Solving the Water Intrusion Problem.

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[Music] all right so today we are fixing our biggest problem in this house which is the water intrusion we have done so much to solve it so far of partitioning off the walls on the interior of the house but today we are installing digging out and installing a French drain as well as I think tomorrow putting on a concrete top to this entire back end of the house to prevent any water from coming in uh there's a lot of layers to this and complexity and I'll do my best to explain as we go but first we need to clean everything out and start digging this first tube has nothing to do with the drainage system this is for air actually this tube leads all the way down to the bottom floor underneath the crawl space or actually to the wall behind the crawl space and we have one pipe coming here one pipe from coming from the other side we're going to bring the two tubes from either side of the house bring them to the middle of the house tee them up bring that tube up and tie it to a fan basically a fan that um you would use to pull out radon gas out of a slab on grade Foundation uh the same concept applies here except it's for um drying things out we're not as concerned with radon because that'll naturally find its way out through the crawl space but this will add constant circulation of air to dry out any moisture from beneath the house as well as the back wall okay gra gra him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I was just calling to see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee spee speech foreign speech no I missed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so real quick I just want to thank the sponsor for today's video jun's joury if you haven't heard of it June's journey is a captivating hidden objects mystery game that takes you back to the glamour of the 1920s each chapter takes you through a thrilling murder mystery detective story where the main character June Parker is on a mission to uncover her family secrets and solve the mystery of her sister's murder the game is completely free to download and play and is available on iPhone as well as Android and is available on PC through Facebook games this is a relax in problem solving game where you'll be finding hidden objects in fun vintage environments and it can be really fun when you're on a rooll quickly finding Clues and racking up points throughout this detective story you'll be able to remodel your own mansion in Garden Island not only is the storyline of June's Journey captivating but playing the game is a great way to relax as finding the hidden objects is a great way to unwind so if you'd like to embark on your own adventure with June's Journey then download the game completely free today using our Link in the description below or by scanning this QR code and thank you so much to Junes Journey for sponsoring today's video well the good news is that it naturally slopes up in the direction we need it to so we don't have to dig to account for the slope but the bad news is that it slopes up and therefore the roof gets smaller and the second half you're digging like this no good not young forever but when we were together time slow down and we didn't have forever but I didn't mind whenever you were around I guess I didn't know what I had found [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] I can't imagine doing this without this little lift system that we've built up it's nothing but transferring it from one bucket to one wheelbarrow to a motorized wheelbarrow and it goes slow but I'm thankful that we're getting through it a hat [Music] do you ever feel like going back when nothing seemed to be a drag you read until your legs gave way then you cried and got back up again and it's real to think that I could fly cross a broken bridge and the feding light never thought a head of my two feet never had a care in the world you see so now that we are about halfway through digging I thought I'd explain to you what we are working on today here's a very crew drawing of the system that I'm going for right now we're working on digging a channel for a French drain uh it'll go down about um 40 to 50 cm but that French drain is actually the second line of defense to stop water from coming into the house the first line of defense is a cement cover we're GNA actually cover the entire back area in concrete first sloping away from the retaining wall and then sloping up against the house to capture any water coming down or through the dry stack retaining wall and prevent it from entering the house and all of that water from this concrete cover will be carried out but for any water that slips behind the dry stacked walls that goes down as far as uh 50 cm any water that comes up through the ground that is what this French drain is for so we will wrap that in a drainage fabric as well as drainage rocks but really that's only accounting for hopefully just a small percentage of the water as that concrete cover will be capturing the majority of it [Music] well it's the next day trying to pick up where I left off I did not expect digging this hole over here to take four or five hours here we dug a hole to take all of the water that's coming down this path here and to dump it underground you actually can't see behind that wall is an empty space that we will add a gutter system to take all of the water we collect run it behind the new room out away from the house but it just so happened that we had to dig through 3T of uh Rock to get through the mountain and that was not fun but back here we are looking great we have our trench dug out for the French drain but it's time to bring in the pipe itself all of the plastic fabric drainage Rock and then a lot of concrete [Music] [Music] [Music] so for anyone who's installed a French drain this plastic is going to confuse you and I'll explain that later but right now we're laying the pipe fitting it out with a top we have a ton of these old uh C C tiles that we're recycling uh just to create a cover over top of our uh French drain and then we'll be pouring cement over top of that which again if you've ever done a French drain that will also very much confuse you um but uh unique circumstances require unique Solutions I guess the French drain is only to capture water coming in from this side it is not to capture rain water coming from the top so we will be putting another layer of plastic across like this all the way up and then creating basically a uh a little Valley out of concrete for all of the water to run down now because these walls are dry stacked the water will come and 95% of it will stay on top but the rest will seep down further into the dirt which is what this French strain is meant for and yes that French strain should have fabric wrapped around it but um that's not how they do things in Italy which I don't agree with but as a result you cannot find fabric anywhere I spent um several hours driving around from store to store to store and all they have is landscape fabric to stop weeds from growing like this so this is landscape fabric and I ran a test on it and the water simply does not soak through fast enough so it would render the French strain completely useless um so unfortunately I'm moving forward without fabric which is not great but since this front strain is is kind of the backup solution it's only meant to capture 2 or 3% of the water I don't think enough water will be flowing through there the water's already sort of naturally filtered from the mountain and the dry stacked Rock so there's less chance of clay building up uh but we'll be adding a cleanout just in case clay does build up again not the proper way to build a French drain but I'm using what materials I can find here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] fore look huh yeah see ouch [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so I think we are ready to start pouring some concrete let me show you the uh beautiful Madness we have going on here we have our tube down our drainage Rock a um row of these uh cement tiles that we can walk on it to not Crush everything and then a layer of plastic draped over everything We'll pour the concrete in here uh with a channel so that the water runs down into the tube that I just set up and then as we go we'll cut this plastic and uh tie the concrete into the retaining wall I'm taking care to put all of my uh tube lines to run electricity for the various things we have going on back here there's a a lot of tubes I think one two three four tubes buried underneath his plastic right now doing my best to think through everything to make sure that I haven't forgotten anything otherwise we'll have to run tubes exposed which doesn't look nice again with a normal French drain setup you would never put down a layer of plastic on top like this but this is not a normal French drain setup that French strain again is only to capture the water coming in from the side or coming up but mostly from the side and it's better to Simply have the plastic and the concrete on top to block the water from coming in at all uh rather than using the fren strain this fren strain is that last line of [Music] defense really quick don't forget about June's Journey you can download the game completely for free using our Link in the description below or by skating this QR code thanks so much for watching and we will see you next week
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 192,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stone house, remodel, renovation, DIY, raising voyagers, escape to rural France, Martijn doolard, newbys, stone cabin, cabin in the mountains, mountains, Italian alps, 1 euro house, barn conversion, stone barn, stone work
Id: K6YrOLWyhrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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