Sony A7RV vs A7iv | Which Is Better For You?

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in this video we're going to be comparing the Sony a74 against the Sony a7r Mark 5 we're going to be talking about the key differences between these cameras and with the Sony a74 being the hybrid of the Sony world at this moment in time is it really that much better for the hybrid Shooters out there than the a7r mark 5 when it comes to the rolling shutter and after using both of these cameras over the last year which one would I actually recommend these cameras were released around about a year apart from each other so you wouldn't actually expect that much to be different between the two but if you've been following Sony in any way shape or form you will know that they like to bring out cameras and new specs like they're going out of fashion and more annoyingly they don't seem to like updating their older cameras firmware however don't worry the A7 S3 update is coming at some point so we've been told between these two cameras there are a whole lot of differences physically you will see that the LCD screen on the back is completely different on the E74 you'll see the flip out screen screen which we've seen on the A7 S3 however on the a7r mark 5 you've got the new 4D screen so it doesn't just flip out like the normal A7 S3 screen you also get the foldout screen like on the original A7 and we can't deny the flexibility that this thing gives you is is just incredible however the image that you get from both of these LCD screens is entirely different but we'll get to that later both of these cameras have two SD card slots however on the A7 R5 both of these slots can also take CF Express Ty a cards whereas on the a74 only one of them can however apart from that and a few very minor things between these two cameras they look almost identical now inside the cameras looking at the features that each one gives you these cameras are entirely different we'll take off the basics to begin with the Sony a74 comes with a 33 megap sensor personally I'm very comfortable shooting on a camera with only 33 megapixels it's perfectly acceptable for printing and it's very rare that a client is going to turn around to you ask you to deliver something of a higher quality whereas the A7 R5 has 61 megapixels which is more than enough for any situation you'll ever find yourself in but the larger pixel count also comes with a larger file size you can however bring that file size down if you wish by shooting in a compressed raw format or even the Lost less large medium or small and all of these options are available on both of the cameras you can also bring that pixel size down as well by using the loss less small medium modes and still use the full width of the sensor for me personally I've always used the uncompressed the highest quality you can get from the a74 however when it comes to the A7 R5 I'm going to confess I do use compressed raw rather than uncompressed raw for me I've never encountered any quality issues when it comes to editing and I get to decrease the file size by 50% but by all means you don't have to follow what I do having them extra pixels is really beneficial when you have to crop more than you usually would the type of photography I really find useful for is for wildlife photography on the R5 you can even go into apsc mode which gives you a 1.5 times crop and it still gives you around about a 28 megapixel image there has been times where I've gone out and only had the one lens with me and it hasn't had enough reach instead of just missing the photo I've taken the photo and cropped in post and it's still giving me a good enough image quality now one of the biggest differences between these two cameras is the autofocus having a reliable autofocus system in your camera is critical and it can mean the difference between getting the shot and not getting the shot on the a74 we have subject recognition for human animal and bir however on the a705 you've got them three alongside the plain bird no plain I can never remember these plane train car and insect I got it right so at first glance the A7 R5 has a more inclusive autofocus system over the a74 but let's not stop there the A7 R5 also has the new AI autofocusing system so it will focus on the eye and the face like the a74 however if it can't see the face face it'll attempt to look for the head and then it will attempt to look for the body regardless of the features that both of these cameras have if it isn't giving you a great image then what's the point in having it straight out to camera the image for photography for both of these cameras are pretty much indistinguishable however one thing I will say is on the back of the screen the image is slightly different between these two cameras the Sony A7 R5 has a much more of a cooler blue tint to it whereas the a74 looks a little bit more warmer and fraction of magenta thrown in I'll be honest it's something I have never really paid attention to until making this video and doing the tests the a705 also has extra photography features that have been built in but the ones that stand out to me is the pixel shift which allows you to take a photo at 2040 megapixels and also the focus stacking feature which I'm going to be doing a video about in the coming weeks so if you want to check that out make sure you subscribe to the channel now when it comes to the video features strangely the A7 R5 which is mainly a photography camera still seems to do really well when it comes to video both of these cameras come with lens breathing compensation however you will lose 10% of your image when it crops in both of them will also shoot 4K up to 50 or 60 frames per second and the R5 will even do 8K and you may be sat there thinking holy that's incredible well it's nothing to shout about as much as it may be useful for certain shots I would never ever use the AK from this camera for anything other than a static tripod shot the rolling shutter of this camera is pretty Dreadful and if you're going to be doing any kind of panning shots or moving shots then just don't film in AK please but whilst we're talk about rolling shutter here's something which has completely surprised me for a long time I've been led to believe that the R5 will have a worst rolling shutter than what the a74 will bigger sensor bigger rolling shutter that's what I've always been led to believe but look at this this is a test between both of these cameras side by side and look at it it's only slight but I do feel like the R5 looks marginally better than what the four does what do you think now with both of these cameras giving you 4K in snq mode for up to 50 and 60 frames per second what's the catch well on the R5 you get a crop of around about 20% however on the a74 it goes into apsc mode which is a 1.5 times crop or 50% even if you come out of SQ mode to go into movie mode to film in 50 or 60 frames per second to hopefully interpret it later on down the line it will still crop into apsc mode there's no way around it in camera unfortunately both of these cameras also come with a steady shot stabilization and active stabilization however remember active stabilization will still give you a 10% crop on top of whatever you've got at the moment and how I mentioned that the image on the back of the screen looks slightly different when it comes to photos it does in video as well however it actually does affect the video files and let me just make this clear all of the control footage that I've shot has been shot with identical settings the same white balance the same pitch profile the same ND filter I've tried to keep it as consistent as possible and whichever one of them you prefer comes down to Personal Taste now after using both of these cameras together for the last 6 months and knowing everything that I know about them which one do I prefer did I make a mistake in buying a particular one and which one would I recommend now this is a bit of a two-edge sword it depends what type of Creator you are I actually love the a74 when it comes to making content on social media it's an affordable camera and it comes with the features which benefit me when it comes to making these videos and for the photography part of it I love it for that as well and I would happily use it for pretty much everything that I do in my job but there's the pretty much which is a problem if you're a serious photographer and you're wanting to do anything like sport Motorsport Wildlife or fine art then the A7 R5 is a much better suited camera than the a74 as a b camera is perfectly fine but I wouldn't use it as my main camera that's where I'd go for this the A7 R5 is expensive it's almost double the price of the a74 however if you're at the stage where you're needing an A7 R5 then these actually just become tools of the trade and if you're wanting to get the A7 R5 but still do a little bit of filming this is perfectly acceptable and this is exactly why I described this camera is an a74 but on steroids now if you're wanting to buy a camera which has a lot of the features that the A7 R5 has however the A7 R5 is a little bit out of budget maybe so isn't for you watch this video if you want to know more about it however if you want to stick around and watch more Sony content watch this right here I'll see you real soon take care
Channel: Danny Bligh
Views: 18,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony a7rv vs a7iv video, sony a7rv vs a7iv autofocus, sony a7rv vs a7iv comparison, sony a7rv vs a7iv comparision, sony a7rv, sony a7rv vs a7iv, sony a7r v review, sony a7rv review, sony a7rv vs sony a7iv, sony a7r5, sony a7iv, sony a7r5 review, sony alpha 7r v, sony a7r iv, a7rv vs a7iv, sony a7r 5, sony a7rv camera review, sony a7rv vs a7r iv, a7riv vs a7rv
Id: yv7VA2oEW0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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