Sonic Lost World Full Movie All Cutscenes Cinematics 1080p HD

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[Music] drop the critters egg man [Music] [Music] whoa that's harsh [Music] [Music] he must really love those things whoa what's that in the clouds that must be the lost hex cool less looking more landing [Music] take it easy there oh stay calm little guy sonic and tails will get your buddy's crack sonic did you get those animals back from eggman uh just the one container he tossed off his egg mobile wait a minute just the one week i would have gotten them all back by now save the rest of them i hate to think what eggman's doing to those things i'm on it transformation 101 bunnies boom instant army it needs to be a big army if i'm taking over the world below you are quite the mighty conqueror yes yes i am i conquered you didn't i and with your help i'll not only rule the world i'll finally destroy that blue nuisance sonic [Music] once the little hedgehog destroyed oh yeah well i feel like destroying that's what i like about you says always ready for a fight even before you know what you're fighting with you dead bring it on and i'll rip it up hey i've been looking for you baldy mcnose hair who are your friends friends these are nobody's friends they are the deadly sex and they are your worst enemies says show this blue pest how you do things up here with i think you're itching because you need a bath are you disrespecting me maybe i'm gonna mess you up i'd love to stay and watch him disassemble you but i have business to attend to i know the perfect spot to take care of you that's funny because i know the perfect spot to kick you all right we good to go or what tails i've built a tv out of paperclip yeah and reprogrammed a supercomputer using dishwashing detergent on a toothpick i know so look fixing a propeller on a biplane that's about as difficult as taking a nap okay i didn't need your whole life story a simple good to go would have been cool all right good to go cool [Music] these animals are quite underwhelming i'm disappointed in you incompetent fools violently disappointed we don't care about your disappointment master do you care now next time bring better animals you fat one go take care of that blue test who are you calling fat you now if you hurry and destroy sonic i've got an even bigger sandwich [Music] hmm power levels green orbot power level stable extractor activated good good oh oh yeah that's the stuff baby baby i'm feeling stronger by the second level is fluctuating reaction unstable better shut it down quick boss or it will lock into overload shut it down ah wait just stop boss i felt great the machine is unstable we just want to borrow some of the planet's energy we don't want to destroy it speak for yourself [Music] one word of helpful advice diet and exercise [Music] don't talk with your mouth full you're right hey i forgot the mustard i'll be right back hey where do you think you're going i hone your abilities i equip you with the most powerful mechs i can create i even give you a giant sandwich and you still disappoint me i'm a compassionate man that shell looks like trouble hold on a second sonic uh i think that thing is gone eggman's shell is gone was a mistake whatever when is it a mistake to take your toys away when it's the only thing keeping six angry zeddy from controlling my max you moronic hedgehog [Applause] [Music] wow uh i hate to run away from the fight tails but i don't want to see you get fried not getting fried will be nice we are leaving [Music] oh man i should have listened to you tails you think alas poor cubot i knew him well ah me voice chips all cattywampus thanks to sonic everything's gone cattywampus like a coffin was the only thing keeping those six maniacs in check some sort of a natural inhibitor for their powers very painful and very rare the zetty have an innate ability to manipulate magnetic fields they can make electronics including my mechs do interesting things i control those powers with the conch until sonic punted it away with his typical stupidity get lost eggman and let us get things under control i hope the zetty eat you alive you meddling hedgehog okay if it pleases the court all those who think eggman is a total bonehead raise their hands well there you go folks motion is passed unanimously i didn't raise my hand would seem the peaceful days of tending my garden will have to wait but i take care of these matters the rest of you cannot please master zick this is not something you should [Music] these old bows i tested the blue one and he's more powerful than i anticipated he shows much potential who cares about him now that i'm free i want to squeeze eggman until he pops and eat him i suppose well yeah there are better ways to make him suffer but more delicious what would you say if i told you we could destroy eggman's world and use its energy to make ourselves unbelievably powerful well i would say that i had taught you well [Music] yes you have and it will be eggman's own creation that causes his destruction [Music] sonic something bad's happening whoa what's going on i don't know it's like something in the sky is draining the life out of the even the world feels cold and dead okay you guys stay safe down there i'll try to figure out what's going on and stop it [Music] huh your time is almost over nash hedgehog i shall prepare for you a lesson in respect a painful lesson oh someone's gonna get taken to school all right follow if you dare we have a mutual problem one so large that it will take both of us to overcome whatever i told you we can handle the z by ourselves that may be true but the rebellious swine have gotten hold of a device of mine and they're using it in ways for which it was never designed uh what was it designed for doctor [Music] it was supposed to extract energy from our world but the machine is unstable once it reaches full power it can't be shut off it will drain our world dry so that's what amy was talking about and you just want to go smash it don't you well yeah what it's what i do oh always your answer to everything hedgehog if you wish to create a cataclysmic explosion that will incinerate everything within a hundred miles please smash away so there's no off switch no not anymore i need to get to the machine and reprogram the shutdown sequence i'll supply the brains you will supply the brawn i need to get past the zetty oh and you're asking so good one buddy thanks man up tails i don't like working with my most hated enemies any more than you do but our entire world is at stake yeah well teaming up with you feels like the end of the world egg man i don't want to take a long shower by the time we're done whoa over compensate much man how many military factories does a guy need if you weren't always destroying them i wouldn't need so many and done yeah thanks for fixing me no problem sorry you got stuck with a voice chip that looks like it was killed by a two-year-old i think i liked it better when i was trying to destroy you yeah well feelings mutual egg face whoa whoa whoa before we start destroying each other let's remember why we're working together okay please remind me tails we need eggman to shut down his machine and you don't trust me to do it what no i trust you tails it's just that no you don't you trust eggman more you know how much that bites i do trust you tails but the whole world's in danger because i did something stupid do you know how much that bites actually nothing bites more than having to listen to this dreadful conversation amen [Music] why are you still here i'm just getting ready well you seem to be taking your time well it is my time to take now isn't it but what if i told you that you were the only one i trusted to be fast enough oh smart enough and pretty enough to beat the blue nuisance well i'd say you've got the right girl for the job [Music] well that was so easy i almost feel guilty that was cool pun entirely intended [Music] your efforts are impressive little hedgehog [Music] i must commend you and your invention though we get stronger and stronger as we leech the light from your dying world yeah i've noticed where are you gonna live when you're world's dead guys all i will burn your worlds you rebellious scum i will destroy everything you love and make you watch your hands as long as i can still strangle a zeddy my hands are fine move it or lose it snow cone the last time we met you ruined my nail art now i have to reapply a whole new coat oh my gosh are you serious i am so so sorry oh well in that case oh no what i meant to say is i'm so sorry that you have nothing more important to do in life oh you're gonna pay for that as soon as my nails dry i'm getting tired of lugging your head around pal so i made you a snowbot body i can't feel my legs [Music] your robots are a reflection of your genius dr eggman but this does give me an idea i think i know a way to cause the lost hex to implode using no gravity effects we could destroy the zetti in one quick stroke and exterminate every living thing around them are you out of your mind of course there'll be some damage but collateral damage what kind of monster tails i'm sorry i suddenly felt very mean not the best idea to put the dim witch head on a battle bot in hindsight i gotta agree with you doc thanks for the save um can you get off me now i can't figure you out one second you're contemplating genocide and the next you're saving one of your worst enemies i'm a complicated guy and you what were you thinking tails you could have gotten yourself killed i was just trying to help sonic is more formidable than i anticipated yes he would make a powerful slave eggman taught us how to make robots so we'll make the hedgehog robot excellent plan master i'm sure you would have thought of it yourself giving time and time something sonic is running out of hmm something's not right huh must have missed this one [Music] rotten sneaky tales acted for the greater good let's make sure his sacrifice isn't for nothing i'm supposed to be the fastest but i was too slow to save my buddy [Music] psy everything seems so pointless hey what did you do with tails what seriously we captured you you wish you grabbed my friend and i want him back man this day keeps getting lamer and lamer whatever i gotta go tell the others the bad news giving bad news is actually the one thing i enjoy i'll deal with you later loser and now sonic it's time for um how come he's not blue you incompetent fools i cannot trust you with the simplest of tasks all right we can work this to our advantage somebody messed up royally because we don't have sonic we know look at him all i'm so fast and stuff makes me sick time to knock him down a peg [Music] if we don't find your friend can i be your sidekick what shut up what kind of question is that i didn't mean anything by it i just thought it might be better to work for you than eggman hello i'm sitting right here you know orbot no matter what happens i won't fail again i will save tails it's stuff like that that makes me want to be your sidekick teals is lucky seriously i'm right here i can still hear you hello sonic yeah i've been looking for you and we've been looking for you unfortunately we found your friend tails first hey you heard one hair on his head oh don't worry we're actually making him better he'll be much happier as a robot no they're gonna turn tails into a robot that's horrible oh i don't know being a robot's not so bad from where i'm sitting it is a nightmare who thought that putting this bucket brain's head on me was a good idea it's too late for us sonic save the world i'm sorry i never got to say amy knuckles one by one your friends are following soon your friend has embarrassed me for the last time you will be the instrument of my revenge it'll be fun to have your little buddy scrambling like an omelette enjoy your last moments of free will when we return you'll be our slave [Applause] [Music] detergent in a toothpick i'm not even gonna need the detergent for this one wow it's quite a drop yes yes it is you guys are going down this energy machine is made up way stronger eggman time for some revenge correct revenge is a dish best oh served now you made me hungry let's hurry up and destroy him amy knuckles anybody oh [Music] [Music] oh i'm getting tired of you guys don't be so whiny man that's my deal give up now and join your friend details oh man when i get my hands on you guys we promise you will be happy i'll never serve you i was hoping you'd say that destroy sonic what good to have you back tails i'll take it from here nice work now it's time for me to do my job and shut this baby down it is off who could have done that maybe of course i needed some alone time to supercharge my mech out who got me past the seti faking my death was the perfect way [Music] and now my ultimate weapon is complete finally with the energy collected from the extractor i can rule the world pity about the damage done down there but there's still enough left for me to conquer the only thing that's gonna get conquered is your face eggman you know you never needed eggman right i could have turned this thing off myself sorry about that tails i'll never doubt you again it's cool oh and here's something that even eggman couldn't do i just reprogrammed his machine to return our world's stolen energy in your face eggman i'll be back sonic i'll find another conk and the zeti will be mine once again only next time i'll make them stronger honey why isn't my jet pack working maybe because i borrowed the exhaust hose here's your energy back world bon appetit [Music] yeah hey amy looks like springtime's come early thanks to you and tails i would have wrapped this up sooner but eh what are you gonna do you know after a day like today i can enjoy a nap on some fresh green grass [Music] here he is took you long enough get me out of here uh boss you're facing yours your face it is good to see your face uh boss your face is a little dirty let me write that for you that'll be weird let's get out of here before my day gets any worse uh why can't we tell him about his mustache i think it's better to wait until he separates our heads then you can tell him and get all the glory great thanks what's wrong with my last night
Channel: InbetweenGamer
Views: 18,357,054
Rating: 4.6688366 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Lost World, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic, Sega, Nintendo, Wii U, Sonic & Tails, Tails, Miles Tails Prowler, DR Eggman, Lost Hex, Color Powers, Amy, Knuckles, Knuckles The Echinda, Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, HD, HD1080P, 1080P, Deadly Six, Boss Battle, Zones, Cutscenes, Zavok, Zazz, Zeena, Zik, Zomom, Zor, Movie, All Cutscenes, Lost World Movie, Sonic Lost World Movie, Sonic Lost world All Cutscene, Sonic tv show, Sonic Show, Sonic Movie, Sonic the hedgehog Film
Id: IBBqjUo5gsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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