Sony A7R V: 10 Tips for BETTER Shots

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the Sony a7r5 is an insane camera but it is still possible to get terrible results if you don't understand the quirks and how to use this camera let's go over my 10 tips to get the best results out of the Sony a7r5 hey there I'm Keith and if you don't know me I'm a videographer and designer from Cleveland Ohio if you like those things feel free to check out some of my other videos after this one first up if you're going to be shooting AK footage with the Sony a7r5 realize there are some limitations there you're only able to record in 24p the footage is 10 bit but it's 4 2 0 and you're unable to export 8K raw out of this camera even if you have the ninja 5 plus the ninja 5 plus can export 4K 60 out of this camera but if you have the regular ninja 5 you're stuck to 4K 30. one pro for the 8K footage is obviously the crazy resolution that comes along with 8K and you can use the 8K and a 4K timeline and really have a lot of cropping and zooming latitude and not lose any resolution moving on to the photos I haven't been able to see a difference between the compressed and uncompressed raws when editing the images in Lightroom coming off of the a7r5 here are the file size differences between a raw photo at the different compressions knock on wood I haven't messed up any images that require me to go to the high end of the Shadows or highlights to recover anything I'm pretty good at capturing what I want the image to look like in camera and then tweaking the details in post when it comes to storing these giant files coming off of the a7r5 using the correct memory cards is going to be very important but it will actually vary on what kind of footage in photos you're shooting if you're shooting uncompressed raw plus jpegs you'll need at least a V60 card and if you shoot photos very quickly you'll want to make sure you have at least a v90 card the best card would be that CF Express type A for shooting lots of raw uncompressed burst photos in having the transfer speeds to take all those images off the card and to your computer will be much faster with those cards however they are insanely expensive when you price them next to V60 cards or even v90 cards if you can afford them that's great but don't feel like you have to buy them and make sure you're looking at what you're shooting to what the best bang for your buck memory card would be for your camera at least I would say get one v90 card and one V60 card I would stay away from v30 cards even though you could technically use them it's going to be slower for your camera and your computer to both read and write to for video it's a little more black and white depending on what kind of codec you'll be shooting here's a graphic along with the speeds of the SD cards or CF Express cards and you can pause this and see which cards you need based on what footage you're shooting faster cards are more expensive however they allow you to unlock the true potential of this camera and you can transfer all of this stuff faster to your computer as well the autofocus and the Sony a7r5 is one of those features that really sets this camera apart the autofocus locks onto subjects with very precise eye and subject tracking but you can select different subjects as well you can configure the autofocus to detect human animal bird insect car train or airplanes in the subject recognition menu setting I've used human for almost all of my photos and videos but I did flip this into animal and it did lock onto my dog's AI very quickly and when she moved her head it actually went to the face detect autofocus and when she turned back to see her eyes it locked back to the eye Focus as soon as she turned her head but this could be a little bit frustrating if you go between lots of different subject recognition features at the same time because I flipped it into human and I had it pointed at my dog and it did not recognize her at all and the autofocus actually went to the background if you'll be flipping between these I would definitely map this subject recognition to a custom button so you can quickly know which subject you're actually Auto focusing on my fifth tip for the Sony a7r5 is to turn on the anti-dust function this will have your camera avoid getting any dust on the sensor because your shutter will slide down whenever the camera is off and whenever your camera's off that's when you're doing your lens changes and that's when you can potentially get some dust on your camera I'm just nervous having it open and talking and not switching the lens that being said having the shutter slide down in front of your sensor isn't just a get out of jail free card to get dust into your camera the shutter still has to slide out of the way and when you're shooting photos in mechanical mode it actually still slides down and the shutter actually does do a lot of work so that's not a get out of jail free card to just be you know negligent with your camera when you're doing lens changes it's just another layer of security between you and your sensor to turn this on go to menu setup option and anti-dust function now when your camera is off your shutter will slide in front of your sensor to protect it I know we all knew that about the sensor shutter but I just wanted to say it just to be sure and if you're enjoying this video make sure to give it a like just to help with the YouTube algorithm it really does help thank you my next tip for the a7r5 is to be aware of the crops when filming with this camera the 4K 60 and 4K 24 has a 1.24 times crop the active stabilization has a 1.1 times crop and the focus breathing compensation if you have a compatible lens will crop in more based on what lens you have so if you're just using all of those features you may not know you're actually cropping in because I don't think the camera really tells you whenever you flip one of these on it just changes the field of view a little bit so whenever you're using these features be sure to know how much cropping you're actually getting into this isn't the end of the world but this is more something to just keep in mind my next tip also has to do with cropping it on the image but maybe this is cropping that you want to be doing clear image Zoom is a great way to get extra reach out of your lenses without losing any quality I loved using this when I was using my 100 to 400 to shoot a photo of the Moon I wasn't able to fill the frame with the moon but I was able to get some more Reach Out of My Lens when I switched to clear image zoom and I still had 4K resolution in my camera I'd recommend setting this to a custom button for this I use the directional button on the back right here to do this go to setup operation customize zoom and select clear image Zoom then to use this you'll want to make sure you're in the menu again selecting zoom and the zoom method will be clear image Zoom instead of optical if we don't do this and we try to zoom in the back of our camera we'll actually get an error that says we're not able to zoom even though we just set up this button to be clear image Zoom so if you're getting that error that's how to fix it my next tip for the Sony a7r5 is to know when to use silent electronic shutter and when to use mechanical shutter I was shooting with an external flash on the top of my camera and it wasn't remotely triggering my flashes because I was in silent shutter I had to switch over to Mechanical shutter and then my external flashes would actually trigger that was a more common one because I actually got an error on the back of my camera they told me I wasn't able to use external flashes when using silent mode but some things that aren't as obvious is that if you are using silent mode and you're shooting photos of fast moving objects it'll almost look like you have rolling shutter like in video so there will be some Distortion to them if you're shooting very fast moving objects another weird Quirk is that certain kinds of lower quality lights will have those scan lines in them when you're using silent electronic shutter because even though the shutter may be faster or slower if you adjust it the sensor readout in silent electronic shutter is slower than when you're in mechanical shutter so even if you're at the top end and you're still adjusting the shutter speed higher and higher in electronic mode it may not matter and you may have to switch over to Mechanical I know there's a lot of situations especially weddings where silent is great but you can't choose the lights in the venue in a lot of time in venues they're just whatever lights they have laying around so they're maybe not even matching color temperatures or quality so make sure you know it might be a little bit louder but I always like to do a mechanical shutter when I'm shooting something that I can't miss most of the time I default to using the mechanical shutter even with that sound another thing to consider is you'll have about two to three less frames per second if you're shooting electronic versus mechanical my next tip is going to try to save you some time when you're using the Sony imaging app I try to use this whenever I'm shooting my thumbnails for my channel since I don't have to go up and walk around and shoot take the photo wait 10 seconds and then run behind the camera and do whatever I need to do sometimes however I do like to grab quick video clips too and this might be a bug but whenever you go to swap from photo to video mode and your live feed is still on your phone using the app it won't flip over to the next feed even if you switch the mode on your camera so what you have to do is if you're in photo mode and you want to go to video shut the app down and close it turn the camera off turn the camera to video mode turn the camera on and then start the app up again you have to like shut everything down and turn it on in that right sequence and it'll work and you can reconnect pretty quickly this is a pain in the butt and it might be a bug that I hope gets fixed in the future this camera actually connects very quickly to your smartphone compared to my Sony A7 III was a nightmare it always had like timeout errors and half the time it would work I would take a picture and then it would stop working and then I just had to do all this configuration again the Sony Imaging Edge app or whatever they just renamed it actually reconnects to the camera very quickly so even if you have to shut everything down and turn it back on it's still actually faster than the old A7 III connected to the app the first time so that is a pain I hope it gets fixed but it's really not that big of a deal if you do it in the right order my 10th tip for the Sony a7r5 is to not be afraid to lean into the stabilization of this camera everyone can picture how this translates into everyday photos and videos but I did notice this allowed me to have longer shutter speeds when I was hand holding this camera in low light situations I was able to drop my shutter speed down to below my focal length which typically I do not do that at all so on a 50 millimeter I was actually able to go under a 150th of a second shutter speed and I was able to get sharp results still with the stabilization on this camera that's nice because I am completely spoiled by my other Sony cameras when it comes to low light this camera isn't as good as the fx3 or fx6 or the A7 S3 in low light but those are specifically great cameras for low light but this camera isn't quite as good but with the better stabilization you can actually lower the shutter speed and get good low light performance and not have blurry photos and videos as long as there's not a lot of movement in your photo you can actually hand hold and get great low light results with this camera as a bonus keep in mind the base isos when filming an s-log 3 this jump isn't as great as filming with other cameras but the second base ISO will help you get cleaner footage in low light situations the Dual base isos for the Sony a7r5 are 800 and 2500 when filming an s-log 3. if you like these 11 tips and tricks for the Sony a7r5 make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel and check out this video I made for the six month review of the Sony a7r5 it's not a super spec driven video but it's more along the lines of what I like and dislike about this camera after using it for six months thank you guys for sticking around to the end and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Keith Knittel
Views: 44,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keith knittel, sony a7r v, sony alpha, sony a7rv, sony a7rv video, sony a7r v review, sony a7r v mirrorless camera, sony a7r v settings, sony a7r video, sony a7r v photography, sony a7rv video settings, sony a7rv settings, sony a7rv custom settings, sony tips and tricks, sony a7r v tips, sony a7r tips, sony a7rv how to use, sony a7rv video test
Id: geW-eQvY6Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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