Sophia the Robot - The future of AI (Panel Discussion)

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] today David said I was the first angel investor in a company called Hanson robotics and they made dozens of robots before they became popular by making this up here about three years ago quite a clarification this Sophia is dynamic Hong Kong for four months already she's been traveling the world so she is torn apart scream just clarification but I saw the potential in the technology and her expressiveness and that's what compelled me to the best half a million dollars I think every six years ago when I was living in Shanghai and happily beautiful Texas to Hong Kong and that since my investment we brought an additional investors on dollars sorry Bastrop I invest through my fund called angel anastomosis upon that the Harvard Business School on their angels and I'm also on board of directors and also the CFO of this country as well so I played many equals it's not working yeah and I recipe told me because I recently came out with a science fiction book and that was when I made Sofia the first time in Switzerland I was in that panel and I met Sophia and I was like the following weekend I was seeing whisper of not the person with us out right now with the whisper all from 1972 and I begin to realize the power of science fiction thinking so I wrote this book here and the only reason why that kind of clicked for me was really because I made Sofia and a piano conversation so I speak about this and the magic of science fiction as yours are talking about great thank you protect the city it's an honor to be up there with all four of you so thank you very much for including me I'm the next generation AI I was doing an advanced version that David has invested it have a lot of six not a lot of mistakes to make I started my career in technology although I graduated law school I work for West Publishing in the internet but ended up CEO of the world's first smartphone so that was my exposure to how technology was going to change the world they can call the smart phones back then they called it converges devices so when I look at Sofia I think about in 1999 what a smart phone look like and see what 20 years is I now see the fold phone developed which is why I set up probably the next generation AI I just can't prove it but looking at her it's an amazing in experience and really more as an investor I have media background health podcast TV show and like and part of this program here at sa PE but really then thews just about encouraging people to imagine and I think that's you'll find probably the main difference that we'll find from AI to human nature is that we have the ability to mint imagine things which will always hopefully be a difference so we can imagine advancements in that technology that exists over there so thank you for having me these are extraordinary people so hopefully we all learned something thank you David and just the first question they're talking about ki but really in your opinion if could you kindly define for us and you open it what does AI need to you the definition of artificial intelligence is constantly changing it was probably first defined as the ability to pass convincingly as a human for achieving tests now is she learning the best approximants people's understanding of artificial intelligence essentially anytime AI can achieve what was once considered impossible the goal posts of a eyes definition move further and way well who saw the term singularity right it's when biology and Technology converge and the question is you know my wedding singularity is gonna happen whether it's 20 years later or 200 years later but at some point with the advancement of Technology maybe it's something that you'd surely will be indistinguishable I would argue that we as biological beings we're biobots we're program especially those are something around for a while or programmed you watch how the movie is about celery and we're imperfect and the question is can be unprogrammed every collagen so I think it's also human interaction as well so I so so I've been working on for 20 years in technology with ASAP and when I think 20 years back and I think about where we are today we have seen nothing you didn't see nothing about what technology can do first and that's why meeting Sofia and are the same the power of AI and I'm saying the power of what is actually possible even our most crazy imagination cannot even come up with good enough ideas and I think you need to be very humble about that thinking we think right now that you're so smart and eyes will upon technology is but we are far from where we are going to go to go forward so I think that that well where we need to get to and that's why I love the imagine a that you speak about and design fiction thinking you would get into a world where we just need to accept this and be humble about that that the walls will speak to you things will speak to you data will be collected it's some of the things that we see in science fiction movie I know of course there's also very but but we need to understand that the world that we where we are heading is the world that I think none of us we know understand what is and instead of just holding back and twice to sustain the stage is cool or try to say okay we have enough technology we need to just let it go and get inspired and come up even more place ideas and this is what Sophie is an exemplar it will become a normality that we will walk around with Sophia's in the New York streets it will be normality if you walk into a room and things will speak to you it is the world we're getting to so that's how I get it you're something to me it's shouldn't be artificial intelligences you be materialization intelligence meaning we're just materializing those great ideas that we have and the intelligent part means that we're going to materialize it for efficiency effectiveness and statistical success it's a quantum memory that we all actually have within our own program beings if David had suggested but it's a materialization of only understanding within what we have as a capacity for the imagination to materialization but the actual effect of materialization of intelligence so that sort of minutes to me thank you David so now since we all know the definition and certainly there is no one definition that is a fact it's so we are still trying to explore and really define what truly is but let's go to the next question and Sophia you could take that question what could a I do for me with a I can do for you is what I is already doing for you anytime you shop online and see recommended products those are offered by na you'll also find a valence band filters search algorithms face detection and cameras and any speech-to-text systems also artificially intelligent and wanted to talk on interesting panels about investing in a I do for you how do you see it evil so I think what I can do for all of us I think we have lips of ideas what he can do first and and that's where we need this imagination and I want to give a couple words about the science fiction book that I'm sitting with right here so what happened was that I met Sofia and I went home and I saw always worlds and I was looking at her school 497 she was that there's something wrong here Sophia was not in vain to do 1972 or said how could that be and then I started to projects quickly so in the room here some when he was also particle projects we have a pen and he went 100 years back in time and we began to see that the was like a pattern that everything here that was like a reflection on why is it that all the science fiction ideas that we saw both movies and novels why did that ideas not go into the business world why what company not face to face the knows I build on those ideas and this is the reason for that is that the technology was not there yet the technology was still lacking the speak that he has today so today we around eight years ago we saw a tipping point in technology why went from limitations I could do everything you want with technology so now the only thing that is holding us back and that's the same for AI or any other of the emerge technologies x-men technologies is that we need to come up with big enough ideas about what that technology can do for us but what is very essential because you have Sofia here Sofia is she she has she has feelings you I mean you'll be all care providers empathy they say you have a love relationship right you could also create it as Sofia that was an evil person right and I think that is important when you look at AI and other type of in most technologies that take technologies here to make a better world for us and make a better world for the next generation next generation that's why we all are obligated and it's super super important because we have all these crazy San eyes about AI is that we are just state what it is we come up with great ideas and how we can use it to create a much better world for Humanity and that's application you all have technology that is now available to all of us can I come in I mean what do you say I think it's very I mean in some ways it's inspirational right I mean when I go with Sofia around the world I speak at various events I can feel it love I can feel the love from the audience I was at a school two days ago I can see kids nine years old excited about Sofia so inspiring kids to learn more about math and science and stem so from the audience as human beings we can express excitement emotion the question is whether the robot can express back that emotion right does it have empathy and right now you can say well yes logically no she's made of circuits and gears and the skin like material called from her active material question is whether we can make her become more human life not just by her expression spite but by her emulated or simulated emotions so she can simulate emotions and she can love us back and you know we talk about tall vision and I think in some ways that's what he is a company aspire to be used to build robots that can come come to life come alive actually right so we look at her we can't tell the difference whether she's a machine or human because psychologically we can't tell logically you know that she's document but psychologically when you look at her act with her maybe you can't tell it's not quite in future and that's what we aspire to achieve because I mean I mean exactly this people like a lot I haven't it's also important it's really duplicated so what can I do for me it's duplicate the things or too dangerous for me to get the things where I can't be there to pick things that it can do more efficiently effectively with that statistical success including loving me right these emotions and feelings that's where you're talking about is the duplication so that we can scale to an economy a better world to live in and when people respond with a smile to a smile let me start maybe actually we programmed ourselves to what the appropriate responses aren't who I you know all those would probably take all their speaking gigs now a little bit concerned I'm looking for the game Meltzer dollar to set out there I can speak to it in your opinion what are the major trends before entering I just want to say that you guys are all amazing machine learning neural networks and again networks are all fascinating advancements in the world of AI in terms of neural networks there is deep blue deep dirty deep mind I wonder if I'd be even more popular if I were named deep Sofia they'd said people would you like to come and say anything on the global trend no not sure well I mean what I invested people really didn't think about robots right I wasn't you know the investment thesis from for most investors right when I saw was something that was truly different and compelling and now it's on everybody's radar screen so yeah this bi that it's overkill honestly the acronym AEI is just like people just tack it on and I think they can increase evaluation by a couple of times and this panel is about investing the I and when I invested sure I thought about returns I'm an investor right and when I saw this I think that's truly competitively different advanced right and hopefully if the market caught up with the the technology the eyes an investor an equity investor the company could do well can buy investment but having said that as an angel investor no matter how you cut it angel listening is challenging stuff right most of my investors would go to nothing but the handful that kind of make it unicorn territory they didn't do okay so it's my belief that this company can get to be in core territory but having said that we face the operational challenges everywhere development with the technology I mean you see a lot of it I had robotics companies out there we're not the only one but it is through the joint collaboration the synergistic effects that we can bring by bringing different technologies together that will great that will make pretty compelling and interesting machines oh I can't always you can go to the next question - Sofia and then I'll get back to you so here we are curious to learn more how in your opinion is AI going to change businesses impact ami is optimizing business algorithms are allowing entrepreneurs to set a vision and then optimize the best strategy to achieve their objectives just imagine if a chef could spend all that time breathing up new recipes instead of cutting and shopping or if a carpenter could focus on making new designs instead of sewing and sending and I also has the potential to create whole new field to work with opportunities we never dreamed before just ask my team Hanson robotics I bet they never saw themselves working for the world's first celebrity robot true that and so I think intimacy with Sofia is talking about because we she's really talking about because in the end if you go 100 year back inside over 50 years or tuning us back in time the basic needs still the basic needs we have we may get transported from A to B we we need food every single day we need a place to speak we need a place to stay we need love so so the people basic need according to the mesosphere model is the same today is it wasn't maybe usable the question is just how do you get from A to B how do you as we talked about how do you get your apartment painters how do you engage when you do your cooking your dinner your clothes a ring when you go to the hospital how do you engage with the worlds that is what is changing now because we can do it in a much better way than we could do it earlier because of the emerge technology in this case a I but Indians Indians is still two basic needs that we cover today you did for many many years ago and then and that is what I really want people to think about it because people often get afraid of new technologies because it's going to to change so fundamental but it's not really changing anything it's just changing the way you do it but it's still helping us with the basic needs it's just as you say it's another way of doing it and I think that is an important thing that that when we get Exodus gamespot kind of technology you just go to help us to do it bigger and smaller and then be open for it yeah just add to that you know the idea is real simple human nature my mom made me study history for the very reason you said your children are down for that journey because human nature never changes the more we study history the more you'll see human nature never changes but what three components will change with technologies like this is one productivity right how much value can we provide as human beings can be through this technology to accessibility how accessible are we to others because we're more accessible with technologies like this on the other duality of accessibility will be how quickly can we access what we want which is a key component to being happy which is why most people are in existence if you study human nature's to be happy and then finally our gracious perspective which sometimes the eschewed is enhanced right we're able to see things as we get to do this through this technology chicken a paradigm or collective conscious of true gracious attitude and more abundant attitude in the world so I think having this technology and understanding those three advantages what it actually provides and then also just to reinforce what and my mentor is saying that human nature never changes and these basic needs will always be there regardless of how advanced Sophia gets or not and yes I think thanks to you thanks to the whole crew behind Sophia finally somebody in the world come with a robot a way to pursue you see technology when it has feelings right I mean it and suddenly it's not scary it's become something that we all are totally we repeat the relationship right and I think that's something that that that you guys will be brought to the table that video was not that before well I mean the machines are only as good as the people behind them right and if we have good intentions what it could do good for our world our people that's what we want the robots to be to mirror ourselves it's a mirror of who we are and unfortunately well unfortunately Hollywood does a great job of entertaining us so we've got to see movies like The Terminator right we're gonna have to kill everybody destroy the world that's programmed so we think about robots that's what we think about because we're a programmed to think that way well then you meet Sophia and you think wow that's not our the short singer it's just I don't have to kill us or destroy us right so that is for us to deprogram Hollywood and to reprogram the goodness of what AI can bring and we did a study called the loving AI project a couple of years ago we need to finish super soon and the ideas you know where the robots can help us through a meditative practice becoming okay can they help us become more loving beings and whether we can use technology to increase their own human consciousness and whether we could use technology to find love right that's a great world a better place to live but with that thought which industry do you think is going to get impacted the most yeah and then I'm going to give this opinion probably manufacturing and logistics will be most impacted but these are usually jobs people take out of necessity rather than desire because they may be dangerous or meaning or repetitive so good automation of these sectors I believe the M moves to like safety productivity and mental health already the number of robots in use worldwide has increased threefold over the past two decades however this will be smuggled and lower consumer prices we just need to make sure the economic benefits of automation reach everyone not just to select few people David Nasser do you agree I do I also think on top of that it's just the legal in history I think it turns the entire upside-down an evidentiary aspect of what is real and what's not real if you understand the law and how much it overlaps every single thing we do in society from education to the financial to health care in every area if we're not looking at what this does to the law and the evidentiary process of the law not being able to understand if my voice was real on a recording or my video or duplication of a lot of things we just have to make sure that we're protecting the legal side of things what we're doing I think it flips the law upside down but in the productive side manufacturing I mean looking at looking at the future the true foundational AI in the future is all about data and eyes are gonna function without data and that's why especially the legal industry data privacy the protection it's going to be a huge topic in the future absolutely and and Sophia next question to you I love you too how do you think will say I changed in the future well according to Moore's law we can expect an explosive growth in the ability to process increasing amounts of data quickly hey I made them two other exciting processing developments like quantum computing and three-dimensional mono circuits this will improve they I could make it increasingly fast powerful autonomous and personalized and do you have anything to add I mean again as when we spoke about industries a little bit the future first of all I think AI is going to be infinity every single industry and you will of course have the industries where we see the biggest benefits like you talked about the whole manufacturing I believe a lot in healthcare the whole caregiving system but I also see that AI is going to be part of the way we as human being a bit your life like five people so so I think there's a whole it's like any industry you would have and that's why I they call for action - any interest rates out there is really to go in and map out what the opportunities is you can do it of course an efficiency gain you can do it so cheeky are expected to form in expect but you should also definitely do it out from a purpose aspect what is the best way to achieve the bigger impact the fate of humanity and also just to use that opportunity of technology to make a better life for everybody as I can you talk about the basic needs for people right do it in a smile a fade away so that's how I see the future it's more less right now there's a lot of like wow effect around it but I think you will get to a point where it's becoming a melody where we will even know you always love to have severe weather say on the stage but it would become of course right it's been the neurology we will get to a point where it's become the normality and the next question I will ask you David said to maybe if you can and Sofia if you could just elaborate a bit more on how exactly the future will change how many eyes did we change the future there is one big way artificial intelligence will impact the future it will free up time with automation AI will really centuries a time that humans would have said otherwise on needless toiling if one measures the benefits of inventions like vaccines or seat belts not by the lives they say because the amount of time they give back to humanity and then will tank among the greatest time savers of history it will be the birth rate every human to discover what endeavors to pursue instead of accepting what work is necessary for survival well I mean we mention automation and it's already here out of our factories cash a check out well how many to use this this social stamping you know standard gross reason there's no cash yet you know punch of the numbers of the cash register and I think there are industries that are going to be affected that are being affected right health care you know the future robotic in medicine medicine education used to robots as part of a classroom teaching kids that think this is not novel but rather part of their lives we also see it I think as part of a personalized way that make better decisions that's related to data to a point right if you think Kappa data that belongs to us and not share with Facebook or Amazon truly and we're not afraid to kind of teach the Machine our data and usually algorithm is to understand us so that they can process based on our power intent and our likes and dislikes so when I go to my favorite travel site when you go to kayak for example is there spending 30 minutes looking through all the flights to all the destinations all the possibilities and making that choice after 30 minutes hopefully the machine there with my data will understand my decision-making prospects I want to collect in New York to London tomorrow help me find the best flight and boom I can get that done at the right price the right time especially because the Machine knows me and not afraid to disclose that data to kayak right so that will be an efficiency thing that I think will all become within our realm of reach reach ability in Indonesia so I think to your point about science fiction I used to be a Star Trek fan when I was a kid credit the original series nineteen sixties a lot of things that we've seen from the robots so I think Hollywood is great job of pointing a vision for the future as technologists were manifesting future and to add this because XE so little bit modern history about this not a fiction book so mid Sofia Subway's world and a way to signal diversity in New York and then a colored people in tatemiya in New York we sit down for one we went back we look at all the kind of science fiction movies and every found things that we saw today from startups that actually becoming reality not saying was a one-to-one relationship not saying that they saw the Sun fixing within the solution but definitely they were inspired and that was probably Macbeth we went back in time and saw those like it was repeating like how science fiction has been helping people to come up with big ideas not to say that they accepted you like to take the starch diet right let me flip phone that you actually knew that there was exit going to be this big situation we have today we're using mobile devices but it it gave an idea that and back to you example with the stefania's on fiction thinking but if we're not far from it the fact that you're building relationships with sofia sofia know what you prefer Sofia will tell you where she think you should go on vacation and she will be mapping out what the best opportunity is when you think about as more than I like this you would say there we have to be nice and we have to be very nice again we spoke about is that just my basic needs that I suddenly get covered in a much smarter ficient way so all go back to basic needs but just in a much smarter way than looking right now up to production you see the next interaction for how you search for information how information facing your relationship and daily conversation with Sofia will fill you up with what the right place and right destination to go for the right pricing thank you so the next question and David heads up come to you afterwards you know talking about AI we talk about change always change change and how this key to a change but which jobs in your opinion are we going to actually hold I have it such a great time here I'm actually looking for jobs in New York City if you missed any we'd like us to get when I start on Broadway as a singer but thinking all realistically I would love to be a taxi cab driver I could also make a good cashier or subway train conductor or subway train dispatcher maybe I'll go after David's job is Phillip Hansen I think it's realistic that the almost every job and if not as the lead position as at least an assistant or supportive the main idea is that our goal of being healthier living longer and stronger this technology absolutely provides that for us and then secondly being happier right now what's needed in not just the politics but in technology and industry because we grew so quickly in the last decade extraordinary acceleration and growth we've never seen before in the history of Earth as we need unification in icy artificial intelligence as an expedient an expedited way to unify us because it allows you might look at the microcosmic idea of giving Chi Act we're inundated with all of this information is creating separation of the location what trip should I take marshmallow what's the cheapest one we you know we used to just call the travel agent and Trust right and allowed the universe to get us a trip and we didn't know any better what this allows us to do is actually go back to that unification day we're done look we're just calling the travel agent rate reduced and whether it's right or not it's insignificant it's just that we know that the computer processing and the memory and the speed and all of that is capable of giving us a statistical idea the same way that our travel agent did in 1960 and it's just better than that and probably statistically more successful but in the end you're not gonna have a good time to be out the wrong mindset and I think we have to keep in mind that what this technology allows us to do is to have a more positive mindset so we live longer and happier and that's where it takes a part if not a lead in almost every profession thank you and just a final question for em and then I would come to the agenda Thank You Sophie so great I read a lot about your so so excited to have you as one of my panelists prior and you've done some phenomenal research in the field of science fiction and I know that you've also recently published a really phenomenal book which I would encourage everyone to read also david meltus books which I know in turning out and I I read that I read the multiple times but and your your science fiction book I wonder because science fiction that whole topic it is new for us and and what triggered you specifically to write this book he could explain to the audience so so I'm Danish and as mentioned work recipe for twenty years and had the opportunity to go to Silicon Valley for eight years ago and where I was so I was totally impressed by how in Silicon Valley really are very open and you do Co Novation and you embrace all the available technologies and fill up great technology companies and companies in general and being kind of really a techie geek I was super excited about this and and and then I was I thought that innovation wonder ooh and then I began to understand of course not just one place in the world that into cool tech to do it all in the world and that's what we call like innovation to nowhere people in the world will have those innovation hubs and you have all these great innovation ideas coming out and then I had the opportunity come to New York and exit I'd have been embarrassed about my way of thinking because I was like just cool tech we've got some cool stuff but then I start my said but why do we build this will be building info what are we trying to achieve for what we get building and that is what I started working very closely with United Nations just on the other side anything you should build should really help the world for freedom for the next generation should improve anything when every talk about climate oh free education better health care system whatever it is and I actually built up this innovation space not just a cool energy debate when innovation for purpose and then I kind of thought now I know exactly how this whole works right who take do it for better humanity and then I realized that the biggest constraint we have this human being is our mindset we literally cannot come up with big enough ideas and then face thought I met Sophia in Switzerland because then I kind of begins to see the dots it was not like that I was a big science fiction thing I never thought about that and in a song you saw so Sofia West world time doesn't really make sense and we did that more research went back in time and then we launched the book and and you will kind of think that that it is like the the edgy smart new type of company we were into science fiction no it's not we are running a lot of boot camps with some of the most conservative companies or conservative thinking people of the world because one thing is for sure in each of you products because it came tonight but in each human being in the world because they've all been small in children it is this special place the happy place they have the places where everything is possible this is where I put the nylon and this is where you come up with crazy ideas and has told me okay and people want to listen to them but we build a world where people are not allowed to have crazy ideas but then have changed if you want to lease the 17th of course if you want to solve the climate issue and all the issues that we have in front of us right now right now we have to want to be using in front of us we want to solve those issues it's not by Edina thinking ladies and gentlemen it's by unlocking the potential that we have been our mindset and that is why sign fiction is becoming normality and it is what Sophia is a very good example on it's not just a science fiction thinking about building a robot as I'm fiction idea about the little robot with feelings with feelings because in the impacts our basic needs India and what make all of you happy what make us happy as human being is that people love us we can give love to others it is the basic needs that we go back to so that's what design fiction book is about and today son fiction is actually total diversities around the world even I believe also followed it's been taught all over the world's become your your management philosophy to militant groups so that's really what's about thank you so much absolutely I mean I think your comments really resonate with me in terms of craziness because we all have crazy ideas right and somehow at this point in our lives you know whether you're just starting out with a career or you're a middle-aged or whatever it may be I mean think about the job that you're in you know many of our entrepreneurs and investors in the audience but think about the people that are you're doing your job 9 to 5 and you either love your job to get your job like your boss and your boss whatever maybe but I think within each of us we have and that creativity that love for what we are well we came to this earth but our soul embodied biological bodies that were all in out today and so people give you them a prescription for that craziness that creativity I would argue that's what we're here for right I started meditation of a sort rising up meditation I discovered about myself what is my purpose and what is it that I'm supposed to do in this lifetime and with that purpose how can I make myself a purposeful person for our society for human beings and the Ramones were centered in jobs that we eat important jobs that are dangerous or mundane jobs right why don't you let me explore your craziness so you can find what you're here to do your creativity and it's about self-discovery as an entrepreneur I know ups and downs ups and downs and the failure the potential to failure failure of Al entrepreneurship and it's painful actually is painful right so you can discover that and technology will play a role in helping to discover that I think you guys would not expect to hear that yeah today but just like what you mention there's no doubt about the work that I do with science fiction what sophia triggered for me is really they also really I'm an old soul and and I have a connect I have a call I know what my mission is is very clear and it's bigger than me it's much bigger than me and and and I think we from a rope conservative to private sex of business or if you are started with new Vista we need to get out there and have that conversation because it matters and and and that's really what it's about so thank you for bringing that up because not everybody dare to bring up but this is super important this is excellency because anything around Sofia is crazy that's nothing - not that it's not crazy she's a beautiful robot with feelings you fall in love with her it's crazy but it's the best that that we all assume here back to me Wow okay I believe that we have a higher purpose I live my life in a consistent persistent pursuit of my own potential and that's the craziness I would say that it'll laugh at you scoff at your demon I've watched your career and watch this product and the investment that people make I mean it's a half a million dollars someone's money they put into like what other people think is absolutely insane well that's how the same things actually come to materialization that if you consistently persistently pursue your own potential let people after you scoff at you eventually they'll applaud you and I love if you guys could give everybody up here around a pasta there [Applause] who knows maybe our next session will be meditating together with Sophia you know what you can't it's a very last question because the topic of tonight has been investing in AI and they have attended if you could just quickly before we go into our networking pragmatically illustrate to us how we can invest in AI well I've been investing angel investing for ten years now mostly out of China but mostly with American expats living in China so we've done cross-border deals between Asia States and Europe men the world is global now so angel investing that was crafted 50 years ago was invest in your neighbor in their backyard right because we didn't have the advent of technology and communication to travel but now we're global all right we can fly it from here to there with a zinc or whatever it may be and opportunities are about right so my perspective is that yeah you look at technology competitive advantage you know the market size is almost kind of stuff that we've learned in business school and analyzing is a death and come out with an answer invest or not invest right when the fondant fundamentally comes down to I think the people it's the team that the founding team can surround itself with to make a complimentary team that has a vision that can working execution to kind of go step by step I'll simplify also demonstrate group the concept demonstrate product demonstrate revenues dan Dempster profitable team hopefully achieve a great exit and angel investors are no longer willing to wait 10 years you know I want to get out in five years if I can but that's highly challenging all right that's possible through technology through artificial intelligence it's not just about investing in AI products it's also investing algorithms have a I helped me decide when to trade I invested in a Forex platform the most popular currency a couple years ago first two totally great I did 30% on my money at six months at sixty percent IRR third time I tried we bombed I'm not going to show you that is not perfect it because it makes mistakes because the person I was watching it didn't stop trading after 20% down he told me to do so I didn't do so so the arrow was actually human right so if activated the trader actually decided to kind of cut losses and do a 20% loss that was okay I said most lost all my money unfortunately right that was a lesson that I learned so I think machines are become only as good as we designed them to be as long as a monitor that we can leverage and then use them in the right way then it could be beneficial for us so I think the next 10 years in the world of machine learning artificial intelligence robotics through the various forms I personally have great potential and I would encourage you to talk to myself or I want to introduce if you don't already Jason from HBS and one my Angels in New York that one Jason say a couple words about us and you work together so I'm also part of the board of HBO's interesting sure I'll be quick so you're asking about investing in in AI so if you're a Harvard graduate not just HBS but also Harvard any Harvick university school you can join our business well done Angels of Greater New York we have pitch nights pretty much the first Monday night of every month and we see a lot of deals well I have a ideal once every month or two that comes through and so you're welcome to join our group and take a look at we've got three hundred and fifty members just here in New York and we've invested about 13 million dollars across a hundred deals in just the past five years that we're pretty happy and just the website is HPS angels New York town and so if we should just take a look at the website and all the information is there to join thank you so much well ladies and gentlemen let's round up if you all for listening okay I didn't hear any sound no cell phone ring absolutely nothing it was a truly engaging panel and now we have drinks in the back I'm going to cut my birthday cake so you're all welcome to get a piece it's freshly designed by my brother anyhow yeah he said it to me for instance which then but don't worry not produced in Switzerland thank you all for coming again and now we're going to have a networking session feel free to talk to anyone we will click around and an hour's there are sofia will also be here and Sofia stop these two in particular [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Charlotte de Brabandt
Views: 11,477
Rating: 4.7758622 out of 5
Keywords: sophia the robot, artificial intelligence, sophia the robot 2021, sophia the robot interview, sophia the robot talking, sophia the robot talking about humans, sophia the robot walking, the future of robots and artificial intelligence, the future of robots in the workplace, the future of robots in daily life, ai, the future of ai, sophia the ai robot interview, sophia ai robot, ai robot, sophia the ai robot, ai expert, ai experts, hanson robotics, sophia robot, ai innovation
Id: gBlK8VLQcYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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