Sonic's Sleepover!! - Sonic & Amy Plush Squad

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oh yeah dude this is awesome oh I'll get it wonder who could be hey Sonic yo guys you made it yo I'm so ready for this yeah I'm so hyped I'm so excited for this broh hang can we come in now this is awkward oh uh yeah come on in guys yeah dudes this is going to be an awesome sleepover bro this is going to be so hyped bro I know I can't wait I got my night cap in my suitcase I'm ready to party yeah who guys chill chill chill okay okay guys chill we're going to have an awesome dude sleepover let's get door Dash yeah oh I want Taco Bell I can't wait to have my digestive system implode what let's do it yeah okay guys let me go get my phone and I can get door Dash oh I think it's the door all right guys I got to answer the door real quick I'll be right back all right Sonic I'm want talky Bell oh yeah me too H who Could That Be hi Sonic what Amy hi Sonic do you want to hang out today uh actually no I beg your pardon uh yeah it's just a dude sleepover with Tails Knuckles and me wait you mean I can't join you because I'm a girl what bye [Music] Amy oh Sonic you DED me in real life how could you oh I'm sorry um no I can't even get it to work with my fake Sonic oh you know what I should do I Should Crash that stupid bro H and show Sonic I'm totally worth hanging out with I'm going to go get my duct tape and chor form bye Sonic I love you sorry guys that was just Amy what is she doing here this is a bro hangout not a girl bro hangout yeah do a sleepover for dude she's a dudette well maybe Amy just wanted to feel included or something maybe we should Lally like join us for a little bit what who am I kidding Amy doesn't want to hang out with us no this is a dude day yeah exactly it's a dude day yeah girls wait are we being a little anti Amy what no no okay guys look no we're not being that I love Amy but I want to hang out with my Bros you know ooh Sonic likes Amy no no no he said L you're right he did say that that her do you love her do you love her no guys you know what I'm talking about okay no no we we we get it we get it we get it one day yeah one day yeah you guys get it besides we can hang out with Amy tomorrow so let's make some core memories like an inside out like Bros I didn't watch that movie rip Bing Bong I'm sure Amy will understand yeah oh I don't understand why wouldn't Sonic let me join so I don't have any chloroform but that's okay I don't need to go crazy mode I'm going to initiate my secret plan to get inside and hang out with Sonic y okay guys I finished placing the order for what are you wearing it's my sleeping cap don't I look sophisticated why is it pink yeah Tails why do you have a pink hat let's why did you have a red sleeping bag mixed in with my white night cap laundry uh cuz it's funny oh yeah Knuckles is right your hat does look stupid what Knuckles didn't say that but I think it oh hey don't make me thunk you with my fist oh yeah come at me bro yeah hey guys don't fight hey that sounds like the Taco Bell yeah dude I can't wait to Baja Blast Off to the toilet me too I called J using the toilet first yeah this is totally why I invited you guys Taco Bell Time s Dash you have to be kidding me did you order beans well if you don't want them I know who will love these hey guys you want some beans uh yeah uh enjoy your beans whatever wow Knuckles Sonic sure is taking a long time to get our door Dash what that doesn't sound like me what you don't sound like me and I'm letting you play with my figure okay duh I'm knuckles I don't know how to have fun and I smell well that's not true take a bath okay but seriously where's the food I'm getting hungry hey guys I'm back Tac [Applause] over where's the food yeah that wasn't door Dash that was one of Amy's dumb pranks but in the meantime how about we play some Super Smash Brothers ultimate yeah come on not again it's probably Amy again I'll be right back guys okay yeah see you Sonic dude that better not be my Taco Bell yo is this your door Dash yes sir that is my door Dash so you're going to eat all this by yourself no no no I just got a couple of friends over you know having a bro hangout and stuff that sounds lovely may I join you I don't I don't really know you so please man where's Sonic at I know he's supposed to be here with that door Dash hey guys I got your food I'm sorry who are you oh that's just door Dash delivery guy I'm door Dash delivery guy oh hey nice to meet you uh Sonic why would you let a complete stranger into your house oh yeah that's a good point what he's a nice guy yeah do you have any valuables in here oh you actually seem like a cool guy yeah see I told you guys now let's get some Taco Bells stop why don't open the bag I I lied to you guys guys what she made me do it I didn't want to you guys are so nice what are you saying it's actually it's me hi Sonic are you ready to hang out today what Amy why are you in the Food Bag did you want to watch a movie did you want to hold hands in the park did you want to go to the mall together and get smoothies neither door Dash guy I trusted you I know I broke your trust but don't worry Sonic I'll make it up to you what are you doing what are you doing don't open the door no sorry about that guys I'll just send you a gift card well that was weird darn it I can't believe that didn't work oh oh it's a bey player how cute wait a minute baby huh I've got an [Music] idea soad yeah take that ta playing W tails's AFK is so fun yeah we're totally destroying him right now oh there he goes H that was a great what are you doing guys what are you doing beating you up what you still Tails you're kind of bad at the game you saying oh no he has his final smash no no no no no wait wait [Music] wait dude wins what this is preposterous how did you win yeah that's what I call a win get out of the way Sonic yeah there's a new winner town and that's me oh tails what was that for yeah that's right who's number one I'm number one you're lame no you just got lucky Tails that's all lucky you guys cheated when I went to the bathroom yeah it was funny good game guys uh not again it's probably Amy can you guys come with me to the door what Amy again all right fine let's just check the door what in the guys get over here oh my goodness Sonic marry me oh my goodness guys it's a helpless little baby the poor baby I don't know she looks kind of ugly to me wait a minute there's a note it reads please take care of this baby and let her inside P.S she F people EXO EXO not Amy the poor baby man what do we do about this Tails I know we do the responsible thing we leave her outside and let someone else more responsible find and take care of her I can't believe they did that how dumb are they it took me forever to get this dumb basket thing ready I'm going to have to initiate my next plan all right guys what do you want to do now what is this oh this this is my Knuckles branded sleeping bag yeah the one that ruin my head yeah that one we're getting all nice and cozy wait we can't go to sleep now it's only 6:00 well we're not going to go to sleep just yet we're going to watch a scary movie what you didn't tell me it was a scary movie It's called Zombie Unicorn Apocalypse I'm not much of a horror movie person but I'm pretty sure unicorns aren't scary n bro this is guaranteed to make you wet yourself I don't want to mess up my sleeping bug well you actually might if you say so wait it's not going to be a movie night without snack X don't worry bro I got you covered oh yeah wo wo Tails that's an insane amount of snacks let's dig in guys was two ginormous bags of popcorn really necessary uh yeah uh okay okay Sonic this is my last chance to finally hang out with you what do you mean you think I need mental help and then I need to see a therapist I'm not taking this too far you're just jealous I good in a ski mask I don't care if you think I shouldn't go I'm going to go whether you like it or not oh bye sweetie I love you all right guys this is going to be totally scary get ready I know I'm going to be ready with my sleeping bag and my hot demolish I don't know guys I don't see how a movie about a unicorn could be scary shh Sonic the movie is's starting oh my bad there once was a unicorn dude that was her popcorn yeah I'm sorry guys it's just a little scary yeah whatever I still got my Sour Patches all right can you guys just stop talking so we can watch this movie oh okay yeah yeah okay I often Ponder why life has to be this way life is just broken and dying the further things go on I hope someday hope May return but until then I just walk on oh yeah sure okay would have thought that something so cute and fluffy could become so ravenous hey hang on a minute isn't that Kermit the Frog you just noticed that guys quiet oh sorry Tails one day one of my closest friends was attacked by one of them I saw him slaughtered right in front of me oh my gosh Donkey Kong got eaten dude this sexy kind of violent yeah wait what's going on in a way Donkey Kong was one of my heroes and I'll always remember what he fought for bananas his uh country and uh yeah mostly just bananas I could have swore I'd be next until one day I stumbled across an old shelter oh no it's okay guys if found a shelter he's safe I don't trust this it was the first time in a long time that I could take a hot shower You Know It Ain't Easy Being Green but it's even harder to stay clean in this day and age dude this guy's so going to die never go into a mysterious House suddenly I heard a strange tapping sound it startled me so I investigated [Music] hello baby corn it's okay I might be able to take him and a mommy corn that's it Tails I don't know about you but that was not scary what that was totally scary oh sorry guys that was really scary I think I wet my sleeping B on You Hold My Hand E I guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way open up Sonic dude what that was like the least scariest movie I've ever seen I don't know guys it was just really scary the unicorn and the what is that dude it's probably just the house settling all right but they always say that in horror movies and it's always not true Knuckles unicorns are not real so the chances of them actually coming after us is like never going to happen I guess my chances of hanging out with Sonic or down the drain wait a minute the sound stopped go to the bathroom and clean yourself up oh okay guys it was still pretty scary I'm going to go pee I'm coming Sonic man I hope I can clean out my knuckle sleeping bag stand back I'm loaded Dude where's Knuckles at I don't know I guess that movie really scared him help he's going to kill me what was that I don't know what's going on Knuck yeah what happened guys guys guys guys guys there's a there's a guys yeah yeah there's a there's a robber in the house with a drill gun what was that she's [Music] coming Sonic Sonic where are you there you are [Music] Sonic who are you I'm uh Hey Knuckles why is Tails wearing a dumb hat she knows our names [Music] run all right guys we got to drive to the police station can we go to the gas station first I'm hungry Jud are you insane a robber's after us okay can you guys shut up I need to drive [Music] son what silly Sonic did you really think you get away from me what do you want from us I want you silly oh my goodness she wants to capture Sonic oh no oh yeah well that's not going to happen cuz I got my friends by myself where they go come here Sonic please don't kill me what kill you I would never do that get her we got her guys I knew you wouldn't abandon me guys what was that for now to see who this robber really is Amy Rose isn't it obvious when Amy lost her tree farm factory she decided to go ahead and steal from Sonic's house and get some of his money and then she can live off it as a retirement Case Closed what that's not true I wanted to hang out with you guys well mostly Sonic oh that makes sense scratch that and I would have gotten away with the two if it weren for you meddling dudes okay then what's with the drill oh this drill this was for Sonic as a gift uh uh I'm not really much of a handyman but I appreciate the gift Amy I'm sorry guys I just felt really left out with your dude hung you guys were having fun while I was doing nothing ah Amy I didn't mean to make you feel unwanted yeah no offense Amy but having you sleep over here would kind of be breaking the rules well I guess there's no rules saying that you can't hang out with us till midnight yeah hey that's a great idea Sonic really yay well guys let's get this party started yeah what was that I don't know hey what do you know guys it's already midnight well I guess that means you're going to have to head home soon Amy what no I didn't even get to hang out with you guys yeah it's okay Amy we can take you home really will you hold my hand uh not while driving oh baby steps Amy baby steps [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Amy Squad
Views: 1,097,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, movie, sonic movie, animation, parody, comedy, sonic animation, sonic the hedgehog, robotnik, sonic movie animation, meme, teen, teen sonic, redesign, design, review, sonic the hedgehog movie, escape, mod, funny, mods, mania, tails, amy, Amy rose, sonamy, shipping, squad, fan, react, reacts, reaction, knuckles, roblox, speed simulator, sonic speed simulator, sonic simulator, superstars, sonic superstars, trip, fang, eggman, update, event, plush, friends, SML, crazy mario bros, sonic and friends
Id: zHMolyekjyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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