Something's Wrong With The Wizard Paragon...

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so the glitch has been making the rounds across the bt6 community recently and it's pretty broken it involves the wizard Paragon and it's really really easy to pull off here's what you gotta do first off you want to activate the wizard Phoenix ability and then upgrade the Magus perfectus on that Whistler thing specifically so if I do it right now activate the wizard Paragon you will see that the wizardberg on basically has this metamorphosis attack on permanently which if you didn't already see the test I did of the whisper gone well then you would know that it is the strongest ability of The Wiz Paragon out of everything there is so with that said in this video we're gonna redo the one Tower test one Paragon test with the Magus perfectus along with a practical round later with a boss battle but for now for reference the wizard Paragon got to 169 3-1 you know the unbugged version and round 202 only with a degree 100 unbugged version and this is on hard mode just for reference and as you can see if the rounded on a very easy not even a sweat being broken at this rate kind of looks like the bug Theory one can almost pass the degree 100 although maybe that's a bit of a scratchy already see here once there's more f-bats coming out or just no bad so yeah it's starting to fall behind a little bit it's not you know a cheat code but certainly it makes microwing the wizard a lot easier because well again the metamorphosis is this one the top icon or the second lock only for the on the bottom side there is still some micro involved that would be using the zombie ability for that dot on the F pads that's what I think it's good for a lot of the time so let's just use it now for example gotta break down with that one bad though that hasn't gotten any damage on it yet not picture here is lives lost last round don't worry about it I'm gonna use another zombie deity to get 189b and yeah it's getting pretty close the cool thing too is that you don't really even need a full graveyard to like get that Duty on the bad because the zombies they don't do much compared to the uh I think it's like thousands per second damage over time so let's just do this I think 20K and that should take care of the f-ads or the bads on 192. yep again just making sure to use the ability to get all the F pads on around or at least most of them I think we missed some on that bad so I'll use it now and just like that I might be proven wrong this actually has a good chance of making it uh past 200. yep there it is guys around 200 if you want to take a look at the singles or DPS just for the metamorphosis it's only about 10 000 or so although actually less than ten thousand because it's taking to account the damage your time too but let's see if that's gonna be enough I think we're actually gonna pop this one but I don't have the ability up for uh mine use it now I think it's gonna be a little bit too late popping the second half bad we can still be this one right yep let's see yeah this will be a last minute Pop I don't think metamorphosis is strong enough for that and I guess the only thing I can do is like set it to lasso that the beam attack uh targets the effect but okay I realize that there's a bit of a problem in that this bug goes away if you retry last round if you haven't noticed already oh I reset the challenge editor game to see if anything would change now we got the permanent metamorphosis back and he also removed a mod and then let's switch to first now I guess is fine and we should be able to pop some time oh my God no and yeah again with last round the bug goes away so I think since I failed a couple times already it's safe to say 200 is lymph degree one but now it is time to test uh a hundred so let's quickly get this up we'll see if we can actually uh pop it down back quickly when we give the bats this much of Head Start I for one think we have a pretty good shot yep hopefully 300 rounds of challenge after there's enough for this unfortunately from what I remember with this Instagram mod uh it doesn't work properly as you see there's no Phoenix anymore so I actually have to get a manual 300. okay so apologies for the scuffness here but I think now we can finally get this degree 100 Phoenix roll and there we go now just getting rid of the other Towers on the screen and now back to a solo a degree 100 test so it again I only have one shot of this because the retry last round uh breaks the bug so we're trying to play this really carefully because it's really hard or really annoying to get back up a D300 manually winning you know it doesn't work originally yeah so again as I said this bug is not a cheat code but it sure does make it the best Paragon in the game again for reference the highest degree 100 Paragon got two was 223 with the boat although I guess you could probably say that the ability to one shot bads at bads definitely it extends his lifespan a little bit compared to the raw power of it because otherwise yeah Ace Paragon would be the best one or less we've shattered 223 and we should probably make it to at least 230 240. the way this is going with proper micro don't forget to 300 has fast cooldown so that means we have uh more abilities to use thus we don't have to be as picky using that ability whereas with degree one if I use it a bad time then it might have been it might just be a GG uh even with the Bernie it might be a close call this round 237 okay I'm just gonna use a second Duty and today my prediction is gonna be about right AKA again 230 240 death barely survived the zmg is from those left ads worst thing about not being able to restart is that I have no idea like how many at bats coming to Japan so as long as I might accidentally use the Ability too early right before an FB comes in and then I miss the temperature in time on it like for example I'll use it now yeah we got lucky that time no bads after the initial wave use again here though luckily we were able to catch the two F beds up front so that's good uh this round might spell trouble I don't have my second ability up for quite a while crap is it now they gotta do some strong charting uh-oh bad news though again what I mentioned earlier I used the ability right before an FPS Bond so I gotta do some strong targeting and then wait for the things to get back in range now back at first for a little bit backward strong I think we'll be able to beat GT's here right yep but again it's getting close I don't see you surviving too much longer this way yep another round I missed that at bat there got him on ability again I think if there's any round that's gonna kill me it might just be this one that last at bat over there has no damage on it maybe the zoom juice can clutch up though come on it is yep that was close uh we always liked the mobs here though nope this is getting quite nail biting cleaning this round too uh Phoenix here yeah I don't see us beating this one because there's two efforts left I have to keep in the first you can try actually in the Phoenix right now but I think we're gonna fall just short maybe the zmgs can save us though come on it's actually not over just yet hang on nah it's over it's over very close though 247. is the end I for once certainly wouldn't mind if they kept the wizard Perry going this way just in exchange for up in the cause because yeah compared to the original to 300 one first 100 run I did it's just so much more well reliable with the Whisperer gonna be able to do damage without you know requiring an ability obviously we know it's too strong though so I expect this to get nerfed really soon and now for the second part of the test that I wanted to try out was a boss battle with the bug which Paragon before that though of course gotta get the money for Wizard Pokemon and I decided to do a monopods for this one because modern maps are cool and this is a double HP uh Luminaires just for reference in the meantime you can also see the uh buffed monkey obvious in action the one they accidentally buffed way too much so much that it's actually now meta to go for so basically what I'm gonna do is even before the tier one spawns in we get a zero for monkeyopolis making 2700 per round and then we will get a balloon trap over here and once again blue chop we should be in business zero one four Target at the front give it camo pot like that and yeah prepare to watch the stacks roll in so I think for tier one here because it's double HP I don't think a um Steve bomb can do a damage to it fully also yes this is the Oasis map for battles 2. for anybody who might be like wait a minute this map looks familiar well you're not wrong it is indeed very familiar also for this mob here I'm just going to go ahead and do a maelstrom just get it out of the way basically to beat this I think I'm just going to sell two of the marketplace over here for an elim when there's time and also for cleanup I guess we'll just do it I don't know more glaves recursive cluster I think I should be enough so there it is mobilim has been God I'll use an ability here to activate the first goal again I think this should be a enough to defend right barely I think I need to upgrade to tier 4 elk how's that now yeah 401 sure why not yeah that's looking a lot better now that we are getting the 204 bomb Buffs and this ability should come fast enough that you know we can beat lunars in time this is a pretty long map I guess when you stretch it out to a bg6 Dimensions uh again battles 2 players might find this map very cursed so here we go final skull I might just use a glue if this is gonna leak nope we're good cool now I'm free to sell you and you and go for a second buref again buff to monkeyopolis op abuse it while you can let's go ahead and get like two molars now for the double HP moabs at this rate I'm actually be able to go for a banana Central before tier two comes in fact I can do so right now just by uh selling I think three Farms yup this is so broken man just go to round up the defense with an overclock and we should be good to afford the Whisperer gone by 2-3 if I don't uh mess anything up again mind you this is hardware prices so we could afford this even earlier if we were playing on well easier difficulty is I'll just do a mad overclocked for uh tier two with a solver for cleanup I think that's one of the best blue news cleanup options if you have the money for at least there we go there's Bluetooth off at the back I think I should probably give it a little bit of range because it's it looks well a bit too far back for my liking again with balloon solver pretty much no need to worry about it well the insights at all and again overclock on the mad too just to make things a bit faster y'all you already know the The Meta for this it's been done a lot of times right now so if you watched all my other boss videos it should basically come as a broken record to you now it's just a matter of if I can actually beat the uh living areas in time because it kind of seems like we'll pop this like last minute there's altruist by the way on the B Central for round C7 another clock yep final skull so we're gonna pop this in the time now am I wondering for tier three four and five is whether or not the degree I get for Wizard The Wizard Paragon on tier three will be enough to beat all the way up to tier five where there's an 80 million HP balloon areas because I think at this rate I could probably only get like a degree 20 to 20 to 40 but again with a bug it might just be enough so I guess we'll go ahead and try that out in the meantime do try to see just how much I can save up so you think there's enough income for two or three I guess we'll see again we don't have to get exactly on round um 80. you can wait to like 85 because this map is pretty long sell a couple of these to get more Pops on the Wizards uh just uh up agree a little bit if possible yeah I only have about half the money required for Magus at the moment so we'll just wait like five rounds or so maybe yeah probably you want to sell some Farms if I want to get this earlier but again if it's integrating the bugged one I'm pretty sure we're gonna be the blue Nissan like five seconds so we probably even wait like past around 85. oh and also we got Geraldo to level 20. uh should I really waste money on Paragon totems yeah sure why not even though I said money was the biggest gatekeeper in this one I think we're fine to spend just a couple more for high degree yep update UK now so I'm gonna sell this one and Chinook the uh Phoenix over to here this is the best spot for the Magus now just have to wait for the ability to come up again and we should be good to blast up also I do have X's cash so yeah two more Paragon totems this should definitely be uh at minimum 30. so ability let's get it and let's see how quickly shreds I think it's 33 yep 33. that is something I'll say again take a look at the DPS holy how much we're looking at exactly uh looks like 200 000 DPS I think we actually might die to saram's leaking here so let me just get back to solver just in case yeah unexpectedly this is going to be really fast two or three kill probably fast tier four not sure about tier five but just in case it's not enough and I need a higher degree I think I'll just go ahead and like maybe squeeze some extra pops on like I don't know the new Wizard I'm gonna get again and also build some Paragon tones in the meantime again fun bug that's all I got to say so here's tier four how many rounds do you think it'll take for us to uh Papa the lunaries place your bats also I feel like the mob spawning like from Learners there are really sketchy so just in case extra balloon Crush energy isn't strong to maximize DPS uh where is it there it is and also make sure to use the yeah sure why not use the uh diameter of atomic effects on Elite blue nerves too just to make things go a little bit faster if it wasn't fast enough already and I'm still super worried about all the ones looking here so fine impale I would like just the trifecta of Stahl to be super safe here so even a super glue to round it all off now there's no way to die to this and yep if I leave it on strong this is how quickly we beat uh tier four looking good so far but again the tier 5 has like five times HP so uh the fact that we didn't pop this at like 20 more gives out a 20 marker I actually can't tell but it looks like it's gonna be pretty tight if I do keep it at a degree 33 yeah but again showcase that solos tier four easy yep certainly looking like we'll have more than a backup in case the 833 fails we have like what 25 totems on the screen regardless here we go I guess to help it out I should just go for you know the quintessential Support options AKA this and they'll sell it the Wall Street receiver brittle and right in the middle here and yeah let's watch the Magus go to town again use the damage over time we're on top of the uh Elite lunaris and looks like it hits the 1 8 marker right about here yeah it's gonna be pretty close if I had to guess now I actually do have to switch back at first for a brief occasions because you see sometimes the amount of DTS at the back accumulates too much that I have to switch it back from strong to First here's another one also I should definitely turn this off so that the dark Phoenix also get some attacks going in every little bit of damage helps and it looks like Oh My Wizard Paragon is in a bad spot look look at this guys look the blue news is at the perfect range such that the metamorphosis attack does not reach it just barely scraping the tip that is uh unfortunate it's back attacking now but hopefully it's not too late I guess worst case again I can just hook this wizard Phoenix over here to get the new Phoenix with a higher degree to be here you know able to use that metamorous attack at the you know at the back end of the track I guess I'll get a legend of the night too just for an insurance kiss I do end up leaking to some random crap brief reminder though that this is double HP so at this point in the game we would have beaten blue news already or we would have been like right about now I gotta switch to first here for all the F ads because they're not getting popped and I have no other bad damage back and strong I think all signs are pointing towards me needing to get a new one though I think we're gonna need the minimum versus damage at the last moment so hang on let's beat this uh bad Clump here first come on one more ability to round all off and let's see what can I sell I'll sell this and I'll shut off the again move the Phoenix up here and I need to sell this whenever I'll do it now and activate this Phoenix and here is the new one 65 yeah that's this is definitely going to be enough right let's take a look at the DPS on Bluehost now looks like about uh 300K DPS hard to tell exactly but that's looking a lot better is it enough though it's still really last minute we'll use uh again a damage over time effects yeah it'll be enough alright let's just make sure again those f-bads can be taken care of and that is it the wizardberg on basically soloed a double HP balloon areas thanks to the bug so again if that is not a Showcase of how insane this bug is don't know what to tell you because that was pretty satisfying the ggs and hope you enjoyed the video grand total 140 million pops on the original degree 33 wizard Paragon and add on the extra 31 million we had two on this one pretty cool stuff and subscribe if you want to see more cool stuff foreign
Channel: ISAB
Views: 167,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch, battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd6 paragon
Id: Jr_ASG8IZwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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