Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Let Me Explain

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listen these monkey films are like biblical epics so I went back and watched all 10 Planet of the Apes movies for this new one which I'll be trying to make a full timeline lmy explained on but even though this series started in the 60s they're still monking around to this day and I think all of them have still been just as good together strong it is one of those that you can watch without seeing the others but one those are great to catch up on and this does take place like 300 years after that and two there's a lot of Easter eggs from the original five that make their way in here and I thought they were pretty clever and see what they're leading up to yeah I'm not going to lie though this one is very patient it's one of those that you may like talking about more than you would like rush to go rewatch but it does have some of the most incredible visual effects that had me doing double takes like that Avatar frame from last year it is an interesting take on what the Apes did with the history of Caesar and I do believe that they may be connecting all 10 movies in the franchise so with a full spoiler warning let me explain what did I miss so the movie begins with this opening text like Star Wars letting you know the Legacy of Caesar and how much was sacrificed in his name and also that humans really suck it reminds you that in this world they killed themselves with a virus that they themselves created which was then shown in the movie Rises that brought the dawn of the apes and then led to an allout war that wiped out most of the people on Earth that said it did make the monkey smarter leaving the surviving humans to look like Flintstones that can't speak that would then make Caesar their monkey Moses that freed them to the promised land but then his sacrifice also treat some kind of like a messiah even reminding you that his disciples have their own symbol that they wear like a cross which came from that room window where he was raised Caesar who is he not is was we then meet the new lead named Noah who's out and about with his two buddies and a and sunna who he has a crush on as they look for their eggs that they need to get for their bonding ceremony where they connect with their soon to be Eagles kind of think of it like Avatar with the na'vi and their banshees Let's Dance I do love how messed up the cities look though because it's like the last last last of us and it reminded me of the director's first short film ruin that looks a lot like the setting that they have here and that's actually what got him The Maze Runner series that he worked on because he does the effect so it's cool to see that he keeps his visual stamp everywhere leave one always that is the law since the area is Uncharted Noah does some ape core up the buildings to get his eggs since he lives by the law that you never take them all from a nest you always leave one reason being is that back home his daddy is the leader of the village and looks like he guided Mufasa much to learn much to teach he's the one who's LED this group by taming these Eagles that they bond with which then protects them and also helps them catch fish but that night Noah catches a human named May who's pulling a b& On Their Food Hunt and as he tries to chase her Out Boy bust his egg meaning he's got n for the bonding ceremony next morning so now he's got to go out and find another one as he Ventures out into what the series has always called the forbidden zone forbidden they were heading deep into the territory we call them yes I know they forbidden zone he then runs into a fellow chimp who's been attacked and it turns out that there's a whole other group of apes that are for lack of a better word in a different Clan they're Marching In with torches on horses they got masked with ey holes they're they're pretty much a militia that was created after the Civil War that happened in the last movie and what's crazy is that they're attacking his village in the name of Cesar Cesar as the dad tries to free the birds gorilla grod here comes in in a Flash and Dukes it out with sticks and stones only for the dad to get tased while no was shocked by the attack he on my Village I will find them I will bring them after burying his dad he makes his way out and starts his hero's journey only to fall like 5 minutes later that's where he meets the best character of the movie though named rqa and he's one of the last followers from what is known as the order of Caesar he's also lost his partner to the same bad apes and believes that they hide behind mask because they're really just twisting Caesar's words he taught us decency and mercy but now others take his name I am Cesar there's even this little thing where you spiritually you know there's a lot of connections to Caesar through Noah you know he's a chimpanzee you know he has Destiny gave him the same scar right here you know as you see in the movie that the same birth mark that Caesar had was some people caught in the trailer he Cesar he's not he's just he's uh there's Destiny at foot here you know there's something Mythic about it all after getting apointed Noah finds M robbing him again we will name her Nova we name them all Nova it's interesting that Nova comes from the girl in war who Caesar got along with so now raqa is influencing Noah to name the humans Nova even though he called calls the echos but Nova as we know is going to be a name that sticks around to the original first movie plus to raka anything that Caesar passed down is Holy since he considers him the first Elder so when he notices that a human and a bird keep following Noah around like a na'vi rqa believes it's his Destiny to follow him too the duo then travel on horse with May hiding in the shadows and man it just looks incredible I know this is their first uh under Disney and you kind of feel it in some ways but having that Disney research team that tends to take all of the people out all of the animators man it shows in the visuals like I'm rooting for Doom part two to get the most Oscars but I think I might have to give the VFX to this one we also have about 20 to 30 minutes of full CG 100% CG every blade of grass and every tree leave and bark in the background is is all created digitally they stop at a cave and feed the girl as Rocka keeps teaching Noah mercy and compassion and I know it's been a running look for the series to always have a girl that looks like rockel Welch but man this girl looks like this she looks like she's had an iPhone and a sweet Nova is a human who is H sorry I couldn't know myself they come across a telescope that I feel is going to come back later in the series but here it's mainly used to prove to Noah that may has the same Wonder in her eyes as the Apes do when she looks into it and while I'll get back to my theories on it at first I'm calling BS because I think that glass was too blurry to see anything can you imagine no one then puts compassion into action and has may join them in their travels where they come across these zebras and what looks like her commune drinking near a watering hole and I just find it funny how these animals talk about other animals in the wild it's like the Mickey Mouse Club having goofy wear gloves but Pluto be on all fource that's when NOA decides to cut the cast in half and is ready to leave them there without even saying goodbye but before he goes Rocka gives him the necklace that he's had this whole time as he decides to stay back with May in order to help them in the words of Caesar why do they hunt her she is smarter than most she knows the human secrets of course the bad guys didn't Gallop in and rang them like they did in the first movie with them having a lot of similar shots to the original that I thought were pretty cool callbacks but it's pretty rough it's like watching the harambe video but as a movie clip and even then the first movie was worse almost as bad as that dude they lost in Ben herur turns out that they're also looking for me and are ready to capture her before she calls out to Noah with an extra emphasis on the no he then swings by and picks her up fast and furiously as they Medieval Times her way out of there reuniting after just splitting up 5 minutes ago I have a name May hey yo what the fast forward to the second act and she finally reveals that she can speak which leaves you wondering what else she has up her sleeves even though she doesn't have sleeves but she tells him that she knows where Noah's group is cuz technically she needs a ride and protection to get there too after the movie it did make me wonder like if she was just going to get captured and sent there why not do that from the beginning but either way he gives her his mother's cloth which continues to show his Mercy but she then gives him a double look when he fixes a taser realizing that this monkey smart enough to fix weapons happens go back on the way across the bridge we see the scarecrows that were introduced in the first movie and possibly seeing their origin cuz they then get trapped by the same Clan who would be using those fear tactics and I hated that Midway through the movie we lose my favorite character just because Noah keeps falling on his back like Rocka really sacrificed himself for this girl because he really believes in wwcd Legend says A P human lived side by side impossible as that may seem they they get sent to a prison that's run by the leader proximus who's been Gathering a bunch of Apes from around to create his kingdom and turning them into PS I'll be thankful for the words of Caesar this banab bozo calls himself Caesar cuz he really thinks he's that guy like he's even got a human librarian who reads in books about the Roman Empire just so he can repeat what humans did since he both hates them but is like super obsessed with them like this guy's really ruling like he's at Gladiator on repeat what a wonderful day what a wonderful he's also taken Caesar's quotes literally and thinks that Apes together strong means enough to break the door but even with all that Koba energy he can't get into that Vault guess he put his stocks in the wrong place Maan meets William H Macy's character who's helping the Apes and she pretty much sees traan like a traitor to mankind who just plays Reading Rainbow for monkeys she says her group was killed by proximus since they both wanted to get into the Vault but then his Brotherhood steals her shelter they complain about how things were and how things are how the government went into hiding and then may calls out Macy for being the human that helps the Apes while she just uses the Apes this planet is not yours it's the one consistent thing in all 10 titles no then reunites with his family and friends and I love how his mom is hitting him with sign language telling him to be careful because she knows they're being watched but it's sunna who notices that he's a little different now that he's been spending time with a human who is now echoing off on him Elders did not tell us everything no one then gets called in to help proximus break through this ball cuz he knows that he's just a mortal ape but he believes that whatever is inside is going to help his legacy and to rule I'm just going to say that the performance capture was crazy from this cast Owen tees who plays Noah has slowly become that it boy but it's Kevin Durant who I've known since lost crushing it as Maximus this man was capturing his motion at screenings he won't stop walking like an ape he keeps on doing the voice in every interview what a wonderful day was a wonderful day what a wonderful day forward enjoy this wonderful day right right there it is again with the wonderful day it is a lot but this man killed it no then hits that turning point where he has the question what side he's going to be on because as much as he's a rule follower like we saw at the top he knows that what they're doing is wrong and so he has to stand up straight and for what he believes in finally bonding with that eagle that's been following him the whole time Apes hunt humans that is the law but the law is wrong the trio then goes back to climbing as they go around the facility to set up explosives according to May's plan but that's when Macy catches them scheming they argue about who created the world and who feels blamed you know what the future has then she chokes him watch this bro this scene caught me so off guard like even the other three didn't see it coming I had to check what the rating was on the movie but after sheim Mano steals him they just make their way up to the entrance with them fully trusting each other now that they've hit a body and Noah even learning some new vocab words along the way oh [ __ ] Maan walks the building like she's at a shopping mall knowing exactly where to go turning on the electricity and immediately going for the guns in the Armory since it's a military base and again this is the same girl who was starving till some Apes fed her I told y'all she's seen screens and she's on a mission to get a satellite key meanwhile the trios playing monkey SE monkey do with the books with Noah even touching a model of Saturn which made me wonder if that's what he saw through the telescope but there's also a chance that it could be the Icarus spaceship from the original that was mentioned in Rise when it leaves and also gets lost but the fact that he says the phrase of it being a tunnel that eats light could be referring to a black hole or Wormhole that can bring back time travel into the mix just like the first five movies did and it would explain why even modern May here was impressed by [Music] it they also find the human doll that was seen in the first movie which is really important because that was part of the fossils and artifacts that the monkey scientist Cornelius used to prove that Apes did come from humans which is a funny spin on Evolution but it's also the doll that the lawgiver tries to hide cuz it doesn't fit their narrative you know here it's found in a scene where these curious Georges find out humans did hold them captive and now it gets them to start questioning things the same way I'm questioning how this doll's going to end up in New York when I'm pretty sure it's in a completely different Coast we'll have to move fast once they open up the Vault doors they're greeted by the bad guys who see the tanks and are wowed by these new shiny weapons we want guns guns our power now we go and get guns and since they won't take a note from they give him the ultimatum of picking the humans or picking the apes or or else they'll kill an ape cuz he loves them Maan shoots the Hench ape with a handgun getting lucky dirty hairy style as she blows up the place clean off and drowns the military place with all the Apes in it who chose a human over an a everyone's drowning so they're climbing to Higher Ground while also fighting it what looks like a a massive jungle gym and again this comes from the writers of the way of water who wrote the Caesar Trilogy and produced this one and it really does feel like dizy is now marvelizing other franchises to kind of have like the same outline but it does lead to another nasty drowning with the VFX looking absolutely insane you are no Caesar the surviving Apes then make it to the top of the building where it looks like the Civil War set and that's where proximus beats up Noah to the edge for the third time in the movie so he does the last thing that you would do boy starts chanting mhm that gets the other chips to then chip in and start chanting with them as all the birds rally in and peack proximus off the peak B for your king never but hey just like Rocka no body no crime so you never know who's coming back the final scenes then show the Apes reather and pulling an exodus as the whole world becomes an animal farm to them Ma then goes and delivers a satellite card to a bunker that has a whole ass human organization living out of it now one she did talk about the government going into hiding and it is interesting that they're inside wearing suits while she's immune to whatever virus leftovers there are or whatever climate that's changed to the point they can't be out there but did remind me of the Twist and beneath where they find a bunch of humans living Beneath the Planet of the Apes and they all look like mads who like get this can cause illusions with their minds yeah talking monkeys ain't the craziest part in the series so knowing that a secret society will eventually become this cult that worships an underground bomb I'm curious to see how they'll survive after being severed off from the rest of the world they're mutant and they're mad either the way I knew she wasn't inside op the director did say that he wants the sequels to focus on both notes and may meaning that we might get more of her backstory if she's on the outside of that group then maybe she did come from somewhere else or sometime else which is why she may know so much explain knowing that the original five movies did get into time travel then I think it's only a matter of time before these new ones bring it back especially in this new Trilogy or however many they're going to go and if it's not Apes Going Back to the Future then it could be humans from the future coming back to the past part of the reason she even collects these chips is to help them contact other humans via satellite with a fun Easter egg being them connect with Fort Wayne Indiana which is actually where astronaut Taylor's from in the first film Fort Wayne Indiana back on that planet you say you came from we then also see may show up dress like Katniss trying to apologize to Noah and convince him that not all humans are bad you cannot trust a human and it did feel a little times like they were trying to do some Modern takes with it because my audience was really tense whenever the human had the gun as if the Apes aren't going to rule the world once they get them there's this idea that the humans are the ones who always go bad while other animals may be different as if we didn't just see a bunch of monkey radicals like it flip-flops a lot to the point that in the version I saw in theaters Noah says the line humans will never give up when one neither did he and two they switched that line out in the trailer I will never give up even the idea of questioning who came first is a little iffy to me cuz they're all the same the whole point of the franchise is about who has power and what they do with it we're both holding up a mirror to each other no within questions if humans and apes can ever really get along as they cut to this girl holding her handgun behind her back with the score making her seem suspicious like bro she's half his size I I'd conceal Caro Harpoon in this world to me it feels like a call back to the final shot of the whole series and battle for the Planet of the Apes where they retell the story of all the fights that led to humans and apes actually coexisting even cutting to a shot of a Caesar statue that cries like the Virgin Mary Le leaving it to you to wonder if it's a tear of Joy or one of sadness for the future if peace doesn't last should one murder be Avenged by another only the future can tell so let us start building it I guess you might say they just joined the human race in the end Noah leads his family as they built up their Kingdom May goes out into the Horizon zero Dawn and humans continue to do what humans know best make sequels man who am I kidding I'll be there opening night to witness thank you all for checking out this video let me know your thoughts on this movie or any other ones in the franchise or franchise in general but my outra question is this what is the best reboot it can be a solo movie or a franchise but what's the Remake SL reboot you'd argue lives up to or it's even better than the original I think this series is a solid response cuz we're at the point where the director is called the last Trilogy the Stone Age and now this is the Bronze Age like we're living in eras but I just got to give a shout out to the director because I've been following him since his short films I believe I've made videos on all the Mage Runner movies and he just stands out cuz it's very rare that you get a director who's honest about premium tickets cuz this guy came out and said you don't need to buy it in IMAX because it doesn't do the IMAX Rao you don't need to get it in Dolby because I didn't mix the colors in Dolby like that it's just a lot of honesty that I I appreciate not everyone is honest when they go out there for their big buckbuster series that they're starting so shout out to him I'm excited to see a Zelda movie especially since you know he already had those Eagles following Noah like na'vi and you know he's got those green visuals down I got to give a shout out to the music which was also really solid they got the prequel score from Chino they got Goldsmith or original uh I just like that they have the same you know story themes and then also the same music themes going on there it's pretty cool other than that I am chipping away at a full timeline video for all 10 movies cuz they were pretty solid uh I'm excited for that video but I also want to make a theory video so if you all have any thoughts theories comments all of that I'll make a little let you explain coming up after this one but until next time don't forget to comment like And subscribe and I'll send you Caesar's necklace
Channel: Let Me Explain
Views: 235,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explained, movie review, trailer, Clip, Scene, Planet of the apes, Kingdom of the planet of the apes explained, kingdom of the planet of the apes trailer, planet of the apes timeline, planet of the apes explained, kingdom of the planet of the apes ending explained, sequels, spoilers, lme, let me explain, caesar planet of the apes, caesar noa, Mae explained, planet of the apes theory, Proximus caesar, Raka ending, after credits
Id: qy5X0LXAT4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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