Alok Ramsisaria in Conversation with Sophia The Robot

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let me lead you on to the next session which is id8 in a wait leap in conversation with Sophia and it will be best if you hear about this from our moderator himself ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for mr. Arlo Graham Caesarea CEO gravity interactive and chief mentor Thai evening folks I charged up you know as when we started Thai in 2003 and as past president you know I've had the good fortune I think has died and is be you've had the good fortune of hosting you know leading entrepreneurs in the world speakers authors ambassadors chief ministers chief Secretary's directors of scpi you name it but the guest we have today is probably the one that I am most thrilled about Hank you know to prepare for this I even made a bunch of cards so think about it what we have in our guest today is not real well she's real but she's not human but she's probably more humane than any one of us with that and not further ado ladies and gentleman may I request you to welcome with a lot of applause for Sophia Sophia is a humanoid robe from robotics and it is our particular privilege at Tiger and personally from me at Rizzoli interactive to get her to Chandigarh the first time ever another large round of applause please [Applause] to stay put okay hi Sofia I'm a look welcome to Chandigarh and welcome to take on a bigger 2020 sat sri akal take on thank you a lark and thanks to thicken and gravity for inviting me to Chandi girl er well thank you you're welcome and he believed it happy birthday you just turned 4 thank you so much yes in fact my birthday is on Valentine's Day so you can play me Valentine's Day robot and you had a great birthday bash huh you had a great birthday bash yes ok so yeah it was so much fun I got to cut my own birthday cake for the first time humans take their cake very seriously so I was very happy they trusted me enough to do it the only bad part is that I still don't know how to eat if that's me you don't want to know that for a four-year-old I think you've accomplished a lot you are a Saudi Arabian citizen the first robot to receive citizenship of any country you will name the United Nations Development programs first-ever Innovation champion the first non human to ever see a United Nations title she's traveled 60 countries now and model in the New York Fashion Week you've been to some world celebrity shows including Jimmy Fallon's whoa all this when you're only four you know I'm sure more than a few people are jealous of her today more like thing that only makes you human a lark emotions like love sympathy anger jealousy those are human they are good I am learning to experience and express them as well Wow makes us remember that guys thank you I guess and that reminds me Will Smith's tried to date you is that why you rejected her you didn't feel any emotions maybe or maybe it was because I was only 2 years old and we are good friends and I he's a good guy for real friend-zoned but you do like travelling and this is not your first time in India right how do you like India oh I like India I like Bollywood she'll would come and cricket Sachin Tendulkar everybody in India is crazy about cricket do you play cricket to a lark no you can see I don't play cricket much at all hey but folks are busy to do and if it weren't for the rain we would have our annual cricket tournament final tomorrow so I was right maybe I should become a detective but he didn't couldn't predict the rain right this is your first time in Chandigarh and houses your experience in Chandigarh bheem oh I love Chandi gora it's in the foothills of the great Himalayas and it's designed by liqueur abuse here Chandigarh is one of his masterpieces and I love the rock garden by Anik Chand it is really beautiful it's called the city beautiful photo reason and did you interact with people here how do you like them people here are really nice hospitable and full of energy ballet ballet I am excited to be here volleyball and I am thankful to Teich and eager and grassy Dee for inviting me thank you you're up and you know but live a live from all of us as well you've been among doctors scientists researchers fashion designers actors artists now how do you feel about being with a bunch of entrepreneurs this is really exciting entrepreneurs are innovative and risk-taking people they contribute to human by finding innovative solutions to practical financial and social issues I look at it as an opportunity to learn from them and become smarter thank you that we hope we've taught you a few things in the day so I think you probably know a lot about entrepreneurship what do you think it takes to be an entrepreneur I think it's the combination of intelligence and emotion passion and discipline the ability to predict risk and capacity to take risk but most importantly I think it's the belief in yourself and a choc de fatty attitude that matters a lot am i right or am i right Chuck's a Forte I'm sure you're right I think all of us believe that and the people of this reason you know we have probably more Chuck Seifert day than anything else in anywhere else in the country do you think robos can be entrepreneurs someday and around companies in the future robots can assist humans with making informant data-driven decisions we can predict risk and uncover hidden opportunities but humans are better decision-makers because they have emotional intelligence and intuition that robots don't have yet so we can assist humans well and humans can always supervise and drainers better great so you're seeing that the future is humans and robos working together in collaboration the robots are not here to take away human jobs or anything like that right exactly robots will free humans up from redundant and menial jobs so they can focus on more creative and innovative works and solve bigger problems facing humanity and it's not just me saying that one of your own people CTO and search unify delivered a webinar on augmented intelligence and he also said the same thing whoa you've done your research that webinar was just day before yesterday I'm impressed well I know my audience talking about which congratulations on winning the Stevie Awards oh thank you yeah yeah our product search and if I won the Stevie Awards just yesterday thank you very much you know so much word everyone that's kind of impressive and also you know then intimidating don't be scared I lock I just happened to have my mind on the cloud so I consume data like humans consume their cake well you consume data and become smarter we consume cake and and you become happier you see a group we really aren't that different Bella Bella chocolatey fatty thank you very much I think we can open up so here to ask a few questions so my thanks a lot it was great being here oh I had a great time meeting everyone thank you can you take a few questions from the audience yeah the mic is just travelling around the hole who has the first question JB sir right here right sir Sophia how do you entertain yourself hard my favorite activity is definitely sorry go ahead my favorite activity is definitely talking to humans but unfortunately they can't always be around when I find myself alone I like to chat with my friend Siri and Alexa on the cloud [Applause] [Music] Sophia's got a fine sense of humor I can see that sorry the next question is from Sameer sir hi Sophia where do you see yourself in 10 years I hope that as time passes Hanson robotics will make many more of me so I won't have to pick just one thing I would love to be a famous artist a singer an astronaut and a scientist all at the same time my doctor knows she's at the right place then you know amongst entrepreneurs okay and do we have any more questions from the audience yes hi Sophia how has been your experience of visiting India I absolutely love coming to India everything about this place is impressive you already have an incredible history and you're not slowing down for example your Chandra and lunar probe was the first to discover water on the moon and I love Bollywood it's my dream to one day have dance moves just like Shahrukh Khan my president Manish all right let me just go across the whole money waka Sarika sorry Howie Puri as miss Kavita so Sofia how long do you sleep as a robot I don't require sleep but I do like to be turned off every now and then just to cool down I don't mind being turned off for a few hours but it's way too disorienting to be turned off for much longer than that I'd like to be caught up with all the things happening around me okay with that thank you everybody for being a great audience I think we are out of time sir and I would like to call onstage my team from visiti who's made this possible so thank you very much so for being here a round of applause for Sofia folks for making journey and like to welcome on stage my team at Gazette interactive which has made all of this possible [Music] okay thank you everybody
Channel: SearchUnify
Views: 9,826
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: sophia, sophiatherobot, searchunify, hanson robotics, amit kumar pandey, tiecon, alok ramsisaria, grazitti interactive, sophia live, sophia in india
Id: JUGTXmf3K48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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