How to Install Exterior Foundation Drain that Lasts Forever

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the way we do a foundation drain an exterior Foundation drain or interior Foundation drain is different than how we do a yard drain we're going to build a foundation drain and take you guys along for the ride we're going to show you how we create a soil filter zone so that you don't have to worry about sediment building up in your pipe this is 100% if you follow this for your exterior or interior Foundation drains you'll have great results we're putting in new drain tile around an older Farmhouse we're removing all the trees that are within 70 ft of the house that's my comfort zone I know when a tree is 25 30 40 ft away those roots find their way into the drain tile systems we see it all the time when you do what it is that we do and you see that when you see how full these drain tile are of tree roots is just not worth it it's not worth it there's all kinds of liability to having a tree close to a home to begin with all the foundation issues that you end up with we're going to put in a really good outdoor drainage system we're going to follow right along the wall of the home we're going to dig down all the way we're going to go right next to the footing put in a good drain tile system we'll definitely document it we'll take you guys along for the ride to get asked about these all the time how we would do these what we recommend when it comes to doing these so you guys are going to get to see that firsthand but first things first get rid of the trees that are you know 20 30 40 ft get them gone man cuz they're going to take out your drain tile it's just not worth it going to spend all this money to fix the foundation of the house you're going to spend all this money to put in new new drain tile a new system and for what for some tree to claim it it doesn't take it long these big trees they will ruin drain tile on farms farmers will tell you they don't want a drain tile line any closer than 75 ft to a tree they'll take these trees out around the Farms they'll take whole tree lines out that are near the field that's tiled just so they don't end up losing in their investment in drain tile all right the guys ripped out the concrete our base is Clay we're down to our base this house years ago it was back filled with sand because when it would rain the water would just go down through the sand then it would just lay on the clay cap here that was it man man the whole house just got destroyed over that there's no drainage system around this house a lot of people underestimate the amount of damage water can do so we are putting in a drain system we're going to get gutters put on the house before we start working on the inside but the guys got rid of all that fill sand that was built up around the house [Music] here [Music] beautiful all right all these power lines all these power lines feed the barn they're shallow because there was an old footing here we just dug through an old footing you can see remnants of that old footing back in the day when they put this in they're probably doing it with the shovel and the water softener runs in this goes out to the septic field that's over here we're going to try to keep that intact we're just going to try to work around [Music] it this work up the foundation it's got to be done by hand the guys are using a laser level they're doing a great job look at all the roots we're cutting through all these tree [Music] roots that's why you don't let big trees grow close to your house hey so all those routs are going to find their way into your drain tile system it's going to be just Relentless you're going to be exhausted at paying for service charges to get them out and that's if your system's built with clean outs and it's easy to access we get the system in the tree service is going to be back remove that big tree guys are doing a great job we're going to be pouring concrete here and pitching it away we're going to have two pumps here on two separate circuits this house depends on us building a system that's foolproof now because we removed all the trees all the trees are cut down and been removed no more trees are going to be planted we're going to put a couple inches of stone down then we're going to lay our Fabric in again this is because we cut all the trees down and this is a foundation drain that goes around the house so we're doing something a little different than we do in the yard when you're going through a bunch of landscape and you got shrubs and trees everywhere guys are doing a really nice job doing a beautiful job all right the guys continue to work on the soil filter Zone we're putting a couple inches of stone at the very bottom of this trench we're doing this different than a yard drain we're not winding through trees and shrubs and all kinds of landscape you know you even got trees on your neighbor's side of the fence you got to think about that stuff we like to run our yard drains with the pipe at the very bottom what we're doing here around this home this Foundation drain we got rid of all the trees around here we're not going to put any trees around this house putting down a couple inches of 3/4 in Round Rock we're going to put our fabric on that and then put our pipe on that and then fill it the way we typically do and do a burrito wrapped French train system again this is creating a really good soil filter Zone it's a nice luxury to be able to do this but it you have to have zero trees around [Music] [Music] we're going to save a lot of time by using a 36 in Grill bit on our sk1550 sure makes a nice sup fit in hurry doesn't it beautiful they built up all that dirt you can see the painted line in hopes to chase all the water away from the house it had no drain system this is why this house is in such bad shape it had no drain system if you don't have drain tile around your house whether it's a basement whether it's a crawl whether you're on a slab you better be way up on a hill you better have some great elevation we're using eight slot high octane on this job we're going to double pipe it it'll be twin piped double high octane beautiful inside the house beautiful thank you beautiful work beautiful job this is going to be an outdoor sump pump since this house is on a slab we got no trees around we you don't have to air prune tree roots so we're going and we're packing it in with this three quarter and stone we got a double pipe system we got schedule 40 PVC riser for cleanout obviously that'll be below grade all right the guys did a really nice job we got a twin pipe system in here you guys are going to have to bear with me kind of losing my voice we've been working in a lot of shitty weather the last couple weeks just have to push on it's the way it goes all right man look at this nice twin pipe system we just got basically that'll be sticking out of the concrete it's a rubber cap guys did a beautiful job really nice job as we're work to our we're going to have a duplex we're going to have two systems and they're going to be on separate circuits see hey fin [Music] get [Applause] [Music] all right worked late last night the guys got a lot done beautiful work beautiful work super deep super [Music] deep you got utilities all the electrical power we're going to have to go under it we're going to undermine it we're going to be deep on this side of the [Applause] [Music] [Music] house [Music] running the electrical for the pumps we hauled out a lot of the dirt we're taking this gray down we're still going to pitch it but we're not going to build it up was ridiculous there's no need for that this is ridiculous all this dirt that was built up to try to chase the water away from the house made such a mess you got a clean out right there we'll go ahead and put a riser on that guys are working around the utilities we undermined the electrical we pulled the the globe we uh wanted to be safe just in case we hit something we did have Miss Dig come it's underground from that pole to here then the rest of it's not in conduit which which really sucks cuz it runs right along the wall of the house here's a good cutaway you can see how the guys put 3 in of stone down then the fabric then we got two pipes with you know you know we we got a clean out on the pipe that's on the inside that's our main pipe we have cleanouts throughout the guys will then add a few inches of rock on top of the fabric as well this is how we do a foundation drain around the [Music] house you guys are doing a great job beautiful [Music] excavation they're having to dig really carefully as they're trying to work around the electric main it's hard to believe that this house never had drain tile never had a sum pump system and it never had gutters on it so the water would just pour right off the roof right on the ground right by the foundation where there was no weep tile did a lot of damage to this home and it's a shame a good drainage system could have it could have avoided all the damage that now has to be repaired High expense you got to prioritize you have to take care of water water will cost you deer even if you get your insurance company to pay for the damages who wants to go through that all the stress it's ridiculous the difference between an existing house in grade and new construction new construction the trench is dug the utilities aren't ran the septics not hooked up it's a clean easy install when you're doing the install and you have all these existing it really changes things that's the electric power supply that's the main you can see all the tree routes from the big tree running into all kinds of tree routs we're also putting the cleanout in we're putting a one-way cleanout for the uh septic field CU it never had one so we got that right there going put that in you can see all the roots all the tree roots so if this had a drainage system it would be full of tree roots because of that big tree that was alongside the house total waste of money all over a big tree it's basically going to discolor your house you can see all the green LGA on this house you can see what it did to the roof roof you can tell I'm not a fan of having a big tree close to your house it's just a bad idea all the way around if your home is one of your largest investments in your portfolio and you care about your home I wouldn't grow really big trees that close to your home they belong like that one's fine 70 ft obviously there's a couple Maples back there they're off into the distance got another Maple over there there that's 80 ft that's where big shade trees belong not up near the house the whole entire job was done with a laser level guys are working this laser [Applause] Transit we're going to drop the grade there's been too much dirt built up around this house for years so that's why we're hauling out this dirt it's not going to go back in we'll put Rock in you know we'll put our fabric we'll put our pipe in rock our burrito wrap more rock some sand so this tree right here it's 30 ft away nothing but Roots guy's been cutting through Roots see here's a really big route here had there been a drain system in already it have been taken out by the [Music] roots all right we got a lot of work done catch you guys up show you what it looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] this is a beautiful drain the guys built beautiful drain they did a really good job a lot of hard work that's the clean [Music] out for the septic system right there you know again I like to mention one way one way guys I've seen guys have a two-way here and then end up spraying water out of people's toilets so one way clean out on these septic lines is what I recommend we got the power to the house on top of our French drain another cleanout for our French drain not that we'll ever need it just buys a piece of mind another clean out now we're putting Stone on top of our burrito wrap [Music] system so again we got a few inches of stone and then fabric then we have a ridiculous amount of stone and pipe in a burrito wrap then we're putting more Stone on top of our burrito Wrap This Is How We Do Foundation drains around homes this is how I'd recommend them and again you can see all the tree roots from that tree that we took down tree roots tree roots everywhere I mean it's just horrible horrible it's why every time I see a big tree next to somebody's house and I have to do work I know I'm going to find roots in the system and sometimes you can't get nothing through it the drain is completely solid with roots I see it so much so for that reason I share with you my wisdom and my knowledge because over over the years I've seen a lot beautiful job guys are doing a beautiful job a lot of work this is the end of the second day on this job so we're going to come back tomorrow we're going to clean the wall going to clean it really nice we're going to go ahead and put liquid rubber on it seal it up real good it's a shame that This Old House didn't have this strain from the beginning because it'd be in fantastic shape [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a peace of mind right here what a piece of mind this buys we had a 5-ft piece of fabric on one side we had a 6ft piece of fabric on the other and then we still have to cut fabric and put it on the top so that gives you an idea how much Stone we got in here and just how big and bad this drain is it's no joke man it's no joke [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the guys they already hauled away a lot of dirt the dirt was built up all the way to here because there was no drain system there was no sump pump there was no gutters so they built it up hoping to chase the water away way but they built it up with sand which it wouldn't been a bad thing to build it up with sand as long as it would have Clay capped it but because they didn't clay cap it they didn't gain anything and basically destroyed a perfectly good house it's a shame if you found any of this information helpful give us a thumbs up it supports our Channel if you have any questions about underground bury downspouts leave them in the comments section I'm your host Robert Sherwood and until that next video
Views: 124,407
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Keywords: foundation drain, perimeter drain, foundation damage, Yard Drainage, Yard Drainage Contractor, perforated drainage pipe, french drains, french drain pipe, what is a french drain, french drain cost, yard drainage, french drain system, french drain diy, french drain installation, curtain drain, perforated drain tile, french drain depth, drainage trench, french drain cover, yard drain, french drain basement, yard drains, yard water solutions
Id: luq8fnPk0M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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