The Limitless Potential of Super Tails

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while I've talked a great deal about both Sonic and Knuckles and my coverage of the Sonic 3 & Knuckles I have to admit I've overlooked someone fairly important to this entire adventure someone you could argue actually represents that 3 in Sonic 3 knuckles this furry little deformity miles the per hour I've talked so much about this to cartridge freak of a game without really talking about this two-tailed freak of a character and look I know I've railed on him worse than UK sonic and seriously we're gonna need it sit down and talk about that book because uh oh my goodness boys and girls oh my goodness I mean yes I if you've seen my Sonic 2 video yep probably assumed that most I want to play with tails is on the business end of a good old-fashioned fox hunt but the truth is I've always had a soft spot for him I just I've never really given him much consideration he's never been my favorite but I'm not the only one in the Sonic fan base and a whole bunch of people seem to love him so well I figured it was time to give him his fair shake since I've been focused squarely on Sonic 3 knuckles in terms of story and character I've really only been branching out to what I can get from the games themselves as inconsistent as Sonic's cannon is these days the classic games did a fairly consistent job keeping their story straight in the little ways they could and also the Archie comics were just really stupid and really not canon but in this one instance we need to talk about tales characterization outside of the classic trilogy just a little bit to fully appreciate his journey on the island because going into this and honestly for many years I didn't think there's a whole lot on the surface unlike Sonic and Knuckles who gave you a pretty good idea of what these dudes were all about even if you just went by their sprites tales well I mean he seems cheerful I guess it was just the straight man to play off Sonic's radical in-your-face cool ranch Dorito flavored attitude he was just a kid that's tagging along in SOG to the game where they debuted this orange abomination he just gets in the way of collecting emeralds and even when you play as him you can't even activate his ass copter and if you get all the Chaos Emeralds well they don't do anything for him little guy doesn't even get those dramatic little pictures at the end of the game canonically eels had to hang back and watch Sonic take out the death egg for the first time it doesn't even get a C through the end of the adventure in the game he premiered him but that's all well in fine the sequel is now here and it's time to rectify those mistakes because hey look at that you can fly it's weird to think about but yeah tails didn't have playable flight in Sonic 2 but in Sonic 3 he does and thankfully they took advantage of that with the Louisville design when I see people talking about how much more they love Sonic 2 compared up Sonic 3 while it is fun to debate which one is superior I can hardly blame anybody for making to their top choice because it's the most distilled classic sonic experience it's speedy straight to the point exploration is there but not really much of a requirement they learned all their lessons from Sonic 1 and made a game that helped bring out what made the mechanics so unique and fun about the Hedgehog himself and even though tails was there too none of those levels were designed for him but when you get to Sonic 3 well all right hands up all you other ancient nerds out there how many of you who say that this is your favorite game actually preferred playing knuckles or tails over Sonic I was a knuckles man myself and I know plenty of people love tails because while these levels are far more elaborate this time around Sonic in this game compared to the other two characters was just kind of bland at least that's how I felt at first when I got my hands on this game for the first time as a kid I've definitely grown to appreciate his play style don't get me wrong and I'm not saying he's not super fun where the instace shield isn't incredibly satisfying but exploring these maps with easy-to-use abilities one of which players have been dying to use since they were first teased with it in Sonic 2 was just awesome he can get to spot Sonic and even sometimes knuckles can't reach like even here in lava reef of Sonic a knuckles level there's a giant ring that only tails can get to that's amazing now again this is not a zippy as - and if you prefer that who can blame you making levels design for all three characters means that you will run to spots you just can't access or just don't make a whole lot of sense for old blue boy here but make a whole lot more sense for a flying fox I think that's what he'll make Angel Island so special for a lot of us players we slowed down and spent more time in these zones and unlike knuckles who doesn't chuckle I mean he I mean he is though I mean he right that's the first thing he does who took you down more challenging paths cleanest heels meant plane Sonic's route but unlike sonic his fine ability gives you more time to stop and smell the flowers and also find more giant rings now it's common knowledge to a Sonic fans that tails and his ability to fly makes him the easy mode of this game but after my most recent playthrough I'm not so sure because while Sonic and Knuckles can go super when you get all seven Chaos Emeralds tails uh he gets he gets nothing yeah these guys weren't kidding about their weird little bits of continuity tales then get a super format sonic tube so he's not getting one here but with the introduction to super Emeralds Sonic Team allowed the pup to finally attain his own transformation to suit super tails well that's kind of a ripoff he doesn't even go hyper we waited all this time and he just kind of glows like Knuckles I guess songs the only one allowed to see a hairstyle oh my god so not only do you get super tails but also an entourage of Tweety birds who gives Zelda's cuckoos a run for their money i tawt I taw a poor shoe the flickies get their own super form and get to take their revenge on Robotnik themselves when you're playing as super tails you're basically playing the game adaptation of the birds [Applause] so yeah tails becomes invincible and moves with a bit more kick in his two tails like the other super forms but can still drown and doesn't have any screen-clearing insta-death attack also he's just called super tails so no we don't actually get a high perform for this little guy not that it matters when you have the mega magpies wrecking everything in sight protecting you from all the things that can't hurt you anyway so that's tails super form and like hyper or super knuckles or sonic this completely breaks the game that we're just gonna digress for a second because I've seen people say this all over the place to which I have to say duh of course it breaks the game kids weren't unlocking this craziness their first time through the game this isn't supposed to be the standard play style it's supposed to break the game it's the ultimate reward if you're good enough at the game where you're rolling through and grabbing everything the first couple zones great you've played the game enough to get to that point you've already endured the trials now it's time to go wild well I mean unless you're playing tails I'm a little embarrassed to admit the challenge I used to feel as a kid kind of snuck up on me a couple times during my latest playthrough with tails normally I roll through this game with Sonic or knuckles but just to skip out on tails because well he's the easy mode right I mean yeah he can find reach places that Csonka knuckles can't touch but these maps aren't speed ways all the time there are a lot more hazards you can ask copter right into and that Marvel Garden boss fight is just a tad more challenging because you can't spin ball yourself into Robotnik's ride you can only hit him with your propelling appendages in yeah look I'll admit it took me a minute to slow down and teach myself how to handle this fight because well it is harder with tails and as a seasoned player of this game I was used to grabbing all the emeralds early on and just tearing through Sonic threes remaining levels with Super Sonic but I can't do that with tails he can't go super in the first half of the adventure regardless of how early you grab the jewels you have to wait and strike at just the right time in boss fights you have to avoid spike pits you have to survive all the hazards you have to play this game the old fashioned way because tails can't harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds like the cherry and blue raspberry-flavored boys can creamsicle here just has to tough it out he's just a kid and he's gotta try harder than the others literally twice as hard just to get the first super format Sonic knuckles just leave behind halfway through the adventure and when that hit me suddenly I was looking a little bit closer at the sprites for tails and before work I just saw a nothing character I found a whole lot of character first off yes he is much more precious than I've ever given him credit for but he's also the only character who gets exhausted in standard play the poor guy still gets tuckered out when he's supered up and yes gameplay wise they clearly had to put a cap on what this Fox can do but still look at the poor kid he's pushing himself to the limit the only other time we see that his knuckles after he's had his ass kicked wooden electrocuted oh and oh holy crap that actually works thanks IRA shell also seriously how adorable that little doggy paddle he does when he's swimming and I love the way he runs which isn't actually running at all but instead air boating his way across all of creation he can't run as fast as sonic but still uses his ingenuity to figure out how to keep up and I mean look that kind of makes sense I should probably be way more impressed with the fact that he flies with his ass but in classic sonic days you just let your appendages twirl about and don't worry too much about how that works my point being that tails can't do what Sonic and Knuckles can but he still managed to figure out how to keep up and in turn develop skills unique to his abilities even when he has to push himself twice as hard as his blue buddy he can't activate a super form like Sonic and Knuckles but he can with the super emeralds and when he does well he can do things supersonic and super knuckles clearly can't I know the flickies are here to make the transformation unique and I appreciate the developers going out of their way to do that but if we could just dig a little bit deeper than necessary if you think about it we are seeing a new ability for a super form tails can transform of her animals and I would assume command them as well these were once useless little flickies and now they're the most terrifying thing on the planet super tails can essentially transfer his power to other entities something sonic wouldn't be doing too well Sonic Heroes years later and if I'm honest the way he does it is nowhere near as impressive tails worked twice as hard to attain this power when he finally got there he made it his own now yes we do have to address the fact that mania made it possible for tails to go super with regular old Chaos Emeralds which is fine and also I understand why people are upset that the flickies don't reappear they had to do something to make the super emerald transformation different does that mean that tails with the flick Keys is the proper hyper transformation Archie Comics seems to think so I personally don't think that really counts this is still super tails too maybe this newer version of super tales is just a little more experienced with his power and doesn't need to recruit little birds to his cause but if that's the case what does real hyper tales look oh my gosh look if he's a multi tailed fox let's just just go with it make him evolve into a nine tails I don't give a crap I said I interpreted the theme of growth and Sonics transformations in the last video but if we're honest that is the story of tails it's always been the story of tails especially in the early days like I said I tend to keep out extra media because we're supposed to stay focused on Sonic 3 and what that game provides not the retcon business for more recent games and certainly not the insanity of the cartoons and comics but I think it's important to point out that little was really done with tails in the earlier days outside of well making him a kid sidekick we're just making him a kid but more and more the narrative would turn the narrative that usually goes along with younger characters and stories the theme of growth and potential and we can say a lot of this stuff is headcanon one we're talking about piper sonic but you can't really argue with the intentional narrative arc that is built into this game specifically for knuckles but we are starting to see where the games and in turn the rest of Sonic media were taking tails in terms of personality and character growth from the start we can see he's a skilled pilot it might joke about why he's flying a plane when he can actually fly but I'm sure knowing this stuff helps can't be easy have you ever flown a helicopter with your ass I didn't think so from here we would see his craftiness in the game gear adventures which would eventually involve into the technical genius he's known to be his entire arc and Sonic Adventure was about him stepping out of sonic shadow and becoming his own hero Sonic already knows what he's all about he is oozing with charm and confidence and it's been like that since day one tails was a kid who was always trying to keep up with Sonic and eventually found his own way and through the years redefined who he is and it turns out he's a genius not just a kid trying to keep up with Sonic but an essential part of his team eventually growing to rival Sonic's main nemesis and you could argue that tails has helped change a narrative we've seen time and again in Sonic Media the tired trope of Technology bad and nature good science is evil and twisted and wrong now tails shows us that it's not the case at all technology is actually pretty dope and he's also probably smarter than Robotnik so uh got that going for me and I think I finally realized everyone was so upset with how he reacted to Sonics death and sonic forces this isn't the character we've grown to know and love this isn't the hero that saved Station Square this isn't the kid that matched mechs with Robotnik Eggman sorry whatever this isn't the kid that ran straight into danger on Angel Island and came out here Oh like I've said tails story has always been one of potential and I've been pretty dismissive of him myself but being deliriously tired and having my two-tailed tookus handed to me a few times and the game reminded me what this characters all about and finally made me realize why people relate to him and love him so much tails is what every good sidekick should be his personality not only plays off well compared to Sonic's but shows the crazy potential that this character has tails may not be my favorite character but I understand if he's your favorite character I understand how he could inspire you because we see what Sonic sees in him he's not just a fanboy he's a hero in his own right one that eventually could surpass the hero he idolizes and for me that all started here on Angel Island [Music] alright guys that is it for another video and um suppose I should address this because well last week I had 1,700 people following this little channel and now it's um it's it's it's you know just 10,000 more people than last week so um thank you for for being here I I understand most of you are here for the sonic content I'm watching the numbers those older episodes aren't boosting up in popularity is just the sonic stuff and that's your bag who am I to blame you I love the crap out of Sonic and I'm sorry if not all the content on this channel will always be Sonic related cuz well I like other games and there's a lot to talk about but if you do stick around you're gonna see more videos like this because there's an endless supply of sonic stuff I love to talk about I'm just gonna be mixing it in with with other things that's the way I've always done it and hope you understand and hope you stick around and maybe it's about time I mention it but um I I do have a patreon I don't mention it ever because I as of this point don't have a consistent schedule for when I release videos I just push them out as often as I can because well I mean before last week YouTube was just a well I mean there's a determined dream don't get me wrong but it certainly was not bringing home any kind of money for me so real life me has a pretty demanding full-time job and I often lose a lot of sleep while making these episode so I guess what I'm saying is if you like what I'm doing you know how YouTube works the more eyes on this means the more time I get to work on this I don't need explaining that to you and if you believe in what I'm doing if you want to see more well that's how we start if you end up going to patreon or you still need a little bit more before you apply to that let me know what you want to see I've never used that platform before let me know what kind of tiers rewards you would like to see and we'll make it happen people been asking me about live-streaming and discord and plans are in the works just again it's a matter of schedule and all being a little more knowledgeable about this stuff so all that's happening with all that said let me give a huge huge huge shout out to Joseph he's been here for cop I don't know since like episode one man like I don't even know like whenever I put out early early videos Josas been there he's been pushing me and ended like recommending I just even get a patreon up as soon as I did dudes been thrown in for me so seriously Thank You Man and live dog I know you only threw in because I mean you support your artists friends I've no idea of even watch these things but you still are pitching in thank you that means a lot to me I promise you the the endings of these videos are never going to be this long ever again she had a lot to say because it's been an insane insane week for me well um that's it for now I'll be back as soon as humanly possible with another video and stick around because I still have a little more to go with Sonic 3 & Knuckles and as I promised last week when I was about to hit 2,000 subscribers knuckles chaotix after that I'm probably doing not Sonic related video but you thinking more sonic ideas actually actually that might be a lie I don't know man like there's a lot of cool ideas I can do with this franchise so stick around you're gonna wanna see what happens next to two tails warriors you [Music]
Channel: Game Apologist
Views: 801,886
Rating: 4.9270396 out of 5
Keywords: tails, sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sega, sonic 3 & knuckles, super tails, why super tails matters, super flickies, flicky army of death, game apologist, game apologist sonic, super tails sonic 3, super tails transformation, hyper tails, master emerald, super emeralds, chaos emeralds, hyper sonic, genesis, retro gaming, gaming, turbo tails, archie sonic, sonic adventure tails, sonic adventure 2, tornado plane, tails genius, tails sidekick, rings, hyper form, ss2 tails, eggman
Id: e57hCrWZKfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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