Sonic's Greatest Foe Returns...and it's all his fault | Sonic Speed Reading

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[Music] hey there guys before we get into today's episode as you saw from my cute little graphic at the beginning there there's going to be some spoilers here and this is going to be the only time i audibly tell you about it going forward i'm just going to be using that graphic and we're just going to be jumping right in and speaking of jumping right in i usually leave some time for thank yous and recommendations and other little notes at the end of every video but we're not going to be doing that this time or for the next few episodes of sonic speed reading and that's because the story arc we're covering is a pretty long and pretty dense one and as much as i love this series i do want to cover other sonic comic books and i also have other shows i want to work on this isn't exactly a comic book channel i don't do this for a living i'm only one guy so it takes me a lot of time and energy to get videos made and i want to get these done as fast as possible but still at the same time give them room to breathe so we're going to be waiting till the very end before i give you my general overview thoughts on this story my recommendations for other channels or further reading and of course the many many thank yous i have for the amazing patrons who support me and get the show early so thank you for your understanding and let's not waste any more time because now it's time to begin the zombot story arc but before we get into the actual story arc there are a couple of things we need to discuss that i have failed to mention previously that begins with these two rough and tumble they are your classic two-man tag team of bully bad boys a proud tradition made famous by bebop and rocksteady of tmnt fame and then glammed up by jesse and james of pokemon fame and this pairing has even been used a couple times in extended sonic media but unlike a lot of those other pairings these guys actually look like sonic characters certainly more than the first time they used a skunk in a sonic comic i don't really plan on doing a full episode on these two characters because you've probably seen this setup plenty of times before a couple of brutes who can give the heroes the business but never actually win they're just here to carry out orders and fill time with fights that usually end in a comedic defeat and i have a really hard time differentiating their personalities i know the big one has a missing tail and he's real sensitive about it but they are basically the same person between two different bodies not much below the surface but they are still fun every time they show up considering how new the idw universe is we haven't had a chance to have too many encounters with them but we already know the deal they're jerks and they love weapons first time they use wispins and then they got their tailless tuckus whoop by sonic and knuckles then they showed back up with some new weapons and again they got defeated they are a threat to normal civilians but obviously don't stand much of a chance against sonic and his crew and they wouldn't even have had a second chance to tackle sonic and his friends had they not been busted out of jail first and that's thanks to the third new villain we're going to be discussing dr starline a brilliant yet self-absorbed scientist and a die-hard eggman fanboy think of snively just you know not sniveling and with actual smarts to back up all that ambition now i know this dude looks like he should be griefing scrooge mcduck and his nephews but nope this is a sonic character and he's not a duck he's a platypus a dastardly duck-billed pretentious platypus and what a fantastic fit for this franchise how have they not used one of these before they have hedgehogs and echidnas oh and speaking of did you know that these things are the only other mammal besides echidnas that lay eggs in their poisonous i completely forgot about that before gilly the kid randomly reminded me while we were talking about these odd little animals and shout out to gilly of course if you've not checked out his channel go do that you big dumb dumb don't you like good things look at his neck look how beautiful that neck is go watch his stuff dum-dum they lay eggs they got a duckbill a beaver tail spurred feet and they're poisonous how are jackalopes not a real thing but this is how is a psyduck the closest pokemon comparison i can make less weird than the actual animal also how do sonic and pokemon not have jackalope characters yet come on guys well starline doesn't have a beaver tail but he does have web gloves and spurs on his heeled boots i love those little details oh and he also has a warped topaz that's right kids we have yet another magical macguffin made from precious stone in the sonic universe and it does what the name implies warps you from one place to the other it's basically a portal gun which yes is a is basically chaos control essentially making this like another stupid gem somewhat redundant i'll share more of my general opinion on the reliance of pretty rocks at the end of this arc's coverage but for now pay attention because this gem is important and thankfully unlike the phantom ruby the capabilities of the warp topaz are clearly laid out starline has spent his life studying this specific gem so he has a really good handle on how to use it and use it he does he can hop from one place to another in an instant or open a portal to use as a window to peer into other parts of the world if he were say in search of something or someone and needed to scour a large amount of land in a short amount of time and he can use this as a means to transport equipment or allies with ease or leave items in specific places without ever being detected all of that without having to hold it above his head and yell chaos control so yes it is a very useful gem but unlike the emeralds it is not a source of its own energy it needs outside assistance to make any of this possible thankfully for starline as he discovered it really doesn't take much to get this thing going as he puts it even the most passive of energy waves will get it to do all of those wonderful things i just listed i think that would make this the most battery efficient thing ever created by sega too bad it's fictional because seriously sega how do you have a device made in 2020 that runs on two double a batteries and still only lasts for a couple of hours i know the game gear micro is a throwback but you do understand like this was the one thing nobody wanted to come back right how is this thing 50 dollars four roms why don't why do i still want it what's wrong with me anyway while the warp topaz is energy efficient that energy needs to remain on the low side and it needs to remain controlled with years of research and practice as well as a custom-made glove the platypus is now the only person on the planet who can confidently use the topaz in an efficient and masterful way he even gives sonic and silver a hard time when he faces off against them in a later issue these three new villains were created to fill a specific role that had not yet been filled in this new canon and honestly i think they fit quite well be it more simple like the skunks or more complex like the platypus i quickly proved to like all of these characters they fit in well with sonic's world and even better with his nemesis eggman or as we last knew him when we last were with him mr tinker as i pointed out in the video covering the battle for angel island he had actually been kidnapped in a quick page between all the action with neo metal sonic well that's all thanks to starline and his pretty swirly marble the knot duck used his topaz to open windows all across the world to track down eggman after he was defeated in the war he managed to do what eggman's roaming badniks had failed to do for months he found eggman and then portaled out ruff and tumble from jail in exchange for capturing tinker to bring him to starline where he would begin the process of returning eggman to his old self but despite his best efforts he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere i mean it does look like tinker is taking more of an interest to eggman's old badniks but considering that he coddles them this is clearly still tinker through and through also i just wanted to quickly point out how much i love the quick interaction between tinker and warbot and cubot they just don't know how to handle a kind robotnik he even asked if they'd feel better if he yelled at them or maybe gave him a list of eldritch monsters that he can resurrect and lose control over it's stuff like this that makes me stress that you really need to read the comics it's full of great little moments like this that a summary can't properly cover i also love the layout of the lab clearly reminiscent of the interior of sonic adventure's egg carrier also that reminds me later on in the issue we see rouge chilling on a sunbathing chair and comments on eggman's surprising workout routine like there has to be a nod to those goofy pool chairs in the egg carrier right i know it's not the exact same design but i remember thinking it was hilarious that robotnik had an indoor pool and a ton of sunbathing chairs surrounding it in the game ah man whatever that's that's great but back to the lab the reason why we had to focus on the door in the first place is because somebody was coming through it and that somebody or something was metal sonic but now that we're all caught up with starline and tinker we do need to rewind a little bit as you might recall metal sonic had returned to normal after his defeat on angel island but sonic wasn't just going to let that robot run free no first he was going to have tails reactivate him make him functional again but of course make his weapons useless and then set him free i had a couple problems with this after i read this scene i mean it just seemed like the stupidest move to make but it is consistent with sonic's characterization in this comic and it would be addressed somewhat but we'll get to that in due time that and the series itself has set the presidence of some sort of robotic sentience in eggman's machines both orbot and cubot and this very issue are mentioned to have emotions programmed into them general and omega are both their own beings and when metal had a voice he too seemed to be his own person so i understand why sonic would treat him as a person and have the compassion to offer him another path outside of eggman's service since to him that's no longer an option but metal unsurprisingly tells sonic where he can stick his friendship in the silent miming way he knows how to do and then jets off tails who has rightfully been questioning sonic's choices yet been going along with him just fine ask sonic if it was a good idea to let this consistently dangerous robot off on his own and sonic's like you know it's fun and then two pages later metal shows up at the hidden lab where tinker is being held all right another thing before i go forward this was another glaring issue i had so neil metal's whole deal was taking eggman's place while he was simultaneously searching for the real deal once he went missing after the war he had badniks and the egg fleet at his disposal but couldn't find him all this time but now that he's a mute neutered robot with no resources he finds the guy in seemingly seconds is it because the base is letting off some sort of signal is it because sonic also clued metal into the fact that eggman was alive and well am i just missing the throwaway line here i mean it's not the biggest deal in the world but come on but whatever the case is metal's appearance is the final push needed to bring back dr ivo eggman robotnik and we can argue over what we call this guy all we want but one name that absolutely no longer fits is mr tinker i was genuinely surprised how much i enjoyed the tinker persona and how bummed i was to see it leave as inevitable as it was i had a good time with his scenes and ironically sonic seemed to get along best with eggman when he was dressed like a long-lost mario brother now well it was fun while it lasted toot tube tinker as sad as it was to say goodbye to the sunnier side of eggman the comic wastes no time in reestablishing how great of a character the real deal actually is i can just hear mike pollock in his lines it's fantastic eggman wastes no time assessing the scene before him and letting everybody in the room old and new know that he was in charge sending orb and cube to get him some more fitting clothes and metal onto a table so he can begin repairs also i love the relationship between these two in the comic it's the best it's ever been and i also love how quickly he becomes the shredder to rough and tumbles bebop and rocksteady and starline despite having gone through all of this trouble just to bring back the good doctor doesn't get so much as a thank you but starline's not done proving his worth he not only tracked down and brought back eggman and his own assistance both with his intelligence and the warped topaz and two lumbering lackeys who already hate sonic he also brought along all seven chaos emeralds oh boy a short while after eggman gets himself caught up on all of metal sonic's data he had collected as neo starline points out how close metal got to winning and with a few tweaks they could potentially take out sonic once and for all but eggie dismisses this plan's over and done with it's time to move on to something else starlin is excited at the prospect and amazed how quickly eggman has a new scheme ready to go but also keep the scene in mind going forward the choices made by both sonic and eggman are going to be further explored as this story carries on now that he has his lackeys it's time to put them to work eggman sends them off on their missions while bringing out the plans for his big comeback declaring the world had made him suffer a major defeat and in turn he would make the world suffer and little did sonic the reader or even eggman himself know just how bad things were gonna get and that's where we're gonna end things today like i said we're gonna hold off the general thoughts and thank yous till the very end of this arc but i will be back very soon to jump into the first official arc of the metal virus saga next up infection toot sonic warriors
Channel: Game Apologist
Views: 75,130
Rating: 4.9686236 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, idw sonic, sonic comics, rough and tumble, dr. starline, warp topaz, eggman, dr eggman, mr. tinker, sonic speed reading, game apologist, tails, metal sonic, metal virus, zombot, sonic's mistake, knuckles, sonic issue 12, chaos emeralds, starline, new sonic villain, sonic forces, metal virus part 1, sonic adventure, comic books, gaming, ian flynn, sega, sonic spoilers, platypus, skunks, sonic halloween, comic review, sonic plot hole, eggman returns, shadow
Id: aogqzOEmCCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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