Mass Effect Squadmates ASMR Tier List

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hello everyone and welcome to the ASMR review show for this video we're doing a tier list ranking of all of the squad made SL companions from the Mass Effect series I've got some delicious Red WI cuz red is a renegade color and normally I play Renegade in Mass Effect because it's more interesting than Paragon and I had an open bottle that I needed to finish so yeah so yeah we're doing all the Mass Effect squadmates um the tier ranking for this will mostly be based on my own personal experience but that's going to be difficult because I have have not played the game so many times to romance everybody right a lot of it's from me watching the cutcenes or reading about the moments or seeing other people play it so we'll try to find a a good balance of everything to determine the ranking in my opinion right um so first off we have in this order of the tier list f f for me is is a tier I really like him a lot I think he's kind of underrated unfortunately underutilize you pick them up towards the past the Midway point of Mass Effect 2 um and I've never bothered Romancing him because well it doesn't end very well and you don't really get him as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3 so he's not in it for very long but with what little time he does have he shines quite well he's very good in combat too like that's the thing is it's going to be based on the character but also something that will Factor it will be how useful they are actually in terms of the game play right so yeah he's pretty good in gameplay-wise a pretty good story a very interesting companion a very sad story yeah um I really like him a lot uh just you know wish we could have got more but hey that's good he leaves you wanting more that's always nice right um next we have I believe this is morinth uh samar's daughter AKA Billy ish right because samar's voice actress uh or is it her face model right the face model and there's the voice actress there are they two different people well Samara is Billy ish's mother so therefore Mor being samar's daughter is Billy ish what I'm saying is Billy ish is an ER Yaki and that explains so much but uh Mor is D tier for me um she's very cool very interesting character uh but ultimately I don't get why you would pick her over Samara she is very obviously evil and not a good person and just using you it's kind of fun to play along with oh yeah but I've got the hots for her um but yeah and then she's basically the same as Samara so I've never bothered saving her it's more of just an elaborate way for you to accidentally get yourself into a game over scenario um I feel like if you're dumb enough to do that then the game should just delete your save file or give you like a special game over screen uh and then she's not even in uh Mass Effect 3 at all she sends you a single message and then shows up as a bansi at the end um but that's it so yeah interesting character but not really in terms of being a proper squadmate because why would you pick her and yeah yeah that's how I feel but you know interesting character just not a good squadmate um and next we have Kaden Kaden For Me overall is a b tier character I think he's underrated um he has a special place in my heart for also being a Canadian so any time he has his canadianisms you know I can relate right and also it's it's the subtle references that he says about Canadian stuff that I think would go over some people's heads but then there's me I hear it and I'm like you mean to tell me what what does he say he has like an apartment overlooking English Bay and like his parents have a Vineyard in the interior or stuff like that he's and that's insane right just for context that would be like if you had like I don't know like a fancy ass New York Penthouse or a New York City Suite um and then that you also had like a very fancy Vineyard in California essentially that's the equivalent for reference English Bay that's in Vancouver one of the biggest cities in Canada that all the bands seem to ignore um and then the Interior right like like you know uh British Colombia and Okanagan and and and that's where all the wine is made right so I know these things I'm Canadian right so that's quite a Flex right there from this guy and then when you romance him he makes you bacon gives you beer that's the way to my heart okay so I think he's underrated because he is kind of dull in the first game but it's also just due to the way the cutcenes in the first game were played you know lots of just three people stood there facing oh yeah Commander that's something we should look into what can you tell me more about that sort of thing right I should go so yeah uh overall he gets better as it goes on I've watched my wife play the game Romancing him and it is quite a rewarding romance um combat wise he's very useful I remember having him and leara on a team like maxed out stats and just watching them throw gu colosi all over the place so yeah he's very fun pretty good I think he's underrated uh B tier for King uh then next we have Ashley Ashley Williams right no relation to Ashley Williams from Evil Dead no this is not Bruce Campbell uh I do think Ashley's also underrated but not to the same extent as C I will give her a sea tier I did do a playlist where I kept her alive though as fem sheep so I wasn't Romancing her and um she's pretty good I mean she starts off on the wrong foot by everyone calling her a space racist But like everyone in the beginning is quite Prejudiced and they learn to overcome their prejudices towards each other she's just the most blunt about it um you know and and I think she's a cool character um just yeah you know if I if I have to pick right yeah Ashley's typically getting left on for sorry um she's pretty good in comat though quite a Powerhouse so that's nice but also Kon I think is better in combat with all the biotic stuff um then we have Edy um Edy I think is a little overrated I'm not the biggest fan of her um I think we'll go we'll go we'll go B tier for her she's got an interesting story um I just don't use her that much in combat because she's not very powerful so I don't get to hear many of her lines um she definitely has some fun moments like I like how her picture here is from the whole crossy like I'm okay really yeah javic would say inevitable really um so yeah she's cool gets a couple good moments I feel like I liked her a little more as AI in um Mass Effect 2 so so yeah B tier 480 uh next we have James Vega Freddy Prince Junior Fred himself right um T tier for James I'm not really the biggest fan of him um I don't really pick him that much for combat he basically you know he he he's like he's like the Jacob of Mass Effect 3 for me um well we we'll get to Jacob but I just didn't really dig him the only reason his character exists is to be a new character to ask questions for the people that didn't play the previous games because they were trying to make Mass Effect 3 more accessible to non fans of the franchise which it's the third game in a long running Story series come on guys but it's also because they rode themselves into a corner with how good the suicide mission was so not much you can do there yeah um I just I just don't really dig him that his Vibe his style you know he's not bad obviously he's still cool he's still fun to get some moments to shine but um just yeah if I have to pick one who's not really going on a lot of missions out of the Mass Effect 3 Squad it's Vega which sucks because there's already so few Squad members in that game uh next we have GIS Scaris is s tier you know there's going to be no hot takes for me on uh this one um scares man he's great he's awesome um like I have no comments I mean on one hand it the game doesn't give you as many chances to be mean to him though right you can only kind of like annoy him in a bit it's he's kind of engineered to always be on your side but he's got the best lines the best voice the best romance he's either your ultimate bro if you're mhip or he's your ultimate love interest of your fem ship right even the scenes that are meant to be romance scenes like the bar sequence and the dance sequence play out so well even if you're male ship you know you give him dating advice right you know what you need cares that new silencer I saw at the gun shop too focused on his special interest to notice the flirtiness yeah I can relate on that um and he's also really great in combat too right definitely one of the best guys to have cover in your back uh he's got sniper rifles assault rifles you can give him that turret in Mass Effect 3 and he as sense to godhood it still works in the Legacy Edition like yeah man what else is there to say about our lovable old Tyrion um then we have crun uh crun for is a tear you know he is my child My Sweet Child crunt um you know her little teenage kroen tank born um at first I thought I wasn't going to like him but then I grew to like him a lot he's fun only thing that sucks is just like thing you only get him for Mass Effect to you don't get him as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3 I mean I know there's like certain characters where you get the Miss squadmates in the combat Arena but we're not really counting that I can't recall who is in there that is not a normal companion not sure so he's fun got some of the funniest moments especially in the Citadel DLC you know operation fire Cobra claw I was on fire cuz they sprayed me down with Riot foam right through my ball R ated I love you grunt um he's pretty useful in combat you know I am Koken uh so yeah grunt's pretty fun it just wish he had more screen time like f so a tier for grun uh then we have jaw Mass Effect Andromeda uh jaw is a pretty good character um and I like him a lot so we shall go um see this is uh it's going to be tough for me to rank the Andromeda characters because for these characters they only have one game as opposed to some of these characters having three games of development right and now I don't know if we've just um abandoned the whole Andromeda storyline which really sucks because no that game wasn't perfect but it had a lot of good things going for it and I did want to see where the story went and like if we just look at Mass Effect one by itself there's so many loose ends and things that go nowhere the the quar and gu War the genage right so many Big World building elements that don't really get expanded upon into the sequel or Star Wars even right so many uh moments right where where they uh they build something great in the future ones but they don't really work as their own moments in the original right so and you know we we never got any DLC for Mass Effect Andromeda there might have been but it's it's not going to happen right the Quan Arc DLC yeah so it's frustrating right um so perhaps I'm going to be a little more forgiving to the Andromeda squadmates because we only got one game for them to shine um they're not all that great um you know so this might be kind of independently ranked shall we say so for Mass Effect Andromeda squadmates jaw is a tier but H how should I how should I do this how do I get out of this sentence um no I'm doing what I'm doing we're going to we're just going to do it the way I want uh Joel is a tier he's pretty cool pretty useful in combat I like the the way his character develops it's cool to beat this new alien race the vanar and though the encounter is not handled that great as it could have been he's got a very steamy romance seat he's very sweet but he's also got some funny moments to him yeah we like Jaw a lot he's pretty cool we'll give him an a tier for that we'll be a little more forgiving to the Mass Effect Andromeda characters uh next we have Jack um Jack for me is B tier um I do like her a lot um and she's definitely got some very good tear jerker romance scenes you know she's definitely the most Sun of Mass Effect characters um but I feel like especially in Mass Effect too she's a little too Sun shall we say um I don't like how literally no matter what you do she ends up telling you you know screw off that kind of sucks um I don't like how she was supposed to be you know by but they cut that out because they were scared over the Fox News freakout about the sex scenes in the first game um so that sucks and you don't really get her as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3 Yos she's just like for one Mission that's that's basically Mass Effect 3 though a bunch of your favorite people from Mass Effect 2 show up for one side quest in this one and then a little Cameo at the end so yeah she's pretty cool pretty enjoyable not the greatest Squad bait in combat I found um again just wish you had more screen time and I don't like how she gets pissed at you no matter what um so yeah pretty good but could have been better um next we have Jacob oh dear little [Applause] Jacob D here for Jacob it's here here's the thing is it's like is in Mass Effect 2 he's not bad he's just BL and he's like what I feel people think Kon and Ashley are he doesn't really do anything wrong per se in Mass Effect too it's just like he's not that interesting he doesn't have much personality I don't like if you're fem she just automatically flirts with him right like f do Garth have you got a minute to talk can't wait for a bit I'm in the middle of some calibrations then oh let's talk to Jacob Commander I'm more interested in just talking for a bit what what did I accidentally press the flirt option this is why I liked andromed it tells you which one is the flirt option though that it's funny because the characters seem to automatically detect hey wait a minute you picked the flirt option didn't you um it's mainly in Mass Effect 3 where again he's only got one Mission if you did romance him for some reason he cheats on you I think he's the only person to do that um yeah he's just kind of lame he's not that great in combat he he gets three missions in the game the first mission he gets what's the Freedom's progress he gets that one and he gets the Loyalty Mission yeah though I'm not as cruel to send him intentionally into the fence for not that being here anyway um next we have PB I don't really like P that much but I don't want to be too mean to her so we'll go see tier for her she's just kind of annoying I I don't really find her that interesting um I mean it's cool that she's clearly on my chemic romance fan that's nice um I don't like how you can never really it's it's a thing with Mass Effect androma overall you can't really get mad at people right like the most I could do for getting mad at for you know forcing us into an escape pod and Landing us on a planet is just you're going to get chewed at for this doesn't actually and I didn't find her that useful in combat or interesting so I just didn't really bring her around that much so yeah C tier for Pb sorry um next we have Legion Legion is awesome he's very great I love him a lot but you really barely get to see this guy he makes the best impact of the time he has but it's a very very brief window you know like he gets two maybe three missions in Mass Effect 2 unless you either hack the game so you can have him early or you just let your crew and Kelly and all of them die or save a whole bunch of missions for after the suicide mission uh and then in Mass Effect 3 he gets like two or three missions which are very good and quite the tiar Jer so I'm not putting Legion in s tier he's going in a tier for me if this guy was recruitable from the start of Mass Effect 2 it would be S tier but I do have to take the stance that this guy does not have as much to him as I would want but we do really love him um and he's very useful in combat too uh I like how he does the robot dance as his Idol animation that's fun he's got some of the funniest quippy little lines gu do not infiltrate GI do not intentionally infiltrate but yeah overall if I wanted to put him an S tier I needed just a little bit more so we'll go a tier for Legion uh next we have Liam uh Liam not the biggest fan of I he's got I like that he tries to put on a movie night that's fun and that's about it uh so we're going to go uh D tier for Liam maybe he's a little mad why because I shot him in the face um yeah he's just he's not that interesting don't really care him that much his loyalty mission's kind of fun like you know there's the Star Wars references right like is Star Wars a movie in Mass Effect universe and if so I think Cam's watched it um but yeah I I just don't really dig him that much so he doesn't really go on missions with me uh next we have leara you know what you know what s tier for Liara um she's a great romance character um I mean she was basically engineered to be a fan favorite right she's the only alien you can get with in Mass Effect one um even in Mass Effect 2 she still got sizable screen time she gets to be your your own squadmate in the DLC and she's a very big chunk of Mass Effect 3 so you know she's definitely engineered to be the fan favorite most people consider her the canonical romance um which makes sense uh and she's awesome we love her I love her character development from you know shy dorky nerd to you know the shadow broker badass that's great um I really like her development in that way uh she's also very good in combat um she was basically one of my rider die girls in Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty because she has more and Singularity so automatically We Stand Queen um and a lot of very great moments yeah essentially most of these a tier characters could be S tier if the got the same development as GIS and Liara sorry they just had more screen time that's how it is uh then we have Kora uh Kora I actually like her a lot she's pretty cool so we'll go a tier for her um definitely out the human companions I find her more interesting than Liam uh definitely was a little more useful in combat I mean yes as people have memed she has the best romance scene in Mass Effect androm like the only one where they actually put effort into it and you know as you can you can see the moment when Ryder initiates the docking procedure shall we say but yeah I did a playthrough of Andromeda romance in Gora and it was was quite good and she's useful in combat so she's pretty good we'll give her a nice solid a tier for that um then we have javic javic he's pretty cool in that he's you know uh the last surviving prothean and he's definitely got this very you know I'm born in Lon generation Vibes um and he's definitely a badass pretty cool and interesting in that way um not the most useful I found in combat personally I didn't bring him on too many missions only the ones where I knew he had special dialogue like onesia it does suck that he was a you know day one paid DLC which was actually on the disc that's not really cool I actually played my first playthrough of Mass Effect 3 with none of the DLC no Leviathan no Omega no Citadel DLC and no chug was quite an empty experience shall we say um but he's got some great moments I just wish we could have had more of him so we'll go a solid P here for javic he's pretty cool maybe a little too grumpy for my taste uh then next we have Moran morn Solace morn very great guy we shall put him in a tier he definitely has some of the best moments in Mass Effect too obviously him singing Gilbert and Sullivan very great he is the very model of a scientist cian he studies species tyan assarian Barian um and he's got probably one of the most heartbreaking moments in the franchise with him sacrificing himself to cure the Jif AG but personally I didn't really find him much useful in combat I found him very weak and you don't get him as of an official squadmate in m Effect 3 um maybe in the DLC of Citadel but again that doesn't really count it's not story DLC it's arena fighting um so yeah he's really good I just a little more useful in the combat and a bit more in Mass Effect 3 he'd be S tier for me so we're going to go a tier for won we do love him a lot we're not worthy uh then we have is it Drax from Mass Effect androma Drax the Destroyer tracks the dist wait is draxx but then also draxx from Guardians of the Galaxy is what I'm having a moment here give me a minute no it's track not tracks but like tracks that Destroyer Knack track wow it's so crazy they're almost literally the same character anyway uh track is pretty cool fun again again the The Lovable grizzled old guy right he's like what a thousand year old krogen something like that he's battle heart and Veteran um with some very great moments really like his loyalty Mission a lot he's pretty cool um just you know I wish we could see more of them in future games but we're not really going to yeah so we'll go we'll go be tier for track he's he's cool we like him um uh next we have Samara right thousand-year-old assari justicar I feel that she's underutilized because you don't really get her until halfway through Mass Effect 2 and then I don't really play her that much um and then she's not in Mass Effect 3 that much um and she is pretty cool pretty pretty badass again she's Billy ish's mother um but I just don't really connect her that much and you can't romance her I think if you try real hard you'll get a kiss from her so I don't really bother talking to her too much so yeah we'll go see tier for Samara I know she's got her stands and um definitely a very fun loyalty Mission that's for sure but yeah ultimately see tier first tomorrow uh then we have fetra um I will do a thing here and and that is well well let's just do it uh Vetra is s tier for me why because she is like the exact character I wanted to have in Mass Effect Andromeda from before I even knew Mass Effect Andromeda was what it was um basically I started playing Mass Effect when Andromeda was announced back in 2015 and I spent a whole summer speedr running through all of the games cuz I bought the the PS3 Trilogy um and so in that time I came to the conclusion and then this was before the Omega DLC so I didn't even know nyine um which Nene's not on here and neither is Arya I guess they're going for main squadmates not just squadmates you get for a mission or two um and and I knew before I even knew who n was I wanted it to be a reversal I wanted pass effect effect Andromeda to have the badass female tur in you know so kind of like aar's character but still her own thing and and I said that and then I heard there was this fetra character in Mass Effect Andromeda and I was like oh my God this is like exactly what I wanted um and she swings both ways too so that's nice definitely did a um them Rider version with her um cuz the male Rider I did with cor yeah um and she's just awesome because I feel like everyone in Andromeda doesn't take the situation seriously like they're just kind of quirky for the sake of being quirky it was like hey everyone loved the Citadel DLC so what if we just tried to do that from the start but like the problem is is those moments in the Citadel DLC work best because we're seeing all these funny chill relaxed moments to these characters that have been so dead serious for most of the the franchise right it's like we're really getting to know these characters as people and not just what's essentially our co-workers so I didn't like how they tried to force that comedic element right from the very start you know you can't all be the com relief character look at the Ghostbusters remake so I like how in this scenario that Vetra is still kind of comedic but she's also the get stuff done person and to this day you can ask anybody I know I quote the line all the time I say need something need something done it's just it's such a great line it's just straight to the point need something need something done so Vetra is my favorite character out of Mass Effect Andromeda I really wish we could see more of her um but alas maybe we might not oh well we'll still have nirine from Omega DLC uh then we have Rex Rex how shall we place Rex well you know what you know what you know what s tier for Rex um he definitely starts out as a grumpy guy in Mass Effect one he goes against your orders if you bring him to try to apprehend Fisk um and you know he nearly tries to shoot you if you do things wrong one for Meer but he's got so much character to him and such a great story to tell just I'm on his side the whole way through um it was funny because I always just assumed like well yeah of course you cure the Jif AG like why wouldn't you and it was it was funny to see all the people come out of the woodwork when legendary edition came out to to try to say well actually the genate was kind of good you know like I think they had the right idea um yeah I I just wish we could have had more of him as a squadmate like he's he's got a lot of screen time and Mass Effect too for your time on tunka and and a decent amount in three and he even gets to be a squadmate in the Citadel DLC so he manages to do a lot with the time he's given yeah s tier for Rex um then we have Miranda Miranda is a pretty good character who I just wish we had more of again like so many other Mass Effect 2 characters uh they definitely did try with her in Mass Effect 3 to give her more screen time than some of the other Mass Effect 2 specific Squad members like th and Grunt and I think that was due to um yavan stow's schedule um at the time so we'll go we'll go B tier for Miranda um definitely a good CER character um and not as over the top mad as Jack is of a character character but yeah I just feel like unless you're Romancing her you don't get too much out of her um it's nice to slowly warm up to her as Mass Effect 2 goes on um but yeah I feel like we needed more you know maybe if like Jack and Miranda were like merged into a single character and like that character had more screen time and massive effect three then we could get something really substantial that would be an S tier character for me personally um but but yeah yeah so we'll go we'll go B tier for Miranda and no Mass Effect is not ruin because you can't stare at her butt in one scene you can stare at her butt in literally any other scene and the game has photo mode calm down uh then we have a zahed right right oh good old say he just it's funny he makes me think of Jason Isaac's right but Jason isacs is also like a the first Pokemon of who would evolve into Lance henriksson who is Admiral hackit I think he's literally just the same character model slightly different right um say's fun he's cool lovable Bastard Big God damn Heroes um but I don't break him on that many missions Mass effects 2 and I mean he is very powerful though and um you don't get him for much at all of Mass Effect 3 so he's kind of just there he's cool he's all right um so we're gonna go SE tier for s i it's not Seer because I dislike him it's SE deer because I wish we had more and also his Dialogue on Normandy in Mass Effect 2 is non-existent because he's got that Mass Effect three style of dialogue it was like the precursor to it where you just listen to him ramble and you don't talk to him so yeah not that great I find um then we have Kazumi uh Kazumi is also pretty fun pretty cool but again very limited Mass Effect to screen time uh especially because her loyalty mission is very difficult um you know it's I remember finding that one of the most challenging ones on Insanity difficulty and uh she does not get much screen time in Mass Effect 3 though it does lead to the you big stupid jellyfish line so that's fun yeah ultimately it's a c tier for Kumi you know it's again she's cool but we need it a little more personally uh and then of course that brings us to Tally what else were you going to expect was i g to give you some kind of hot take that Tally's not one of the best yeah yeah Tally's the best yeah Tally's great we love her you know if you're male Shep and you're not Romancing Lara she's the other best option uh obviously definitely if you if you're into the whole mask thing you know you know like like ghost face right you know well she she's got you covered um on that aspect she's also quite a dork so we like that you know well I was just I was just oh oh it's really hot in here emergency induction Port that is a straw ital um and she's pretty useful full in combat you know go for the Optics Sheila and I like that you get to have her as a squadmate in all three games I think what is it Garris and tally are the only ones for the entirety of the game you get them I guess also they are um if you include Shadow broker DLC yeah so um yeah she's great got the best stories and romances and moments and I just like her she's not that great in Mass Effect one I will say um she doesn't have too much to say and you know her equivalent of a loyalty mission in Mass Effect one is essentially go to four identical bases and kill gu to then go to a fifth base and kill a bunch of gu colosi it's not that great but it gets you a couple good moments and mass effects to because of it it's one of my favorite early moments in Mass Effect 2 where the fact that you found that data for her you get to you know use that as like a thing remember me I know this because it's something only you and I would know so yeah that's cool um yeah there you have it I think Mass Effect Squad tier list again I to like most of these well well I like most of those characters it's just like here is either people I don't really bring along or don't care about then we have the ones who get a bit of moments to shine but I wish they had some more time then we have the characters that maybe I don't bring them around all the time but you know what they're pretty cool they've got some moments they're all right um then I've got you know my my regulars my squads people with great bits here and there yeah you're cool you can stay a while and then of course we've got I guess my top five my ride or die girls and gals and boys and whatevers they are yeah so there you go Mass Effect squadmates tier list ranking hope BioWare doesn't screw it up again for the next one or maybe will get a proper Andromeda sequel just you know anyway well I should go because my face is tired from all this ASMR anyway hope you all enjoy that and I'll catch you next time have a good night Conrad fer is the best bye
Channel: The ASMR Review Show
Views: 616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tars, asmr, asmr review show, mass effect, mass effect tier list, mass effect asmr, mass effect squadmates tier list, mass effect squad members tier list, asmr tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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