of the negative feelings yeah so that that was the the midphase of him his midlife phase shall we say um and he's moved on from there but I think it'd be cool if he went back and did something small scale like this one again like this or maybe some more um psychological Shenanigans like enemy that'd be pretty cool um next we have sakario which of course many people like and it's it's kind of an odd one um first of all I don't get why they've used all the official posters except that one maybe they didn't want to use the the floating heads poster for sario but yeah this one is very good just kind of an outlier because it's like it's between it's the last one between the dark psychological thrillers and the Sci-Fi movies it was a Transit Story one of him working with clearly a bigger budget more of an ensemble cast uh and it's very good so it's a tier for me really love that one a lot rightfully on many people's best of lists um everyone talks about the the Border shootout scene and yeah that's like great but there's also a lot of Great Moments after that in the film uh specifically following Beno Del taro's character to the ending and I like how it was kind of a Twist on a Revenge film you know by following Emily Blunt's character that was real good uh shot beautifully just yeah everything about that one is great definitely a tier movie for me uh then we have arriv Ral which is a great science fiction film it was one that I was really hoping would be good and it surprised me in a lot of ways s tier for me as well uh can you sense a trend here that I'm really loving that Denny voves in his hardcore science fiction phase right after Dune I want the rendevu with Rama movie okay Morgan Freeman has wanted to do it uh Christopher Nolan clearly referenced it at the end of interstellar with the spaceship being a giant cylinder Den VN you've talked about it give me the rendevu with Rama movie already okay we can make the this happen I swear and it'll be epic and then I can finally understand what the heck the book was about cuz I read that so long ago but on the subject of arrival um I like that it was just a good straight up science fiction movie but it was about ideas and Concepts and language but also about aliens and time travel the bending of reality time as not a a linear thing you know it definitely did the the time and Future Past concept perhaps a little more solid than what Interstellar did um but I still love Interstellar of course um yeah just great you know we get usually a pretty good grounded sci-fi movie once every year right 2012 Prometheus 2013 gravity 2014 Interstellar 2015 the Martian 2016 rival 2017 well that'll be later on the list yeah so it's a great movie only thing I can say is I don't watch it that much I think I've actually only seen it twice since it's come out but that's okay some great movies you don't need to watch all the time you just have to know that they're great and arrival is a pretty great one uh then we have uh August 32nd on Earth Denny vu's first movie and definitely an interesting one his style for the first two movies is not exactly reminiscent of what you would picture him to go on to do um but you can see the seeds of it there of what he's going to do um it's okay you know I don't think he has any bad films they're all good it's just summer more gooder than others so August 32nd that's a c tier movie it's got some very pretty shots of the Salt Flats and stuff and definitely a bit of a funny quirky concept um and maybe some of that French New Wave inspiration some of the editing or the color choices but ultimately I don't think there was enough of this and storywise to stretch it out to a full length film but hey eventually led to more denil n and his obsession with long shots of deserts so I guess you could say the the seeds were there from the beginning I'm not sure I really liked the ending it was odd the implications of it very odd um uh then next we have bed Runner 2049 St here from me yeah love it so much um it was like everything I wanted it to be and yet nothing like what I wanted it was like a great sequel that took the style really updated it for the modern setting um it didn't care about trying to have modern pacing it really took its time with the atmosphere and the World building it wasn't going at like JJ Abrams level of pacing right uh really would have loved to see perhaps what like you know Stanley kubri would have thought of some movies like this I'd love to see what he thought about Interstellar this that'd be really great to see visual effects absolutely off the charts cinematography by Roger deacons and what he finally won the Oscar for it about time technical achievement on every level we got Ryan Gosling being a total stoic badass on on a deas being absolutely gorgeous and also very tragic uh Jared Leto was mercifully only in like two or three scenes um and yeah Harrison Ford actually brings his aame to this quite well a couple of really great moments of emotion from him really selling it um yeah so everything about it I love there's very few films that I can just simply watch and it takes no effort for me to just sit and watch it but this is one of them the true Masterpiece nobody went to see it uh next up we have ones um ones is a movie that I was dreading watching because I saw the poster to it and I thought when that scene comes up in the movie it's going to happen right after something really awful has occurred am I right well yes I was right the only problem was it was halfway through the movie and it only got worse from there as the movie went on and like there's no official chart of like most depressing endings to a film ever but this is probably definitely top five material you know what a horrifying twist indeed what an absolute nightmare of a film yeah so is real good but I don't know if I'll ever watch it again if I do it'll be to just see all the the hidden threads understanding it beforehand and I don't know if I'll recommend this one to anyone unless you say hey I want to have a bad time well I've got something for you a movie more terrifying than horror movies with a leg gasp moment more horrific than any jump scare could ever hope to be right yeah so it's real good one um but again am I going to go back to it that much I'm not sure so you know I think it's oh was tough for me right uh a b a b a h you know what is is is a tier really this I try to do these rankings to spread out the tears a little bit so you also get a sense of like how I would rank these films but I just love the nil Mo style so much so it's going to be quite skewed toward the top what can I say uh and then we have m stra m St oh it's not that great either this is the second of Denny vness films and the last one before he took a near 10year break from film making and it's got some cool ideas it's narrated by a talking fish uh at the avatar on on The Chopping Block so that's cool many movies have done that uh it's an interesting story um shot very interestingly very 2000s in style that's kind of cool little time capsule but yeah not really one that I'm going to come back to personally not so interesting for me um yeah so that one for denil no it's a d tier movie but I still do like it it's probably on the same level of August 32nd but at least August 32nd has some cool shots the Salt Flats malstrom has a talking fish right oh well yeah I'd say if you can find copies of these films it's they might be worth checking out if you're really into Denville nove but worst case Ontario you're not missing too much in fact I've seen some people do like Den fil live tier lists and rankings where they just start with poly technique they don't even count these first two films that's kind of how it is it's like people not counting Piranha 2 the spawning when they talk about James Cameron uh and then last and certainly not least we have prisoners which is a tier movie for me I guess technically all sties is a b tier because I put enemies sario and prisoners above it technically but you know it's it's also great so they're all tier movies for me but prisoners was the first any new film I saw and that really got me and I was so infested in the way it was shot and the characters just the slowness to it but the brutality and just unabashed to it um definitely one of my favorite surprise hits of that year and you know he's only got even better from there right as you can see by my tier list ranking uh definitely one of few Jackman's best performances everyone talks about him as Wolverine but I'd say his P performances are here and in the fountain where he made you cry over a tree and in here it's like the antithesis of like the hardcore good Christian conservative prepper dad right you know he he' normally be like a hero in these types of movies but here it kind of exposes him for kind of doing the right thing and it kind of helping but also kind of not cuz like really in the end the one daughter ends up spoiler aler freeing herself and it has nothing to do with his investigation right and he helps in the end but it's mostly due to like cops helping out so that's pretty good yeah love that one a lot so as you can see we've got early dennyn was like him finding his footing and getting somewhere here and we have middle of him doing you know real dark horrific depressing psychological or just straight up crime Thrillers and now we have his science fiction era you know it was why I knew when blade runer 2049 was announced that it was in good hands if he was directing and he was going to do Dune and that's been everything I've hoped it to be can't wait for Dune part two going to be absolutely fantabulous maybe they'll make a part three with doing Messiah I don't know I've only read the first book um and yeah get me that rendevu with Rama movie while we're at it but also if if he'd like to you know uh do something other than sci-fi and not be typ cast is that I'd understand it it's like I like the Jordan peels doing horror movies but if you want to do something else it's not like you know he's exclusively limited to that I I don't like the idea that directors have to have one genre of movie right look at Stanley cubrick he did sci-fi then he did crime and then horror and then 17th century 18th century period drama um and then war movie anti-war movie uh psychosexual surreal Thriller right he did everything and it was the master of the genres right rley Scott just kind of does whatever he wants because he doesn't really write his scripts he's a director for hire so if he does want to do something else that'd be okay maybe he could go back to doing some small scale depressing Thrillers that'd be cool too I don't know but in any case that's my dear list of den F we'll see what D part two is and please don't get delayed again I'll be very disappointed anyway hope you all enjoy that I'll catch you next time have a good night bye
Channel: The ASMR Review Show
Views: 560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tars, asmr, asmr review show, denis villenueve, denis villenueve ranked, dune review, dune part 2 review, dune asmr, asmr tier list, denis villenueve tier list, blade runner asmr
Id: Mzern5oleC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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