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today we are playing sonic.eyx which is one of the craziest video games we have ever played in our lives we thought this was just a regular sonic game but we quickly realized that it might actually have been a hell program that takes over our computer access to webcam decline sonic.exe actually hacked our computer and took over admin control of our pc the window's like moving we're not doing this this is literally one of the craziest things that has ever happened to lankybox on camera get ready for a crazy video let's go [Music] what is up guys welcome to this episode today we are seeing if we can survive evil sonic dot e-y-x wait what is this wait wait is our computer getting hacked wait what wait what guys this is like sonic but it's like a hacked version what's going on do we immediately do you download a virus onto your mom's computer dude we're playing on your mom's computer guys i don't know your time is running out did we actually download a virus under this computer dude guys this is adam's mom's computer whoa but we're tails now okay we're tails but guys this is not normal sonic this is a hacked sonic.eyx version of the game dude this is lit though we're like actually playing sonic this is lit this is fun but watch out i heard if you beat this game whoa whoa tails can fly that's awesome oh ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch yo this is so lit but i heard apparently if you beat this game sonic might hack your computer what yeah like you'll actually go into your computer's like database and hack it why are you saying that like you're excited i don't want to get hacked what's wrong with you do this your mom's computer should get oof us if we get a virus on a computer that's true guys we're going to show you what happened don't play this game especially at 3am yeah wait isn't it like 2 a.m right now it's close yeah okay i'm flying as tails this is really satisfying guys we don't really know how to play sonic whenever hey yo what's happening on the screen right there sonic you see that that was really creepy all right guys we don't really know how to play sonic we got to do a loop-de-loop here don't we yeah we got to get some space yeah some i guess at real speed what is this oh it was a little balloon oh nice yeah checkpoint oh there's a checkpoint yeah guys we never really played sonic so we're learning right now nice hey yo that's awesome i didn't make it i didn't make it there mowing wait how do you get up there mowing mowing there we go there we go this is cool guys we're playing what was that you see that it was like a glitched version when you did the spin dash the game just like glitched wait where we fly to it's to be to the right it's always to the right okay guys we're moving we're zooming nice i'm going high up in the sky all right we got a lot of coins uh why does that keep happening what is that guys we don't know what's going on with the computer it's like it's like we're in the game dude hey yo what was that it's time oh no he's got oof on him wait what are we supposed to follow him probably yeah got it come back we're your buddy sonic.exe no that was just sonic i thought he had some oof around his mouth kind of like sonic.exe fly fly tails we gotta catch him oh nice we gotta catch your buddy tails is awesome that's pretty lit yeah how do i he's tired oh man what do i do we gotta go find sonic man maybe maybe you went to the right instead no it's gotta be this way okay i'll try a better jump and see if this works nice come on you got it you got it you oh you got tired again this game's impossible and it's a hack and i quit guys watch out this game might hack your computer we are going to show you what happened no this game literally hacked our computer wait what happens if i go like what [Music] he won't let you go to the right let me out of here let me out of this game he's like laughing at you wait so we're like trapped in the game as tails this is so creepy this is messed up bro wow let me out of here sonic guys we are going to beat this game don't worry it's going to be nuts guys we're just huge noobs there's no way you can go here i think you have to like go and try and then go back i think it's an infinite wall you can't beat this okay okay okay let's head back like go here and try it and fail and then go back and then sonic like laughs at you it's like sonic's trying to wear out tails so he makes tails weaker that's what i'm saying dude yeah that's messed up sonic be nice to your friends guys no sonic's not here now maybe you go from up here possibly yeah okay nice okay oh it's like a whole path up here got it that's helpful okay so now where do we go oh what we're back where we were earlier maybe if we fly up here and then fly from here up there yeah there we go okay this better work guys this better work come on come on come on come on this is the infinite wall are we actual idiots yeah we are yeah we are oh there's a platform up there how do you get up there oh guys this is so tricky is this what the sonic games are like yeah exactly really yep i never play sonic yeah i played it once it was pretty fun people could probably tell we never play sonic you got it we look like huge noobs right now okay we're out of here we made it back guys we are ah well hey oh what was that what did you see that guy said like stop this is such a cursed game dude what was that no what was no i had what was that no what is that on the ground is that sonic's head no i what wait we're like in the void this is so crazy hey yo i can't see he said meet me at the beginning yeah dude we're turning in tails.exe we got no eyes what wait we just got corrupted uh what uh oh what is going on it's restarting the game and now it's knuckles adam is this a computer virus i'd be serious it might be a virus guys watch out you make me sick what adam says that to us sometimes why what this is nuts what is this guys i'm so confused what makes you enjoy all this so bad and knuckles look at his eyes oh my goodness it's starting to ooh oh my goodness we did nothing to you who's saying this knuckles it has to be knuckles yeah maybe tails was just right there's coming out inside hey yo you love to see us suffer in every way possible i don't even know what's going on we do not deserve this instead you do look at his eyes i can't even read this guys you are the one who deserves all the pain what he is coming now what who is sonic.exe this is so creepy wait this is actually is it is this a computer virus adam we cannot exit out of the game guys wait what sonic dot exe has failed to log into your current internet connection he's trying to hack our internet uh i i would just exit out of this this is not good we need to stop this video dude this is not right just press okay we're getting hacked wait guys our youtube might get hacked what okay guys we literally don't even understand what happened we're just gonna try and open it again what was that wait is it just gonna restart we lost all of our progress it says rebooting wait what rebooting dude it says let's try something different wait did we actually just get our internet hacked no no no like guys we might have to stop this video do we try pressing f do we just get our internet hacked okay it's sonic what tails and dr robotnik this is all brand new this is bad this is so bad oh whoa we're super sonic tails okay i can't control this at all guys [Music] hey yo hello we're getting hacked dude guys we thought we're making a funny video it's not [Music] uh sonic there's the game so eyeballs looking at us it's staring right at you we're being watched yo nah nah adam nah nah nah nah it crashed again we have to relaunch it again i don't water this actual computer virus we have to show everyone the end of the game guys don't download it don't you guys at 3 am i don't know what's going on look it says rebooting they know rebooting again bro they're gonna hack our internet you caused it to happen now it's too late oh maybe we should i'll it'll be watching you from now what what is watching us those eyes are so creepy hello guys the the keyboard is not doing anything the eyes disappeared and now it's like a new game hold on whoa no cool it's sonic yo he kind of kind of swagged out guys this is the craziest game we've ever played because it doesn't even feel like a game feels like we downloaded something we shouldn't have what was that crystal lake zone okay so this is all brand new now we get to play as normal sonic yo guys the game is so much fun though actually yeah we recommend if it's three a.m and you don't want your computer to get hacked don't download is that sonic that you see in the background it's metal sonic yeah where'd i go out loud gotta be to the right yeah mr krabs get out of here nice what is this can i bust through here doesn't look like it no it looks like a door yeah i can't oh nice yeah i'm trying to mess with me adam doesn't want to see me win oh you have to like probably run really quick uh to get up there oh you think so like from here yeah sonic is so cool it's awesome guys oh how do you do this guys i'm such a noob everybody's probably laughing at me in the comments can you like hold down and then spin dash like when you're like standing still no what are you talking about you can like charge a spin dash in sonic hold down spin dash hold spin dash oh i guess you can what are you talking about never mind you're massive man you gotta do like a max double jump is that like a secret do you think maybe yeah one more try if i don't get it i don't care oh try i can get it guys so you got time to jump perfect we got it yes nice i'm a genius dude okay what is that we got maybe like an extra life or something oh yeah we did we got extra life that's really helpful super helpful yo let's just speed on this yo this game is lit we're flying yo but oh okay oh some secrets oh wow we got like a shield oh that's kind of lit but i gotta go back now this is great sonic is cool he like runs faster and faster the more you like run yeah okay okay so okay so you gotta land on that i guess so yeah this is crazy because like the game is crazy and like kind of like feels like a virus but it it's stop it's actually a tricky game just by itself yeah it's super lit guys this is so lit bro if the game didn't hack you this game would be really really lit well if the game didn't hack us it'd just be sonic the game wouldn't it yeah exactly okay okay oh nice nice what is that what is that oh you just like grab onto them how do you do that oh cool who's this ouch oh lost our shield got a nice guy go away guys i don't know anything about sonic i don't know who's good and who's bad we're crushing this game get out of the way [Music] oh you can just roll into everybody nice smelling or you can jump on them kind of like uh donkey kong all right this game is lit yeah i gotta i gotta get up there guys this game is so cool we will show you the secret ending of this game okay nice boom boom okay what if the secret ending is us is our computer exploding that would be really bad like really wait sonic wait how did you know we were just talking about getting hacked did the game just crash again guys you can see our mouse right now oh there's some water sonic drowning taking a bath what no he's not eyeballs oh no what and now we're back what is going on oh boy wait it's kind of like what happened with tails we're like in the in the same level again it like reset us ah maybe we should go like the other way maybe someone's trying to escape this world something about this is just so this is so deep bro sonic is trying to escape run away from the world what run run what what is this i don't know how to play sanic uh-oh you got it dude you got it okay we're just running i'm just holding down the right arrow key look at how fast sonic can run what what what is going up it's like cursed shadow we're doing hack.exe at 3am this is not good guys ah it closed no they are nothing compared to you what us i guess so what are you saying i want to see you wait guys the window's like moving we're not doing this it's like dancing wait they got knuckles and tails i want to see wait what guys it's like moving all over our screen what access to webcam declined they're watching us they're trying to like see onto our webcam because i want to see you no adam dude you downloaded a virus maybe we just let it we want to see you what we need to see you please it says i am coming for you hey yo [Music] sonic yo yo no this is so bad dude guys adam literally download a virus we're back we're back we're back oh my goodness what was that they wanted a webcam bro oh wow wait it's the same level again but now it's like cursed exe and sonic has no eyeballs oh how does he see dude because earlier saying we want to see you and you want to see us so bad that they took sonic's eyes this is messed up bro i really don't like this at least all the enemies are gone yeah but our computer has been hacked right our ice has been hacked okay it's the same level so i know how to beat it at least yeah it's so satisfying to bounce on this thing yeah it's really satisfying when you just roll and just like oof all the enemies and just like zoom you sounds so cool he's looking at us hello sonic hello now we're up close sonic we're getting closer hey yo back up sonic don't look at us guys this game is so crazy it makes me feel new like i never felt i felt scared playing games this is like spooky this is not even like hello actually disturbing exciting it's just getting closer to yo sonic don't don't hack please hack me at 3am sonic am i losing my mind run what was that what was that what was that what was that what was that i don't know sonic's just scared that was sonic.exe what we're running we're running in the sky what is happening it's the same level again how many times we have to place off dude i think it's like a real deep message what was that [Music] we did it it's like a real deep message about life dude you gotta do the same thing over and over but the evil exes out to get you right guys practice makes perfect what you got it okay look you see something across the way is it evilsonic.exe what is that it's like like one of like dr eggman's experiments yup it's dr eggman dot exe metal sonic just jesus middle son just blew up his machine this is crazy sonic dying drag man [Applause] it crashed again bro we can't keep playing this dude i try to enjoy the game it's a little bit spooky but it's it's an actual virus they try to hack our internet try to hack our webcam we have to open it again we have to guys okay we don't know if it's an actual virus i don't think it is i think it's a really spoopy game i don't really know what's going on and it's freaking me out yeah this is not good man okay it's gonna reboot again rebooting soft reset wait what we're back in the game what oh my goodness that's tails guys we were playing his tails at the start look at his eyes oh we can't move can't move oh wait tails now we're back to normal oh no i can't jump i can't jump there's no more jumping guys you can only walk get out of here tails just get just get out of here bro you need to save yourself tails this is so creepy we're like a haunted forest.eyx i just have such a bad feeling about this dude why are they trying to get our webcam and our internet bro to hack us yeah they probably take like a picture of us through the webcam and then post it on the internet yeah that would be really embarrassing it's tales.uix oh no hey yo wait we just his face just got melted or no maybe he like turned around hey yo wait what is that what is that what is that one we can't move guys we can't move am i lagging oh no we are moving okay okay okay guys i'm holding down the the arrow key nice what is that behind us i think it's like sonic that exceeds giant eyes or oh it's a mouth it's teeth oh no one run tails don't eat us yo you better run tails you better run like you never ran before this game is so creepy i'm getting chills bro it's one of the this is probably not even one of this oof on the ground this is the craziest game we've ever played because it doesn't even feel like a game huh hello can we keep going i can't move hey oh my goodness oh it's sonic.exe next to some oof what oh no now dude i feel like i just got hypnotized when that happened bro it reset again is that it's like knuckles mixed with sonic he's got ketchup coming out of his eyeballs coming soon dude we i think we beat it and now it's like the title but it's like thank you for playing no bro that's so crazy bro [Music] it's like one eyeball hello where'd they go now it's empty clear data yes can you select no yes or no i'm clearing the data the game just crashed it's over guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe go check out to get lanky box play well i think when they hacked our webcam and then our internet they took a picture from our computer and post it online we better check online and see if it got if anything got leaked okay okay okay guys hold on we're wait wait wait wait wait we just got emails that we just something just got leaked wait no way no way no way don't happen wait [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 6,216,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, iphone app, lanky box, phone apps, iphone, funny apps, best apps, iphone game, Lanky Box, free apps, free game, mobile game, mobile games, mobile, free games, sonic.eyx, sonic.eyx game, sonic.eyx gameplay, lankybox sonic.eyx, lankybox sonic.eyx game, lankybox sonic.eyx gameplay, sonic.eyx game lankybox, lankybox plays sonic.eyx, lankybox plays sonic.eyx game, lankybox survives sonic.eyx, sonic, lanybox sonic.exe, sonic.exe, lankybox evil sonic, lankybox sonic
Id: S19w3MWFdj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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