INFECTION! The Metal Virus Part 1 | Sonic Speed Reading

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[Music] welcome back to sonic's speed reading if you're not cut up to this point you're not getting any warnings turn back now because we're gonna jump right in sonic is just chilling on the beach recapping to a flicky what had been happening in the series up to this point and since we have already done that in the show we're not gonna bother doing that but like most times sonic is chilling on the beach he's rudely interrupted by a new adventure this time being in the form of a panic tails who let sonic know that an invitation just randomly appeared in his workshop an invitation to celebrate the return of the world's most brilliant doctor and it seems pretty obvious that tinker has been returned to his eggman persona sonic does hope that that's not as simple as it seems but they won't really know for sure until they go to windmill village to check it out so the duo head off meanwhile eggman's chilling in his secret base while the platypus starline enters the room turns out he's the one who uses warp topaz to drop off the note entails workshop he then asks eggman why why even do this sonic doesn't know the eggman's back he doesn't need to know eggman's back they can sneakily get away with whatever plan they're up to without his knowledge eggman replies that just kind of the way he does things he wants to mess with sonic's head he wants to know that eggman is back and working on something but he doesn't want song to know exactly what he's working on starline goes along with it he is an eggman fanboy after all but this won't be the last time he questions the way the doctor runs things but what is the great doctor up to anyway well you find out as he pours a metallic ooze over a flower instantly transforming it into metal this is the first of the few experiments we're going to be seeing for the metal virus we jump back to sonic who has arrived at windmill village and finds the elder scruffy that's his name tied up to a tree branch and just put the pinata sign on him my god so brutal scruffy informed sonic that tinker had been kidnapped about a week ago and nobody could find sonic to inform him but before they can deal with that they have to deal with rough and tumble they're the ones that have assaulted the elder and windmill village as a whole and it looks like they have brand new toys they didn't have before sonic takes note of this saying that they're not smart enough to come up with this tech on their own so they obviously know where eggman currently is we're not going to spend too much time on the fight so if you want to see how that plays out i recommend checking it out because the art is quite fantastic and frenetic we're instead going to go back to focus on eggman and his experiments he's moved on from vegetation to fauna pouring the virus over a little rabbit or pocky i guess in this world i keep forgetting all these little guys have stupid names these experiments are letting the reader know how the metal virus is going to work if you're dumped in the stuff you instantly transform into a zombie robot but if you're just touched by a zombie robot it will spread the infection but not instantaneously this page lets us know that these robots do obey the word of eggman but he also notes that the subject shows aggressive tendencies without direction he just sees this as a bonus but again this is foreshadowing of things to come the experiments continue with our little squirrel friend now taking up the metal flower and touching it to different objects to see if the virus will spread to anything else as it turns out it only works on organics but things that are processed or inorganic material remains unaffected meanwhile sonic and tails wrap things up with the two skunks and i gotta say i do love how these look like fun boss battles like i would love to take these guys on in a video game showing off tails calculations by ricocheting a tub of what i guess is skunk smell also i don't know how i've never realized that through all these years of sonic comics i've never once expected any of the skunks to actually stink up a place like this is the very first time i've even thought about it and it's kind of genius it's used in this way anyway yeah they stink up one of the skunks and then they chop off the robotic tail of the other which just sends him into a deep depression he's just done he doesn't even feel like fighting anymore poor guy but before they can round these guys up and send them back to jail a portal just opens up under them and freaks out sonic and tails the skunks are gone and while sonic can confirm that tinker is no longer in windmill village and eggman is probably back he really hasn't gotten much further in uncovering this mystery that's fine because he's going to now turn to silver to see if he's made any headway and whatever he's doing apparently some random dude just told silver where an eggman base was so the two hogs are gonna go follow up on it and sure enough they discover warp portals and some classic eggman baddies moving tech into it but before they can strike metal sonic appears and sends silver flying as you might recall just a couple of issues ago sonic decided to set this guy free but looks like he's back at full power so good job there sonic anyway a fight ensues and silver manages to get the drop on metal holding him in place with his telekinesis but just like the skunks metal is teleported out with a warp portal reappearing next to dr starline thus being sonic's first encounter with the platypus he makes a grand show of it excited to finally take on the hedgehog who has griefed the great doctor all these years the one being who can truly match his mentor he's excited to see how he fares against him all the while eggman is continuing his experiments with the metal virus this time showing that repeat exposure to the virus from an infected will speed up the process that's all the info he needs and he's ready to step into phase two but before he does ruff and tumble pop back into the base little ticked off that their new weaponry didn't work in taking down sonic and tails and they demand more weapons eggman knows just what to give them while all this is happening silver and sonic continue to take on starline and metal and those war portals are giving them a lot of trouble but no matter how far away starline throws sonic he eventually makes his way back pinning the platypus down and demanding some details on eggman starline tells him that everything's been secured in the vault and gives silver the access code and silver goes to check it out while sonic has the platypus in his grasp but the only thing starling will give up is that eggman is planning something breathtaking and that he also planted explosives inside the vault and he just gave his friend the detonation code sonic goes chasing after silver as the base explodes starline looks on proud of what he's managed to accomplish and sure the doctor will appreciate the defeat of his greatest foe but as he opens a portal back to the base eggman grabs starline by the throat and throws him against the glass that is containing his metal virus experiments furious that starline would attempt to take down sonic on his own starline doesn't understand though why wouldn't he want sonic out of the way he would just mess with his plans eggman retorts that the hedgehog is his to destroy he could carpet bomb him whenever he felt like but that's not the point actually he did try that in sonic 3 and that didn't work out too well anyway the point is eggman wants to take him down with his brilliance there's a certain way to vanquish a lifelong nemesis as he puts it starline apologizes and the eggman tells him don't let it happen again starline's a bit confused we're like i i don't think it could happen again like what are you talking about man but eggman knows how the hedgehog works and shows a live feed of the destroyed base sonic is alive and well eggman then follows up by asking why he wanted the junk out of that base anyway he hadn't used it in years all that stuff's obsolete but to starline they're treasured collectibles of eggman's legacy which i'm sure will be coming into play down the road for starline eggman waves it off and just asks him how his first encounter with the rodent felt starline tells him that the experience had put a lot of things into perspective for him and they uh certainly will as the story continues on back at restoration hq silver gets put to bed so he can recover from saving sonic from the blast and him and amy decide it might be best to go check out another eggman base one he's no longer using in an attempt to tap into his network to see what he's up to so the two speed off onto their next adventure now keep in mind this is 14 issues in at this point and we have a pretty good flow of things sonic usually teams up with one of his friends they stopped some small skirmish while building up to the bigger baddie last year it was neo-metal sonic but it all played out like pretty standard sonic fare but going into issue 15 while things still seem to be par for the course things would take a drastic turn at the end of this issue sonic and amy end up at echo mod tell it's an eggman bass by uh well you know he's uh he's got a face on the side of a mountain so it's probably his the two chat back and forth given us a lot of needed exposition about the eggman war a lot of stuff we never really got from sonic forces sonic notes that it seems like there was a big battle here and amy replies that there was and they lost a lot of good people in it too they continued to talk for a bit and sonic reassuring her that they eventually won the war and amy made sure those sacrifices mattered that they meant something amy replies well you did win the war for us and i mean that's that's also true i'm not gonna get into my problems with that particular story again right now they continue to chat for a bit discussing what they plan on doing and what they're looking for in this base and they come across a set of computers and looks like they're in business meanwhile back at eggman's secret lab he begins to pour out some containers of a very specific silver liquid making them into what looks like backpack super soakers to hand off to rough and tumble tells them that these are the backups only use them as a last resort also showing them a brand new machine he wants them to take into the tunnels after sonic and back in those tunnels we see that amy has logged into the eggnet showing the files for a new ship one that looks a lot like the space colony arc but is actually a lot smaller with a lot of talk about payload distribution but before they can figure out what it's distributing the walls begin to shake and ruff and tumble come bursting through in a giant drill more playful banter is thrown back and forth between heroes and villains and another fun fight plays out as it has plenty of times before in the series sonic and amy team up get past the defenses of the drill and take it out of commission this is our third encounter with the two skunks and it's playing out exactly as you'd expect to this point that is until they reveal that they have a secret weapon on their backs and they've been saving the best for last activating them with a button on their chest but to their horror the backpacks unleash the metal goo onto the skunks themselves sonic and amy rough and tumble nobody has any idea what is happening and rough and tumble are quickly transformed into zombots there's no more banter there's no more tomfoolery and no matter how much sonic quips they don't respond our two heroes are kind of at a loss for what to do so they just keep dodging them until amy lands a massive blow of her hammer onto one of the skunks oh my god giving us some body horror action here as the skunk is mutilated his hand is sitting on the ground there i think it's here to imply that these characters have been completely transformed on a cellular level here as he quickly reforms as if nothing had happened sonic in turn goes on the offense of spin dashing hard into the bigger skunk leaving him another gory gooey mess but he as well reforms with zero issue and sonic realizes that strange metal goo has now latched on to him he warns amy not to touch the skunks now that he's already infected anyway he launches both of them into the ravine below sonic is out of quips and that cocky attitude seems to have faded as he quickly realizes he is in a lot of trouble whatever hit the two skunks is infectious and it's spreading on sonic fast but that's all the time we have for today's episode hope you enjoyed it and stick around because we'll be back soon as we continue our journey into the zombot story arc toot toot sonic warriors you
Channel: Game Apologist
Views: 90,666
Rating: 4.9830594 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic comic review, metal virus, zombot, zombot sonic, metal sonic, dr. starline, silver the hedgehog, metal virus part 1, idw sonic, sonic 13, sonic 14, sonic 15, eggman, dr robotnik, tails, amy rose, rough and tumble, infection, sonic vs zombot, sonic vs metal sonic, silver vs metal sonic, infected sonic, idw sonic review, sega, sonic forces, sonic zombie apocalypse, sonic halloween, warp topaz, scruffy, gaming, video game comic, sonic speed reading
Id: M4EJ3ii-k54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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