The FATE of Dr. Eggman! | Sonic Speed Reading

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hello there I'm Nick and this is sonic speed reading we've all had this thought challenge placed upon us at one point or the other would you take out someone like Cutler as a bait he had not yet committed the atrocities he would later be very very well known for I mean not even Deadpool got that dark it is a challenging question but let's take that moral conundrum for a spin let's add on another layer you guys remember that post that wasn't viral a few years back the ones showing Hitler with a little girl there was a big post talking about how he was actually a human being and that was the actual scary thing about him how we DQ an eyes him to distance ourselves from this monster it caused quite the debate I remember reading articles for claiming that humanizing him was disrespectful to the millions of victims of the Holocaust while others were saying that those articles were missing the point I can honestly understand both sides of that particular debate it's not entirely the point of what I'm getting at today but it is a piece of it so just keep that in the back of your head I know we're treading into dangerous territory just hear me out here I bring this up because the story we're talking about today brings up another moral issue and it's not too dissimilar from what I'm talking about and I thought I might help to give you some real-world context to help you better understand what I'm getting at maybe it wasn't super appropriate of me to preface this story with you know talking about the worst human beings in all history but I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself let's get into it and obviously full spoilers ahead so uh buckle in our story begins with sonic running around with SBO the chameleon one of the members of the chaotix detective agency they were looping around in a nondescript sonic esken environment they're having a friendly chat while spinning around in the sky wrecking robots and espyo just casually drops oh yeah we know where Eggman is and keep in mind the dude has been missing since the end of the biggle war from sonic forces sonic asks why this stupid reptile it buried the lede in poor little SPO is just like I just I just wanted you to know how hard we worked oh you poor little purple people eater and all that work didn't really even matter they were actually tipped off to his location so sonic an SP a speed along and eventually they get to a town where they are greeted by the child insect known as charming sorry any residual Archie fans who was hoping he would still be brain damaged no we're gonna have a lot of fun talking about the horseshoe book kids let me tell you Charmy greets sonic and firmly establishes that yes he is a child and then brings out not Eggman but no not Robotnik either but instead mr. tinker I mean yes it is Eggman but apparently the dude has completely lost his memory and if that was super nice and helps build and fix things and sonic responds appropriately yeah I don't blame him for calling BS on this one either I mean obviously he's up to something right this is clearly a stupid ruse but according to vector this crocodile man with headphones they thoroughly interrogated and observed this guy for like days now and as far as they can tell this is legit and later on the comic tries to throws for a loop by bringing in some patrolling badniks and sonic assumes that this is probably like a rescue party or something for Eggman but he sees Eggman cower away from these things when they hear they're gonna be showing up and their numbers really aren't enough to be any sort of threat they even look like they were trying to look for any sort of village or anything like that they're out and about doing something else so the entire issue basically throws all the different scenarios at us that would potentially show Eggman for his true colors but unfortunately for Sonic he doesn't get been easy answer it'd be one thing if Eggman was faking it but by every account that is just not the case tinker has zero recollection of his former life and once again we circle back to the real-world horror I was alluding to at the beginning this isn't a baby who has yet to commit atrocities this man already has committed these crimes like on a horrific global scale and has done it over and over kamek even shows you little flashbacks to previous games where he's nearly destroyed like the planet and you know time but that person or at least that persona is gone and once the mine is free from this hatred knocked free of those memories someone else has emerged one with the same smarts the same talents the same skills but also with a conscious tinker is a decent guy and he's using his skills to better the lives of the people in this town and when you're not giving it out like a fake personality you need to ask yourself are you still justified in punishing what is essentially a good person can this new personality excuse all of the past crimes committed does it even matter when this new persona has no idea of any of the things that happen in the past this is important because if you do take him out are you truly morally in the right is this really justice anymore or is it simply revenge now I don't know about you but when compared to real-world monsters my immediate reaction was nope doesn't matter dude's gotta go he does not get a happy ending don't give him a chance to turn back into his evil ways I'm sorry but we'll just have to live with this on our conscious smoked this sucker but this is not gonna be an easy thing for Sonic to do I also love when a sonic starts listing off egg man's death machines and it all just comes like stupid nonsense those I was just a cute joke I loved it the village elder even chimes in pointing out that regardless of the bad that he did in the past that is not the same person who showed up in their town tinker was put into jail only for the elder to find out he broke out and only to fix the door and apparently he's been here for a while helping out with any project regardless of a size in the town is better for it they all love and trust this guy the elder sums it up thusly he'd prefer to see this man who is completely different from the one he was before use his skills to better the community rather than rot away in a jail cell never understanding what he did wrong and just left to do nothing and after the badniks after talking with everybody sonic has seen and heard enough he agrees tinker is not the same as Eggman and it looks like that nasty boy might be gone for good then they all have a hearty sitcom laughs and then tinker mentions the Sonic that he hopes he'll stop by once Eggman land is complete which uh you know raises some red flags and shadow seems to agree yep issue ends with shadow and Rouge showing up on the scene and uh oh goodness gracious they don't even care anymore good golly Tracy what are you doing shadow is just not having any of this feel good garbage Eggman has committed atrocities raza t it's time for him to go sonic disagrees and the comic then gives us an excuse to watch another fight between sonic and shadow and while all this is happening Rouge also lets the chaotix know that she was the one who actually tipped them off about Eggman location proving that she is the better detective but you know then again she is a bad she did this to give the boys enough time to get to town to assess the situation and come to the conclusion that tinker and Eggman are not the same person meanwhile sonic and Shadow are I I mean I may be it's fighting it just looks more like a power walk together to work out their frustrations and Sonic is actually trying to remind shadow of all the times Aggie was actually helpful giving the reader a little more lore to help flush out the world and remind us more of Sonic game shenanigans so even if you've not played the games you do have references to them but eventually Sonic trips over an exposed route and stumbles I can't help but wonder how often this happens to Sonic because that tree just messed up his old day and like I mean the dude was just jogging on the side of a mountain like a few panels ago I mean I guess that explains the lack of shoelaces anyway shadow then uses this opportunity to pin Sonic against the tree the main need to know how he can even go over easy on the Eggman after everything he's done somebody give me a high five for that egg pun that was good right that was good so you got hire me for your scripts man I got egg jokes for days so yes this seems to be what is riling shadow up he does not understand why Sonic can be so lenient in the situation when all Eggman has ever tried to do is kill the guy Oh shadow you do care I mean I guess ian is known for dropping hints at relationships after all Sonic reminds shadow that he at one point also attempted to kill Sonic and destroy the world I mean I don't know if that's entirely fair to compare the two especially considering that Eggman has tried over and over again to conquer the world and I mean for a while he did and also again demolished time but shadow sees his point he was given a second chance why shouldn't tinker that's probably because tinker is a completely different identity that came about by amnesia and shadow had to make the conscious choice to change his ways but fine whatever the conflict is over and it dawns on shadow that Sonic was stalling him from I mean I don't I don't know I guess he was just trying to cool him off or something I don't know why shadow was like shocked about this it's not like they weren't eventually gonna get back to tinker with someone where is he gonna go well whatever shadow teleports his way back to town and demands to see this Eggman lamp tinker was talking about and it turns out that it's actually just a cute little theme park based off badness or maybe just a bad nick husks I guess I don't know doesn't really matter either way it seems that shadow is appeased okay now everyone's cooled off tinker is not really sure what the big fuss was over just a silly name and well done Ian I see what you did there and Sonic actually asks where the name even came from and tinker just says it just came to him which does give sonic a little cause for concern is this potentially alluding to his memories coming back it's hard to tell but Sonic's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt now that everybody's hunky-dory Sonic will pop by every now and again to check in on tinker and everyone agrees to just leave him be the end oh and then it turns out that the actual mastermind behind everything is a different Eggman the whole comics you're so crazy these cliff hangers are just oh so excited okay so let's talk about the tinker story for now these two comics did something a little bit different we still get to see Sonic fighting robots with some more buddies we get some inkling of their personality and dynamic as well as some of their abilities when they're investigating the imperial city looking for signs of Eggman Rouge is back and once again showing she's playing multiple angles at any given time and always going in for the long con with any situation but her heart is in the right place she knew of Eggman's whereabouts long before anybody else knew that it was only a matter of time before shadow caught wind and helped mitigate damage got the info down the pipeline to the chaotix who would then bring it over to Sonic to help give them time to build up a case for tinker's innocence I mean that's kind of convoluted when you think about it but it's fine it at least displays what these characters are all about we also pretty thoroughly defined shadows roll in this comic while he has grown into his own character the games have always been a little bit loosey-goosey with his interpretation especially since you know they kind of played out his entire arc in Sonic Adventure 2 and as you will see later on in this comic fans feel he gets a little bit too Vegeta at times but for this story specifically I like this shadow just fine once his arc was completed in the games there was very little reason for him to fight Sonic which is a problem when the entire purpose of a dark Amir character is to well fight the hero and I know that statement is going to invite so much ire from shadow fans so by all means leave your essays down in the comments but however you feel about it that's what his character was designed to be and well that's what siga keeps trying to use him for as sloppily as they do it and it does become a problem to give an excuse for Sonic and shadow to fight when they're on the same page but this particular case when you have such an interesting and complicated moral dilemma before you I feel like this is a good enough excuse as any to have these two fight each other and they both react appropriately to their character in my opinion this comic gives us a challenging issue that brings a lot of morality into question and I believe both the characters motivations here are justified it's not hard to understand where shadow is coming from doesn't matter what tinker is now the countless times he caused chaos as Eggman is enough of an excuse to take him out regardless of how many different times he changes his name sonic still appeals to his better side reminding him of the importance of redemption giving those who have caused pain to others a second chance to do right in the world and Sonic's got some clout so shadow as well as SPO give him the benefit of the doubt and go with his decision to leave tinker be the comic does give us a challenging question and no it does not leave us lingering on an answer sonic makes a decisive choice and everybody else just falls in line with it and you know maybe kids don't go to dictators when thinking about this stuff but there's still a good lesson to be learned here and you really can't have Sonic being a jerk at the same time Espio and shadow aren't exactly being unreasonable here while shadow does not tolerate nonsense and does have a bit of an aggressive streak to him he's still not being OneNote here he does cool off and agree to leave tinker bee even though you can see he clearly doesn't agree with this particular idea I think the overall message Sonic is trying to send is not every problem needs to be solved with violence he ends his feud with shadow not by beating him into submission in fact Sonic is the one at shadows mercy but he still uses reason and compassion to end the conflict and while I did joke about the running outside of pinning shadow to a wall he doesn't actually attack the guy just dodges him and eggs him on to help burn off some energy maybe it's not fair that the Eggman persona disappeared without anyone getting a chance to take him to task for the crimes he's committed but in Sonic's eyes that doesn't mean tinker should suffer the consequences he sees him and treats him as a different person but while this is a good lesson to pass on to a younger audience it does not go unchallenged like I said in a previous video I feel like this interpretation of Sonic might be a little bit too compassion honestly I kind of miss him being a little bit of a jerk the corporate mascot has got to tell kids to wash their hands don't talk to strangers and if one touches you in a place or in a way that makes you uncomfortable that's no good lost track here just a meme out a little bit but my point is Sonic's got to be the good guy here but that does not mean his morality cannot be called into question because won't be no simple as possible here come on man you know Robotnik's gonna be back eventually regardless of how scramble his eggs are they are gonna revert back to the status quo at some point but also shadow and SVO aren't moodier characters just for the sake of it these guys have seen some real dark stuff and third the type of guys who are gonna make tough calls they aren't gonna waste time talking about their feelings they see a problem and they're gonna go for the clear and obvious solution no matter how brutal it may be and honestly that's not a bad lesson either because as we will find out they're not entirely wrong here really you can go either way Sonic's point-of-view shadows point-of-view and while the comic does lead into one side a little bit more than the other it does not dismiss the other side entirely which i think is important so what about you I presented the story to you and regardless of what happens next just put yourself in that position you have to decide the fate of someone who has done terrible things but has zero memory of it or who they were it's easy enough to say you'd pop him in the face and be done with it but like if it were me having to decide what happens to an actual human being right there in front of me I honestly don't know what I'd do this silly trophy story has a lot more bubbling under the surface to make this goofy narrative work it's not exactly perfect but it does a commendable job showing all sides of this touchy argument and again we also have to deal with the crazy plot twists of there being another egg a man out there potentially but we'll have to deal with that next time that's gonna be it for today thank you guys so much for watching another episode of Sonic speed-reading if this is your first one we'll have this in a playlist so feel free to go back and check the other ones and as you can see by the name of the channel this is called game apologists this is not my normal series so if you're a Sonic fan go check those out or if you've been here a while and you want to do me a favor I would love it if you check out one of the other videos did one on follow 76 did one on a crazy truck game I promise you there's some good stuff here and if you want to help out any more than that I do have a peach round up and running and it does get this particular show out a little earlier for patrons speaking of I don't know if I do this enough but guys those of you who are supporting me thank you so much it has been so much fun getting to know you guys and you've been a massive help in a very very tough time for well probably everybody so I've got plenty of stuff to keep you guys occupied until the next time we do this and it's probably gonna be a pretty big episode of sonic speed reading as we will be covering the entire arc of the battle for Angel Island 2 - sonic speed readers
Channel: Game Apologist
Views: 84,672
Rating: 4.9619579 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, idw sonic, sonic comic review, dr eggman, mr tinker, fate of dr eggman, sonic vs shadow, shadow the hedgehog, chaotix, espio, charmy, sonic speed reading, game apologist, sonic forces, dr robotnik, rouge the bat, sonic issue 5, issue 6, eggman vs tinker, sega, gaming, videogames, archie sonic, idw comics, comic books, comic review, modern sonic, sonic meme, death egg, ark, metal virus, metal sonic, shadow sonic fight, chaos control, sonic adventure 2
Id: wm1FJfScDiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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