Creating New Spaces #83

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hello guys welcome back to my channel as you can see today we are working on here we have this little two buildings that they were big houses I think in the past but in the future   we're going to do like a little probably utility room or something like that so in this room we're going to put a little roof and this one is not necessary because it already have like a  concrete floor on the top so it's not water going inside so today what we're going to do we're going to build a little wall in here so then  we can place the roof on the top and in the future we're going to render all these and it's going to look I hope a little bit better well guys as you can see it's a bit of  a disaster right now with the rain    so we rendered this wall thinking that  it won't rain for so long but    it's raining a lot so maybe it will be a disaster this wall we will see we don't really care    it's a really small wall but the problem is that we still have a lot of the render in here    and I need to put it somewhere, I've been waiting for hours  but this it's not going to stop so we're going to put it just here inside we're going to do this wall that we will not really see from outside because in the future we're going to close in here so even if it don't look really good, because it's going to be wet and it's hard to  make the finition, we want to put it somewhere well guys so that's it, the rain is coming  just in time, we just installed the gutters   this is the big gutter that I've been  talking to you    with this goodsize all the water is going to go inside the gutter and then into the drains   we also got this little roof, we made it with  the old tiles that we took it out from the old barn  so yeah pretty happy to have been  using the old materials that I have already   also with these ones which were in the  old kitchen I don't know if you remember if you're wondering why I made this hole and the water is going in there well in the  future I'm going to put it like a drain system that is going to join with the other  gutters and it's going to go out from the house  but for the moment I just digged the hole so I can put the pipe without cutting the pipe and in the future I'm going to do that but should be okay just for now, here the render is getting dry and I really like how it looks here is very wet as you can see it's  because all the water that is coming from here now that we installed this gutter I think we  should be better in this side and in this side   I think maybe we probably need to install a  gutter in here but for sure next week I will   try to be installing the gutter there and  then we're going to have much less water in here well and if you are wondering if we going to under that wall there actually not I don't think   we're going to rer that well because I have a plan to build like a whole canal to drain the  water from there to the garden so yeah there's not many water coming into here but I'm going to do it properly in the future and then probably I will close all the wall with wood or something like that so it should be much more beautiful in  the future so yeah I think this was the last video doing only outside projects because we're going to  start working again on the house inside the house   but before that next week I'm going to be sharing with you one of the most exciting videos of the year for sure I hope you're going to like it's  something really different, well quite different from this but not that different I'm sure you're  going to like, thank you so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe leave a comment and I will see you guys next week bye-bye
Channel: Diego León
Views: 72,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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