Sonic Mania Mods! - AntDude

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today's episode is sponsored by Verve for more details on how to get yourself a 30-day ad free trial of Verve premium click on the link in the description below with the release of sonic mania plus and the Encore mode DLC as well as the conclusion of sonic mania adventures I guess the saga of Sonic mania is officially over hah nope you all know this not only was Sonic mania released on console it was also released on PC we've been in this position once twice 3 times before when you open up an official Sonic game to the fan base the floodgates open and they open wide for the last three years now I've taken a look at rom hacks of the original Sonic games a bunch of good a bunch of weird but this year we're doing something pretty different much like how that mania elevator skips right over Sonic 4 for the best by the way I'm gonna do the same let's take a look at some sonic mania mods so a quick disclaimer we are still really early in the life of Sonic mania therefore you're really not gonna see a ton of wacky and crazy stuff that you may think you're gonna see now maybe in a few years we're gonna see some wacky and crazy stuff that we can't even possibly imagine right now but at the moment we're just gonna see a bunch of neat ideas and a very very cool mod at the end of this video stay tuned for that as for now let's get started similar to some of the more basic Sonic ROM hacks out there there are plenty of mods that simply swap out the characters with others good old classic Amy she doesn't have any special moves at the moment but it's still neat to see I actually think she would have been a perfect fit for the official sonic mania cast with her hammer ability and all that but this is the next best thing I guess here we got Metal Sonic and whoo he looks so good I always thought that Metal Sonic was a great character and it's nice to see this mod giving him some love his sprite in blue spheres was even changed great detail but then I wonder who replaces the Metal Sonic boss fight now Oh huh apparently there is a Metal Sonic 3.0 from Sonic rivals - okay yeah sure why not if if Sega is never gonna acknowledge him again someone has to oh my god its sanic oh hey we can't forget about shadow the ultimate life-form why not again it's just unique animations for now unfortunately but I am pretty excited for when someone manages to get gunplay in tomainia that'd be sick dr. Eggman huh oh this doesn't bode well oh he's voice-acted joy oh we're about to see Eggman go super I don't I don't think I'm ready for this oh okay yeah uh-huh this this is exactly what I've needed in my life okay so of course of course big the cat had to become an option as well oh okay no I don't I really don't think I'm comfortable with this I think I need an adult oh man oh man look at him go even the safe select screen is terrifying why why would I want to play SM now not all of the character mods out there are dead bare bones there are some that are more fleshed out than just a simple sprite swap oh snap look at this we got Hatsune Miku in the house Japanese idol sensation and Sega character apparently this one actually has a new story with a brand new art to accompany it okay so Miku gets teleported into Sonic's dimension during one of her concerts and evil CEO wants to take over the world Sonic is nowhere to be seen go one of Miko's official costumes is actually a sonic 1 so this canonically makes sense the madhavan goes on to just be sonic mania but hey points for an original concept but this is what led to my surprised face once I got into chemical plant zone the music then became a blend of the original music remixed with some Vocaloid tracks so here's a bit of an inside scoop on the good old ant dude here I actually really like those Hatsune a Miku Project Diva rhythm games and how overly ridiculous Japanese they are so hearing some of them more catchy songs remixed in with Sonic music was oddly satisfying I approve and and then the game becomes a giant dominoes meme I take it all back of course Mario ride to show up to he can't let anyone have the spotlight for more than 20 minutes that guy so here in Mario mania you get to play as the Mario Bros as they collect coins and yes actually coins and not rings that people constantly accidentally call coins and they tackle a ton of Mario enemies in familiar Sonic locations it's kind of surreal honestly from start to finish it's just weird to watch and then Wario is there - we're placing knuckles III didn't know Wario could do that we're like approaching Samari levels here i reaiiy really don't know how to feel about this actually there's another mod out there called sonic mania extended that takes the idea of a playable Mario and really expands on it the animations are a whole lot better and he even has a ground pound now doc damn it the mud also includes a modern Sonic playable character and his gimmick is he can use the boost and this is actually super cool we've seen classic sonic throw into the modern style before and now we see the reverse of that I am okay with this so this mod was actually pretty annoying to set up for some reason some of the more advanced mods out there for some people it just works immediately and for some people it's hell to even think about working what's interesting though is that we already have mods that change the mechanics of how this game plays that's kind of amazing I was I was joking before about shado having gunplay but that's actually a possibility now be careful what you wish for I suppose this one this one's pretty special this one just simply has knuckles say oh no every time he gets hit oh no that's that's ten out of ten best mod and now we move on to new level mods which fall into two categories kind of first up we got a bunch of levels just ported from other games some slightly modified some mostly unaltered and since I've basically played all of these before I didn't think that these would be all that neat I figured there would be unnecesarry since they're already what I'm used to but mania controls so well and everything moves so smoothly that it still felt really good some aspects of some of the levels did get changed to fit mania a little bit better but that is hardly anything worth complaining about my favorite ones of the bunch were the ports of the game gear stages those original games controlled a lot slower than this so seeing these locations reimagined was pretty cool nothing can save labyrinth his own though boy that that stage is still crap the best one of these that I've seen though thus far has to go to a recreation of Sonic Advance - you see the original game was a bit of a turning point in the franchise where it was the first game that really felt like classic Sonic and modern Sonic blended together emphasizing speed over platforming while not forgetting the platforming entirely and considering how well mania plays it is actually a surprisingly solid fit at the moment things are a bit rough but it is a pretty fresh mud I am really looking forward to seeing more of this in the future and naturally totally new levels were bound to start popping up - you want to start off a bit weird - here's a Mushroom Kingdom zone naturally this one had to be played with Mario don't don't worry about some of the visual glitches with this one it kind of goes to show that sonic gameplay doesn't really work well with Mario level design moving on egg locos owned a totally new level based on the train from Mirage saloon there's really nothing overly impressive here but you know what it is still a new level I approve I got all the way to the end pretty easily and then the game just locks up and some say Sonic is still wagging his finger on the top of that train to this day of all the new levels that I found not everyone is that great space construction zone yet no this is one of those props for the idea the idea of a construction site in the middle of space that's kind of neat but oh oh okay now this one is really cool white board blast a level that looks like it was drawn entirely in pencil it's a really cool graphical style that sort of harkens back to that Sonic mania trailer but unfortunately at the moment it's just kind of a modified green hill and the levels are very very short but it seems super promising for the future honestly guys that's just where we're at now you got a bunch of really neat ideas that still need some time to flesh out since we are very early in Sonic manias life the future looks nice and bright for the Sonic mania fan community that's awesome but I can't end things off here without talking about one specific mod that I was fortunate enough to get some never-before-seen footage of you may have heard of this one around Twitter and stuff like that but let me introduce you guys to Sonic Gaiden guys guys where where do I even begin here this model looks fantastic so Sonic Gaiden which does share the name of the first rom hack I ever played by the way that's that's I just think that's kind of neat is set to be the first ever full-on Sonic mania mod you got an entirely new soundtrack brand new levels using brand new themes and even some new animations just to sweeten the deal and yeah it may sound like whatever if that was just all talk but you can see it for yourself this looks great I really the backgrounds for these crystal stages I'll be damned I'm excited to play a water stage now at the moment there is actually no playable demo out there but if you are interested and you should be you go follow sonic underscore Gaiden on Twitter for updates you will not regret it so yeah that is the extent of the first year of Sonic mania and mods who knows what the future has in store for you we already have Sonic Gaiden and that's gonna be really really cool but when you really dive deep into it man we're gonna we're gonna see some crazy stuff you never know what to expect when it comes to Sonic mania really a text okay there's one mod you forgot about there's a mod for Sonic mania that includes no no no no no oh dear God why uh-huh yep that's that's him alright oh god oh no I can feel it I could feel it coming white streak speeds by yes to something for I don't even yes yes he's that thing I guess yeah he's why guys why why is this the thing again I did not mean for this to happen why does yet still around in 2018 I don't want this I never wanted this I regret everything so everybody we are here once again we're gonna talk about Verve and legitimately awesome service Verve is a media hub that culminates a collection of channels all together to appeal to fans of video film and anime available on Xbox Playstation iOS and Android and if you go to VR vo / and dude or click the link in the description below you will get access to an ad free trial of Verve premium for 30 days and you can even watch your favorite shows without an internet connection you got shows like bravest warriors hard Qwest and both subbed and dubbed anime courtesy of crunchyroll and Funimation the newest sensation is the show Gary and his demon since about this old guy who wants to just retire but he keeps getting called back into action as a demon hunter it's for more mature audiences so discretion is advised but I really really enjoyed this one thank you again to the guys that very for sponsoring this video it is legitimately an awesome service that I use all the time and I wouldn't recommend it as much as I do if I didn't use it as often as I do so if you want to give it a shot and you should once again use the link down below or go to VR v dot co slash and dude to get a free 30 day ad free trial of Verve premium you will not regret it [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,270,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude92, Dude Reviews, Rapid Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, XBOX One, Steam, Sega, Sonic Mania Plus, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, Encore Mode, Sega Genesis, Sega Mega Drive, Sonic ROM Hacks, Sonic Mania Mods, Hatsune Miku, Big the Cat, Yeth
Id: sxeb9DTXjgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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