Orim Meikle & The Rhema Experience Online: DO WHAT GOD TOLD ME TO DO

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is [Music] [Music] as we dance [Music] i heard something new and exciting is happening online at rhema on wednesdays really i really missed by the study will it be resuming we're not resuming bible studies just yet but we have a new and exciting discussion session with pastor miko on life topics called conversations with or mikel how is this conversation taking place we still can't go to church right that's right but we can do it online that's why we have microsoft teams so it's going to be on microsoft teams i can't wait for the new discussion session that will be running online on wednesdays at 7 p.m you mean conversations with aura miko yes i'm excited to tune in and hear some of the perspectives from the bible on some various topics i know he'll be covering me too i can't wait to tune in and submit some questions of my own do you know what conversations with aura miko is going to be about just about everything and anything family dynamics and issues politics religion money education tech space you name it from what i hear nothing is off the table so you're saying no subject is off limits you got it discussions about life in general and if i know pastor mika like i do i'm almost certain it'll be through the eyes of jesus beloved you heard it we will be embarking on something fresh something dynamic something no one else is doing it's going to be real and impactful it promises to reach you just where you are and transform your life join us every wednesday at 7pm by logging on microsoft teams come join conversations with oran mikel with your questions and be ready to receive answers we'll see you there [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] my am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] one [Music] we lift our hands [Music] the praise [Music] [Music] i will thank you lord trust things you've done for me [Music] because you came to earth and to set me free [Music] [Music] of you [Music] much [Music] [Music] so [Music] love you [Music] i i will [Music] i was [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] my hands and my hands [Music] i am [Music] um [Music] [Music] life circumstances weighing it down it's so hard to beat thee but in god's word he said that he's working out for your good [Applause] [Music] he'll faith things around [Music] [Music] turn it all the way around foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] know that god has a plan a plan for you i'll have faith and know that it's all in his hands he's concerned about you rest assured god is working it out he'll turn things [Music] i know [Music] [Music] to turn my situation i'm giving you my problems [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i need you to turn it around i heard something new and exciting is happening online at rhema on wednesdays really i really missed by the study will it be resuming we're not resuming bible studies just yet but we have a new and exciting discussion session with pastor miko on live topics called conversations with or mikel [Music] how is this conversation taking place we still can't go to church right that's right but we can do it online that's why we have microsoft teams so it's going to be on microsoft teams i can't wait for the new discussion session that will be running online on wednesdays at 7 pm you mean conversations with aura miko yes i'm excited to tune in and hear some of the perspectives from the bible on some various topics i know he'll be covering me too i can't wait to tune in and submit some questions of my own do you know what conversations with aura miko is going to be about just about everything and anything family dynamics and issues politics religion money education tech space you name it from what i hear nothing is off the table so you're saying no subject is off limits you got it discussions about life in general and if i know pastor meek like i do i'm almost certain it'll be through the eyes of jesus beloved you heard it we will be embarking on something fresh something dynamic something no one else is doing it's going to be real and impactful it promises to reach you just where you are and transform your life join us every wednesday at 7pm by logging on microsoft teams come join conversations with oran miko with your questions and be ready to receive answers we'll see you there [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] see me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we [Music] believe for you [Music] blessings rhema family my name is natasha carrington i'm delighted to be standing here before you to receive you in person it is so good to see you you all look radiant and for those that are online we say welcome to service because we know there are no borders in the realm of the spirit amen and amen now we have been working tirelessly preparing for this day and now that it is here we want you to know that we have a lot in store for you and this is no ordinary service we want you to participate and join in the worship clap your hands break out in your dancing shoes if you will and just let your hair out for it has been far too long thank you again for joining us and remain blessed throughout the entire service so is somebody says oh there's nobody [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say [Music] you will be [Music] oh [Music] yesterday today and forever jesus christ is the same only change but jesus never somebody say glory to his name hallelujah glory to your name we bless you we adore you god we declare there's nobody like you hey hey hey i wish i had one worshiper in the room today hallelujah [Music] we bless your name my god oh there is no fear cause i believe there is no doubt cause i have seen your faithfulness my fortress over and over [Music] god we thank you for your faithfulness today god somebody help me declare walk me through walk me [Music] through what you are [Music] do what you are famous for [Music] love inside of me somebody ought to pray [Music] [Music] do what you are [Music] more than we ask or think yes god you will you will never fail your name is your words are unstoppable all things are possible come on [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah somebody ought to open your mouth right there come on if you know he's able to do abundantly and exceedingly [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] god [Music] when there is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i believe [Music] up [Applause] jesus [Music] over and over and over and over [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday today and forever jesus is the same jesus [Music] you may not know how and you may not know but he'll do it again [Music] hallelujah i'm gonna say that one more time you may not know how hey hey and you may not know how [Music] but i'm a firm believer today he'll do it again [Music] somebody give him glory somebody give him honor to the god who changes not we say blessing and honor to your name god thank you jesus hallelujah we're so grateful to be in your presence today my lord and my god hallelujah glory to your name god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on right there lift your sound [Music] somebody say the atmosphere is [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] for the spirit of the lord [Music] around that the spirit of the lord is here the spirit glory to jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] surrounded [Music] come on we're all here for him today [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] somebody raise it now oh [Music] [Music] spirit [Music] come on [Music] on earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hear [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] your sister [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yours is the glory come on zion just one more time somebody said [Music] [Music] [Music] yours is the glory god [Music] yours is the glory [Music] [Music] and glory and honor dominion both now and forever somebody give him the worship somebody giving me honor clap your hands only people somebody shout unto god with the voice of triumph [Music] [Music] rhema family welcome once again to our worship service my name is natasha carrington and i'm delighted to be your host for today's service for those online please share your love and virtually embrace someone using the emojis available in the chat section come on rhema fill up the chat section with your emojis and for those of you in the sanctuary why don't you look at your neighbor and give them the biggest smile and tell them it is wonderful to see you come on rhema don't be shy give your neighbor a big smile come on rhema let's do this now it gives me great joy to introduce our brand new church app that's right you can access this and download it right on your smartphone or ipad or tablets for apple users all you have to do is go into your apple store and search for rcm and for android users go to your play store and do the same it is that simple once you have downloaded the app you can navigate the sermon service using your device in the comfort of your space you'll also have access to a full range of our videos and audios on the media page that's not all you get to discover a range of support and connect with all the groups within the ministry we have also created a safe space to sew your tithes and offerings using the applications you are already familiar with imagine doing all of these at your fingertips now for those who may not be as tech savvy and may need a little bit more help we've got you simply look out for our e-newsletter where we will provide you with a step-by-step information on how to navigate the app or feel free to contact communications at communications rhema online dot ca for any questions you may have in the interim we encourage you to sow your sea to this great ministry using the options provided on your screen we thank you in advance for doing so now let's turn our attention to today's word as we receive our senior pastor pastor ormiko [Music] [Music] they have been just tremendous and awesome now there are several things that i want to do it will not be a usual service but there's some very impressing things that i want to share with you this morning over the past 18 months we've lost members of our congregation members and otherwise and i thought it would be just befitting if we just take a moment and recognize them immemorial some have lost we've lost to the pandemic others through natural causes going home to be with the lord but i want their family members to know that they may be gone but they will not be forgotten so we take this moment to recognize the precious lives that have walked this way before in jesus name can you imagine just standing before the kingdom [Music] face is [Music] to be surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel [Music] to my knees will i fall [Music] imagine [Music] [Music] when that day comes and i find myself standing in the sun [Music] i can only imagine when all i will do [Music] is forever forever worship you i could only imagine [Music] i could only imagine to be [Music] still [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] imagine [Music] [Music] to those family members we express our deepest condolences at your losses you're always in our prayers both night and day this morning i want to share the word of the lord with you and then i want to share some personal matters from my heart and i pray that you will receive all that god has for us today i understand the moment in which we're in i understand the times in which we're living and i understand that it's a very challenging time for so many of us and i also not exempt from the challenges of the moment this morning when i was standing at the front and counting one of our members he began to share with me some of the challenges that he was having his eyes began to well up with tears i understood that they are carrying a lot of burdens in this moment and i believe unlike any other time in the history of the church this is the time for us to pray one for the other i believe that with all my heart i believe that if there's one thing that god is expecting of us whether we're watching online or experiencing virtual services or we're gathering in person i think that god is asking us to uphold each other in our prayers and to always speak well of each other what i wanted to do this morning and i even forgot to mention that we lost another member or family member sister who killed his father passed just yesterday so we want to remember the yasui family in our prayers as well what i want to do this morning is i want to share just three points with you that speak about the things that i was supposed to do and it might be a little bit of a confessional i hope that you'll understand from time to time i tend to confess when i've fallen short even of the instructions that i believe that god has given to me and i want to talk about what i was supposed to do when god called me and i might talk about some things that i did not do that i should have done things that i may have let slide that i should not have let slide because it isn't easy living out a vision it's just been my experience some will say no when god gives a vision it becomes very easy just run with god but i've discovered that when god gives a vision all hell moves against that vision that's just been my discovery in my personal life and i've discovered that any vision that god gives it comes with a certain amount of pressure and its accompanying challenges and there are three things that i believe that god had asked me to do whether i fully understood them or not i think i do have a clearer picture of what they are now and i don't think i did such a very good job you may differ i'm a lot harder on myself but in isaiah chapter 2 and verse number 2 the bible teaches us that it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of god's house shall be exalted above the mountains and be raised above the lily hills and the result shall be all nations shall flow up to the mountain of god's house and i'm going to refer to that from time to time in the remaining moments so that you'll understand what i believe god had summoned me to do the first thing that i believe that god had asked me to do though i didn't fully understand it it was to eliminate the denominational barriers that hinder the body of christ this is perhaps one of the greatest hindrances to the commanded blessing of god the fact that we have segmented ourselves into pockets and groups based on finite understandings of the scriptures we've developed camps and groups and loyalties and those groups have been entrenched for decades but the bible teaches something rather different the bible teaches behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell not in denominations but in unity it is like a specific order in which god moves it is like the oil that is upon the head of the high priest that flows all the way down to his skirts and it hits the ground and anything that touches the ground for it is there that god commanded the blessing and i find it interesting that the church is always asking god to bless us but the bible instructs us where we find the commanded blessing and so one of the first things that god would instruct me to do is eliminate the denominational barriers and i think we've done a reasonably good job in that you may be surprised to find that there are many different faith traditions that call this ministry home people that would never have worshiped together otherwise have found a resting place a respite here and we still have a far away to go because part of unity is also being able to say what you believe and it not separate us so we can be together but yet not really be together but at least we're heading in that direction because now what we may have is we may have pentecostals sitting beside catholics and baptists sitting beside orthodox people and still worshiping god because there is only one body and it is by one's spirit have we been baptized into one body fragmentation is not of god and division is also not of god and so that was the first thing for us to move towards a unification of the body having one mind according to first corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 there really is only one mind that governs the local church and the global body now there are many minds but what god intends for us to do is to merge our thinking into the thoughts of the lord jesus christ let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus so we're on our way there and i want you to remember this the goal of god is not to segment us into camps because eternity is not a place of camps it is a place of transparency the second thing that we were supposed to do i don't think i did a very good job of this it was to explain the kingdom of god now this is very very important because what has happened over the years is we have become so focused on church and having what we call church that we've missed the subject of our salvation the object of our salvation is a person that is jesus christ he is our focus he is the object of our salvation the subject of our salvation is the kingdom of god that is a role and a function where we are called to seek first the kingdom of god and all his righteousness and all the accoutrements of life shall be added unto us we are not called to have church the idea of having church is actually playing with yourself because we are the church we're not called to talk about church because if you talk about church you're actually talking about yourself and that is the essence of narcissism but the subject should be the kingdom of god and so i'm going to do my best in the coming weeks to explain the kingdom of god which by definition it is having dominion over every earthly discipline and i will explain that so that we won't have church ad infinitum and accomplish very little my perplexity came when the pandemic began to rage i realized that we're not as relevant as we convinced ourselves that we were i'm speaking to myself not you i'm certainly pointing the mirror this way because i realized that in the midst of a global play no one invited us to the table of solutions the god of all healing comfort and deliverance was not invited to the table and then i realized perhaps it's because we had spent so much time having church and not explaining the kingdom of god i'm going to do my best in the coming weeks to explain i'm not going to focus on the theatrics of preaching the entertaining of preaching i'm going to explain the kingdom of god so that we can really move in the direction that god intended for us to move and the third thing which i think is rather simple is if we understand the importance of unity and if we've explained the kingdom of god and we are practicing the kingdom we can expect the results there are results promised to the body of christ that would blow our mind i'll give you an example of what i mean by a result in the book of habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 14 the prophet tells us that there is a day when the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of god as waters cover the seas that's a result from practicing an understanding of the kingdom of god i gave you another result isaiah chapter 2 and verse 2 the mountain of god's house being raised above all the mountains i will explain that matthew chapter 6 and verse 10 teaches us that the will of god can be done in earth as it is done in heaven those are results that we can expect i don't even want to get into the lower results of blessings and material things because those things are added unto us if we understand the kingdom of god and the last thing that i would say is found in revelation chapter 11 verse 15. there is an angel with a trumpet waiting to sound there are a few more trumpets that need to be blown but when he blows the trumpet the kingdoms of this world they shall become the kingdom of our god and his christ we're going to spend some time as a body because we don't want to go around in circles i certainly haven't gone through so much and i'll share the personal now i have no time to move in circles i have no time to walk around pretending in a pretentious way i was sitting one day having brunch with a gentleman that had previously attended the ministry and as we were eating he looked at me in the face and he said we're nowhere close to being the image of god and i was about to be offended you know you're ready to say but you don't go to church anymore and when i step back and realized what he was saying i had to accept the fact that there was truth in his words that at times all of us myself included we're reading about something that is so far from an experience that at times we've got to pretend that it's something true to us i want to show us a path that i believe will take us there having said that i want to read something that i wrote because i've gone through some very challenging moments during the pandemic and i know that you've seen me online teaching and preaching and smiling that's all for the camera sometimes what's in your heart you have to mask it under a smile but i've been at my lowest during the pandemic and i'll be very transparent with you i have nothing to hide i have no access to grind i'm 53 years old now and i think when you reach that side of the calendar you start i'm sorry 50s you start that downward slide you move into your twilight years i know some of you are thinking i'm getting younger no we actually start to age in a very very interesting way and during this pandemic i was at my lowest i think i even shared with you that even as a leader as a pastor there were days in my life when i thought that there's no point in trying to live [Music] i remember i prayed a prayer to god and i said i think i'm finished and i'd like to come home now it was a very difficult day that day because i truly wanted to just depart to glory and the lord sends some strategic people into my life he didn't send the people that i thought he would have sent which is interesting when you're going through things he sends unexpected people i began to get some text messages people just praying every sunday i don't think they knew what was going on but religiously every sunday they would send a message let me know that they've got me in prayer [Music] and each day was and i'll be very honest with you because sometimes as a preacher we preach the ideal but we also have to tell people about the provisional ideal is that we're more than conquerors through him that loved us ideal is that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me the ideal is that i'm the head and not the tail above only and never beneath but sometimes the provisional is i don't even feel like living sometimes the provisional is where is god in the midst of all my struggles [Music] and i tried not to be upset with god because that's not one of my practices because i don't believe that god is unjust in anything that he does i just needed to understand the process and be able to look at myself for what it was and the lord did something which was powerful he allowed a little glimmer of light to break open in my life and he put back in my heart a desire to go forward and to finish the work i sat at my computer and i wrote some things for you that i want to share i have about five minutes and i'm gonna do that and then we're going to go in the name of the lord [Music] i'm going to read for you if you don't mind because there were some things that i wanted to say i didn't want to just hopefully remember them i wanted to make sure that everything was said i think anderson cooper would say when speaking to his mother i wanted to make sure that nothing was left [Music] unsaid so i want to take a moment to share some very personal matters with you many of you would have noticed that lady mikkel is not with us today [Music] and the reason for absence is simple sadly we are not together as a couple and sadly there have been many stories that have been floated around some intentionally with the goal of trying to diminish or to discredit some even trying to destroy me i personally have neither the emotional bandwidth nor the energy to dignify these words i have become accustomed to this discord in practice within the body having had stories being told about me from the day that i stepped out of the boat unto the waters of this vision so this is completely nothing new to me what is disheartening to me though is the source of these stories as they are being circulated by professing christians the irony of which even if they were true in which they are not the bible teaches a practice completely counter to the one being used galatians 6 and 9 and 1 states brethren if a man any man or woman be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted what i will speak of today are my shortcomings in my marriage and nothing more the truth is lady mikel has decided that she does not want to continue with our marriage and here is the reason i have not been an ideal husband and at times i've not been a biblical example not always been patient i've not always been caring [Music] sometimes i've acted out of ancient wounds and there have been many other times i've acted out of resentments now i want to know that i will never ever speak an ill word of lady miko as a wife the mother of our children and as a child of god i have been the one who who has failed failing to communicate effectively and to communicate often as i said before at times uncaring at times demanding while measuring our home by the vision of this ministry and not based on a relationship of two equals and so today i take full and complete responsibility for this breach in my marriage throughout the pandemic as i said before was a very difficult moment but i humbled myself and i decided to seek out professional therapeutic help noting that if i was preaching and teaching while my marriage was falling apart perhaps it was time for me to assess myself i've undergone the necessary therapy and i made it very rigid i've made amends directly to many who i may have hurt along this journey including my wife apologizing to them asking for their forgiveness and today this morning i would like to apologize to the rhema family apologize for letting you down in this area to those who i may have unintentionally hurt i sincerely apologize to you especially those of you who have looked to me as an example as a leader as a role model indeed i have failed you now there are those who would use this moment to salivate over my marital breakdown while others seeing an opportunity have used the brush of slander and they've used a sully canvas to paint me as someone that i'm not as i stated earlier i will not now or ever dignify their words however there is one narrative that i cannot and i will not allow the slide and that is of a spousal abuser i would like to be clear that i have never ever raised my hand in abuse to my spouse or any woman for that matter and any suggestion to that effect is rampantly false and for those who continue to spread such falsehoods whether directly or indirectly or through innuendos i believe that god will be their judge though i am a deeply flawed vessel and i am i'm uniquely oramical and i will continue to do what god has instructed me to do to produce the level of excellence in people and in products that give god the glory that he deserves i will not and i will never divulge the happenings of our matrimonial home as i believe that this is an inappropriate thing to do it is not respectful to the other party within the covenant and it also places the hearers in a bad position of having to judge a matter with only one perspective which seldomly leads to truth this only creates divided camps and divided loyalties and i'm not in search of a camp nor am i in search of loyalties i simply want to be just and right before god the human dimension of truth will work itself out in time as truth and justice will always prevail over lies and injustices it is only a matter of time it has been stated that the moral arc of the universe bends slowly but it always bends toward justice as many of you know i can be intensely private and i would ask for a season of privacy to navigate this new reality and and to move forward there is one thing that i cannot control and that is the chatter of some however i would hope that our ministry would not engage in such practices finally most of you know how seriously i take the work of ministry and the assignment that god has entrusted despite all the hardships i remain deeply committed and convinced of the validity of the rhema vision i am truly sorry for not being that complete example that you deserve and that you expect of me however i choose to turn a new chapter in my life to complete the entrusted assignment to the best of my ability in the face of these challenges i still believe that god's best years are ahead of us and i for one would like to see what god has in store for us in days to come i'm more committed than ever to engaging the work of the kingdom in the highest forms of excellence to continue building something that has never been built in our country continue leading a people unlike no other at any other time in history [Music] and by god's grace leaving an imprint that endures to the third and fourth generation i can only humbly invite you to join me on this journey now the experiences of the past year have humbled me greatly so what you may find is that the aura meekle of now is not the same as the previously unpolished or jagged edged or miko [Music] i am a little older now somewhat wiser i am far more understanding and far more empathetic and i intend to use these principles as my north star when leading god's people by his grace to you and your families know that i love you more than ever and to you i say shalom and agape peace with love please stand to your feet everyone in jesus name [Applause] [Music] we're going to change you
Channel: Rhema Christian Ministries
Views: 4,150
Rating: 4.6326532 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 16sec (4936 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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