Sony A7R5 Setup Guide for Photography & Video

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if you just got the Sony a7r5 I'm gonna help you set it up I'm going to set up my a7r5 for my liking for photography and for video and so grab your camera follow along and let's set it up together oh and if you want to download my a7r5 camera settings and the link will be down below free of charge you're welcome all right let's rock and roll so when you turn on the camera for the very first time you're going to see the language menu obviously choose the language that you use I'll be using English uh you're going to click on I understand and then here is where you set your area date and time this is going to apply to your time zone and to your date and time and so yeah you set that up all right so once you set your area date and time it's going to take you to this menu and you're going to select set now and basically what this is is that it will allow your camera to keep working even if it starts heating up with previous Sony cameras you had to go deep into the menu to turn on the temperature to high so that it won't shut off when it gets a bit too hot so it's kind of cool that they're offering that option right off the bat when you set up your camera and so yeah go ahead and select set now all right cool so registering your smartphone uh I'm not gonna do that here you can do that on your own basically what it means is that you can pair your phone with the camera so that you can control the camera with your phone and transfer photos and videos and so we're not gonna do that now we're gonna skip it and go straight to the settings uh before we get into the menu just make sure on the mode dial you are set to photography mode there are three different modes on the camera photography mode movie mode and snq you'll see the icons on the dial mode just go to the picture that looks like a camera that's photography mode all right so I'm gonna do that right now so now we're in photography mode and then on the top dial make sure that you are on the M for manual because we want to manually set the photography settings in our camera and once you're there let's go ahead and go into the menu and start setting it up I'm going to hit the menu and what's really cool about the a7r5 is the new tile menu system it's pretty cool because as you see on the screen there are different tiles to adjust certain settings right now it's selected on the shutter speed and we'll keep it to 1 250th of a second that's pretty standard for a photography you can go higher if you're shooting action shots or you can go lower to capture more motion blur but we'll just leave it to 1 250th of a second for now next to it is the aperture and Apple kind of determines how much depth of field you have in your shot I like shooting at a lower depth of field just to have that nice blurry background or bokeh and so we're going to set that to the lowest aperture possible which is f 2.8 cool and the tiles next to it that's the exposure compensation and basically with auto exposure your camera will determine the right exposure settings depending on the environment that you're in and if you are using auto ISO then exposure compensation is going to be your best friend right now it's set to zero which is standard and basically with that your camera will try to expose it as evenly as possible but if I select it and go down a little bit more then my camera will underexpose just a little bit and then you can determine how much you want to underexpose whether it's negative 0.3 or negative 0.7 or negative one or you can overexpose it if you want to we're just going to bring it down to zero just to keep things even but you don't have to use auto ISO for photography I mean oftentimes I don't like using auto ISO like if I can I try to shoot at the lowest ISO possible to avoid any noise in my photos so we're just going to change it to an even ISO 100 and this change it from there depending on where I'm at all right cool so let's go to the tile below that and that's going to determine the image quality of our photos we're going to go to file format and I like shooting raw and jpeg just because I have a large enough SD card to handle all that you don't have to shoot Ron jpeg if you don't want to if you'd rather just shoot Ross you totally can or jpegs you totally can too just keep in mind that when you are shooting raws you have more flexibility to change up all the exposure and color values in post versus having to edit jpeg photos which are very very compressed you don't have that much leeway as you would with Raw photos but because I have a fast and large enough SD cards I'm just going to select raw and jpegs and then if you go down you can select the raw file type I like shooting an uncompressed raw like I just want all the data I don't want anything compressed but if you're trying to save some space and you still want to shoot Raw photos there are different levels of compressed raw that you can choose from and then going down to jpeg quality I'm going to select extra fine because why not and then jpeg image size we're going to select 60 megabytes because I have a capable enough SD card if you want to save some space you can bring it down to the lower values but I'm going to select 60 megabytes and then we're done for that section moving on to the tile next to it is where you save your photos and there are two SD card slots in the a7r5 you can select the top slot if you want to or the bottom slot for me I like separating my media on slot number one that's usually where I save all my videos and in slot number two is where I usually save all my photos it just makes it easy for me to like determine which SD card has what type of media you don't have to do that if you don't want to sometimes it is easier having everything on just one one SD card and the cool thing with doing just that is that you can also shoot duplicates to the second SD card slot just to have some backup but we're just going to select slot number one for now here it says performs quick format that'll erase everything on your SD card so if you have photos or videos on that SD card make sure to offload that now and then put it back to the camera so that you can format it cuckoo cool formatting formatting complete all right moving down that's the aspect ratio for photos uh usually I just keep it to 3 two that's just a standard aspect ratio however if I am shooting YouTube thumbnails that's usually at a 16 by 9 aspect ratio that's really more specific for me making YouTube thumbnails but you don't have to do it I like using it sometimes but we're just going to leave it to the standard aspect ratio at 3 2 for photography let's go all the way across to this little box thingy here that determines the drive mode right now it's set to single shooting and so when I press the trigger button it'll take one photo if I select high speed then it's going to take a lot of photos very very quickly using the high speed settings is great for capturing action shots and here you can actually determine the actual speed for for high shooting there's high shooting which is fast there's High plus which is very very fast and then you can shoot at a lower speed at Mid or even low but we're just going to set it to single shooting for now because I don't really do much action shooting but if you do then yeah definitely choose a higher shooting speed okay we're set for that this is more for Flash I don't really use Flash photography all that often and so we're going to skip that so for you flash out there sorry can't help you there next one is Flash compensation again I don't do Flash and so we're going to skip that but we are going to go to the white balance now you can stick with auto white balance I mean I shoot Auto white balance quite often and especially if I'm shooting Raw it's just easier to change things but if you much prefer shooting at a consistent color temperature then you can change that to like daylight which is very common we'll stick with daylight for now because it's nice to have consistency through all my photos and then going down to the last two settings in the tile menu this is the focus mode we're just going to set it to continuous autofocus just because I don't know I've been using that setting for all my other Sony cameras and so we're gonna choose that setting usually with continue autofocus that kind of pertains more to video but you know it should apply for photography as well and so we're going to select that and then Focus area that's going to determine where you are focusing at uh the Sony a7r5 is great when it comes to autofocus like when you're using the AI face memory recognition like it's it's so sick we'll get into that later but usually when it comes to photography I like selecting one small point on my screen to focus on it's like an old school way of doing things but I I prefer it but you can choose whatever Focus area you want whether it's utilizing the entire width of the screen or zones like you can do the middle Zone the top zone or the left zone right bottom that's fine and all but I like shooting uh the center fix just because I like centering on things and just recomposing afterwards before taking the shot alright so that's that for the tile menu uh we're gonna go through a couple more settings for photography uh we'll go to the left tab and we're just going to go down this tab we've kind of covered most of the settings if we go down over here that will determine which SD card is capturing what like I said before I like capturing all my videos on slot number one and all my photos on slot number two that's gonna be my preference but if you'd much rather have a backup of your photos and make sure you select simultaneous recording so that it captures photos on slot number one and Slot number two but for me all my photos will be taken on slot number two and all my videos will be taken on slot number one cool all right moving down uh let's go to this menu and we're gonna go to file folder settings now I like having all my videos and photos have their very own own file name just because it makes it easier to Archive and pull up different projects like I don't want to pull up the same image001 because that could confuse my computer and so what we're going to do we're going to customize our file names we're going to leave it as series and we're gonna go down and change this setting and instead of having DSC because I don't know that's a dumb name so we're just gonna change it to the name of the camera and that way if I'm importing different photos from different cameras I'll know which photo was taken with the a7r5 and so let's go ahead and change the name and since you could only use three characters uh for this section we're just gonna do a are five we'll just skip the seven and then hit OK and then if you look at the bottom you'll see a preview of the file names and then hit OK and then I'll go to the folder name and you can leave it to standard form but it's kind of nice having different folders with different dates and again me I like being really organized and so I'm going to select date form cool cool all right so we'll go over there let's go ahead and go back here is where you put in all your copyright information I don't really do that but uh you totally can if you want to you know information like your name your websites something like that but yeah I'm not I'm not going to do that but if you want to you totally can moving down uh let's see we've covered most of these settings ah okay so if you want to save these exact photography settings uh to the camera you just go down to shooting mode and you go to camera set memory and if you select that you have a few slots to save those exact camera settings so this will be my main camera setting and so we're going to select memory number one sweet and you can access that with the uh the top dial over here you'll see different letters and numbers if you go to custom dial number one that will be bring up the exact photography settings on the camera which is really cool and if you have other camera settings that you want to set like High Speed photography or whatever you can save those different photography settings and the other custom dial slots this is really cool and probably one of my favorite features of all Sony Alpha cameras the fact that you can just switch from Custom dial to custom dial to activate a different settings like I do that all the time for photography and video like oftentimes I'll just go to custom down number one for my usual photography settings and if I need to capture a YouTube thumbnail with an aspect ratio of 16 9 then I can go to custom dial number two or three and it'll automatically readjust my camera settings to capture YouTube thumbnails and so yeah that's a really cool feature and I just love using the custom dials in Sony cameras so now my main photography settings we're set to custom down number one and you know what let's go ahead and change some settings so that I can capture YouTube thumbnails at an aspect ratio of 16 9. so we're going to go back into the menu and we're gonna go to oh let's see where is it ah there it is image quality we're gonna go to aspect ratio we're going to change it to 16 9 I'll keep the other photography settings for now that's totally fine and I'm going to go back a tab go down to shooting mode and we're going to save our YouTube thumbnail photography settings to custom dial number two sweet so if I want to shoot YouTube thumbnails I can just switch to custom down number two and if I want to go back to just plain old photography I'll go to custom dial number one and then I'll see anything else I think I leave everything else the same for uh for photography no main changes there quite happy with the default settings and if you're looking for like a full explanation of the menu sorry I'm not going to explain there's like so so much information to unravel here I'm just going to go through my specific settings but for photography I think that's pretty much all the the settings that uh that I adjust on the camera yeah everything I just leave to default settings uh I guess for this menu uh I guess one thing to go over is the subject recognition feature now the a7r5 has a dedicated AI processor to recognize specific skeletal movements like poses and all that stuff it's it's crazy like you can see it more in video like it'll track the eye very specific quickly because of that dedicated AI processor now this one specific feature that I love with the subject recognition and that's the face memory feature and basically the camera can memorize a person's face and focus on that person the entire time you're shooting it's very common in a lot of photography cameras but not common for video like at all and so if you're shooting something like a wedding and you want to memorize the bride's face then just go down to this menu over here go to face memory and click on the plus sign and you can take a photo of that person's face and now the camera will focus on that specific person the entire time and you can select multiple subjects as well like if you want to focus on other people you can memorize multiple people and set the priority when it comes to autofocus of those other people which is it's totally cool it should be a whole video in itself I can't explain it now I'm just going through all the settings but yeah if you want to set all that up yeah this is this is where you do it uh let's see is that it I think there's one more thing that I change in the menu settings if you go to the toolbox Tab and then here is where you get to customize all the buttons of the camera what's great is that you can customize buttons for photography and video separately so that's pretty cool so let's go ahead and quickly go through all those custom settings all right so for the rear of the camera I'm going to change this to clear image Zoom let's go to the zoom and select that go down I'm going to change this to a different setting I like that button to trigger my autofocus but instead of using AF on I use the the toggle option instead and that way if I just press it once I can shoot manually and if I press it again it'll go back to autofocus uh going down uh white balance there I like using the focus area feature for that button just makes it easy for me to select you know shooting the wide Focus area or at the center or in zones so we're going to go here Focus area and I'm going to choose switch Focus area and that way I could cycle through all the focus area modes very quickly and then for this button I'm actually going to select the subject recognition I'm actually going to choose the face memory feature because I probably will be using that feature very often with the a7r5 there we go and here for the trash button I'm going to customize it to oh I don't know let's just select silent mode there we go all right so that's good for there moving down here that's the joystick I'm going to change that to uh to something else I'm going to actually change that to uh oh actually that's a cool option track recognition off toggle it's basically if I've captured someone's face and I don't want to focus on that person anymore I can just press the joystick button down to turn off that feature and I can focus on something else let's see the center dial that's where I like having my uh my picture profile for photography I don't use any picture profiles at all but if I wanted to that's the button that I like uh using to go down to color tone and you're going to select a picture profile and then drive mode I leave the same let's see ISO I leave the same the bottom I like using for white balance so let's go ahead and do that there we go and then on the top that's the button to record my videos we'll leave that there and then for this button we're going to actually Choose aps-c Or crop mode it's because it's just right there next to your fingers just makes it super easy to zoom in on a shot so I'm gonna go to the top menu go to image quality select aps-c slash full frame so now I can trigger going into aps-c mode or go into full frame mode with that button and then the button on the lens uh let's see I don't really use the button on the lens but if I were to use it I'd probably do that that Focus Zoom feature basically just focusing on a shot and just adjusting the focus that way that will be my focus magnifier again I don't really use the button on the lens all that often and so you can customize the button to be whatever you want and then lastly uh the dials by default the front dial is to change the aperture and the back dial is to change the shutter speed I like reversing it because I come from a Canon background I'm just used to that and so we're just going to swap that I'm going to select shutter speed and then the rear dial we're going to select aperture and then for the corner dial I'll just leave that to exposure compensation that's the standard setting for most Sony camera and so we're just going to leave it to that and then finally the rear wheel on the direction pad we're going to set that to change the iso there we go and then here you can adjust your video settings if you want to I usually keep the same settings in photography mode for video mode this makes it super easy for me to remember and so we're just going to skip all that but yeah if you want to customize your very own video settings then yeah you can do that there and then over here the function menu That's the quick menu that you can access by pressing the FN button on the rear of the camera we're not going to go over that at all that's very subjective and you can use whatever setting you want to put in that function menu I kind of like the default settings in the function menu anyway and so yeah we're gonna leave that but you can change that if you want to and I think that's uh that's pretty much it okay cool moving on to video first go on the top dial and change it from photography mode to movie mode and then you want to make sure on the very top it's selected to M for manual alright so now we are in movie mode we're gonna hit the menu button and we're gonna start from the very top go to the main menu number one and the first thing that we're going to change is our frame rate I like shooting at 24 frames per second some people like shooting in 30 frames per second but you know I'm more of a 24p kind of guy and then whatever frame rate that you use you want to double that value for the shutter speed over here it says 1 250th of a second that's going to result in very staticky looking motion blur that's really good for like action sequences but since we want normal looking motion blur uh we're just going to change that to 1 50th of a second and then going down this is the iso that's going to change depending on where you're filming how bright it is how dark it is if you're shooting slog3 slog2 as cinetone I'm just gonna leave it at ISO 100 right now and I can change it later I like shooting an snotone with the a7r5 just the cameras look good straight out of the camera using a cinetone yeah I could use s-log 3 but honestly the A7 S3 is probably the better camera to use if you want to shoot s-log but since I'll be mostly shooting at cinetone with a7r5 I'm just going to set the iso to 100 and then change from there going down now this is the picture profile like I said before I like shooting a cinetone you're gonna find that in pp11 down over here if you want to shoot s-log 3 that's going to be pp8 and those are like the main two picture profiles that I use with most Sony cameras again with the A7 S3 I often like shooting an s-log 3 but with other cameras like the a74 and the a7r5 I really like shooting an s in a tone so we're going to select pp11 and then next to it is the the white balance for all my videos I like shooting in daylight it's just it just makes it really consistent when I color grade later in post very rarely do I use Auto white balance for video but for for the most part like 99 of the time I like shooting in daylight and then moving down is a video file format there are several options that you can choose from really it kind of depends on how big your SD card is and how much your computer can handle compressed footage if you want to save space on your SD card and you have a very capable computer then you probably should shoot an h265 which you can find in these two options over here that's xavc HS 8K or 4K I'm currently editing with the M1 Max 14 inch MacBook Pro and it can handle very compressed files like h.265 but just to make it easier on my computer I like shooting an xavc S 4K it's just a very well balanced file format and if you don't want any compressed video files to work with at all then you can choose either xavcsi 4K or Si HD but for me I'm going to choose xavcs 4K and then moving on to the next setting that's going to be your bitrate essentially the higher the numbers and the more data there is in the video files which is really good for color grading in post and since I have a very capable SD card anyway I'm going to select the highest option which is 140 megabytes per second 422 10 bit video next setting that is the gamma assist display that is more if you're shooting an slog3 or slog2 I'll turn that on because sometimes I'll use s-log 3 with a7r5 maybe not as often as snotone but since the gamma display Assist is set to Auto which is over there whenever the camera detects you shooting in s-logv or s-log 2 it'll automatically correct it on your display to show a Rec 709 image and so with that we'll just turn on gamma display assist and leave it on auto all right moving on all right this is going to be your audio Port level settings with most Sony cameras I leave it to audio record level 10. I just feel like it's a safe number to record audio regardless of what mic you're using you could probably push it to 15 if you want to but I find that audio record level 10 is is a pretty good number to to start with so we'll leave it at 10. moving on to the next setting that is going to be your win noise reduction I don't use it at all I think it sucks and so we're going to turn it off and then last but not least on the tile menu that is proxy recording if you don't know what proxy recordings are basically you're recording smaller video sizes along with the original video and that's really more if you if you don't have a computer that's very capable like editing proxy video files are much easier to handle is because they're lower quality videos and also using proxy files is very common if you have an editor like your editor can edit the proxy files you can have the original media they can send you the project and they can swap out the proxy files with the original media and Export higher quality videos I don't do that since I have a very high capacity SD card and a very capable computer and so I'm just going to turn this feature off but if you want to turn it on then that's totally up to you all right that's it for the first tile menu let's go to main menu too here I think I leave most of the settings the same this setting here only applies if you're using aps-c lenses on a full-frame body the a7r5 will detect if you are using an aps-c lens in which case the camera will go into a PSC mode but since I mostly use full-frame lenses that doesn't really apply to me but we'll just leave it to Auto because I don't know sometimes I use aps-c lenses moving on to the next setting over we've already set this midi card slot number one is where my video is going to be and Slot number two is where my photos are going to be and so we don't need to do anything there if you do want to record a backup of your video you can actually record simultaneous video you can do that with the next setting over and if you go to the bottom you can record simultaneous video which is really great for backup and I probably should be utilizing that more often but since I like splitting my media card slots to photos and videos I'm not going to be shooting simultaneously so I'm just going to leave recording video to slot number one moving down we have our steady shot that's gonna vary depending on what I'm shooting I for the most part standard stabilization is totally fine with active stabilization there is a crop factor but it does result in smoother looking video we'll keep it to standard for now and if I need more stabilization then I'll just switch it up to active moving over uh that doesn't apply because we're already changing our video settings uh manually let's move over again that's going to be the file name this is going to be a little bit different to my photography file settings with video I like naming the video files with the date first starting with the year the month and the day followed by the name of the camera and then the original file name it just prevents like the wrong video file being imported if I need to go through my archive first I'm going to go to file name format and change it from standard to date and title so it's going to show the date followed by the title and then the original file series name then we're gonna go to title name settings and then we're going to change that to the name of the camera which is a7r5 and then we're going to go to underscore and now if you look at the bottom of the screen it's going to show the year first the month the day then the name of the camera and Then followed by the original series name and so with that file naming scheme all my videos are going to have specific names which is great for archival purposes okay so we're good there uh moving on down uh we're just going to leave that to continuous autofocus uh make sense for video for the focus area most times like shooting at a wide Focus area is good because the autofocus is really good with a7r5 but for Vlogs I like shooting uh with zones because I usually compose my head to the top of the composition right over here but that's going to be dependent on what you're shooting but yeah if you're confused and you don't know which Focus area to choose then just stick with wide alright so I'm good there and then lastly this is where you're going to select the autofocus priority whether it's a human animal bird car train all that stuff it's a it's a pretty cool feature but we'll just leave it to human for now all right let's go to the tabs on the left let's go down to the next page uh everything here we've already set let's go down to me media file nope I think we're good there I think we're good for the most part yeah I think that's good so now we're going to save these specific video settings to my camera uh we're gonna go to this tab over here go to shooting mode and we're going to go to camera set memory and we're going to select number one and so whenever I go to movie mode on the bottom dial and on the top dial I switch it to custom dial number one that's going to pull up these exact camera settings oh and I know I made our custom photography settings set to custom down number one but that's for photography mode like in photography mode you have three different custom dial settings when you switch to movie mode you have three different custom settings and when you go to S and Q mode you have three different custom modes that you can set and so yeah really cool that you have nine eleven I think 11 custom modes to tweak on your own so that's pretty cool so those are my settings for shooting at 24 frames per second I also like shooting at 60 and 120 frames per second so I'm gonna change my camera to those settings now all right let's go back to the top of the menu we're going to change the frame rate to 60p we're still filming in 4k but we're going to change our shutter speed to double the frame rate uh the closest Value that we can get is 1 125th of a second there we go and keep everything the same and we're going to save those settings my 4K 60 settings uh to the camera so we're gonna go to this tab option go to this page go to shooting mode camera set memory and we'll save it to custom dial number two very cool and lastly we're going to change it so I can film 120 frames per second you can't film 4K 120 only HD and so what we're going to do is that we're going to go down over here I'm going to go to image quality go to file format and we're going to change that to xavcs HD and then you're gonna go down to the movie settings and you're going to select 120p and make sure that you're at the highest bitrate which is that you can also change it in the main tile menu right over here same exact menu and since we're filming at 120 frames per second you want to double that value in the shutter speed and so double 120 is 240 there is no 240 option here and so we're going to change it to the closest possible value which is 1 250th of a second and I think that's pretty much it and so we're going to save those settings to the camera go back to the tab over here go to this page go to shooting mode camera set memory I'm going to save that to custom dial number three cool so those are my settings for slow motion I also like shooting slow motion using snq and so we're going to change some settings in snq to film slow motion as well as time lapses first things first we're going to switch to snq mode on the top dial and then on the top make sure that we're still on the Mr go into the menu and then we're gonna go over here to snq settings and we're just going to change the record frame rate to 24p because that's what our playback should be the frame rate uh we'll just say let's just do 60 frames per second in the highest bitrate of course go back to the main tile menu change our shutter speed to 1 125th of a second there you go and then we go back to the tab we're going to go to shooting mode and we're going to save those settings so custom dial number one so that's 4K 60. let's change it to filament 120 frames per second we're going to go to image quality go down to snq keep the record frame rate the same we're going to change the frame rate to 120 FPS make sure that the highest bit rate is selected cool cool go back to the main tile and menu change the shutter speed to double the frame rate which is 1 250th of a second very cool we're going to save those settings go back down to shooting mode and camera set memory to number two and the last setting that we're going to adjust is our time lapse setting in snq to do that let's go back to snq settings we're going to choose two frames per second again at the highest bit rate we're gonna go back to the main title menu and our shutter speed we're going to change that to about 1 8 of a second having a low shutter speed like that is just going to allow for more motion blur and if you really want to be dramatic you can go to 1 4 of a second but I feel like 1 8 is a is pretty good and so we're gonna leave that there I'm going to save that setting go down to shooting mode camera set memory and say that to number three so now if I want to film 4K 60 and snq mode I can go to custom down number one if I want to film 120 frames per second in snq I can go to custom down number two and if I want to film time lapses I can go to custom dial number three in snq and I think that's pretty much it those are my settings for this Sony A7 or 5 for photo video and snq I know that was a super long setup guide but hopefully this was helpful to you if you have any other questions about the camera let me know in the comments below also if you want to download my a7r5 camera settings the link to that will be down below free of charge but other than that ladies and gents that's the video thanks for hanging out with me much love to you all and I'll see in the next one peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sidney Diongzon
Views: 60,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidney diongzon, sidney diongzon reviews, sidney diongzon tutorials, sony a7rv, sony a7r5, sony a7r v, sony a7rv best settings, sony a7rv video settings, sony a7rv focus settings, sony a7r5 setup, camera settings, sony settings, sony menu, a7rv photography settings, a7rv video settings, a7r5 video settings, a7r5 photography settings, a7rv, a7r v, a7r 5, sony a7r5 setup guide, camera settings sony a7r5, sidney diongzon a7r5, sidney diongzon a7rv, sidney diongzon sony a7rv
Id: LkPamPdFB_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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