Sonny Sandoval Testimony

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only to give god the glory because he is in the details i'll try to kind of get through that a little bit and then um and then just kind of explain a little stuff we've been doing uh this past couple weeks so my name is sonny sandoval i'm an old guy i i'll be married 24 years next year been with my high school sweetheart 30 years i have three kids that i absolutely adore and love and through all the things god has taken me through and success and all kinds of cool stuff i just feel super lucky to have done i find um no more better than just to serve god and to be a husband and to be a father i grew up in a neighborhood that most you know you have so many chances you either don't make it out or you go to prison or you end up selling drugs and then you most likely if you sell drugs you end up going to prison and then you don't make it out anyway i grew up in a young family immigrant family from italy grandfather from pacific islands mexico all mixed up grew up in a young family don't really remember my parents ever being together my mother and even my father they were super young and they were known for all my family was known for just their wild and crazy antics involving everything you can imagine from drugs and just partying a lot of stuff but i had a really really sweet italian grandmother who's still alive to this day thank god we call her noni which is on my hand right here this hand it's really no not in his grandmother in italian but when we're kids we call her noni and so she was very you know old uh old school catholic from italy and so i grew up with an idea of god but we probably only went to church maybe you know easter midnight at uh christmas eve you know and uh so i i never really had a problem with god though you know in the industry i'm in i make music for a living and it's you know all those things drugs rock and roll all that stuff and everybody has a problem with god you know they blame god for a lot of stuff really with no reason just sometimes it's just a cool thing to do or it's what you do i guess you blame god for a lot of stuff that you do in your life and the mistakes you make in your life and or the things you want to do in life and you just it's easy to blame god so you can feel good about doing it i guess but i never had a problem with god i just didn't know him and uh so i grew up with all my friends i was always a peacemaker kind of guy i love my friends but you know a lot of those guys were thugs they just kind of roll with the pack sometimes um i went to uh i went to uh this show one time my cousin used to be in the band he's my drummer now we're we've been a band almost 30 years uh well let me back it up a little bit so here's my crazy family the lord intervened somehow some way and one by one he just started picking them off they started getting saved they started changing their lives and and even so there was kind of my first experience with god where it was it was real to me it wasn't just this religious thing or this routine is it started to become real to me because i knew if god can save my family something's up right and it was real it was it was super super real and so i saw my mom she got saved and uh when i was 18 she got diagnosed with leukemia and you know she went through her remission she got really super sick and you know i watched her go through that and i was doing my thing with my friends and um there was this one time she went through remission and you know she started to get better still very fragile and you know frail and i dropped i was going to community college at the time i've always worked uh um i dropped out just to take care of her she was the love of my life you know i always say this maybe i don't maybe i look like it i don't know i'm always coming to realize that i think i am a mama's boy you know but i remember this one time hanging out with my friends and um you know i went out with my friends i got high and i came home and um i tried to you know i wanted to do the sneak into my room so moms wouldn't catch me and you know i'm not a not really afraid of many things but i always had this respect and this love for my mom that i i i wasn't afraid of her because she was mean or abusive she was just super loving you know i never wanted to disappoint moms i didn't really care if i disappointed many but i didn't want to disappoint her and so i tried to do the sneak um i snuck in and there was moms you know even though she was sick and she was who knows how much he weighed at that time but she was still just just a super giant you know there's that spirit about her she was just a super giant and i walked in and i was like dang okay i'm caught that's it and uh she's just sitting there and i'm thinking she's gonna just go off and rip me a new one and but she didn't she just looked at me and she just said son you've lost your first love and that first love is god and she said when i when i die i just want to know that you and your sisters are going to be with me in heaven and i said mom don't no don't say that don't try it don't say that she said no almost like if she knew she said i need to know son you're going to be in heaven with me and i was like yeah mom you know what whatever whatever you want to do just again a young son just wanting to please his mom you know whatever you want me to do what do you want me to do and she's like come to harvest crusade with me i don't know if you guys know harvest crusade just cause the calvary come on calvary we know calvary we know calorie uh greg laurie you know and i went and it was awesome it was awesome you know i saw a lot of people go forward and commit their lives unto the lord and it was it was beautiful thing was you know again a respect just you know didn't feel moved to go up there but so she's it was such a short time too it was like diagnosed sick remission really short remission and then all of a sudden she had to go back to the hospital again you know and we were just we hadn't even got over the excitement of remission you know she's going to be better she's going to make it she you know had to go to the hospital for a checkup and they're going to keep her overnight and at this point i'm thinking okay moms is good again i go out with my friends but this time you know i don't know if again you probably don't know the music i play but you know we're pretty heavy at times you know and when we play a lot of people move and jump and bounce off the walls and and dance and bump into each other you know it's part of the the game and i went to this concert with my friends because we just you know we'd go to these heavy shows and just just you know kind of let out some aggression in a healthy way i would say and uh and i didn't even know at the time it was there was a band that that was playing well all the bands actually to find out were all christians i didn't even know that right i was just going with my friends because they invited me to go and they're like this band's really they're really sick they're really cool awesome we'd go and then this the last band played and i don't know if you ever heard them they're old school they're called the crucified they influenced a lot of people but they were called the crucified and at the end of their set they were kind of known of always singing this song you know they would they would just throw their hands in the air and they i remember them chanting united united by christ united united by christ and everybody all of a sudden everybody around me and that's when i'm realizing i think i'm in a it's like church almost like this is i'm with it you know i'm down but i remember not not feeling like i was worthy enough to say that because i wasn't living that way right like ryan says i'm not i'm not a phony you know i'm not a poser and i stood there wanting wanting to be a part of this because this was like wow these guys are christians but this is unlike any christianity that i know and it was cool it was cool and so i leave i go hang out with my friends and there's my friends you know they do what they do and we partied and the next day you know i called and i i i called my stepfather at the hospital or or i called him you guys remember we used to have pagers all you old schoolers used to have pagers paged him calls me back i say hey you know i'm not going to be able to make it tonight or we're not going to make it down i'm thinking that they're going to come home and he was like no no worries no worries and then all of a sudden i get a page and i go find a phone to call and i i i call this number and it's my aunt and she says she says you need to get down here for the hospital and i'll say what's up and she's like because you just need to get down here so you know i charge it i i head to the hospital and then i you know i i hate hospitals by the way but i i go in and i find the room and i go and i open up the door and i remember my mom looking over at me and she's shaking and it was just like this kind of slow motion you know and i go and she i'm she's shaking and then um i walk up and uh she said hey son and i just froze right i just froze and and then eventually she would you know her body would start to shut down that would be the last thing she would say to me and so the next day was like tests and tests and the next day tests and test and then the next day finally the doctor they just they just say i don't think she's gonna make it uh be prepared you know so we're trying to get prepared and then you know he'd come in at nighttime be prepared you know she probably won't make it through the night so you're trying to be prepared as best you can he come back in the day be prepared she's not gonna make it come back in the night just for like a week week and a half who knows it was a lot it was a long time it felt like eternity and i hadn't left the room i don't even think i ate i just was there like just everything is i'm just tripping and and and then he comes in one morning because he's been telling us this over and over when everybody's like what's the deal you know so he comes in one morning and you know and there's all this professionalism and he's got his his interns and they walk in and you know he gives us all the professional medical stuff of why this why that all these kinds of things and he's explaining how you know it's ultimately it's the heart that keeps you alive you know but we already know that she's pretty she's gone but she's fighting and she just won't let go and he's explaining that but he still can't explain he's trying to he's trying to give us something is what i felt and he said you know it's not a medical term after he gave us all the medical stuff he said this is not a medical term but what we we call it here at the hospital is mother's heart and he says the reason why she does she just won't let go is because she doesn't want to leave her kids behind the doctor says this and that's not something you mess around with you don't make stuff up like that you don't play games with people's feelings and emotions and as soon as he says this i'm having this flashback of when i tried to sneak in past moms and she's telling me that she she needs to know that i'm saved she needs to know that i i need to know jesus so that i can be in heaven with her because this is the only way jesus is the only way and my mom knows that and now she's suffering because i don't know that and so it's kind of messy you know it's getting to me and and then you know i didn't say nothing i'm not telling nobody i'm just having this flashback and later on in the day not too much longer my family makes me go um you know they're like you need to get out of here you need to go clean up get your head straight you know i hadn't taken a shower and did nothing at this point because she had lasted so long we have friends coming in there's so many people that love my mom even even at the the funeral or the the the um the gravesite there are so many people and even the directors said i don't think we've ever had this many people like at the gravesite before and so it was just a testimony to just how awesome she was and how beautiful she was and just inside and out and so they tell me to get out to go get my stuff right and i leave and then i walk to my car in the parking lot um and i just sit there and i'm in it you know it's i think i had maybe my first big boy moment with the lord you know and um i just prayed to god i said you know god i i don't need i don't need any man i don't need any holy self-righteous whatever to tell me i'm a sinner i know i'm a sinner i don't need anybody to tell me that um but if you take my mom you know either i'm gonna hurt myself or hurt somebody else or i'm gonna surrender and because i know what my mom wants i said i'm i want to surrender i said but i want to surrender on one condition is that you show me her jesus not the world's jesus not the tv jesus not this hypocrisy that i believe was this institution of christianity but i wanted my mom's jesus and and i said if you can do that you can do it and i went home cleaned up i came back i uh went back and checked in and then you know family with friends were coming in and you know everybody i i went to go i wanted to go get some food you know some coffee something for my family that was coming in i hadn't seen in a while before you know i take off and it was um my girlfriend at the time now my wife she was with me and i remember thinking what what the heck am i doing i i can't leave you know i can't leave and she's like just you just go you know you need to go so we go we come back and as we are driving up i see uh my uncle would come in from out of town and he's outside and he's he's out there smoking a cigarette and he's just kind of he shakes his head and that moment i knew and uh let me back up real quick after i prayed to the lord i cleaned up i came back i went in and i i leaned over my mom and i whispered in the air i said go and be with jesus i'll be all right and uh your daughters will be all right took off came back my uncle's out there shaking his head i run into this hospital and i can just steal again i hate hospitals i remember running through and i'm just running and open the door and and i just i just held my mom she had taken her last breath and i held my mom and and i i swear it i remember just holding her jaw shut and just holding her for so long and in my mind it felt like it was seconds felt like it was seconds and then i remember looking in the clock and it had been like 10 12 hours in her and we had to leave you know we had to leave and uh so after this i remember now my my dad was actually there at the time and he was kind of like you know gave me that little pep talk you know this little pep talk of nuts i'm the man now the house i gotta grow up in this stuff he's like cool cool but i'm glad he said that glad he said that because that's what i did i just said okay god uh you you're gonna keep your end of the deal okay and started to read my bible i started to put down some things in my life we just talked about this with the crew god it's not about what god takes away from you it's what you're willing to give away because of his goodness because of his grace because of his mercy because he starts to restore you and change you and it's the things that you give away willingly so i gave some things away it was still a work in progress you know but i gave some things away even my friends in their love for me kind of allowed me it was like sonny's gave his life to the lord he's gonna follow jesus you know i'd say they even kind of gave me the okay in a way you know like good for you brother good for you and um so i'm you know here's my journey it's my process of getting to know who god is you know and i had always worked at this time i'm 19 i've been working since i was 15 19 i worked at the grocery store working night crew and actually gave me a couple weeks off and then i went with my uncle up from san diego i'm from san diego went up to fresno to landscape an in-n-out burger anybody been to california before or in-n-out burger's the best burger in the world i don't care i don't care what you say you're because you're wrong it's the best burger in the world but at the time there was like four of them you know four or five there was now they're everywhere or at least on the west coast you know they even have them in idaho believe it or not but uh we went to the fresno one and we were just doing landscape and i'm just i'm just trying to get my head straight still and but we end up going to a calvary chapel calvary chapel fresno and my mom went to calvary chapel san diego that's why i'm i have love for calvary chapel man i have so much love for calvary chapel it's solid and uh so we went to a cowboy chapel just just like this and there was not there was not many people there on a wednesday night but we were let's go and let's just just go see seek the lord you know here we are working our butts off and i'm sitting over there and we're there with our bibles and just waiting you know and and all of a sudden i'm on this side right and then nobody's in there it's like well that's cool we're here it's like you know a few people scattered maybe like this you know and and then here comes two guys and they walk in and we're looking we're looking they walk up and they sit down and this is the church they go to it was the drummer and the bass player of the band the crucified now at this point my cousin my cousin who's the drummer asked my guitar player who's still a guitar player and he was just trying to keep me out of trouble he said hey dude what do you think about you know we want to switch up the music a little bit what do you think if we ask my cousin sunny to sing in the band and my guitar player was like sonny he doesn't even talk to me right mind you i played in front of millions of people around the world and when i get up here and i grab this microphone it's i'm still a wreck it's still i stutter my words i'm still nervous i'm not that guy i've never been that guy i'm behind the scenes kind of guy i get nervous you know cameras around i'm cool i'm just not i'm not that guy i'm actually a lot more shyer than you think um so they had asked me dude do you want to like jump in our band because we used to go watch them play around town you know and i always admired the fact that they were born again christians playing this heavy metal all these keg parties and they play their music real heavy and everybody would go crazy and they would tell them hey man we're christians we love you guys god loves you thank you good night i always admired that about their faith and their boldness and they're the ones that asked me to go to that crucified concert and then i and then when i see those guys in i just was it just i had told them you know that's the christian thing to do they asked me to be in the band i'll pray about it i was already learning the lingo you know i was already learning the christianese at that time so i said i'll pray about it and then when those guys walked in it was awesome you know this is awesome we talked to them they're like yeah man and just super super loving and encouraging and just very solid and we went back to the hotel that night you know and i was like dude i want to i want to do this i'm going to do this what i didn't tell you was that as i was my mom passed away i said a very powerful prayer and a very dangerous prayer and i was like god if you prove yourself real to me i want you to use my life i want you to use my life so that i want my friends to know that i'm different i want my neighborhood to know that i'm different i want them to to believe the way i believe the way you showed me or you're showing me my mother's jesus i want them to see you jesus for who you are and whatever that means i could i've always worked i'd work every day don't matter and i said i want to give this a shot even as scary as it was for me you know like again i'm scared wrote our first song or at least i wrote my first lyrics that that night throughout the night i didn't even sleep went straight to work in and out the next day landscaping but i'll never forget my first show we played this place it's called somas in san diego there's main stage and then there's the bottom stage it's called the dungeon right and then when you play you only get to play the dungeon if you're new bands you have to there has to be a hundred people that come to the show when you play and they have to say the band that they're there to see right and when you when a hundred you can bring a hundred people into the show that means they'll bump you up to where the big bands play on the big stage right so well lucky for me i come from neighborhood we got a lot of friends so it wasn't much it wasn't too hard for us but i'll never forget again in my shyness my my cousin is on the drums my cousin's a shredder and he's you know i don't know i don't know what the heck i'm doing but i'm lord this is i just i just i figure i can grab this mic and scream just like anybody else but i wanted to be about something and i'll never forget our first show they still clown me about it but my cousin's playing and i'm literally i think i might at one point even had a piece of paper and i'm reading off it and i'm looking at him while i'm reading it and he's playing he's just like turn around turn around and i don't know why i was shy it was all my friends anyway right i should have been rocking it you know it's all my homies anyway but then we we did so well side note that or we had so many people they end up putting us on the new year's eve show and at the time it was green day that they were just coming up as one of our second biggest shows we got to play with green day before they they blew up um but yeah yeah and this is just this is the journey so um i never thought we'd leave san diego i never thought we'd leave california and god just hearts just stayed right it was just man i just want to scream in the face of people my age young people my heart was always that way but just they would see something different and before you knew it i just feel that god was faithful and he he just allowed us to do it underground for so long and then and then he went we went on to assign to atlantic records the biggest label in the world and with all the bands we knew about from led zeppelin ac dc and all these bands and this was nuts but i remember we would play around town we weren't even 21 we'd play the bars we'd have to sit outside you're on and then we'd play and then you're out and we'd leave because we weren't 21. and we were playing around town and we were getting this buzz this band these guys are cool these guys are good san diego man these guys are good the first time we got asked to play a church because they knew we were christians we were we were so militant at the in the beginning you know because this was the music every band was about something so here we were we were christians baby christians learning but we had this gang mentality where no one's gonna tell me i'm gonna yeah jesus and owen's gonna tell me you learned i said we're baby christians you learn right that's another story you learn you learn grace you learn love you learn compassion empathy you learn you learn discernment you learn these things we're young but we got asked to play at church because we were getting this buzz around san diego and it was a youth group and the reason why we got asked because my guitar player i guess he went to that church you know uh uh all you know he went to that church and they're they're i would say they're more on the charismatic side but all these youth it was a friday night all these youth groups were coming in from all over the place because they were going to go down to mexico i grew up two three exits from the border they're about to go to mexico to build an orphanage to help out which was which was awesome right so they wanted you know it's like youth group night let's get let's get the party started let's have a band play they get a rocking and we go and i have all my friends back there most of them okay all of them aren't saved we're we're saved and they're just these thug gangster guys back there because we used to play with skinhead bands we used to play with all this stuff and they would just come and it wasn't because they knew jesus or because they were believers like us but it was like i'm down if you're down i'm down and we got your back and we would go and play all these places and the first time we got to play a church here's the kids and they're sitting around you know our youth group kids are they just don't care nothing excites them right living for the lord yeah nothing excites them but man when we started it was like they weren't even paying attention and then we started it was like what it was heavy feedback and they were like they start getting up and walking and i just saw their eyes light up like what is this and mind you we you know they were if they were looking at us it was because we had tattoos and they're probably like i don't think you could be christian what is this what is going on all the youth pastors they were definitely looking at us like what church are we here what what church is this i'm sorry we're out you guys are heathens so so we play we're halfway in it and if you know our music or just we just go for it right we just we rock and and the kids are just like they don't even know what to do with themselves and then this guy walks up and literally he just grabs the neck of my guitar player he said oh no no no no no no well we can't no we can't do this we can't do this and we're like you don't stop rock and roll homie you know huh i don't know you you don't stop the rock and roll just kidding i'm just kidding i never said that before i just thought it was funny but we were out we were just stunned this dumb found it and these kids just deflated and then he said oh he just looks at me so then he you know i think he might even grab the mic away from me and he's like hey we're you know we're gonna shut it down and everybody hey let's give these guys five crisp ones for being there i'll never forget this in all my life let's give them five crisp ones [Music] for being there and it was just all the kids like robots heads all down right love serving the lord and i grabbed the mic back out of respect of course i said it's cool dude it's all good come on don't get down you guys are serving the lord dude head up you guys are going into my neighborhood into a country most young people don't have the cajones to do it you guys are serving the lord don't get down thank you thank you for serving the lord in an evil place who cares this music i don't care i don't care about music i care that your heart is right and that you're coming into my neighborhood to serve god and show people that the love of god is real and it was like hey love you guys thank you so much man go go go kill it for the lord go do it here you go sir we'll be a youth group pastor i hope you are a good one i hope you're teaching them the word i hope you're inspiring them to live their life to the fullest so that when they get into the real world the enemy doesn't come in and just destroy them because you haven't given them the word of god you haven't given them the relationship the one-on-one the spirit of god to make it in this evil world i don't know if you're giving them that sir but you keep looking like a christian god bless you at that point as a band we knew we're not for the church that's it that's cool how come the world is accepting us and the and and this new thing that i'm calling christianity they're not even accepting us but that's okay because god accepts me god sees my heart god has been in the details from day one dude let's just keep rocking forward that day was confirmation that we weren't supposed to play for the church i don't call myself christian band i don't call myself christian music i love jesus 100 and thousand percent there hasn't been a magazine that i haven't been interviewed on an mtv or whatever that i haven't told them straight up i believe in jesus jesus christ crucified you want to label me christians so that you can give the sneak word out to all the people don't listen to these guys because they're christians so when they ask me are you a christian man what does that mean what does that mean if you want to ask me about jesus i got you oh i got you if you want to ask me about jesus but you don't you don't want you don't want to know the truth and from that moment we knew what we were what what i felt like what god was calling us to do and through a lot of cool other stories man i've been been able to go around the world sold millions of records been on tv it's just a dream right man don't get me wrong i'm not dude i'm not perfect i'm not a saint imagine taking four guys from the hood and throwing them in rock and roll all of a sudden you said you wanted to serve me right you want to be holy well you better get ready for a ride there because you'll know when you really need jesus but that's part of the journey you know ups and downs god's grace his goodness but i mean you you guys read your bible there's nobody perfect in the bible but christ and god used imperfect people he's messed up people to accomplish his will because it was his promises it was his plan it was his vision and goal and he just uses knuckleheads like us to take the we're all knuckleheads come on be honest god's just good to us but so here we are and even in that time taking time away from music because you know you get rocked by rock and roll a little bit and here i am just one and even in my own walk lukewarm with god and thinking i'm doing what i'm supposed to do but you know just kind of lost it a little bit it wasn't like you know that i'm i'm i think i'm a good guy trust me i don't think i'm you know once i got around ryan and head and all these other sinners and they got you hear their stories i'm like man i'm god you i'm i'm kind of hey god i'm not a saint but you know but i took some time and that because i a lot of things happened and i said i don't i am not first of all i'm not going to lose i'm not going to lose i know i won't lose god but i i don't want to turn away from god that's for sure because this world will get you if you let it trust me but i don't want to lose my wife and i don't want to lose my kids and i don't i don't care i don't care about music it's just a tool so i really needed to do a recheck of my heart mind and soul and so i took some time off music and in that god allowed this vision and this birth of the whosoevers and you guys know that whosoever should call upon the name of the lord shall be saved it's that simple for god so loved the world that whosoever believing in him shall not perish but have everlasting life jesus was sent into the world not to condemn it or judge it but to save them and i just remember seeing that word whosoever like it lit up and it just seemed like a gang to me it seemed like a tribe because i've been trying to figure out this this institution of christianity for a long time for a long time been trying to figure it out and and i think what made me lukewarm and even bitter was the fact that it was just getting it was getting to me that i couldn't figure it out because christianity was defined differently everywhere i go and then i'm realizing the only thing maybe even some of us have in common is that is christ crucified that's it and that's unfortunate that's sad that's sad and i have so many other stories but we don't have time but i remember just wanting to go the basics and i know god is good i know god saves but i just i didn't want to just believe that i was saved because i said a prayer in the parking lot so long ago i wanted to feel it i wanted to know it again i wanted to believe it i took time away from music and then i just wanted to just dive deeper in the word and i wanted to be around real people and if maybe the last time ryan was here he might have shared a hit a little bit of his story but god connected me with him i met him when he was in the world and he was lost and then god radically did something with him um at the time ahead from the band corn and all these other bands they they were coming to the lord come to find out later was like dude we were watching you i mean your life is real before god and it planted seeds and that's all i ever wanted to do it's cool to be the closer sometimes you know it's awesome when you get to praise somebody in the kingdom but i knew my deal with the lord was thousands of seats millions of seats i don't need i don't i don't there's plenty of closers out there seats seats and at that time i just wanted real accountability i wanted to be around real guys in the real world i didn't want them the ones that speak the language they know the cliche things to say to you i wanted the guys that are going to walk in the trenches fight in the trenches go with you be there when you need them at guys and gals don't trip we had girl we had ladies powerful ladies that just wanted to be real and we and god gave us a chance to share stories and it really did start off as a brotherhood in a sisterhood saying dude i got you what do you need you need prayer hey i'm going through this you want this not this thing where i can't be myself and and i can't be honest and vulnerable and step into a place because everybody has all figured out except me and we got put people around us and like-minded people and then all of a sudden we got to share our stories here and there and rehabs and jails and all these things and it just started opening up and opening up and then and then all this time when i was trying to get away from rock and roll and guy was doing something in my mind it was like okay you ready to go back in and i remember telling ryan i thought dude me and i would probably start a church somewhere you know i don't know that you think that's what the christian thing to do you know whatever that whatever and then all of a sudden i got to help with him and work in churches and be a part of ministries and but then seeing the in front of the church and behind the curtains and realizing dude it's messed up wherever you go you just have to i'm just being honest you have to have your heart mind set on jesus and jesus alone and even though i knew i was messed up and that my guys were still messed up god was like okay you ready whosoever is not being in just in the church or all these awesome things that you're a part of he's like dude i already put you there for a reason and so dude i'm back out at making music i'm supposed to be somewhere around the world on tour right now but this man over here has been faithful and he's been going we've we've through festivals we've we've do whatever we can we don't even know exactly what we're doing we just do we're just we're just going we're just doing it exactly in the last few years you know ryan was like dude i feel like god's saying going to the high schools you know because dude that's where you get the kids right then and there get them while they're here it's what's that quote i was showing you guys by fred doug it's it's easier to get the kids or to help the kids than and and then then then fix a broken man get them why they're they're there and because the suicide rate is up because depression is up because this evil world is coming to attack our kids that's where we get them and he's been faithful to do that and then here i am doing my thing we're all whosoever it doesn't matter if you work in a church if you work you know at the bank if you do construction if whatever if you believe in jesus you're whosoever and your job is just to live your life glorify god but it but it should burn i mean you can just live your life and be the best or be as good as you possibly can but it should burn somewhere in there if you're reading scripture and you're drawing close to god it should burn inside here that this you should know that there is a dying world out there going to hell without jesus so you should know that it's okay to be in here but what are you doing we get so busy in here getting fat off the word but we never apply it we're too afraid to go into the world so that's where i'm at because of covid and all this stuff california i haven't this is dude i love being home this has been great i'm grateful i'm not grateful for covid but i'm grateful for this time that i've had at home because i'm on the road 13 months a year i'm grateful for this time at home but as things are going on is so i'm going down the rabbit hole at home with what's going on in the world and the evil that is surrounding us and that desire in your heart dude god use me use me ryan called me up a couple weeks said dude we're going to montana we're going to idaho we can't get into the schools but actually we can get to some schools over there because it's not as strict as california and let's go this childlike faith let's go come on bri we bring the family let this all our crew let's go and we don't know what we're doing we're just we're just going we're going and this week has been so crazy it has been nuts and i'm learning 30 years later i'm still oh man i've been able to do a lot of stuff man these guys know i've said it like it's this faith is exciting it should be exciting if it's not exciting for you something's wrong i'm sorry it's exciting i thought i've seen exciting faith in and i'm stoked man but i knew that this world was evil coming into it and after the things we've seen in this last week my god how much more evil can this world get and it sucks man we spoke in front of a church yesterday and all of us it this has been such a heavy week but i can't even i got to get off here i'll talk forever god is so much in the details we've laid hands on people we've we've seen kids just get uh for being high they're just sitting to us asking god to come in their life we've been in the the the juvenile detention centers the homeless shelters the the the rehabs people just saying i want what you guys have i want jesus and the detention center the stories will blow your mind and as a daddy i'm still trying to process it and i'm i'm my heart is still broken and that these kids would act would rather commit crimes and would rather sit in jail than go back to their broken homes this world is evil and this week has been heavy it's been heavy on all of us it's been heavy on my family over here it's been heavy and we stood at this church yesterday and i haven't been in the church the second time i've been to church since covey because we can't in california and last week i got to whoa okay like i said i don't know what i'm doing i don't even know the itinerary i fly in saturday like you're you're sharing two services on sunday morning and great falls all right cool what do i say what do i do i was just happy to be in church i'm not gonna lie it was nice it was nice yesterday i knew we'd get 10 minutes each to share and i was like okay i think you know this week's been man i've been seeing god move and again if i was to tell you the stories we if you guys want to hang out afterwards we'll tell you these stories it's still blowing my mind it's still blowing my mind and then when we get up there i was just i just wanted to share like what god has been doing and then i get up there and as soon as the first worship song hits i'm like okay all right and then a little tear and okay get it together okay i know it's just thank you thank you god because i know god moves and dude keep my heart soft and i was like second tier and this is like third tier like i think what they gotta have my mask and i'm like dude what the heck and it was just wrecked i was wrecked it's like we had seen so much evil but but god was doing so much good and it was like it was so nice to be in this healing place but almost in a way i was like okay we'll do this we'll do this we knew we had a skate park afterwards like this is cool praise god we get to worship we hear a little bit of the word fellowship how you doing good good good now it's time to go do the real work if you all want to keep staying in here for the rest of the day that's fine god bless you it's up to you but what we've been doing all this week and what god has allowed us to be a part of it's like it's scary but it's exciting but it's needed and it's urgent and as i'm sitting there and i can't even do my i'm just and this guy noah is so awesome and he's trying to film and get stuff and then i just i hear someone else and i'll say okay it's not only just me maybe it's just the spirit of god moving because there's somebody else crying i'm not the only baby in here and then i hear a little bit more and then i finally open my eyes or i remove this thing and i'm like who else is crying i look over and noah's over there on the ground camera on the side and he's just weeping because i know he's it's been a tough week it's been good though and i just sat next to him and we just it's like we were it was weird right it's like it's like we were bawling our eyes out like babies but laughing at the same time it was like i couldn't explain it but it but it felt good it was just like all right get it out god's saying get it out get it out get it out let me feel you let me feel you bless my people real quick bless them real quick and then get back out there and i used to be i used to be bitter at christians for a long time i'm just going to leave it at that i'm not anymore not because i remember in that bitterness it led me to somewhat of anger and it led me to a really lukewarm walk in my life and i remember always pointing the finger at so-called christians and believers and i remember god saying to my heart when i was just trying to again figure it out remember god whispering in my heart and said all my complaints right all my and this and that and this look at them why and i just remember god saying take it easy on my church son i know i know exactly what's going on but it's my bride it's my church you better believe i'll deal with them you just keep your heart right you keep your heart tender you keep your heart on me i already told you what's out there i showed you what's out there don't be afraid keep it up son don't let anybody distract you not my church not that evil world just you just keep your eyes on me we started this thing together and so we'll finish it and uh i'm so proud of ryan i'm so proud of christina and lexi and noah and lucas and i've been able to do a lot of cool things in my life and um this week has been super cool and uh i like seeing the lord move i don't know about you i like seeing the lord move in my life just reminds me that he's going to finish and he's going to do what he said he was going to do and i don't want to sit around and just watch god do it i want to jump in the game and be a part of it and i just want to say this it's a privilege and an honor to fight in these valleys in these battles and i've learned so much from each of you guys and uh yeah you can sit here for a while because god wants to bless you but at some point let's get up and rock this huh god bless you guys man that was awesome sonny i've heard your i've heard you share many times but i'm hearing some really cool stuff on this trip and by the way i found the pentagram so this has a story okay there's too much detail i know but i'll just i'll share a couple couple things just to let you guys know that god's moving but what you said it's true it's uh i i feel like a like a like uh we're we're at war and then we come into the church the medic tent we're like then to just fill us lord because this tour has been it's been heavy it's been heavy you know we've we've prayed for um muslim like a muslim girl she's like i want that piece that you guys are talking about and i pray that she receives jesus and it didn't happen and she said you're double-minded and she's like yeah yeah she's like i believe that muhammad is you know the prophet said you need to deny that and believe that jesus christ is the son of god by faith through faith you will be saved and at this point she heard sonny share and you just heard him christina shared i shared the gospel three people that gave the gospel and still she didn't receive it so i'm like holy spirit come now god you have to reveal yourself to her because we did our part and it didn't work and we just laid hands on her and she just got filled with the spirit just started bawling she's like what the heck that's the holy spirit that's jesus christ that's the messiah the mashiach the son of god and god rebuild himself and she got saved and when i left i said who's the son of god she says jesus she's no longer a muslim then there's another story i want to share some stories with you just a few just to kind of so you guys know like the power of god i came here and shared with you guys a while ago i was here a couple months ago talking about the power of the holy ghost and operating in the in the spirit and the gifts manifesting as he does because those are those tools that he gives us um to operate in this way in the world the great commission that's that's what it's all about to lead people to the lord signs and wonders always point back to the fact that jesus christ is the messiah and that the word of god is real that's that's the whole message so we are uh we are at a restaurant in pizza at this uh spot in uh montana montana is kind of seedy man it's a great fall it's kind of it's like inner city sketchiness yeah it was i was surprised i thought it was like and all beautiful and nice and you know uh but it was it was like inner city vibes for sure and uh so we're there and you know um christina and and and um noah they god gives them words of knowledge and prophetic words and stuff that's how he uses them in that area and uh so they're there and god's just like firing off word of knowledge and stuff for these waitresses they're just like hey come here um and they're just like saying stuff and they're like how did you know that you know like they're tripping out and it's like jesus sees you and he loves you you know words of knowledge and stuff like that's like they're like love letters you know from christ god it's just like god's like i see you right where you're at and i'm gonna be with you you know it's encouragement and they start firing off these these things and getting just shaking up the place through these words of knowledge and stuff and people are giving their life to the lord they're getting shook and the whole thing and anyway fast forwarding uh we tell them to go to the skatepark or so we're going to the skate park the next day and it's suicide prevention month and you know four it's set up in in like four you know north south east and west and all the kids from all over the skate parks came the news covered it that we were going to be there they showed up it was packed it was like being at a rock concert like weed everywhere people were drinking people getting arrested for giving miners beer it was a scene again i feel like i was down in l.a like at a skate park people are slanging drugs in the whole thing and we're there you know just like we're doing best trick just like we did there today at the park it was awesome kids were loving it but there was no fights and everyone was tripping out they're like we cannot believe there was no fights here um because normally you know they're very territorial about their the different sections of the neighborhoods they're from again like l.a um so anyway long story short so we're going around we're praying for people and dude pretty much every skater there was hundreds of people every skater that i gave their life to jesus pretty much like i'm not talking about evangelistic numbers but like when they stuck up their thumb sonny's like stick up your thumb if you want jesus whatever everyone and they were like and it wasn't like this they were like they had them all up so long that he was like put him down i've never seen that before normally people are like but he was like put him down like they were all up it was crazy just god just doing his thing holy spirit and uh anyway long story short we're starting to pick off people after like going up to him and praying for him and doing the whole thing and sunny i guess i guess christina got a word for that girl spoke it over she was kind of tripping out then he suddenly came up talked to her prayed with her and i didn't even know i was just kind of cruising around talking to other people and i see her and you know she just she just looks like a rocker emo girl so i walk up to her and i'm like hey you know you have a good time did you hear what was said how did you respond did you pray and she's like no i didn't pray and i started talking to her about christ and and then i'm like dude you do you believe in god she's like well she's all my friends we're at that pizza place they're the waitresses over there and they said that like a couple year people were going up and grabbing them and telling them inside on their life and stuff and they were like believe in god now so i came down here and i'm like okay so you're open to god she's like yeah and then i look down and she has this pentagram on her neck and i'm like oh you got a pentagram on your neck she's like but i got cross earrings too i'm like i'm i'm a skateboarder and if i go take pictures of me on a scooter or ripping on a guitar i'm a poser i'm a total fake and basically you know called her a poser so so she was like and then she starts like playing with her necklace she's like holding it and i said well listen god loves you and she had some demonic stuff going on in her right christina yeah that was the deal she had like uh sleep i think i started talking about sleep paralysis which was interesting because i think that's what god showed her that demon stuff was going on with her so i said you have night chairs and you know sleep paralysis which is demons so that happened she's like yeah yeah so i go okay look i said do you want to receive jesus and she's like yes you want peace yes so i prayed for her what happened nothing and then she goes and she grabs her necklace and she's like it's because of this huh and i'm like look you want the powers from heaven you want the holy ghost or do you want this counterfeit little weak necklace that you're all attached to she's like playing with it she's like like you choose i'm not trying to force you to do anything i'm about to walk away but i go if you want the peace and you want the rest and you want identity you want to know what god's doing in your life give me the necklace she's like takes it off hands it to me put this stupid little necklace over here in my pocket i'm like now you want the holy spirit you want to give your life to jesus she's like yes prayed for her boom starts crying she gets filled with spirit she gets that peace she gets peace and that's just one story the other story we were um okay i got to tell you this story i'm sorry but you guys got to hear this stuff we're all here hey we're in salmon i mean we're gonna be back here for a while so but this is a cool story so this will be in our film so covet vibes no one we can't get into the high schools do assemblies so this nazarene pastor he's like dude just do a parking lot party and we're like okay so we set up and everything but we're like we gotta get in front of the kids so we're in that van out there we have our mascot you know we have actually have a live mascot and we have the flyers and we're like stalking the school and we're driving around like hey here's the flyers we're doing a party and we did it for like three days to just get flyers into the kids right and then one kid we were trying to give out flyers one of the last days and i look back and this girl like sees me i'm oh you want to fly and she's like she takes off running and i look back and sunny is driving the car with the window down with a black bandana sunglasses and hat then we then we have yeah and then we have uh mont then we have montana montana joe's nickname we named him him named him he's black bandana sunglasses hat these guys look like straight up antifa and i'm like roll up the windows you guys are scaring the kids like we got the tended windows so anyway long story short we stalked at school for three days i'm i'm i got my skateboard uh lexi's she's she has her skateboard too and we're just cruising around and they were cool because we were like we look like kids i guess because we're skaters like pass on flyers so that worked out but anyway so the bell rings the next day basically knowing no one shows up right so we're like a couple jocks came and eat pizza but we got football practice so they leave and then all of a sudden this car just rolls up like smoke it yeah we put the church on the flyer yeah we made a mistake we made a mistake we we we put church of the nazarene so kids are like church no way that sucks so they didn't come but because god does what he wants to do and this event became so stinking special it choked up getting choked up because this event was so special for these kids because if there was a big crowd these kids would have got looked over because these were the outcasts they were the skaters they were the rebels that smoked out lucked out drinked up whatever and home homeless they were actually homeless homeless and this suburban hooptie suburban pulls up they get out it just smells like weed and booze and they get out they're like what's going on with parties popping we see the mascot raccoon sound system we're like we're having a party you want some pizza so they're eating pizza hanging out long story short the event turns into like i don't know probably 10 to 15 kids all hung hanging out with the van and i'm like dude that's sonny son of a lead singer pod dude he's right here at this parking lot and he's just gonna share with you like this you guys are all gonna look back and be like dude this is that was a crazy moment and here's sonny just start sharing with them to love and some of them uh some of them giving their life to the lord but they were kind of hard you know what i mean because it came out of colds but religious all this stuff you know and just life life issues you know so at the end so they give their life lord and then i'm like okay god like what do you want to do here and then also you know i'm in this pile or not pineapple like kids like eight of them and these are all those kids and so i'm like did you guys pray would you guys think about the message and they're like you know it was cool like it was cool the way it sounded we never heard it so so cool you guys are like hanging out with us and just like loving on us and we've never heard like being so personal about jesus and it's we never no one's ever told us about jesus before and so basically what happens i'm like well you know god's powerful and he could like touch your lives like do any of you guys have any physical stuff going on in your body and this one girl's like i have like chronic pain in my stomach like knots and my back so i'm like can i pray for you she's like yeah and there's like a bunch of them so i'm like all right in jesus name all that pain in your stomach yeah god heal her stomach she's like what the heck it's like dissolving what she's like and her friends are like what what i'm like well can i pray your back now she's like yeah so i pray for her back so she gets healed she's like what the heck is going on so then her other friend's like my my back's all messed up too so i'm like all right you you just got healed right she's like yeah so i go now you put your hand on her and repeat after me in jesus name all pay and go be healed in jesus name boom she gets healed they're like what what the heck so then i have her friend she prays for the next friend for her neck so they basically god starts moving they give their life to christ they're like this is crazy we got to go get our other friends so they get in the car they couple take off to go get some other friends then they bring their other friend back that's like suicidal right she's like suicidal like bipolar all these different things that are going on they bring her back these guys and girls start getting prophetic words and words of knowledge and they're like witnessing leading people to the lord it basically just turns into like what i read in the bible like it says that stephen full of faith and power did many signs and wonders amongst the people you know jesus said go out and preach the gospel lay hands on the sick and they will recover you know cast out every demon it's just basically what we read in the scriptures it just starts happening supernatural but just in the natural realm no big deal so what happens is and this is where i'm going to end with this thing so everyone's getting people getting healed people getting saved people get filled with spirit we're praying for peace over depression suicidal thoughts everything then then at the end i'm like okay i think we're done here you know and all of a sudden and then i see this other dude roll up he's like 15 year old like oh mad at the world and then this other girl she's all like hip-hop like you know and i'm like hey man i'm so what's up man did you were you guys here i knew they weren't here i'm like were you here did you hear what happened no no no no no i'm like hey man so do you guys believe in god no hell no just like angry no no don't believe it so i'm like forget it i'm like god's been healing everyone here anyway so i'm like well and then you were there right almost i'm like so do you almost do you have any do you have any aches and pains in your body my knee kind of hurts you know i'm all how much is it not really i'm like well how much like one to ten and what's the pain level he's all seven i'm a what sounds like a bad thing his knee so i go can i pray for your niece whatever i go you don't believe in god right nope in jesus name knee be healed all pain go he's like and then he he wanted it to hurt he's like and the girl's like no she's just like no no shut up he's just like he's like what the heck what'd you do i'm like i didn't do anything i said jesus just healed you i go now do you believe in god he's like yeah yeah so he basically uh so he so then the girl's like there's no way he's like i swear i swear so then i'm like what about you do you have any pain in your body she's like my shoulder and i'm like and then and then i'm like well can we pray for you i told the other kid to pray but he was like i gotta smoke a sarah so so then i go i go uh sunny come over here and and we'll come pray for her to get healed somebody's like no no no no i don't want to do it i'm like son just dude god's like moving right now the spirit is moving just pray for who cares and so he walks up and he's like okay um first of all i'm like what can't you do with your arm to the girl she's like i can't lift it higher than this that's it she it was like this she couldn't go up basically it was like it was just like this stop so i said you can't i go pain level is high and she can only lift it to here so i'm like okay and i remember looking at you go this is going to be a tough one for god so i'm like sunny pray just lay your hands on him so he walks up and he's just like you know if you like the sun he's like god i don't want you to look bad please work so he told me i don't want to look bad please and he's like looking at him he's like listen he's like this is for me because to see god work like this from this is for me so just tell me the truth just tell me the truth if it works don't lie to me okay don't lie to me it doesn't work it's cool i can deal with it so sonny lays his hands on her he prays for her and then he prays and i'm like check your hand she goes she is what the heck and anyway fast forwarding so what happens is we end up leading her to the lord wait she freaks out cheese come into my heart walked away so with that right at the end of that story when we're all standing there we're with their friends and and we're like hey that girl's aren't like who's on the guide here was that girl they go oh her arm they go since seventh grade she hasn't been able to lift her arm for five years five years and the holy ghost came to town and introduced himself to them that day and they both got saved anyway so many so many stories but god is moving he's moving you guys and i would end it with this is we're gonna play some worship too for sure and but this is the deal guys god is moving he's the same yesterday today and forever but remember peter would have never known he could walk on water and live the impossible like who does that walks on water unless he would step out of the boat by faith now remember it's not no one's the healer it's jesus when you witness the people god will give you the words that says that the acts that says that god will bring the holy spirit will give those words to you in that time to deliver the message and as we step out by faith i guarantee you're going to see start see god start showing up um start showing up and god wants to reach this generation people are literally empty and they are open and you know what maybe god just you should pray for someone that get healed and then you lead right to the lord that's like the easiest thing easy because you're just like and all you have to do is step up by faith and say i'm going to pray for you and god does it there's nothing you can do to make it happen it's just piggybacking off the power from the holy spirit and letting god flow in and through you just being the vessel but how do we be the vessel we got to be a vessel of gold we got to be a clean vessel and god is a consuming fire we got to let them consume us all purge and destroy all the junk in our life and through the grace through the mercy and through the blood that were shed on the cross he can use us daily so we're going to end it here is there anyone here that's not a christian and you're like i need to be a christian today is there anyone here everyone's christians okay awesome we're gonna play some worship and uh we're gonna we're gonna pray for people too let's pray some worship stuff and we would like to pray people for people lay hands on people if you're sick you just need to be filled with the spirit uh whatever it is uh we will we'll do that too um after a couple songs or something that's cool [Music] [Music] [Music] do do my heart is yours i'll say you as you see upon my heart as a seal upon my heart for there is love that is as strong as death [Music] this loves [Music] yours [Music] my heart is yours [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] upon my [Music] [Music] i i don't wanna talk about you like you're not in the room i wanna look right at you i wanna sing right too i don't wanna talk about you like you're not [Music] my heart is yours my heart is yours cause your love is extravagant your friendship oh it is into me i find i'm moving to the rhythm of your grace your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place in your life is extravagant [Music] arms of christ [Music] is [Music] when you considered me your friend jesus captured my heart again won't you capture my heart again [Music] your friendship oh it [Music] grapes is fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place [Music] is [Music] when you considered me your friend captured my heart again won't you capture my heart holy spirit come and flow through this place now and god i just ask that you will just touch every single person that's in this room and fill them with that fresh feeling of your spirit their head to their feet overflow them and lord i pray that you will raise up an army here a revivalist army that will impact salmon that now it's time to get out and get busy talking to people and praying with people and leading people to the lord i pray for favor on this church i pray for resources lord i pray for prayer warriors to to rise up and start praying because it's like shooting missiles at the enemy lord i pray for evangelists lord pastors teachers lord i pray for people to start operating through the gifts of your spirit lord that you will release the gifts that you have for each person that they will start moving and stepping out everything is done through faith so i pray for an increase of faith in this room that faith will rise in this church but i pray for protection over the youth i pray for marriages that are splintered to make them whole those ones that are in the brink of a divorce to bring it back together i want to pray that you keep the kids safe that are here i pray for salmon lord that a revival will ignite and break out that this church will continue to grow and people will get discipled and they will get sent out because the great commission is to go reach people baptize them disciple them and send them out that is the great commission we are all responsible for that lord pray for the pastor lord that you have your way with him that you will continue to use him to continue to bless him he's just the real deal from what i'm just hanging out with them lord it's all about the father's business lord to continue to use him and all the older elders that are around him god that that bring that wisdom come alongside that hold his hands up lord he's just a he's a young guy going for it lord it's just so inspiring to see for him to just go for it lord and i know that you brought awesome people around him lord i just sent your holy spirit so much right now in this room lord that he will continue to move on our hearts lord pray that you will increase your spirit lord continue to pour it out now lord i just pray that you will touch people's lives their bodies lord that you'll be a healing touch lord those ones that have come that are dealing with aches and pains and disease and high blood pressure and anything that's going on headaches earaches i don't know whatever is going on in the body that is not operating in the right function lord we just ask for your grace to be poured out lord that you will reach out with your healing hands and touch those ones that you want to touch tonight god that all that pain will go now in jesus name we pray that ye will make their bodies whole from their head to their feet in the mighty name of jesus we pray for the baptism the fire of your spirit to come upon them god consume them lord have your way in our lives lord we repent of our sins we are nothing lord anything that happens in this room and in and through us is just your sovereign grace working through us you use ordinary men to do extraordinary things what i pray for anyone that's dealing with depression that you will touch them now lord that you heal them depression suicidal thoughts anxiety lord self-harm eating disorders anger bitterness resentments lust pornography lord touch those ones that are dealing with pornography god we touch them tonight and heal them lord and remove those desires holy spirit come now even more of your love lord more of your peace more of your joy fill them up lord with the living water cleansing them using them the mighty name jesus i'm going to call christine up right now god gave her a couple of couple words for some people here never share hi guys my name is christina and i'm part of the whosoever's team and um i'm a calvary travel girl through and through and i love um i love the word and i love the work of the holy spirit i went to cabbage trouble costa mesa up until pastor chuck died i was i would attend first service and um i was there when he gave his last sermon at calvary chapel costa mesa and it was so beautiful what i love about pastor chuck is that he believed in the work of god's spirit that still continues today i believe he's in heaven as a part of the great cloud witnesses cheering us on right now you know like it was papa chuck he was awesome but um as i was sitting here tonight and just you know honestly really tired from our from our tour and the lord was just speaking to my heart you know just about this sweet place in this sweet church and [Music] the lord gave me a couple things to encourage you guys with tonight and one of them in the bible there's there's this gift called visions and words of knowledge and the lord gave me an image for you guys tonight that i believe is going to encourage some of you with where you're at and visions are almost like metaphors that have a practical meeting and i saw an image of a forest we live in a you know you guys live in a forest and i saw a picture of a lot of you guys just kind of wandering through the forest and there was really no direction you were going in and as you were wandering there was a sense that you felt like lost that this has been a season where you have felt lost that you have felt like god have you have you abandoned me this is a season where you're kind of going through the forest and there's not really one path you're taking and you're just trying to find a sense of direction you're trying to find a sense of of do i go this way or do i go this way do i do i choose this or do i choose this and i saw an image of almost like this big bonfire at the end of the forest and that fire god was sitting at and in the sense that i got was almost like when christ you know right after christ died the disciples were like well we have nothing else to do let's just go fishing and it's like they there was a fire that jesus built on the beach and and he and he called to them and they ran to him and and i saw an image of this fire and christ who there it was there and he was coming in the forest and he was guiding you guys to the fire and he was like i was always there and i never abandoned you the sense that i was getting is that a lot of you guys have might have felt that this year just a sense of like god where are you have you abandoned me like the disciples thought right but just want to encourage you tonight that god has not abandoned you and in this image i saw you guys just like coming around the fire and you were with jesus kind of like how the disciples did you know when they when we got him and jesus you know had the fish with them and to all the wandering people in the forest right now that god sees you and he's taking your hand and he's leading you and he's going to guide you in the season where you have felt lost where do you feel like life has been a thick forest of maybe depression maybe financial uncertainty maybe strife within your marriage maybe issues with your kids that god is going to guide you in those things all of those things he's going to guide you because he's a good shepherd and can i ask everyone to just close their eyes for a second because i believe that that was a very personal thing for some of you if that's you tonight if you're just like sister with the with the blue hair i resonate with that can you raise your hand because i want to pray for you if you feel like that word was for me yes yeah yeah thank you you guys can put your hands down i'm gonna pray over that god i thank you for each and every one of these beautiful sons and daughters in this room who have felt just kind of a sense of god where are you they have felt lost they have felt just you know uncertain in the season like they're just wandering through the forest but god i thank you that today that you are taking their hands and you are leading them to that fire and you're showing them that you have been there and you've always been there lord that in this year of craziness of coronavirus and black lives matter and our police being so like disrespected and in our government we're not sure what's happening in the world that that god in the midst of all of that in the midst of you know kids being out of school and and how are we going to pay our bills and the economy is shut down again that god you see that and you're taking our hands and you're leading us to that fire and you're reminding us that you are there and you are with us lord so i pray for a grace over all of these circumstances i pray for your holy spirit over all these circumstances and i pray that you would lead that you would guide that you would provide that you would minister and that you would fill us today lord in jesus name you can open your eyes so the second thing that i saw tonight it kind of goes along with the last one was i saw an image of so my mom my mom likes to garden at home and she has like five big planters that we've built during quarantine and um some of her plants have died and some of them have survived it just depends on the season and i saw an image of a lot of you a lot of you in this place and you have this garden and this garden is your life and you were trying to plant and you were trying to water and you were trying to to to grow these plants at these different areas of your life whether it is your finances or your home or your children and i saw that there was plants that you were trying to plant but they kept dying over and over again and you just were frustrated you're like why isn't this working and you almost want to give up you want to give up on the plan you're just like throw the whole planter away and that's the sense that i had tonight was that some of you guys are in a place where it's like you want to give up on something you want to give up on that seed that god gave you you want to give up on that dream that god put in your heart you want to give up on that business that god had you start you want to give up on on your spouse or maybe a prodigal child but god i saw the lord in this vision come and he took those plants that were dying and he potted them and he watered them and they were growing and he was sending you out to show you that when you place those things in his hands they can never die because there's life and i want to ask one more time if you can close your eyes if you feel like that's you tonight raise your hands but those things that you've just given up on thank you i want to pray for you god i thank you that you see these hands raised in this room lord you see the hands that are tired lord that want to give up on something that is that you know what that seed is god you know what that plant is and god you see that tonight god i pray that you would rain down on that soil god i pray that you would repot that plant god in your love and in your word and in your grace and you would breathe on it so that two months from now two years from now 20 years from now that you will say that it was on this night that you that you gave them a measure of faith to keep believing that you're going to bring harvest to whatever it is that they believe is dead lord that you're gonna bring life because that is who you are that you breathed on the dirt and and and adam came into being lord you spoke the world into motion and god you're speaking upon these things right now and i believe that you are raising the dry bones tonight lord and i thank you for that that you take dead things and you make them alive and beautiful in you lord in jesus name amen so can we actually have your pastor come up i have one thing for him i believe i i this is this is gonna be fun for me i i was like praying earlier and i was like this is this is for for you guys to also be praying for him because i believe that this has been a work in progress and this is not ministry related this is personal related i always love these man the lord has has always spoken very like a few times in this area and every single time like five months later i'm like whoa it went down or two years later i'm attending a wedding and i'm like whoa it went down so my friend yes yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah we know calvary dude i'm not weird dude so um so i saw an image of um you guys have read the story of of ruth and boaz correct yeah we all know the story ruth and boaz and i saw an image of your ruth and she was i saw her just walking through this beautiful field of flowers man and she was walking she was walking with jesus and she was picking up flowers with the lord but every flower that she picked up it was like god was teaching her like you're picking up this flower and he was teaching her about that flower but those flowers each represented a part of who you are in your ministry in your life and he was like picking up this flower and he she was he was teaching her how to serve he was picking up this flower and he was teaching her what it meant to be a good mom he was teaching picking up this flower and he was teaching her how to be a good wife and i saw her like in this group and in this field and by the time she got to you she had this huge bouquet of flowers and they were all lessons that jesus taught her by walking in the fields with him that by the time she got to you like she was ready to go man she was ready to go and and i just felt like just encouraging me that god sees how faithful you've been and she is beautiful and he has prepared her and when she comes it's going to be a supernatural thing the way that what ruth had with boaz it's going to be like god had called her she's gonna be ready she's gonna be beautiful and she's gonna have a very he's gonna have a very sweet spirit because that in the eyes of the lord is so beautiful and you know that she's gonna be a woman who's gonna who's gonna bake for you and cook for you she's going to make your house a home she's going to support you and i saw an image of her just kind of with her arms up supporting a building and she's going to be a pillar of strength in your personal life so that you could do everything god's called you to do in your ministry life so yeah man can you guys extend your hands i'm just gonna pray for this kid man so god i thank you for the shepherd of this church god that you see how faithful he's been you see how he has loved how he has poured out how he has ministered how he's given his life god when i think of his life i think of in isaiah where it says if you pour out your life for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted then your light will shine and the darkness in your gloom will be is the noon day and this is who this young man has been in this community we god i thank you that in genesis it says you fashioned eve for adam lord and you have fashioned a woman for this young man when she comes she's gonna be ready she's going to be beautiful she's going to be sweet she's going to be kind she's going to be so perfect for him god i thank you that he has been so faithful to wait god because he has waited because he has been set apart god you're just going to give him the holy hook up and you're you're going to be like i see i've saved my best for you and that was the image that i got was like the the harvest was was beautiful and god has given you like the first fruits of his harvest and he's given and you're gonna see that in your wife that she's literally gonna be the cream of the crop of god's daughters man so god i thank you that there's a season where you say be single there's a season where you're like get ready because um she's coming thank you lord amen you want to close this out one okay before i spoke a word you were singing you have been so so good to me before i took a break you breathe your life me you have been so so kind to me and oh the overwhelming never-ending reckless of god oh it chases me down if [Music] still you give yourself away and oh the overwhelming never ending reckless love oh you leave the 99 just for me when i was your fault still your love for me you've been so so good to me yeah you have god i foreign [Music] it chases [Music] [Music] oh oh just for me there's no shadow there's no shadow you won't light up mountain you won't climb up coming after me there's no way you won't kick down lie you won't tear down coming after me there's no shadow you won't light up a mountain you won't climb up coming after me there's no way you won't kick down lie you won't tear down coming after me there's no shadows [Music] [Music] coming after me [Music] [Music] me [Music] there's [Music] they know the overwhelming never ending reckless love of god [Music] no i don't deserve it still you give yourself away so here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my heart you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful how much it costs to see my sin upon that cross i'll never know how much it costs to see myself [Music] call upon the name of the lord and be saved call upon the name of the lord and be saved call upon the name of the lord and be healed [Music] upon call upon the name of the lord and being healed call upon the name of the lord [Music] be sad [Music] here i am say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful cause your love these extravagances your friendship oh it is into me i find i'm moving to the rhythm of your grace your fragrances is intoxicating in our secret place and your love is extravagant spread wide in the arms of christ just the love the conversation nobody alone have i ever known when you considered me your friend yes jesus captured my heart again jesus captured my heart again your life oh it is extravagant won't you capture my heart again foreign [Music] me i found i'm moving to the rhythm of your grace your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place is extravagant won't you capture my heart again won't you capture my heart again do and so the overwhelming ah [Music] the night [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] my heart is yours [Music] my heart is yours calmly the fire inside of me call me the flame upon my [Music] until you end [Music] upon my [Music] [Music] i don't talk about you like you're not in the room i wanna look right at you i wanna sing right i don't wanna talk about you like you're not in the room i want to look right too i will say right to you i wanna sing right okay um i know it's a monday night and it's getting late if you guys need to sneak out you can but um let's just worship a little more if you guys need prayer come up um sonny's here ryan's here um other people are here whoever needs prayer yeah come up and let's just spend some time but yeah if you need to sneak out no problem at all but we really just want to use this time to uh man god's move and we want to yeah we just want to connect with them so so come forward if you need that we'll worship some more and yeah we'll just continue on a little bit more this evening soon
Channel: Calvary Chapel Salmon
Views: 3,861
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary, Chapel, Salmon, Pastor, Bible, Ministry, Help, Life, Grace, Youth, Awesome, God, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Heaven, Hagen, Miller, Sonny, Sandoval, Ryan, Ries, The, Who, So, Evers, POD
Id: ogzDXCxLuH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 24sec (6924 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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