Sonic and Amy's DATE In Minecraft!!

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my friends bet that I can't spend an entire day hanging out with Amy in Minecraft easy if you lose bro you owe us 20 diamonds each you're gonna you're gonna Sonic bro what I'd better not mess this up then hopefully hanging out with Amy won't be too bad oh that's cool so like a friendship tree no okay this might be harder than I thought uh before we get started make sure you give the like share and subscribe buttons to spin dash thank you [Music] hey everyone Sonic here and today we're back in Minecraft yeah it's been a long time last time I had this cow and I asked you guys what I should name him how's it going dude you guys suggested a ton of names and a lot of them were really cool like Speedy Bob Sonic Jr however there was one name I really really liked and it was bi it was by Juan Ki name the cow fried word and I like it it is time to name you cow read word my best cow ever with a smiley face welcome to the family freed word you guys saw that freightward looks so happy and yeah maybe we'll name some name some cure we do so still have stuff like you know what this place is even gonna be called and all that so oh uh Knuckles join cool um that reminds me today I'm actually going mining with my friends so I better meet up with them let's go you know you know I don't think Sonic could do it hey guys how's it going hey just talking about you oh what wait you were talking about me cool you guys ready to go mining today well you know I'm ready to go mining dude um yeah yeah yeah sure about this dude yeah I'm pretty sure for the diamonds well we noticed that uh when you invited us to go mining with you you didn't mention a certain pig Hedgehog that we all know and love all new and love what are you talking about guys I didn't invite Amy because you know I don't think she would enjoy the mining and stuff bro she's so good you know Amy would love to go mining with us but uh Sonic we thought of a way how everyone could fit what are you talking about anyway well you see we propose me yeah but I was trying to get things moving along we propose a bit Sonic a bet I don't know guys I don't like a lot of risk and stuff either you risk losing permanent app or you're risk losing like 20 diamonds yeah it does we bet that you did with Amy wanted to what our day with Amy I could totally spend an entire day with Amy prove it dude what's that it was a mistake oh sorry I'm sorry sorry bro I'm sorry okay so the thing is Sonic if we win we get 20 diamonds each 20 diamonds each dude why do you think I wanted to go mining this is an easier way to get diamonds no risk no dying I mean come on man we don't have to go in a weird cave yeah yeah I'm sorry it's foolproof yeah if you win we'll give you 4 0 diamonds dude what 40 diamonds I'm in I'm in I'm in I could totally do this you guys you guys are gonna be so embarrassed when I like hang out with Amy and be like oh yeah guys I hung out with Amy today since we're good [Music] thank you hey Amy how's it going um it's going good I was picking some apples and then I saw you guys wow that's pretty cool what are you guys doing today hmm yeah what are we doing today Sonic yeah um well uh today actually Amy I wanted to you know I spent I spent a lot of time with Knuckles and Tails oh yeah what you don't like hanging out with us no it's just you know I need to spend a little more time with Amy right yeah yeah I'm serious yeah are you 40 diamonds serious Sonic yeah 40 Diamond Series all right yeah you know what I wanted to spend the entire day with you you know are you serious yeah not not exactly a date that's not what Sonic told us no he said he wanted to know what it did yeah no what are you guys doing just uh helping yeah I'm actually helping ourselves get those diamonds if you're not gonna like this you're not gonna win you're on guys uh whatever you guys are talking about is weird yeah no they're just acting dumb see they're so dumb they're not even looking at us that's so rude okay yeah yeah cookies will make us feel better so long well I have perfect [Music] what did you want to do today you're dateless it's my date list I guess we can check it out let's see Amy's date list pick flowers horseback riding bake a cake go on a dinner date and go through the tunnel of Love have the best day ever with Sonic heart face uh you know what yeah we can we can do most of that uh I'm not sure about how I feel about a boat ride but you know what that sounds like fun I think we were going to be picking flowers I didn't expect it to be at your place oh let's go back over here let's see if there's any more flowers I'm okay um actually what you are I thought you loved these flowers I get started then okay I think I did it wrong how did I get this flower isn't this so honestly it's just picking up innocent flowers out of the ground it's kind of graphic if you think about it it's not graphic if you make it graphic we're giving him a nice new home yeah um okay here he is dude I think I'm having an allergic reaction to these uh flowers do you need benadrylics no no no yeah yeah actually uh I just gotta go get some uh I'll be right back um I guess I'll just pick it up I'll be right back I promise guys what do you think you're doing oh we're just observing yeah we're just observing uh you know your amazing time with Amy give us our diamonds I'm having fun Sonic you never have that much fun with Amy I like Amy she's one of my friends and speaking of which I need to get back to hanging out with her so uh goodbye and whatever how's it going with the flowers Amy I think this is okay for now it's not the greatest but it'll have to do yeah let me just plant these real quick well I think we did a good job um let's check it out are they still watching give us your diamonds uh what are they screaming about nothing uh let's just get on the list horseback riding uh yeah we can do that yeah you have a horse I don't think two people can go in a horse but let's give it a shot okay all right Amy you're gonna love this check this out oh yeah yeah yeah it's free word my new My Town friend yeah he's pretty cool anyway I got some horses over this way um one of them looks like he's escaping oh all right I guess that one will be yours friends it's mine all right let's go Amy let's let's Sonic oh Sonic this is nice yeah this is actually pretty fun let's go Amy for me okay I'm pretty flower yeah that is a pretty cool flower um I don't know why I love it I just want to stare at it uh isn't that kind of pointless all right fine let's just stare at it yeah it is pretty cool it's ready uh Amy is that Redstone over there redstone [Music] Amy look out of the Trap what happened whoa I did night Knuckles Knuckles nights you guys uh Amy take care of the horse what are you guys doing oh just you know uh having a good time you know let's move around with some deity did you guys try to hurt Amy or me or something what are you doing we yeah yeah uh if you lose this um we don't have to go mining but uh if you win we gotta unfortunately go Mighty yeah I'm lazy I want to eat potato chips yeah you guys I can't believe you do something like that what if Amy got hurt yeah that is actually kind of messed up but we want to win the bet we want to make sure you can't hang out with Amy if one of you got hurt you wouldn't be able to hang out yeah we win okay now that I said that out loud that is really messed up yeah that's really bad guys I know you want the diamonds but just let me hang out with Amy I'm having a good time I think the way to make Sonic not want to hang out with Amy is to make it the most romantic time he's ever had oh yeah that's good yeah guys you don't understand I'm just having a nice day how about you guys just go mine or something oh don't worry Sonic we're gonna be doing something yeah oh Amy are you okay yeah that sounded terrible that Kaboom oh yeah did you see did you see that horrible explosion Amy yeah I was just talking in Knuckles and Tails and they were just politely leaving pardon us Amy we were just gonna go mining come on tails [Music] you guys doing Sonic's gonna lose I don't know what that was all about that's okay oh okay cool um bake a cake sounds fun all right cool let's do this thing Welcome to My Little House oh thanks uh do you have a crafting table I do right here all right uh let's make a cake all right we need three buckets of milk two sugar one egg and three wheat that sounds easy enough yeah baby oh do you have the ingredients should be in my chest over here oh okay cool um let's see we got a diamond Amy's diary wheat sugar all right cool uh wait Amy where's the egg um can't make the cake without an egg unless we're vegan I think I know where we can get an egg Amy it's just uh I hope he's in a decent mood no no reason baby knuckles look give me some eggs for free oh maybe farmer Knuckles chicken farm yeah I guess he went into business or something come on let's get in line with heels oh oh oh I oh hi tails what are you doing here dude nothing just getting some scrumdiddlyumptious eggs how are you love birds what are you talking about Tails well well it was such a cute couple when we do finish each other's sentence aren't you gonna finish your uh sentence they're not a couple Tails wow I'll do this boy what is he talking about uh how about we just get our eggs Amy okay all right let me just knock on the door first [Music] just a minute I'll be right there you yeah uh hi Knuckles we were just wondering if hey we're here to buy some eggs ice Maids oh oh all right fine I'll put our differences aside just for now all right because diamonds are involved so uh how much do I owe you for just the one egg oh no problem uh just check the egg prices on the wall I'll go get your egg um okay thanks um all right let's see egg pickup one egg for three diamonds I know all right Knuckles hey Knuckles uh yeah what seems to be the problem dude why does it cost three diamonds for one egg that's highway robbery no it's not it's called economic Sonic my chickens went on strike so production's been kind of low lately is there anything you can do for me dude we just want one egg [Music] yeah okay well lucky for you we got a brand new special going on special wear uncheck the wall to your left um okay uh exhale cute couples get one egg for one Diamond Knuckles well Sonic are you and Amy a cute couple oh if you're not I can't give you that egg um what are you talking about look knuckles quit hey come back dude look uh if I'm gonna give you the cute couple discount I gotta have some verification what verification of what now we're in love what exactly do you want how do we prove that well uh you know if you are really a cute couple and I should give you the discount I don't think it would bother you much if Amy gave you a little hook on the cheek you know Lucas Knuckles what if you want that egg you better let her uh just give you a kiss you know I don't want any romantic stuff I'm just here to spend a day with Amy oh come on well that's proof enough for me hit me the diamond and I'll give you your egg fine here's your diamond Knuckles and here's your egg pleasure doing business with you this with you any uh further inquiries I may or may not be of assistance goodbye we need three wheat two sugar uh three things of milk finally the last ingredient that took us forever to get it Knuckles I'm gonna hurt you the egg all right Amy I got the cake now where do I put it there is it good I'm full oh yeah I'm kind of full too I guess we could eat it later yeah I guess we could eat the cake later so what next Amy let's let's check the book real quick am I romantic why does it have to be a romantic dinner date can't we just have a nice dinner you know as friends please I'm going on a date this place is nice isn't it Sonic uh yeah it's pretty nice it looks pretty classic oh hey I wonder why that's there I don't know maybe because we're perfect for each other look Amy I I just really wanted to spend a nice day with you and stuff food and dinner what was that oh didn't you know this is a bliss is also a park dinner theater we have foods from around the world anyway welcome to Casa details may I take your orders lovely couple where's such Knuckles you know we're just uh hanging out right oh this is just casual totally not interesting not romantic dinner that would drill the heart of this wonderful young lady right here totally a romantic dinner day it's latest with my data ideas I yeah it does say romantic beautiful magnificent anyway what are you having Amy uh what do you what are you having um chicken stew mushroom will do and for you sir surprise me I guess I guess oh diamonds diamonds diamonds hey man I got your food uh could you get off the table please my apologies up please do not take that from my tip here is your Chef's surprise here is your chicken stew which is actually made of mushrooms my league anyway I hope you both enjoy it uh aren't you gonna go back in the kitchen or oh I was gonna watch you guys eat Amy are you comfortable with this why don't you even get me anyway oh it's a chef's surprise all right Knuckles this is rotten flesh rotten flesh I I don't I don't know if that was supposed to be the chef's surprise um do you want me to go speak to with the chef I'm sure he can fix this uh yeah I don't want to be eating rotten flesh okay I'll be right back I don't want to get fired oh that that's great what oh tails what does what is it good uh yeah it's it's rotten you are still doing my cookie what no I just don't want the rotten food Amy's enjoying her food yeah this is literally it's labeled as rotten flesh I give you something better what do you want to eat all right something not this you could you could try it always like I would not want to disappoint you there because it's lovely hey welcome back into the kitchen and I will prepare something for you goodbye I'm gonna talk to Knuckles pay I'll be back Amy I don't know how to feel about this place it's kind of weird dinosaur romantic the food's so good yeah but I want my food I've returned with your new meal a baked potato baked potato yeah there it is enjoy all right cool we got a big potato it's pretty good um how's it going Amy I feel a little uncomfortable I forgot my diamonds Amy [Music] yeah three we gotta run one two three man oh man Amy that was crazy I'm sorry I had to do that yeah that was on uh yeah don't worry I'll pay them back later [Music] um weird looks like an old convenience store and this place does look pretty weird what do you think Amy well what's next on your list Amy oh come on why is the day gotta get more roommate what in the Sonic Sonic oh hey uh look man up you didn't pay for that meal earlier uh yeah sorry about that I'll pay you guys back don't worry good make sure you're ready to pay for your meals and pay for oh deal what deal with nothing nothing we're just having a nice day together right Amy I guess so but you should be uh yeah speaking of where is a Tunnel of Love oh don't worry Sonic Tails and I got you love birds covered what don't worry just follow me what's what's going on Tails oh [Music] oh it says Tunnel of Love do you want to get picky no just just pointing it out look man am I the best of spelling okay captain and there all right have fun YouTube uh okay come on Sonic all right uh after you okay let's go all right let's do this thing I feel ready before you guys go remember to have some fun and don't die what um um oh this place looks cool uh give us diamonds you guys whoa look at this whoa welcome young lovers to The Tunnel of Love yeah we spend like a good hour on this thing it's a honor of your future marriage lovely couple yeah whatever oh that was so cute yeah I guess let's go this is getting weird a little bit but you know I mean it's a nice boat ride I guess if you ignore the water oh look what a tunnel okay uh I guess I'll hang on can I get in whoa this is actually pretty fast [Music] what Amy wait where'd she go Amy I know what I have to do I'm on my way Amy hang on Amy I'm on my way baby oh there you are are you okay what happened [Music] you serious Dory Amy I'm gonna go get some help okay stay there oh I hate swimming guys guys look look guys I have a problem I I really need your help Sonica what's going on buddy look guys I don't know what you're talking about but Amy's trapped and I need your help to save her that's terrible uh but you shouldn't worry too much about Amy looks like you lost the bet does guys this isn't a laughing matter Amy oh hi Sonic I'm okay Amy what happened I thought you were trapped in that thing and I'm glad you're okay that's really nice enough but you lost the bets on it I think you all of us are diamond Sonic I can't believe you guys I spent like the whole day with Amy I didn't think I lost well you did get separated so hey up Sonic diamonds I'm even more surprised that Amy was in on this oh if I told Knuckles and Tails of this really cool vet I don't mind hanging out with you but you don't have to get me under false pretenses to hang out with you I'm sorry Sonic oh man happy ending and everything I'm so happy I think I'm gonna cry you know it'll make it even happier diamonds diamonds exactly all right I can give you like 10 each how about that honestly I think for a work we deserve more we serve more take what I can give you okay here you go um there we go and for you yeah yeah yeah you're welcome guys thanks you know what Amy thanks for the fun time you know what hang on let me check and see if there's one more thing in the book The Best Day Ever with Sonic I don't know about you Amy but you know what I had a pretty fun day I hope you had a good time too [Music] big [Music] I'm gonna cry I'm tearing up I'll be right back out and get some tissues okay towards my allergies to those well that was weird well if you're new subscribe and until next time Squad oh yeah I don't I don't know
Channel: Sonic and Amy Squad
Views: 637,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, movie, sonic movie, animation, parody, comedy, sonic animation, sonic the hedgehog, robotnik, sonic movie animation, meme, story, clip, story time, storytime, sonic the hedgehog movie, escape, mod, funny, mods, mania, sequel, sonic movie 2, sonic 2, tails, amy, Amy rose, sonamy, shipping, love, squad, fan, roleplay, react, reacts, reaction, minecraft, dream, 13+, cash, nico, cash and nico, Sonic and Amy's DATE In Minecraft!!, Minecraft date, Minecraft dating, Minecraft girlfriend, Minecraft funny
Id: Fkrc7_OIDHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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