"Someone's Gonna Get F*****g Hurt!" | 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown | Dictionary Corner Bits Pt. 2

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That Greg Davis ‘don’t question Dent’s authority’ rant is one of my favourite countdown moments along with Peter Serafinowicz’s legendary dictionary corner apperance.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Jezawan 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Danny Dayer.. "I'm clever bollocks you know"

These 10+ mins videos are the best!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Faptain_Calcon 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tim's beard looks stuck on.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/derawin07 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can someone explain the 'abdicate' joke?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/68024 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I really love Sarah Millican on these.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jacobi123 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
your fan of word games well to be honest Jimmy I don't think that's any of your business any words you're hoping will come up tonight abdicates which is retro minjin c retro minjin see apparently rhinos and hares considered pieces in it I didn't research this one but it kind of you know just goes well I could do I just see what good though I had new girl the six I got a nine there's a nine-letter word that I left word abdicate you were voted the 57th hottest man in the world by Attitude magazine fact yes yes Attitude magazine is gay literature I was voted the 57th hottest man in the world by them last year Brad Pitt is at 60 I'm hotter than Brad Pitt 57 yes I'm 57 thought is my home Annie how many man that in the world to really put the minds achievement in the context for a civilian a three billion yeah well Benedict Cumberbatch's at 69 love this is one of your recent tweets and it I'm gonna get ducked up to me and my little sunny are going to treat him to a nice bit of stale bread hashtag old-school yeah it's a nice little pond okay the situation you're going to the Ducks it's the next tweet that really confused me it was well that was weird found a lovely pond stroke like not a duck inside any better well we think we may have a name abdicates okay so at the end of that shortly points it says here in the 80s Suzi collected rocks and there is me thinking that being the resident lexicographer on countdown was tragic she couldn't afford two real pet you had a pet rock John I said you were the most boring place bloody clothes Suzy are there any accents you find annoying um well there was these poles aren't those accents and how intelligent there's always these bloody pole she's got her you carry yes Polish people yes and they asked people how intelligent they think someone is depending on their accent and Brahmi always comes last and silence it's always it was rates better then it Brummie accent yeah that's why I got rid of it I think Suzie's funniest moment was to sing the origin of gingerly you know to act gingerly and she got to the point where you put a piece of ginger in a horse's ass she tried to do it about five times and ended up cutting it out because she ginger you pack them up a bit and it used to be putting a piece of what it didn't have to be ginger but could be anything yeah into horses to keep its tail erect and to give you know make it sprightly it was the first guy who discovered that I've got a nine I think it's a word but I'm not sure how to pronounce it abdicate ease dick at ease yeah yeah yeah nine letters yeah I've got some poems if you want me to read a poem sounds good okay so I've got it I've got a poem about what you want about a witch a poem about love or poem about Cubs which so this is a poem about the witches I guess a witch freaked her self off with her broom handle which freaked herself off with her broom handle her cat watched on tired of it all it's harder to make them right I thought poems rhyme I've never made one rhyme you're not known purpose or could you not know what fired you what I do is I sit down for an hour trying to make one rhyme and then I can't do it so then I write that sort of thing like wigged bigd digg'd you're gonna need a rhyme for splinter forever - what smashed it my absolutely smashed it a joke a trainer first we've been before that all the letters were selected he had trained turn your wheel [Laughter] what is he trying to say Muriel oh I'm tenure real mean it's all to do with the tenure of land the holding of land that clever bollocks you know Peter Suzie could have done any better well we got a couple of sevens resound devours sounder and 1/8 abdicate abdicates okay so surely James 529 every time I've ever been on this program I get the next day I'd say at least six tweets from people saying they've found someone who looks a lot like me this is just a very common set up some of the best we started with the classic it's a tiara Steven Spielberg this is a good one in Scotland someone said to me this Antarctic Explorer that is actually me I just wanted to dress up as an Antarctic Explorer in there as a curveball and then I get told about it looked like the Lake Keith Moon the amazing drummer from the who but what's interesting about this one is that John Entwistle the bass player from the who looks a lot like Joe Wilkinson so this is a picture travel down through Egypt and then I sat on a beach leaning against a another poets and I wrote this my travels bedecked in white shawls a local tailor floated across the hot sand on his camel and in brackets Auto nearby a handsome Englishman think of an Egyptian girl against a pyramid they said I could read something read something from a book you know as long as it had some kind of literary merit you know as a show about words and everything so I thought I'd read an extract from the Morrisey autobiography just because I'm a fan and you know it's just really it's really interesting and it's extremely well written so here's my take on the Morrissey autobiography I think the genius of the show did exactly what it said on the Tin Man behaving badly it was about two men whose behavior was well let's just say left are lots of ly desired remember those days very fondly it was really good fun in fact it was brilliant watching porn on the telly having a couple of beers talking about one can try to chop off with Lesley ash I mean the car would pick us up to take us to the studio and we'd have to film the show I don't really keep in touch with clumsy anymore but he's off being all successful in everything it was brilliant in gravity think he might have a disease Dodd come on here for a better life better lie are in weather and film-based banks all of a sudden everyone's on me case bring back bebo what did Susie come back with you came back with I needed a hyphen between lion-hearted is that true though - I need a - yeah why put them is how to say lighthearted how'd you say - how'd you say the - bill you don't what's the point needed for that because Susie says the question dense Authority when I'm on this team that's the first thing any more jokes about dictionary corner being boring someone's gonna get hurt I won't spit on you when we're having sex tonight good luck trying it without spit I'm working to tear up George is very kindly offered not just [Laughter]
Channel: Channel 4
Views: 6,792,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4, All 4, 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, rachel riley, watch 8 out of 10 cats, funny clip, watch 8 out of 10 cats episode, countdown, jimmy carr, jon richardson, sean lock, best moments, funniest moments, joe wilkinson, bill bailey, nick helm, susie dent, peter serafinowicz, greg davies, Sean Lock, 8 out of 10 cats sean lock, sean 8 out of 10 cats, sean lock comedian, sean lock jimmy carr, sean lock jon richardson, sean lock best bits
Id: yLv3TQweQTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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